
spellborn: age of shadows unleashed

This is the world of Valusa, a world with magic. If you are born with magic you are known as a spellborn, if you are born with no magic power or even skill at all you are known as a norborne. A spell plagued is someone cursed by magic. Yes they are born with magic but it acts more as a curse the reason is unknown but its tragic because a spell plagued person has more potential then a spellborn person but their magic is actually killing them as they use it. A warborn is a person born with no magic but that's ok because they have other powers they are unbelievably strong their strength is enhanced by 100 percent and their reflexes as well, most of them are soldiers they are even better with weapon combat. God touched is someone enhanced by a god they are chosen by one of the 14 gods. God born is someone who is half god. Spiritoborn is someone whos magic is passed down from their family. They also have more than one type of magic as well, they are very strong. Now the last info you will need is the 14 gods of this realm they are. Hades the god of the underworld, and the hellflame, he is the first born of Cronos. Cronos the god of time, he is known for being the first god. Rieka, goddess of the wolves, is known as the wolf goddess. And or the wolf Queen. Thor a hammer wielding god, associated with thunder and lighting, he is also the son of Odin and freyja, which makes him even stronger since he's a second generation god Zeus is the sky and thunder god, he is the son of Cronos and the current ruler of Mount Olympus that hails above the sky. Poseidon the god over the sea, storms and earthquakes he is also one of the sons of Cronos. Loki is known as the trickster god, he is also a son of Odin and Freyja, other than that not much is known about him. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, and warfare, she is the shared god of war along with her twin brother Aries. Her father is zeus. Aries is one of the gods of war along with his twin sister Athena, his father is also Zeus, Aries is known to cause war wherever he goes. Aphrodite is the goddess of sex and love and beauty; her father is also zeus. Anubis is the protector of the underworld and the guide of the underworld. Horus is the third and final god of war, he also protects the skies Odin is known as the god of runes and wisdom and also the god of gods. Freyja is known as the god over magic as she is one of the main gods who allowed humans to use magic she is also said to be the most beautiful woman of all.

Dylan_Langford_7958 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

8. the chosen idea.

As Lisa sat down she smiled upon seeing the villagers all happy she was glad she could help she then noticed Bryn walker closer she was surprised to see him but she was truly happy.

"Bryn there you are… it's good to see you" Lisa said

"Im happy to see you to Lisa im just curious with what your doing here" Bryn said as he hugged Lisa

"Oh i like to help these people they often suffer i feel like they need our help" Lisa said as she smiles

"You are such a great person Lisa, is there any way I can help?" Lisa blushed as she heard what Bryn said. She twisted her hair as she turned and looked at some crops.

"Oh yes they have been having some trouble with growing crops, and Bryn I just do what I think is right." Lisa said as she stood up.

"Oh I see well i can help with that my lady" Bryn said as he also stood up and gave a hand to Lisa as they walked over to the crops, torn and barren nothing was left from these plants they needed true help.

Bryn got down on his need and started to unroot the dead crops as he shifted his eyes and nodded as he held out his hand and some townsfolk gave him new seeds to be planted, he dug his hands into the rough ground and planted the crops close to a new water source allowing for a consent flow of water.

"I planted a few rows, these should be enough for now, but I have an idea. I'm going to ask the king if we can have a mage or two watch over this town" Bryn said.

"That would be wonderful" some of the towns folk said.

"It's easier said than done, we are thin of mages right now and-"

Lisa was saying as Bryn stopped her as he looked right in her eyes.

"Don't worry about that, I'm joining the mages at last and once I do I'll get a mage of two to stay in this village" Bryn said as he smiled looking right into Lisa's silky eyes made his heart melt as he was in a trance of love.

"That's amazing you should join the mages but if you do… i won't be able to see as often" Lisa said.

