
Speed Devil

"Everything seems so slow as if they are frozen in time, but they are not, I am just too fast. I feel like I can outrun light but will I be able to? Would I even be able to see at that speed?" "Well there is only one way to find out" . . . _________________ A physics intern gets exposed to enclosed tachyon particles in a lab accident which causes his body to go through severe changes making him the fastest being ever. _____________________ A/N - The start of the novel will be very slow-paced, the characters around the MC will be introduced, the world around him will slowly be built. If you don't like slow pace start, this novel is not for you.

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

The Accident

With everything set up, Professor Newmon took his position in front of the transparent panel in which he inputs all the data and instruction into it.

"Shawn get ready". He said and started the machine. Shawn and Natasha stood close to each other as they watched the machine activate.

The surrounding around the tachyon capsule started to change, the air around it started to twist causing Shawn and the rest to notice the capsule twisting, the capsule itself is not twisting but the light around it is.

Natasha is fascinated by it, light can be bent but twisting it is something else, but this one is on another level as well, light is not passing through a medium that is causing the twist, it was the tachyon capsule itself, it is making the light around it to twist, it was simulating a black hole itself.

Soon the magnetic field started to increase in the lab.

"What is happening?" Natasha asked as she felt a slight pull on her body.

"Professor Newmon is activating charging the Tachyon particles inside the capsule, tachyons couldn't be captured when they are moving around so Professor found a way to stop them for a few seconds and was able to capture them inside that capsule and put them in a slowed state at light speed.

Now he is reactivating them so he can do his final study, if he is able to fully understand these particles it will be a massive breakthrough in the field of science". Shawn explained.

"I see". Natasha answered, fascinated by Professor's work, she idolized Professor Newmon, she even wanted to work as his intern but she couldn't get the job because Shawn was better at it than her.

"Something's not right". Newmon whispered as he looked at the fluctuating waves on the screen, Shawn ofcourse heard this and frowned.

"What is it, Professor?" He asked. "Something is interfering with the magnetic gravity field, the tachyons might overcharge if this happens, I need to shut it down". He said and was about to shut it down when something happened.

Shawn who had his eyes fixed on the capsule noticed a coin that was under a table close to a capsule suddenly fling towards the capsule, Shawn only took a second to process what was going to happen.

"EVERYONE, GET DOWN!" He shouted as he tried to cover himself behind a table, as soon as Professor heard Shawn, he also quickly tucked himself behind a table as well.

A high pitch sound covered the lab within a second.

Shawn lifted his head to see if everyone is safe and hidden but he noticed Natasha was actually in the open frozen on the spot.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GET DOWN!" He shouted at her again but it looks like she couldn't hear him at all, the high pitch sound that the capsule was making completely overwhelmed his voice.

He noticed that the Capsule had started to expand and it was about to blow up, without even thinking for his own safety for a second, he jumped and pushed Natasha toward the table next to her, he fell onto he floor and as he was about to get into cover again, it was too late.

The capsule reached its limit and exploded.

'I am dead'. He thought as he felt his body hit by a powerful shockwave, as soon as he got him, he felt as the world had suddenly stopped in time, he could see the safety goggles he was wearing floating still in the air, he could see the face of horror on Natasha's and Professor's face, they seemed to be stopped in time as well.

Everything around him seems to have stopped, nothing moved at all for a few seconds, then he felt his move started to move again. Before he could even think, he felt his back and head hitting against the wall and he got knocked out.


Natasha's POV_

As I stood there looking at the capsule which had Tachyon particles in them, I noticed a coin from under the table suddenly shoot towards the capsule, as soon as that happened I heard Shawn shout.


For some reason I froze on the spot, scared that I am going to die, I noticed the capsule expanding at a rapid rate, before I could even think of anything I felt someone push me.

I fell hard on the ground behind a table, I looked at Shawn who just saved me but then I saw his whole body sent shooting through the air at extreme speed, but he was not the only one, the bench that was covering me also moved very fast and slammed into me.

I was sent rolling on the ground but I came to a stop, I looked at Professor Newmon and he seems to be fine as well, just like me he was also sent rolling on the ground by the bench he took cover in.

Ignoring him, I looked at Shawn who just saved my life, I saw his motionless body at the end of the lab, he seems to be bleeding as well.

I shouted "SHAWN!"


3rd Person POV_

"SHAWN!" Natasha shouted as he saw Shawn laid motionless on the ground, she got back to her feet and rushed towards Shawn to check if he was ok, he took his hand and checked his pulse and sighed in relief as she felt his pulse.

She turned his head to look at his injury and noticed that he was bleeding from the back of his head.

"Quick, call an ambulance". Natasha heard a calm voice from behind, she turned her head and noticed that it is Professor Newmon, he is holding onto his left arm, it looks like he is hurt as well.

She nodded and took out her phone from her bag and quickly called the ambulance, Professor Newmon sat next to Shawn and applied pressure behind Shawn's head trying to stop the bleeding.

Both of them looked around and finally noticed that the lab is a mess, every piece of equipment has been moved by that impact, some of them broke as soon as they were flung into the air while some fell on the ground and cracked open, the glass windows that separated this room from the others are completely shattered as well.

The two of them just sat next to Shawn silently for a few minutes, Natasha noticed a stinging pain near her ribs, she lifted her t-shirt and noticed a purple bruise near her lower ribs, it looks like she has a fractured rib.

She gritted her teeth and didn't say anything, luckily for them, the ambulance arrived soon and rushed inside the lab, the EMTs noticed Shawn and quickly put him on a stretcher before stopping his bleeding and put him inside the ambulance, the paramedics then checked on Natasha and Professor Newmon as well.

They noticed that Natasha and Professor Newmon were also injured, while Natasha seems to have a fractured lower rib, Professor has a dislocated shoulder.

All three of them were taken to the nearest hospital.