
Spare Parts: The rise Prince of Crimson.

The world which was torn apart by the war, between humans and Unknowns, It was the period several classified Nations and Kingdom joined an alliance to fight against Alien Metal Lifeform- In short MetLife, but to do so with the limited amount of resource and food, the humanity was distributed into different Alliance. They are divided into Class 1 to Class 8, When war continued to rampage the world, humanity was cornered to the fortified city and states, where the connection between each become thinner and thinner as if all the city were disappearing in the midst of the fog. When this world of his turn out to be a VR simulation and real-world which is filled with the monster and alien species... With a system that helps him master everything, would Adam will be able to become the master General in the reality. A hero of VR can become the hero of reality... Watch my journey, I am Adam, and I will become, the new reaper for this world painted with blood and shit...

Shubham_Gosai_1691 · Urban
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22 Chs

School Campus.

Astan was a commoner, he was birth by a commoner woman, where his father identity was unknown to him, he grow up to be a commoner when in a beast tide, his mother died, Astan was left alone, it was at that period of time his father, who was an aristocracy, was not able to let his child bear more problem brought him back.

Inside Aristocrat family he was mentally tortured by his age group, after all, for them, he was just an outsider, even though his father try to protect him at all cost, he was not there for him for every second, so it was impossible for his father to protect him day and night.

Astan, mature faster than any boy of his age group, not only that he showed a great amount of hard work and talent, he was the one adopted and inherited, the most powerful ability of his father [glimpse Eyes] ability to see through any technique and abilities, where he can copy them for himself.

Astan father was proud of his son, but Astan never accepted his father surname, until the day he lost a commoner friend, Astan decided to adopt his father name, but on the condition that he would, gives his father name to protect all the commoners, and his dear ones.

Brien was happy to know that, he always wanted Astan to accept his name even for other motives, on the other hand, the reason touched his heart, to protect was the greatest reason they joined the military, where his son was trying to save commoner using his name. It was the finest reason for Brien, so he happily allowed Astan.

"See, I told you, I am strong!" Astan walked as he snickers with a smile, Adam nodded as he looked at Lena, who told him about Astan's past, as he asked, "In short, he is a good guy, we can count on."

Lena smiled and nodded, Emilia was also okay with that, she agreed, after all, she knew that guy from middle school time.

Emilia looked at Astan who was walking and spoke "Even though, he is an idiot, he is a good idiot."

"Heh! How can I be an idiot, Emilia- San, it is way too rude ya! know."

"See..." Emilia spoke as she rolled her eyes at Astan, where Adam smiled and nodded, but he did feel the pressure, after all, All the member in this team was strong, if they were to include Astan, all of them are literally way too strong for him, Lasha was also blessed with talent, but the family was poor, she was not able to, bring out her true potential and after today, she will be able to bring out the best.

Adam had to make sure, he would not be left behind by them...

Emilia, Lena, and Astan were originals, their ability came from the family lineage, something which cannot be copied by others.

Once the test was over they were teleported again, they were teleported seemingly in front of a building, given anyone could guess that, after all, it was the high school, they were about to go to, they will be spending most of their coming few years inside.

The academy was tall and majestic, not to say it was in the middle of the city, to guarantee its safety against the beast raids, after all, the students studying inside our humanity next hope.

Adam looked at School and smiled, after all, it was way too flashy, in a single term, it was more like several mansions, collecting in a single place, where the height of each structure was around a few thousand meters.

There were several teachers and instructors standing in front of the students, at the gate of the High School, the majority of the passerby were looking at them from time to time, after all, they were too eye-catching, their eyes were filled with Envy and admiration.

When Adam and the rest walked, they were told to hold on, for the other training student's test at the training ground.

Once in a while, those students were teleported there, until their number reached 60ts, the teacher smiled and spoke "Okay, you guys need to follow me now, as I will take you around the campus and don't go wander off, I do not so much free time at all."

The teacher was a masked man, but by the look of the arm covered in bruises, he was revealing imminent pressure, just by visual looks of his body.

He was a middle-aged man, with brown hair and a broad chest, seemingly, he seemed to be coming from exercising, cause he was sweating a ton, by the looks of his clothes.

He knocked his head around, while he said "I am Smarton, Instructor Smarton, You bastard, remember to call me Instructor, whenever you see me, is not I might end it up breaking your balls."

Every one of them felt chill, as they nodded and walked especially it was for boys, given he said he would break balls, which literally was targeting boys, not girls, which was clear as day and night.

While Smarton walked around describing the various place, everyone was chanting 'Thank you, Instructor.' after all, they do not want to piss off this instructor at all.

except for girls, who were laughing, and both Adam and Astan too, given he did say, whenever they meet, not every time they are with him.

Adam and Astan once greeted Smarton, from then on they do not, think they need to anymore so they chatted around, hearing Smarton explain...

"You guys should start to know each other as much as you can, after all, you guys might be fighting with each other in the near future, and you all will be classmates from now on."