"Yeah, that's why i must say, i love you Lisa, we should be together i want to be yours and yours alone" Bryn said as Lisa looked at Bryn she smiles and blushes as she gives Bryn a kiss, the human connection tingles. It floats for a second as the two of them turn away and smile, accepting a new chapter in their story, one that's written in stone.

As the lingering taste of love dawns off of Bryns face a burst of Lightning crashed nearby shaking the earth as smoke appeared in the sky and he saw a near shadow of something or someone fighting, and some undead looking creature. He sighs knowing he must go check it out. He wanted to wait a few more seconds as long as he could. He would stay here and sit with Lisa the rest of his life if he could.

"I have to check that out, I'm sorry" Bryn said as Lisa nodded and watched Bryn dash off into the woodlands.

Tyson stood tall as Felix was on the ground and so were the others. It was just up to Tyson as stands up and tears fell down his cheek filled with salt and the crash to the ground as Tyson watched Nox dash at him. Is it over?

A sound of a clock can be heard drowns the air and sound with ticking as Felix stands back up his arm was back on his body it's like the time that passed on him was recovered. Tyson unknowingly activated his time magic, he was able to reverse the time on Felix and he also had recovered the black blade, Tyson held the blade tightly as it he formed he smiled as he stuck and started to stab into Nox with the blade, Nox felt the blade go right into to him.

Nox looked over and crashed to the ground as the blade stuck him right into his heart, Nox felt shame in his final moments.

The dread walker then walks closer to Tyson as stabs the blade into it the dread walker falls apart due to the anti magic blade.

Tyson then falls to the ground as he used all his mana he had using that time spell knocked his wind out of him he was running on pride because of the words that Felix said.

This just left Emma she sighed as she regained her mana she started to make new dread walkers as a hammer came right though her heart as Thor and Bryn walked up.

"Bryn you guys made it" Tyson said as he ran over to Bryn

"It looks like we got here in time. You must have held yourself well, you guys even defeated a few of them." Bryn said

"Yeah good job kid" Thor said.

Felix stood up and sighed

"There is just one thing, during the fight Tyson you used time magic, Edwin told me you had it but i was surprised to see you even fixed my arm, i suggest we don't tell the others, your magic is strong" Felix said.

"Woah Tyson has time magic, I see" Bryn said as Thor went over and sat down.

"I sensed it you know" Thor said

"Sensed what!?" Tyson and Felix said

"I sensed your pride Felix, you stood your ground, you have no magic but you still stood tall, i want to give you one of my god marks" Thor said.

"What do you mean?" Felix said as he was surprised.

"I'm going to make you a god touched, it will even give you a magic type" Thor said as he placed his hand on Felix creating the mark.

"Wait, really you're giving me magic power" Felix said.

"Yes, the way you stood your ground inspired me," Thor said.

"Felix, you were strong," Tyson said.

"Well thanks kid i was just doing what i could to protect you lot" Felix said as Bryn looked on and then sighed

"Two died but at least we have one left alive to understand what this attack was about." Bryn said as he went over and picked up kelly.

"We should get the others back to town. These kids had a hard fight and they need to rest and eat" Thor said.

Time passed and everyone went home the kids were safe, but some issues had to be explained and so after burying Nox and Emma they captured John and Kelly and brought them in for questioning.

The demon looked on in shame

"They failed my Queen, can i start phase two" the demon said

"Not yet, get and find possible subjects, just hold off, and get the bodies from the fallen Nox and Emma we have our ways of bringing them back, but i want you to find more subjects to turn into devils, i do have one possible subject she's dying, it's a child near the inner outer villages, if you turn someone into a devil just as they die they have a chance of turning into a demon i suggest you do that" the woman said.

"I see, I shall, my queen, and what about the boy he has strong magic now it seems" the demon said.

"We can use him with his magic, we can steal it, keep him alive for now" the woman said. As the demon went to go steal the bodies of the dead since they still had use. After the demon did this he would take his leave.

After a while the moon would rise and it was time for some questioning David walked in he sighed as this was such a waste of his time yet he had to do it.

