
SPARTACUS : Orion the Invincible

It is a fanfiction based on the Spartacus series, it will be an adaptation of a novel already available in French version, some changes will be made in the story compared to the French version . English is not my first language so bear with me. There will certainly be historical errors, but the main purpose of this fanfiction is to entertain readers. I wish you all an excellent reading

The3Entities · TV
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32 Chs

chapter 9 : Lust

By nightfall, the reception had already started in Batiatus' villa, meanwhile the gladiators were cleaning up.

Crixus in his corner was cleaning himself but was also lost in his thoughts, he didn't know who he was going to fight unlike the others.

 In addition, he was also thinking about a servant in the villa with whom he was starting a romance in secret.

 Orion, Spartacus and Varro were in their corner and were also cleaning themselves with Orion's water which had a lot of it.

 They were discussing Spartacus and Varro's fights the next day, it would be the first time they fought without the heavy equipment since Orion started their training, they only took them off to sleep or clean themselves.

 The two couldn't wait to see the results of their training in the arena tomorrow, they went through hell to make progress.

 Orion looked at Spartacus and said calmly, "Get a wonderful victory tomorrow and you will have the opportunity to touch your wife tomorrow night." 

This declaration ignited the powder in the head of Spartacus who looked more determined than ever.

 As they laughed, Orion felt someone watching him intently and shivers ran down his spine.

He noticed that one of the gladiators was looking at him as if he saw a delicacy that he wanted to savor, it was Barca.

 Barca was one of the best gladiators in ludus, the strongest after Crixus. He was a tall man with tanned skin and long hair with a very masculine face, he was homosexual and since the arrival of Orion, he was like a child in front of a cake behind a window.

 Orion: Stop looking at me with that disgusting look otherwise it will end badly!!

 Barca: No matter what angle I look at you from, you don't look like a gladiator despite the muscles that adorn your body.

 Orion was handsome and if you weren't careful, his face could be mistaken for that of a woman, but what's more, he had built an attractive body, supple and muscular at the same time.

 Orion: Last warning, beast of Carthage.

 The other gladiators were silent for a few seconds before bursting out laughing while listening to Orion. Barca stood up and walked towards Orion with three other gladiators behind him.

 "You can be as smart as you want, little girl, after beating Crixus by surprise last time and I can even bet it was luck but believe me, it will be different against me. If I wanted to I could kill you here, there and now. » the other gladiators behind him started to smile but Orion's next action petrified them.

 Orion was annoyed by these savages and knew he had to do something to make them want to play with him. " You know what ?!" he asked Barca who was smiling.

 "I'm listening to you, speak…" Barca had not finished his sentence when Orion with an extremely fast gesture with his left palm violently hit Barca's chin while he was speaking and a bloody unknown object fell from his mouth .

 Barca started screaming in pain and blood was flowing profusely from his mouth. The object that fell to the ground was none other than the tip of Barca's tongue, blood kept flowing from his mouth and the others looked at Orion in fear.

 Even though they were used to blood as gladiators, everyone had bitten their tongue at least once in their life and knew how painful it is.

 Now by Orion's action, Barca with his teeth cut off the tip of his tongue and no one could imagine his pain.

 He looked at Orion with rage and despite all his pain, he charged towards him.

 Orion who could read Barca's every move gave him a smirk, as Barca moved towards him he tried to grab Orion.

 Orion tilted his upper body back to avoid the attack and pushed Barca's supporting leg with his own in a quick and sneaky manner.

 Barca lost his balance and his leg slipped on his own blood spilling onto the ground.

 He fell heavily and his face violently kissed the ground, some of his teeth shattered under the impact. At the same time, Doctore entered the baths.

 Doctore: GLADIATORS, your audience is waiting for you, prepare to present yourself at the reception.

 He noticed Barca lying on the ground with blood. "What happened here?!" he asked sternly. Orion responded directly "He slipped and hurt his mouth."

 "Is this the truth?!" Doctore asked and the others nodded because technically Orion just told the truth.

Pietros, one of the men present was Barca's lover, he looked at Orion with hatred but when Orion looked at him he immediately looked down.

 Doctore ordered two gladiators to take him to the ludus doctor and asked the rest to prepare immediately by taking Crixus with him as he was the star and had to appear before the others.

 Everyone left except Orion who took his time to clean himself well, he hated being in a hurry.

 In Batiatus' villa where the reception was held, Batiatus introduced Crixus to his guests and more particularly to Mercato, a wealthy organizer of the Capuan games.

 Crixus was displayed like a precious product to be admired and touched, he was a handsome, tall and muscular man, the women in the room were seduced by his physique and the men were admiring the power of the champion of Capua.

 Doctore came close to Batiatus and whispered something in his ear, Batiatus nodded before going to the center of the room to address the guests.

 Batiatus: My dear friends, old and new. After enjoying my wine, the comfort of my villa and also the aphrodisiac presence of my wife (Lucretia smiled at this sentence), let me now present to you the best gladiators from all over the Republic who will represent House Batiatus for you tomorrow.

