
Spare Parts: The rise Prince of Crimson.

The world which was torn apart by the war, between humans and Unknowns, It was the period several classified Nations and Kingdom joined an alliance to fight against Alien Metal Lifeform- In short MetLife, but to do so with the limited amount of resource and food, the humanity was distributed into different Alliance. They are divided into Class 1 to Class 8, When war continued to rampage the world, humanity was cornered to the fortified city and states, where the connection between each become thinner and thinner as if all the city were disappearing in the midst of the fog. When this world of his turn out to be a VR simulation and real-world which is filled with the monster and alien species... With a system that helps him master everything, would Adam will be able to become the master General in the reality. A hero of VR can become the hero of reality... Watch my journey, I am Adam, and I will become, the new reaper for this world painted with blood and shit...

Shubham_Gosai_1691 · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Battle Ground Part 1.

Adam opened his eyes in the real world, as he looked at Lena in his arm and checked her temperature, but was unconscious all this time, where a blue shining Shurikens appeared out of thin air.

Adam's eyes were shining blue as shurikens in his hand were, where an unknown second passed and his body moved, where Lena on his embrace started regaining health and color back on her face, where a miniature Loreal appeared and spoke to him.

"Now that's good, she is rather safe now, the anesthesia will keep her sleep for several hours, so Adam you can go on a rampage now, Ah! And let me see the cool bot can do at your hand, so excited. "

The tiny Loreal spoke in a cheerful manner where Adam nodded and smiled, the tension in the air vanished like it was never there, to begin with.

Adam summoned an electrical ball, which Adam tapped on the switch and... Back at the tournament started, when Adam appeared in a room and looking around, he only found the different weird parts at the sight, Adam was a sniper and commander in training, due to that his perception was that of a monster level, if visible to his normal sight, he had trained from the very young age, while a weird Shuriken is that of a length around 90 to 100cm.

At a closer look, Adam found it was a pair of it, their body shone with a glint, which was telling Adam that it was sharp and powerful, Adam picked it up barely using his all, where the light on them shone and they became light as they floated around the palm and back of his palm, shrinking into small-sized.

Adam sighed as he looked at the Shuriken and thought about the nuisance he had faced on his planet, which must have the powerful power source but the same technology to shrink.

When he found a cloth he had never seen and wore them, where he found the suit had prevention measures and other facilities, Adam had looked around and found nothing useful after that, he looked at the weird screen and saw it was a map, where he was able to see, small red dots blinking from time to time.

According to the information which was rushing into his mind, he knew it was about an enemy who is using some method to attack, and by the number of dots, Adam knew the no of battles had already gone beyond the 20 or so, where 3 dots were around his location, he remembered to wait for Loreal, but for some reason, he was way too curious about the fight which was going on 500 meters away from him, but he also knew that if he were to enter the range of 200, they would be able to detect him.

Adam stopped for a moment and then he started running in the direction of the battle.

Adam walked silently without making any noise, he silently walked and looked around the area in front of him, which was a building and he could only see flashes of blue and flicker, where bullets with minimal damage, were shot at the opponent from both the side.

Those guns they had on hand were radiating from time to time, the lines of those bullets could be seen from time to time, the opponent was closing time based on the prediction, Adam was enthralled by the looks of the fight, where he pondered over something and thought over something else, where he opened the map and expanded the house or we should say structure.

Adam calculated in his mind, in his world training physics is not highly preferred but on the other hand, we preferred to train our brain units, so having calculation of all the structural, and pinpointing the enemy movements is something Adam good at. Adam walked toward the structure and maintained a 200-meters distance at all cost, when saw a ladder, and used the body momentum to climb on the tree, which was outside the 200 meter- range unit.

At which Adam climbed silently, when he reached the limit of the tree, he was looking at 3rd floor, where the battle was going on 1st floor, Adam at that moment jumped down from the inside, and when he was in mid-air of the second floor, he threw the Shuriken which curved and dived at the position of one shooter, who did not even realize that he was cut in the half.

The other party was enraged given he did not even notice where it was shot from and knew the Shuriken attack, will be coming for him for sure, so he roared and jumped out to the tree and with a kick, he jumped to 2nd floor, where he looked at the map and saw the red light on the side of the cabinet, which was a perfect place for Shuriken user to hide, where Adam was standing on the first floor right beneath the cabinet, where Adam smiled as he heard the gunshot, where his other Shuriken curved and before the opponent can realize, he was sliced in half.

On the map, which is usually set at 2-D type, first floor, and second-floor overlap, where the enemy was busy fighting with other enemies, Adam knew of the fact that they won't be able to use 3D type at all unless they are a super genius or something, even he was not able to do at the current stage, so, he manipulated the mind of the enemy and struck at the right second.