"Ah so you must know why I'm here, Kelly and John right? Well I need to know all the information you know and maybe we will give you a lighter sentence" David said as he took a piece of tobacco and started to chew on it.

"I shall never speak, the dark guild will have justice" Kelly said.

"Well me on the other hand since i'm not getting paid, i shall tell you everything i know, the dark guild hired me, i was just a hired gun, but i did some digging, these guy wanted to use the kids as sacrifices to create devils, they want to make their own kingdom, but that would cause a massive break in the world powers. Now as for the others such as Kelly they work for the dark guild, i also know they have some deal to kill the king, so that's most of what i know" John said as Kelly grew angry she could not believe that man just gave away important information.

"Ah i see thank you, well now this info is a help im glad i didn't have to beat it out of you" David said.

"How dare you give up that if you rat, i will kill you myself if i ever get out of here" Kelly said

"Oh shut it" John said.

"This went well, lock them into the deep prison for now, i have to report this to the king" david said as he took his leave.

He would then inform the king as well. David would then head off once again to go talk to Chum now as David was worried about some things, the moonlight blasted off his head and shined in the night as he sat down next to Chum who was doing some night fishing.

"Care if I join you?" David asked

"Sure, go ahead i have a pole for you" Chum said as he handed David a fishing rod.

"So did you hear about everything?" David said as he placed his bait on the hook.

"You know i did i watched and made sure nothing go out of hand, but everything happened for a reason, Tyson also awakened some of his magic, but those Devils are trying something dangerous from what i've seen and heard they want their own kingdom, that's a noble cause, however it's dangerous the world power will be all messed up." Chum said as he started to get a bite he slowly reeled up the fish, it was a nice shiny fish he would smile and release it.

"Yes hopefully we can stop the dark guild, their plans are twisted" David said.

Chum sighed as he stood up as he then looked away.

"So we need to get the strongest possible magic users in our kingdom to take the magic exams, we need to give strong prospects, so the Nova kingdom can support us." Chum said.

"Yes, but if we give up our strongest magic users, it's a risk to our kingdom, we won't have that many people to protect us." david said

"This may be true but if we can work something out with the Nova kingdom, it would fix all our issues" Chum said.

"I see but what does the king think?" David said as he looked up and noticed a figure getting closer.

Henry walked up and looked towards David and Chum as he sat down next to the two of them.

"Hmm well i agree with Chum, if we can get a deal or something even better with the Nova kingdom we should do so" Henry said as he looked at David.

"Well if your mind is set may i suggest a few possible candidates" David said

"Sure David, go ahead" Henry said.

"Kotta, Bryn, Gwen, Eric, Hugo, and Maho," David said.

"Oh I see those are great magic users I see, ok lets start with those six" Henry said.

"Yes i have been watching those few for awhile they have full potential, but we must protect this upcoming generation there is already ones who seek to take them out but we must protect them, which is why i want to expand their training by splitting them up into smaller squads, of two students and one mage which is why i want you to be a teacher of one of the groups David." chum said.

"Hmm i see, well i can't say no i have to make those kiddos stronger"

David said as he smiled looking at Chum.

"Oh Chum, who are the other new teachers you have in mind?" Henry asked.

"Edwin and Felix will work together with two students, we know David is one now, Tiga Neko-uma will be one as well and for the last we hired Ava Ranova from the Nova kingdom" Chum said.

"I see very good choices and I've heard so much about Ava, now what about the students?" Henry said.

"Well i was thinking Edwin and Felix could train Sofu and Leon, as for you David i think you should train Tyson and Jack, Tiga will teach Moxie and Gram, and lastly Ava will teach Lelia and Elena." Chum said.

"I see, that should work, let's inform everyone of our plans" Henry said.

As a few days passed and then days turned into about three weeks everything was coming along well, the magic exams started as everyone in the Folosire was there along with every other kingdom.