 As if after receiving a signal, Crixus pointed his sword towards the entrance of the room and 18 gladiators entered holding torches, they were bare-chested and only had a cloth covering their private parts for clothing.

 In the room people were impressed to see all these muscular gladiators looking so fierce, the women held their breath a little and we started to touch the gladiators' muscles.

 Batiatus looked at his gladiators smiling with satisfaction but after a few seconds his smile disappeared, one of the fighters was not present, it was Orion.

He asked Doctore where Orion was but he just shrugged his shoulders. Batiatus clenched his jaw and returned to his guests. Lucretia also noticed Orion's absence and felt a little upset.

 After more than 10 minutes, a figure entered the room guided by a few maids, it was Orion. He arrived wearing a short Egyptian-style white linen loincloth, supported by a leather belt around his waist.

 The muscular and lean upper part of his body as well as his legs which wore Greek sandals tied up to his calves were visible. He wore leather armbands on his arms and certain ornaments hanging from the locks of his hair.

 It was styled in a bun and left two wavy bangs on either side of her face.

 The whole room became silent at the appearance of Orion, both women and men looked at him in disbelief, he looked like a deity descended among men.

Spartacus and Varro looked at him smiling, they shook their heads because their teacher knew how to sell himself.

 Orion moved and headed towards the other gladiators with whom he also lined up in front of the crowd who began to be surprised.

 « What ?! Don't tell me he's a gladiator! »

 «How is it possible ?! »

 "Look at his well-defined muscles, he might be a gladiator!" 

 « What's his name ?! Is he a slave for sale?! I want him ! »

 "He looks like a god, his face is even more beautiful than some women!" 

 «His eyes, look at the color of his eyes!! ! Gray, with such a young and beautiful face! »

 Orion kept a poker face but deep inside he wanted to laugh. Who doesn't want to be admire ?! He knew how to show off.

 Batiatus: Calm down dear friends, Orion here is not a slave like the other gladiators. He is a free gladiator and therefore he is not for sale, he will also fight tomorrow in the arena before your eyes.


 People were in disbelief, if such a handsome young man was killed in the arena it would be a huge waste.

If he sold special services to certain women or men with particular tastes he would become famous for his beauty and his almost divine body.

 Batiatus approached Orion and asked him if he would allow people to touch him to admire his body, he immediately frowned and refused.

Batiatus tried to convince him but in vain, Orion was not a commodity.

 « Unfortunately dear guests, Orion hates physical contact with strangers, you can only admire him with your eyes. » Batiatus said to the crowd who sank into disappointment, especially the women who desired more intimate contact with this living god.

 Lucretia in a corner of the room bit her lower lip while admiring Orion and next to her was Iliythia, she is the wife of Legate Glaber, the same dude who reduced Spartacus and Sura to slavery.

 This woman had a visceral contempt for Spartacus and always wanted him dead just like Lucretia because Batiatus her husband had bought him at too high a price.

 The two women had their eyes fixed on Orion and all the servants were also staring at him. They started walking towards him while ignoring Crixus who frowned not because of the two women but because of Naevia, Lucretia's servant with whom he had a romance. She also kept looking at Orion.

 « Lucretia I didn't know you had such a specimen in your ludus ! Why did you hide the existence of such a divine creature from me?! » Iliythia asked teasingly, she was obviously interested in Orion and wanted to get a closer look at him.

 "Orion arrived here very recently, unfortunately he is a free man so apart from his performance in the arena he does not owe an account to anyone. We can't even touch him without his permission. » Lucretia replied.

 « He's not a slave, it's a shame ! Anyone would want to possess such an exquisite being, all the women here want him in their beds! » Iliythia said smiling.

 "All of them?!" Lucretia asked and they started laughing until Iliythia's gaze fell on Spartacus and her expression changed from delight to disgust.

 "So this Thracian is still alive?!" she asked contemptuously.

 Orion saw the act and looked at the women with a frown, Spartacus had told him his story and he despised the couple who had condemned Spartacus and Sura.

 Iliythia was annoyed by Spartacus' presence and felt annoyed.

 « *sigh* this heat is suffocating me, Orion is a magnificent spectacle in himself but we can't touch him so it's quite unfortunate! » she complained.

 Lucretia: Enjoy the party, wine and eat !

 Iliythia: I'm afraid your wine has already put me to sleep dear, maybe I should go home.

 Lucretia began to panic, she and her husband wanted at all costs to satisfy this woman to receive the support of her husband Legate Glaber. She looked at Batiatus and nodded to him, he immediately came to his wife.

 Batiatus: Is something wrong?!

 Lucretia: Iliythia is starting to get bored.

 Batiatus looked at Iliythia and said to his wife with a smile, "Maybe she would be interested in something more extreme." he winked as he left.

 Lucretia: Iliythia dear, if the wine itself already puts you to sleep then perhaps you will be interested in something more carnal.

 She looked at the gladiators and gave a teasing smile to her friend who became extremely curious about the rest of the program.

