
SPARTACUS : Orion the Invincible

It is a fanfiction based on the Spartacus series, it will be an adaptation of a novel already available in French version, some changes will be made in the story compared to the French version . English is not my first language so bear with me. There will certainly be historical errors, but the main purpose of this fanfiction is to entertain readers. I wish you all an excellent reading

The3Entities · TV
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32 Chs

chapter 10 : Zena's Pleasure

Orion kissed Zena, she was surprised because she felt Orion's desire for her in that kiss but let herself go because of the way Orion made his lips wet.

 He started playing with his tongue and that of Zena who was becoming more and more excited.

 After a few seconds, Orion separated their lips and Zena looking at Orion's beautiful face once again couldn't help but blush.

Excited, she started kissing him on her own while caressing Orion's body.

Her fingers roamed every inch of the man's body with her as Orion kissed her neck and then her breasts.

 Their kisses became more and more lively and erotic, Orion continued to caress her, he slipped his fingers on her shoulders, the lower part of her back, her buttocks, her thighs and her chest. With the caresses, Zena became more and more red and slightly embarrassed.

 Orion: Don't worry about the people watching us, it's our time and it's only the two of us in this world.

 Zena nodded and she grabbed the tip of Orion's cock rubbing it at the entrance to her vagina. For a second she was shocked and told him,

 "It…it's big."

 Orion looked at her lovingly and said "I promise to be gentle with you Zena".

listening to the way he spoke to her, Zena began to have complicated emotions in her heart and she felt considered.

 She decided to be more enterprising with him and she stood up to leave the bed, leaving Orion sitting on the edge.

 She kissed Orion's neck and went down gradually, his muscular chest and defined abs she visited every inch enjoying the scent of Orion whose erection was at its peak.

Zena squatted down and she started sucking him.

 Zena's head moved back and forth between Orion's thighs, she herself took pleasure in doing it and moaned as well.

He had his eyes closed enjoying the warm, wet feeling of Zena's mouth. He put his hand on Zena's head and started fucking her mouth like it was a vagina.

 The room was shocked and the women were panting, they were already very excited and even the men were on the verge of masturbation in front of the two lovers of the occasion.

 After a few minutes, Orion laid Zena on the bed in the room again and started sucking her off.

He introduced his fingers and penetrated her again and again while he played his tongue on Zena's clitoris who was surprised by Orion's gesture.

 Orion's actions caused an uproar in the room, it was the first time that some had seen a man do that to a woman and especially Zena who was someone's slavery, she was defiled in the eyes of others but to Orion, she was a magnificent woman.

 Zena had never felt such pleasure in her life, she moaned louder and louder and got even wetter.

The women in the room were starting to touch parts of their bodies, they wanted to feel the same way, they all wanted Orion.

 From a point on, Zena couldn't take it anymore, she begged Orion to penetrate her. Orion was just waiting for that, he spread Zena's legs and slowly introduced his glans into the vagina of his partner who was moaning while gritting her teeth.

 Orion: You don't have to be afraid Zena, I 'll be gentle.

 He kissed her, slowly moving back and forth between Zena's thighs, who was biting Orion's lower lip while moaning.

 « Deeper ! »

 She said as he penetrated her, she had adapted a little to the size of Orion who took her deeper and deeper.


 A few dozen minutes later in the same room we could hear smacking sounds and loud moans, Zena stood on doggystyle in front of Orion who was fucking her at a fast pace.

 Sex which had started gently had become extremely wild and sensual.

 The guests, Lucretia and Batiatus were speechless, the women had wet hands from masturbating discreetly, they looked at Zena with great jealousy.

The bottom of the togas had a damp swelling on the men, the maids were also filled with desire.

 « It's really unbelievable ! Such endurance! »

 "This guy…he's a god!" 

 People were completely in awe of Orion who hadn't even slowed down his pace from the start. Iliythia watched the scene trembling, she had already had an orgasm.

 « Look at how he penetrates her, his rhythm, the expression on his face, his magnificent flexible muscles, he is a sex god. Your slave is making love to a god! » Ilithya said to Lucretia, she had a strange glint in her eyes.

 Lucretia: I'll point it out again, but Orion is not a slave. He is...something wild, proud, burning and indomitable.

 Orion and his partner fucked for a long time in several positions. The sweat, the ciprin and the oil had become a second skin for them, it changed a sex demonstration scene into a magnificent and bestial festival of pleasure between two bodies with a burning desire.

 Finally, Zena had her third orgasm and she was shaking with great fatigue. Orion felt that this was the girl's limit so he stopped and slowly pulled out of her.

 He kissed Zena and told her calmly

 "Thank you for honoring me Zena, you are a wonderful woman"

 He held her as she cried from Orion's attention. She was the one who felt like she had been honored and she was ashamed because not even once did Orion ejaculate.

 Orion for his part was satisfied, he was pleasantly surprised by Zena's endurance because usually, the women he sleeps with don't last even 20 minutes except Salma who lasted even longer than Zena but Zena lasted almost 30 minutes .

 He was extremely grateful to her, he lay next to her and stroked her hair while she slept with her head on his chest. They rested, blissfully ignoring everyone.

 While Orion was near Zena, Iliythia as if in a trance walked towards Orion and tried to touch his chest. However, when her hand was inches away, he grabbed her wrist.

 Orion: What do you think you're doing here?!

 Iliythia came to her senses immediately and was a hug, she played the pride card by using her rank.

 Iliythia: Talk to me in that tone!? Do you know who I am ?!

 Orion ignored her and got up then started to get dressed, he covered Zena who was sleeping soundly with the blanket they made love on and carried her like a princess. He started heading towards the exit and stopped in front of Batiatus.

 Orion: 10 denarii for his freedom .