The runekingdom is a kingdom known for using forbidden magic even though they are a war nation. When it comes to the magic exams all nations call peace, but usually the runekingdom causes nothing but wars.

The Novakingdom is the largest kingdom, they are also neutral to all nations, they are known to be the most technology advanced nation, with their powerful devices and tech.

The Vaul kingdom is the kingdom that sits in the middle of the world of Valusla. They are known for their Mana book fighting styles where they gain more mana.

Then there is the Folosire kingdom of the summer. They are known for farming and crops and vast lands of water, and they have some strong mages as well.

Now there are smaller kingdoms but these are the biggest four, and the dark guild is close to making their hideout a whole kingdom, a one on the same level as the other four right now they stay on the outskirts of the forbidden lands.

Now with this it is time for the magic exams to start. But now that everyone was distracted the demon would do its work as it dashed and pushed forward walking and noticing the cages.

The demon saw John and Kelly and smiled brightly after it saw john.

"Was it done… did you give them the information" the demon said as he saw John.

"Yes, they believe everything i said, now are you took make us demons or devils" John said

"You two will be demons like me now, if everything goes well it's tragic that Nox and Emma died meaning they will be devils, but that's fine while you guys handled Thor as a distraction i snuck into the castle and stole a few Light runes and death runes for the spell and with the Tide crystals i have it shall go well let us leave" the demon said.

"Yes thanks master demon you have given us hope, and we shall help create your demon and devil army" Kelly said as the demon opens a portal up and they take their leave.

In the near outskirts of the kingdom lived a small young girl she was just twelve years old but she was cursed with being a spell plague and she also has the death disease, everyone hates her they just wish she would die already but that will never happen as her curse destroyed the village she just cannot control her magic powers.

Death blasted and ran this village into nothing but a tome of the dead everyone in this village but the girl was killed she killed them it was truly an accident but they did nothing but hate her so she had to protect herself, this was all foreseen from the demon he needed this to happen it was prefect.

The demon walked into the village or what was left of it, he smiles as John and kelly walk closely to him as the demon placed down stones and runes and other magic items as he started to channel his magic and prepare the spell you could feel death itself coming and forming, Johns appearance would shape into to something else his skinned turned ash red as horns formed onto him and a tail sharped as his teeth got sharpas his face twisted and his body was now improved.

The same thing happened to Kelly her body was starting to shift and change as her skin turned into an ash blue type and her teeth also sharpened, her eyes were yellow as her ears grew sharp.

The bodies of Nox and Emma also started to shift as they came back to life, their forms changed into something different, they were even odder as they had bright red skin and shirt horns their teeth were pointed.

"Damn did I die? Oh wow you did it you made us into demons in devils this is just as planned" Nox said as the demon looked at the little girl who was also reborn.

"Ah sorry i saw that you were in trouble so i cured you" the demon said.

"You saved me," the little girl said.

"Yes i did i broke your curse" the demon said

"I can be free…. Can I join you I want to repay you" the girl said

"Yes but what might your name be?" the demon asked.

"My name…. They call me, Bitch and monster and curse a lot, I guess that's my name" the girl said.

"No that's no name, and they shall pay in hell for that, what about the name stella?" the demon said.

"Stella?... I… I love it, yes call me Stella, and what can I call you mister" Stella said.

"Call me Akuma," the demon said.

"Oh Akuma, and what about those others?" Stella said.

"Oh damn where are my manners, you have John, Kelly, Nox, and Emma" the demon said as the girl looked at the demon as she felt something but this was all a lie, a plan in the making over 30 years in the making.

This was what the mysterious woman's plan however they did not account for one thing, there was one sole survivor her name was Iris, she managed to live so how some way, but she was now turned into a demon, she didn't know what to do, after all of this the Demon would return to the dark guilds base.

Iris was left in the village and she tried to find a way to save everyone but she could not. She was forced to run away in the deeper woodlands after some kingdom guards came by to check out what happened.