"Beginner on explosion." A loud voice reverberated as the no of the audience was silently watching the show, cheering out loud at the silent action, where Adam smile at the moment he sliced the opponent was breath chilling, even they were able to feel the horror of the player against that boy, not to say that anyone over there was able to recognize the boy at all and by that virtue they were sure he was new beginner for sure, where the women, once we're on the committee, looked at Adam performance smiled.

Adam walked at the point of the first enemy and found a Box, when tapped his body was covered with a new suit and a set of the helmet, He found 2 gun weapon slot which was free and found a sniper in it, it was named death shot which was the name given by the owner of the gun, while he found nothing else important, Adam had 27 bullets of the sniper and it's real type name was [Askan-5].

Adam smiled at it and found that usually, the opponent would not drop everything like this, but the guy was having his terminal battle, at which the opponent would drop everything after his death and usually they do not do so.

Adam looked at the map again and looked at the next target which was on the way to the center of the map, given he saw something life map was fading and knew to concentrate enemy this system must have been set or something, while he recalled PUBG game from his previous life and smiled.

The next opponent is also shooting, and there were 2 ways, the first one was to head straight towards the enemy, but there was no cover area and there were fewer trees around those areas, Adam do not want to take the risk so he decided to go on a long way, after all, he was not here to increase the KD rate in this tournament, he was here to win this competition.

Where he first looked around with a scope on the sniper around from the top of the 5th floor, where there was no sign of the enemy and jumped down, normally he should have died like this, but the 2nd opponent dropped these boots, due to which he was able to jump on the second floor so easily and now he used the same boots to levitate when he heard from the group chat, "Adam, that's good you are alright, stay there I am just behind you 200 meter and closing in."

Where Adam looked and found Loreal, who was coming at him with astonishing speed, where she had 7 little drone types around her.

"Oh! It seems you are alright, now shall we go and win, while Adam, were you the one who killed both of those people." Loreal pointed at the dead sign marked on her map, where Adam nodded and spoke "Both of them were just a little careless, I could not have killed them so easily at all if it was one on one, but thanks to God there were two of them and they were fighting each other."

Where he jumped while Loreal did so too, where they finally reached the ground floor, when Adam told her about his next plan of action, and explain why you would want to engage them and finish them as soon as possible.

Where Loreal I was also in the favor of Adams plan, given in this competition there is also death count, if the number of the count reached certain amount they would be able to take the equipment from the committee for free, where Adam was shocked and happy since that Shuriken was something he wanted and that sniper too.

Loreal nodded as she showed her Kills point which was already 24, which shut Adam mouth where she silently explained, that she had played this many times and it was her first time as a real ID, given a person is not allowed to enter this competition until he reached the age of 18 giving some exceptions like him.

Adam nodded since Loreal was a princess and she might have an experience like that from time to time, Adam, who was ready started to dash the forest where Loreal cast something, which made them almost blend in the natural environment, where he was surprised but did not stop at all, given there must be some kind of time period and he wanted to make the best out of it.

Loreal explained to him that there is a special case in this world and they are able to find exclusive equipment, which cannot be found easily, where she had collected around three of them before coming here, given she wanted to make sure that they won this competition.

Adam was really touched about her concern and care about this competition for him, where he swear that in the future, he would do something for her for sure and repay the kindness him today, given in this world the people like this care about others to this degree were far less and rare, so he was sure about that it would be impossible define the character like her in few days time period.

In the real world...

The rain grew heavier and Adam was coming out of the cave, where Loreal spoke something to Adam, "Adam, it seems that your guest is here, why not go and welcome them, given their position is around not 125 southwest and there are 27 of those MetLife without any high condense energy carrier, seemed to me that they had thought about both being heavily injured and sent them to scout out your bodies."

Where the left-hand Shuriken expanded to the highest degree of 3 meters in length, while rotational and violent energy formed the sharpest blade, which absorbed all 10 power slots of the equipment in this attack.

Previously, when he attacked the duo from that sniper guy, he used only 1 power slot, but this time he was quite angry, and to let it out, he ended up using all the 10 slots of energy, which was released at the forest side, where Adam twisted his finger and thin energy thread which connect the Shuriken and Adam flicked causing it to swing and cut off the whole forest in half, where all 27 of them were sliced in the half.

Adam walked and picked up Lena from the cave entrance as he directly headed toward the Beehive, given he was in the mood to destroy the whole base on his own this time, without any help and gave those MetLife a warning, when a clone of his started to form out of metallic liquid which came out of nowhere and that thing was Multi Handler Sky-Bot, he named him Eon, as he took a deep breath and walked opposite of the direction, where Eon who took Adam shape changed his shape took a mysterious getup.