 Batiatus: Wh... Where do you think you are?! She's my slave!

 Orion: You owe me a favor so I'll use it, I'll buy it back for 10 denarii and it's non-negotiable, you'll get payment tomorrow morning. I take her back to my room and she is no longer a slave now, you will begin her emancipation procedure after payment.

 He started walking again leaving everyone in the room stunned, some women were both surprised and amazed.

 "You let him talk and leave like that?!" a guest approached Batiatus and asked.

 Batiatus with a strange look simply replied

 « He is a free man and I indeed owed him a favor for his performance tonight. »

 Then he looked at his guests and asked

 "Were you satisfied with the spectacle of the Batiatus house?!" 

 They began to applaud and congratulate Batiatus, especially the women. People were satisfied and some had not yet recovered from Orion's performance, they still had the scenes in their heads.

 « That was incredible Batiatus! »

 « I've never seen that ! »

 "This guy, Orion. He really is a god, it's a shame he's not a slave. »

 They made satisfied declarations, Batiatus himself was even more satisfied than the others.

He knew that thanks to Orion, some would come back to see him again but to guarantee that he would agree to do this again, Batiatus would not do it.

 The guests returned to the main room, some lost sight of the other gladiators and only had Orion in mind, an inaccessible jewel.

 Even Crixus was ignored as the people who were talking about him earlier only had Orion in their Mouths now.

 Iliythia who had been ignored by Orion had an annoyed expression, no one knew what she was thinking.

Lucretia looked at her strangely, she knew her friend was horny, wanted Orion and just like she didn't want to share him with anyone.

If Zena had still been a slave in this house, because of their jealousy, her treatment would have been very bad.

 A few minutes later, Orion returned to line up with the other gladiators, he was the center of attention from the guests.

 While standing next to Spartacus and Varro, Varro suddenly asked him

 "Orion, I don't know what you did there but from the looks of the people, you really did well" he said smiling.

 "Yeah, from the looks some of the women are giving him, he must have done something big!" Spartacus added, Orion just shook his head smiling.

 Batiatus began to give the guests the names of the gladiators who would face each other tomorrow, he passed Varro and Spartacus who were going to fight in the morning, it was the period for the gladiators judged as weak but the strongest were fighting in the afternoon for the primus or the star fights.

 While he was still announcing, Naevia, the servant who had a secret relationship with Crixus walked past Orion carrying a small jug of wine.

She took a misstep but as she fell, Orion caught her and the pitcher which was about to shatter on the ground.

 Everyone watched the action admiring the speed of his reflexes, he held Naevia by the hip and their faces were very close to each other.

 Remembering how Orion made love earlier, Naevia who was a virgin started to blush and she panted because of Orion's face being too close.

 He stood the girl upright and handed her back her jug ​​with an easy smile, wondering why the girls were acting like caricatures. He much preferred women with character like Sura.

 "May I know your name?!" he asked calmly.

 Naevia looked at him with wide eyes as she responded after a few seconds


 Orion: It's a very pretty name, just like you, but you should be careful, your mistress would be very angry if you spilled this wine.

 "Y-Yes, thanks again!" she replied shyly before leaving in a hurry, Lucretia looked at him strangely.

 Orion felt an intense gaze on him and when he turned around he saw Crixus staring at him with intense hatred near Batiatus.

 Not knowing the reason for this sudden hateful look, poor Orion thought and in less than 5 seconds, he had found the reason for this hatred.

 He smirked at Crixus who now wanted to claw his eyes out.

 « …and for the Primus of tomorrow, the champion of Capua, the fighter favored by the gods, Crixus the undefeated Gaul will be in the arena.» Batiatus said and the guests started clapping, eager to know who he was going to fight.

 « The one he will fight against is a particularly fierce and fast warrior! Orion the Death Star! » he added as the guests fell into dead silence.

 It was only after a few seconds that they started to react.


 «Orion versus Crixus?! Isn't that sending him to death?! »

 « The arena is not a bed ! Crixus will kill him! »

 "It's his first match in the arena too!" 

 "We need to change this fight, sending a gem like Orion to his death is a waste."

 Batiatus immediately began to calm the crowd

 « Calm down everyone, Orion himself agrees with this fight, it is part of his commitments and we have witnessed his skill in combat. »

 Orion was in fact the one who asked to fight Crixus, he had bribed him so that his first fight would be against Crixus and Batiatus had very quickly accepted the grant because he would have nothing to lose on Orion's death.

 Crixus, still lost in his rage, regained confidence because of the guests' declarations, he looked at Batiatus and asked

 "Can I speak Dominus?!" 

 Batiatus nodded and gave the floor to his champion.

 Crixus: I don't know why you decided on this fight but I will take pleasure in humiliating and killing this little girl who dared to pretend to be a gladiator and face me in the arena, MY ARENA! 

 Crixus had strangely forgotten what Orion was capable of because of his anger, as soon as he finished speaking, the men who were jealous of Orion cheered Crixus on.

 "Go Crixus!!" 

 "Show him what a true gladiator is!" 

 Orion calmly listened to the statements and gently shook his head, he calmly looked at Crixus and said

 "Humiliate me HUH ?! I believe that this fight will be short then but rest assured that tomorrow someone will indeed be humiliated, oh undefeated Gallic of Capua!" 

 The people looked at Orion and praised his calm and indifference in the face of threats from a fierce warrior like Crixus who was undefeated and had already shed an enormous amount of blood in the arena.

 « See dear friends, they are already living their battles for tomorrow, Crixus against Orion. A fight that will be a milestone for the glory of Capua. FOR THE GLORY OF ROME !! » Batiatus said excitedly!


 the guests shouted as they raised their wine glasses.

 So, the evening ended a few hours later and the gladiators went to rest for their fights during the Vulcanalia games the next day.