Hearing that, Level 2 started to enthusiastically chat around with each other, simultaneously, a few level 3 were ignoring others, were a few level 2 were trying to lick their boots off. which was a common occurrence, Level 1 was lifted out from the chat circle, as if they were, being isolated by an unknown barrier. Lasha and another boy were pushed to the back, after all, they were only Level 1 over here, Adam smiled and walked to them, "Yo! Having a hard time blending in." Adam spoke when Lena and Emilia walked. "Hmm! seemingly here you are Adam." Emilia spoke, while Astan also walked to join the group, both Lasha and the Level 1 guy, were surprised, seemingly they felt warmth in this group.

"So there you are Adam, I had been searching. Men, all of those jumped on me after that, seemingly, a guy even touched my bum, man I really felt creeped out, after all, the group who jumped were all boys, who could be that guy." He spoke at which all they laughed about, where the atmosphere changed "Common let's look around buddy, I don't want to hang, out with that creeper."

Adam nodded as he looked at Astan, where he turned and looked at Lasha and the other guy, he spoke out "Come on, you want to come or not. Don't be such a downer, you are coming after all."

Lasha and another boy named Colt, Colt looked around and looked at Adam and others, after all, Lena was part of the group, along with Emilia, and Astan, where Adam was a mysterious one among them.

All six of them were standing in a different group than the rest, walking around together, they were having a great time around, where Adam looked at the rest of the school ground.

They were shown a battle arena, where they have equipment used for battle power testing, there were also areas which was designated for fighting and practicing. They would be able to use them, but the equipment was limited, for that, they had to use School points, to pre-register them carefully.

They were shown the Main class or Homeroom class, which was free for everyone, and from time to time, teachers would come and share their experiences.

The next destination was the school library, Adam was quite interested in it, after all, the habit he end up having during the VR session, is not something he can get rid of that easily.

The library was split into 5 sections, where 1 st section was for 1st years after that was the area, with actual combat experience of teacher and seniors, with great achievement, they had recorded that and put them on the 2nd section.

3rd and 4th section of the ground floor was filled with herbal and another field of knowledge.

finally 5th one was teacher staff. Simultaneously, there was 1st floor above the ground floor, Second floor above the first floor, 3rd floor above the second floor.

Finally, the tour was coming to an end as Smarton stopped outside a new building, which was the new school dorms they are about to live in, the girls and boys were separate or any kinds, of problem, could have risen like overpopulation and all.

"This Is the place, where are you guys will be leaving from now on, during your stay here, once you have dropped all of your things, feel free to go around and explore the whole Academy once again, after all, this place is too big, it can be problematic during your class and you guys already have, this whole afternoon to explore this place." Each student was given their rooms number, as they simultaneously walked towards their own room one by one, toward their specific room numbers.

Adam then noticed Astan walking towards the same room he was going on, seemingly both of the room numbers were the same, where he was about to have a headache, to live alongside a guy like this.

"Hey, Ad! what is your room number again." Adam's mouth twitched at Ad and he was feeling the urge to beat the guy in front of him, after all, they were standing in front of the same room.

"16 room number." As Adam entered the room, "Oh Yeah! see even fate wants us to be great friends and all, so why not let me in the team brother."

"Maybe after some time." While Adam and Astan ignored commoner students fighting, right; left to them for the room number, after all, there was not a singer rule, which states that they cannot snatch away the room number from others, and in a war zone like this strength is that authority which is the sole rule every soldier has to follow.

After Adam walked over inside the room, which was small and tight-fitting, they are unable to do anything for the time being, given both of them were quite free at this period. Adam looked at his roommates, one was Colt guy who they had met, Astan threw the guy from noble linage outside, and asked him to exchange with Colt, after all, the first thing he did after coming inside was to throw out Adam, which pissed Astan a lot.

The room was luxurious, with 3 separate beds on the three sides, while the empty room had a lot of space for exercise and all, a refrigerator, which was custom ordered by Astan, and had many drinks, Adam had to thank Astan for that, after all, it was simply a luxury item, Astan dropped that topic saying, he needed that, and since it was here he allowed them to use it.

When Astan, Adam, and Colt, were drinking the cold drink, which came out from the refrigerator and was one of the think Astan had ordered, Astan asked " What do you guys want to do." Colt was now freely able to talk to them, seemingly, this guy was one of the site types, it took time for them to open his shell and dragged him out to talk with them, finally, it seemed to them that the shy boy has open up to them, can casually talk with them, without caring about there difference.

" I was thinking of going to the library, after all, there are many things I want to research about, only then I will be able to feel at rest." Adam wanted to read about the enemy they are about the face, in the near future... After all, Lena and Emilia were still counting on him, to take a major part in the decision-making Role, which was similar to the commander role, in the VR he has gone through, where he had developed confidence which can help him out even in the real world.

"Alright, Adam I'll hang out with you, after all, I will be taking some experience related to Ice ability I have copied of Lena, she can use it skillfully, and I want to develop, my own way of using it." Astan stopped as he looked at Adam "Besides, I can't leave you alone, you don't know, knowing Lena and Emilia, and being so close to them, you have already garnered much hatred, and It is not something good for you buddy."