
Spare Parts: The rise Prince of Crimson.

The world which was torn apart by the war, between humans and Unknowns, It was the period several classified Nations and Kingdom joined an alliance to fight against Alien Metal Lifeform- In short MetLife, but to do so with the limited amount of resource and food, the humanity was distributed into different Alliance. They are divided into Class 1 to Class 8, When war continued to rampage the world, humanity was cornered to the fortified city and states, where the connection between each become thinner and thinner as if all the city were disappearing in the midst of the fog. When this world of his turn out to be a VR simulation and real-world which is filled with the monster and alien species... With a system that helps him master everything, would Adam will be able to become the master General in the reality. A hero of VR can become the hero of reality... Watch my journey, I am Adam, and I will become, the new reaper for this world painted with blood and shit...

Shubham_Gosai_1691 · Urban
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22 Chs

Trial Edge

"Adam-Sama, it is time for breakfast, wake up already you are going to be late for military school." A maid with blond hair smiled at the silently sleeping boy's face, who tried to cover his face with the blanket again but was stopped by the maid on his side.

Adam opened his eyes, and the lingering fear reflected his eyes, it has already been 7 years since that incident, and he has been having those Nightmares coming back to him again and again.

Where after 3 years of Mind discipline that Adam was able to control them this year, but still he could hide the fear of waking up from that dream again every morning, "It looks like, I need to work harder on my mental situation, how will I be able to Command those troops with this kind of mindset." Adam smiled bitterly as he got up from the bed, where the maid was unable to tell what her young master was murmuring at this moment.

Adam stood up, he was a well-developed person and had broad muscles and tall height, be able to tell that he was only 15 years old at this age, he had completely mastered over Warframe maintenance and Warframe battle engagement training, he was also called as the genius of the Republic, people around him already have so much expectation on his part, that was the reason all the responsibility fall on his tiny shoulders.

This world war was frequent news and number of casualties every day at news, has already reached in hundred per day, Adam looked at the Open Board which was middle of the City, everyone even at the end of the city can see this board and 127 which was written with scarlet red, signify something Adam hated the most...

"I am still weak, I can't do anything but that will change today and I am about to change the world and this war, without sacrificing any life in that process," Adam spoke silently, inside his head as a silent chant, and started to move toward the dining room.

This world was known as Earth, where it had a size of that of 10 times that earth we all know, no one knew that Adam was reincarnated into this world. Comparing previous earth which was peaceful, and this world where the first experience of this world, as he saw his father dying in front of him, Adam had no word to explain why he worked his ass out in this world.

Where one thing was to confirm that, he was not born with any kind of cheat, to make this world a little easier. Adam sat on his chair, his back was straight and a cloth was hooked on his neck, with proper etiquette, he waited for his breakfast, Maria brought him the food where he was not a virgin anymore.

During his trauma, Maria who had supported him, end up becoming his first prey, well Maria was a maid and she was willing so, nothing got out of control.

Food was a meat ballet and bread, along with fine herb salad, milk with peanut taste which was something a growing teenage boy would need, Adam did not have to eat it all, it was fine until he ate little from everything for the perfect diet.

Adam sat and started waiting, while Maria stood on his backside, right behind his chair looking at him eat everything on the diet plan, she always admire the sight, where Adam did not protest against any kind of diet, recommended for him.

Adam wiped his mouth with the tissue and clean his hand, even though he used a Knife and spike, where he stood up and Maria dragged the chair back, creating enough room for him to move out of that position, all the process was done without any noise created during the process.

Maria was definitely a certified maid to pull this out, Adam took a breath and started moving out of the room, he walked and took the bath, where several maids did their work and Adam nodded at them to move out.

Dressing properly was noble etiquette which he had to do himself, Adam was very sharp with the movement, as he completely dressed up in around a minute which was rather surprising from such formal clothing manner.

Adam was standing at the door, as he turned back to look at his personal maid Maria and kissed her lips, while speaking "I'll be going then, take care and do not do anything reckless, I won't go easy on anyone for something out of line." as he spoke those word clear and louder while making his way out of the home.

Adam looked at the chaperone who has been working for him for quite a long time, Adam politely nodded at the old man since he was the personage, he has to give his respect to, just like his father and mother always did and do.

The old man smiled and opened the gate, to let Adam sit inside the car, where they started traveling. The road was bustling with the people, and a cheerful environment contradicted the truth, that the war still going on around this sheltered city, Adam revealed a sarcastic smile at that sight while complication behind that smile, was seen through by the Old man at the driving seat.

