
Speed Devil

"Everything seems so slow as if they are frozen in time, but they are not, I am just too fast. I feel like I can outrun light but will I be able to? Would I even be able to see at that speed?" "Well there is only one way to find out" . . . _________________ A physics intern gets exposed to enclosed tachyon particles in a lab accident which causes his body to go through severe changes making him the fastest being ever. _____________________ A/N - The start of the novel will be very slow-paced, the characters around the MC will be introduced, the world around him will slowly be built. If you don't like slow pace start, this novel is not for you.

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Fate Set In Motion

Shawn figured out the solution for Professor Newmon's equation and quickly told the professor to make some changes. The professor also seems to have understood what Shawn told him and quickly made some changes, the changes ofcourse helped a lot and a big smile appeared on Proferros Newmon's old face.

He started to grin from ear to ear in excitement. "The calculations work in theory, now we need to test it". Professor Newmon said and looked at Shawn.

"Are you sure about this? things can go wrong". Shawn warned Professor Newmon as putting the theory into practice might not have the desired outcome.

"We have to, there is no other way to find out". Professor Newmon said and looked at the closed room behind him.

"It's your choice". Shawn said while looking at Professor Newmon, in Shawn's opinion he would rather not test it out right now, he would go through several cross-checks before even thinking about doing a practical test.

"LET'S DO IT!" The old man said excitedly.

"Ok then, should I make the preparations?" Shawn asked.

"Yes, get started, ask your friend to help as well". Professor Newmon said and headed back to his office, Shawn looked at Natasha who is staring at him with big excited eyes, it was clear that she heard their conversation.

"Help me set up the test vault, follow me, and don't touch anything". Shawn instructed walked towards the closed door and swiped his ID card into the card slot, the door opened up revealing the test room.

The room is quite big and is filled with very expensive equipments, many companies and the government have funded Professor Newmon throughout many of his research and he was able to keep some of the equipments.

Natasha is overwhelmed by everything that is inside this room, from high-tech equipment to expensive materials, everything is present in this lab.

Natasha followed Shawn and finally arrived in front of the tachyon capsule, Natasha felt her body become heavy from an unknown pressure as soon as she got close to the capsule.

"Be careful, the magnetic field is very high, don't bring any items made of metal close to the tachyon capsule, it can disturb the experiment, keep your belongings on the table there". Shawn said and pointed at the table right behind Natasha.

Natasha nodded and put her bag on the table and started to help Shawn prepare for the experiment, it took them half an hour to prepare everything, as they were about to get the work done a phone started to ring.

Shawn turned his head to find the location of the sound and realized that it is coming from Natasha's bag.

"Your phone". Shawn said. Natasha stopped whatever she was doing and looked at her bag and sighed, she walked towards her bag and opened it to take out her phone, while she took out her phone, she unintentionally caused some coins to come out of her bag as well.

She wanted to put the coins back into the bag but seeing who was calling her she decided to do it afterward.

She picked up her phone and answered the call.

"Yes, Jackson, what is it?" She asked. Shawn heard Jackson's name and hoped that his thoughts won't come true. As he continued to do his work he heard Natasha's voice get louder and louder, soon she started to shout into her phone and she looks very angry.

"FUCK OF JACKSON, YON CAN'T CONTROL ME, I AM NOT COMING TO YOUR SHITTY PARTY". She screamed and ended her call and threw her phone into her bag and closed the zipper, her actions were violent as she still seems to be mad.

As she was doing this, one of the coins fell on the ground and rolled towards the tachyon capsule and no one noticed it, Natasha is too angry to think of anything and Shawn is busy with his work.

Shawn just stayed silent as he didn't want to poke the angry woman, he knows never to poke a woman who is fuming with anger, Natasha is still angry and wants to vent her anger, she wants to talk to someone so she approaches Shawn and stands next to him while maintaining her annoyed and angry look.

Shawn doesn't even bother to entertain her, he is busy setting up a piece of very technical equipment.

"Don't you want to know what happened?" She asked, she is a very talkative girl and she always likes to share everything in her life, except some very personal details.

"No, I am not gonna get involved with anything related to that idiot". Shawn said, he doesn't care even if the idiot is her boyfriend, once he has an opinion there is very little chance of changing it.

"Yes, he is an Idiot, he told me that if I don't come to his shitty party he will break up with me, who does he think he is? Does he think I will keep quiet and just do what he says just because he blackmailed me by telling me he will end the relationship? You know what, I have had enough of him, I will end this relationship on my own. I don't know if I even love him anymore". Natasha continued to talk and Shawn just did his work, after a few minutes she finally stopped and looked at Shawn once again.

"What do you think I should do?" She asked.

"I don't know, we are not that close enough for me to tell you what to do with your relationship". Shawn answered.

"And here I thought we are friends". Natasha said with a slight disappointment in her voice.

"Look, I have nothing against you, I know you are a nice girl but your boyfriend is a major dick, I know him for years now and I wouldn't want to be close friends with anyone that is related to him, let's just say we are acquaintance or project partners, or anything that ties us through university work and nothing else". Shawn said.

"I still don't understand why though? how would being my friend involve Jackson in any way?" She asked.

"You don't know do you?" Shawn asked as he looked at Natasha with pity in his eyes, even after dating that idiot for two years, she still hasn't figured out anything about him.