Lucretia scanned the gladiators and stopped in front of Varro, "You, come with me!" she ordered him, Varro was surprised and full of apprehension but before he moved forward Iliythia spoke up.

 "No, not him, it's Orion I'd love to see in action!" she said pointing at him with a look filled with lust. Orion frowned and Varro sighed in relief.

 Lucretia saw the situation becoming problematic, Orion was a free man so if he did not want to act in front of Iliythia, no one could force him to do so.

She went near Orion to talk to him and ask him to come with her but he didn't even look at her and remained unmoved.

 "My agreement is with your husband, I promised to bring prestige to his house by acting in the arena, not by being your plaything. And since it is with him that I have an agreement, he is the only one qualified to ask me anything. » he replied calmly.

 « YOU DARE ?! » Lucretia got angry, she was used to slaves so her temper was sensitive when her commands were defied.

 Orion gave Lucretia a cold look and she felt shivers run down her spine. « I tried to be polite earlier but if you want to raise my voice with me then I might have to change my attitude with you. For the last time I ask you, never use this tone with me again, ma'am. » Orion was already annoyed by these women.

 Batiatus who was watching the scene came, "What in the gods is happening here?!" he asked and Lucretia told him everything.

Batiatus looked at his wife and reminded her that Orion's status was special.

 He turned to Orion and tried to convince him to do something tonight and after more attempts, Orion agreed on the condition that he choose his partner and that Batiatus would owe him a favor and the latter nodded head with enthusiasm.

 Iliythia was delighted but Lucretia for her part had a complicated look, she knew that her attitude would give her a very, very bad impression of Orion and that apparently she would never have him in her bed.

 Orion followed them to another room and Lucretia warned some important guests that Orion was going to give a special performance, everyone was excited about this announcement.

 "What exactly should I do?!" Orion asked.

 "I want you to show us your sexual prowess for all to see" Lucretia told him.

 Orion looked at the slave girls and said calmly "I would be honored if any of you would like to be my partner!!"

 The girls started to blush and one of them pointed to herself faster than the others.

 Orion calmly walked towards the girl saying, "Thank you for this honor."

 When she saw Orion approaching her, she positioned herself on all fours on the small bed in the room, waiting to be penetrated. Orion looked at him and shook his head.

 "I could use some oil please!" he said despite the great curiosity of the guests in the room, he got what he asked for.

 He approached the slave and slowly he started to undress her. At his touch, she flinched because although she was willing, she was still a little scared.

The guests were curious about Orion's actions, The objective he had been given was to fuck this slave and she was already positioned for the act but he slowed things down.

 "Orion what are you doing?!" Lucretia asked, she too wanted to see him fuck like all the other women present but he hadn't started yet.

 Orion ignored her and looked into the girl's eyes, she looked at Orion's face and her gaze showed a certain expression because of Orion's beauty.

 « What is your name ?! » Orion asked him with a soft smile on his lips.

 "Zena, my name is Zena!" she said weakly with shyness.

 Orion: I am sincerely delighted to meet you Zena, my name is Orion and I hope you and I will hang out often.

 Zena had her cheeks start to turn red, ever since her childhood where she became a slave, a sex object even sometimes and it was the only time a man spoke to her like that.

 The crowd watched the interaction and some women almost had their breath taken away by Orion's charming manner towards a simple slave girl, Roman men were boors compared to him.

 « Zena, you know like I do why we were brought together here but what I would like to know is if you want to do it with me. » Orion said looking at her calmly.

 Orion finished undressing the girl and said smiling "You really have the body of a goddess my beautiful Zena!" , the girl was so embarrassed and at the same time happy that she hid her face with her hands.

 "Relax and let me do it, let's show these people the passion of two bodies!" he said making Zena lie down on the small bed arranged for them and as if at his request, the girl started to relax.

 Orion applied oil to different parts of Zena's body and removed the loincloth he had on before starting to massage her.

 « What is he doing ?! Why is he rubbing oil on her body instead of fucking her?! »

 « Look at this slave's face! She seems to like it! »

 "Am I the only one shocked by the size of this boys cock?!"

 The audience began to criticize what Orion was doing when groans began to be heard.

 With his knowledge of female anatomy, Orion knew where the most sensitive parts of a woman's body were located, which with enough stimulation caused intense pleasure.

 The moans were getting louder and louder under Orion's massage and Zena's vagina started to get wet and after almost two and a half minutes of massage, she had an orgasm.

 Many women were now looking at the young slave with envy. For the men, the young woman's moans caused bumps to appear on the bottom of their togas.

 Orion not only massaged her with his hands but also let his body rub against the girl's. After a while, both were oiled up and Orion had a big erection. Erection that made a few vaginas in the room tremble.

 Zena after her orgasm had her thighs which did not stop trembling, with an intoxicated expression, she rubbed Orion's cock while moving back and forth.

 "Take me please!" she asked pleadingly as her body still had some spasms from the friction of Orion's hand on her clit.

 "It will be my pleasure!" Orion said smiling, he would now get down to business.