'How much, our master has to suffer like that, even though his heart is truly wonderful, and this old man's last wish is to see that coming into the light, in front of this rotten world of ours.' Rid thought as he looked at Adam in the rearview mirror, with his experience of 60 years, he was able to tell what Adam was thinking and it become more predictable, after that incident 7 years ago. Adam finally saw the high school, which only recruit geniuses from the whole mass and collected at this small ground of the school.

Adam walked out of the car and Rid followed Adam by his side, it was special permission that allowed, Adam, to bring his Chapereon alongside him in the High School premises. After all, higher won't take it silently if a genius like him would be targeted by the jealous, after all in this war, they needed a genius like Adam to completely win this war for humanity's sake.

Adam walked had attracted many people attention, after all, today after 5 months of his enrollment, he would be able to command a group, many powerful commander troops had asked for his attention, and they did not fight with each other after all, he would be able to allowed to control far more troop in few years, and they could be companion after that.

Adam was wearing a white Blazer, lined with Red thin crystal tissue and adorned with several shining gems, then white pants with the same design by was fortified with a force field. According to analysis, it can take the damage of 100 Kg of pressure and absorb it without any damage to the user.

The car on the stand had 2 mechanical armor suites for an emergency which might be required at the time of need, Adam walked silently, without getting bothered by the people in the surrounding, but his eyes were observing everything and anything, which was the part of his training.

Adam was training like this from a young age, this method can train the mind to handle loads of information, he also played strategic stimulator and even was able to challenge veterans of the outside world in Major Post, thanks for this war that those veterans were not angry at his feats, they even welcomed him open-armed after all war had trained them to be open-minded in this kind of field.

When Adam finally reached the stadium, where the ceremony at which all those in General course has passed, announce and they will be allowed to choose their own Squadron. When teachers saw Adam figure, they felt respect and gratitude, as Adam was still on the time before the ceremony started, since he did not like to be late and always come before anyone can reach due to which his record was way too perfect.

"Good morning Respected Teacher Adam Von Alark, will be troubling you again early as usual," Adam spoke as he looked at the teacher for their response, every single one of them nodded and smiled at Adam, they did not speak anything given they had no such words to praise him, where Adam looked at the Sector 8 students, those are the people which are called as spare parts and they will be the one who will join his Squadron.

Adam dislike the word like spare part using to describe them, they were humans they were about to become the soldier which will be fighting for this City, they are the true honorable ones and should be respected by others, where Adam knew why this treatment was needed to be thrown at them, A Major is not allowed to get attached to them, after all the death rate will regress their mentality to brink or verge of madness.

Adam whereas believe that it was an excuse for those who are weak, to hide their inadequate weakness, used such holy terms to hide their true self, just like he did after that Incident and now he was hereafter working over his inadequacy, he wanted to write down his own history there not have to compromise with anything, especially not for his heart and mindset.

Adam walked toward the ground those Sector 8 students were going, after all, he was thinking of accessing the best squad he can control, Rid also walked by his side politely.

Adam reached the ground which was facilitated by the small Trio-Armour, currently, a beautiful silver-haired girl was dueling with a person, behind her were 27 students of her class or more properly Squadron, in front of him was a boy with red hair color, he seems to be strong and Agile with his movement.

While white hair girl was called Lena Leofone, she was extremely talented in the field of celebrity and mech-control. When Red hair one attacked, Lena with a light side stepped dodged the attack of the huge blade, while a knife cut the Controller Back Hayline.

The match was over in a second, where most of the General course revealed grim looks as they looked at Silver Haired girl, even though she did a splendid job to defeat such a strong opponent just like that, but on the contrary, General course student was having such a wrong expression on their face, not because she was a girl and was so strong, but everything has his own history behind it, and the girl in front of him also had such history.

Adam smiled since he was already prepared to choose her and her squadron, where her squadron was not overall stronger than any Squadron he had seen, they were not able to hide anything from Adam analysis, given every single 27 students had something no other squadron could have, even do they will not win at frontal confront, but it was a different case if it was a Warzone, this was something only Adam was able to see through, where had to look at a certain place, a boy was standing with the grin.

That Boy was a nasty character and was also one of the General Course geniuses, but in front of Adam he was nothing he had to pay attention to given the difference was between sky and earth.

Olter was dead set on having her as his toy, where he was blinded by his greed and anger, where he claimed in the ceremony that he would take her squadron as his and make them die at the first mission, as quickly as possible. Adam would not of something like this to happen, he was not an idiot, who could through a was such a genius of Squadron to death, because of petty thinking.