
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Troll Trouble.

"Aaron, welcome back." Eleanor greeted him beside the entrance door as he walked in.

Aaron walked past completely ignoring her, he was too occupied with the rewards he was given after his hard days of leveling up.

<Quest: Reach level 10>

<Status: Completed>


[Status Recovery +1, Stat points +100, C+grade katana(Weapon), Darkness (Skill)]

'Hmmm... So I got a new skill and a katana, I'll first take a look at the katana." Aaron spoke.

Eleanor had been staring at Aaron all this time, seeing him interact with himself wasn't normal but so was taking out two elves all alone as a human.

Aaron opened his inventory and there were a bunch of items in there he had acquired while farming XPs from wolf hide to goblins tribe neckless. He then scrolled till he found what he was looking for.

<C+grade katana {Unnamed}>

[This blade was forged in the sweat and toil of an unknown blacksmith that hoped to gain fame and glory but was killed before achieving his dream.

Causes [Effect] Blood loss if an enemy is sliced five times within the first 30 seconds of the first slash.]

"Ohh, it has an effect bonus attached to it... Better than that useless spear I bought from the system's shop, to think I'd be robbed of my 800 gold coins."

"And it still broke on me halfway through the battle after costing an arm," Aaron said as he pulled out the katana from his inventory.

To ordinary eyes, it would seem like the katana was being pulled out from thin air.

Aaron held the katana and swung it around a bit testing how well it handled.

"It feels lighter than I expected," He spoke up swinging it some more. "But to think this is an unnamed blade".

"Alright, time to see what this skill's about," he said opening up his skills menu.

<Darkness (Rare - level 1)>

[With 15 mana per use this skill can be cast on whoever you deem fit, this skill inflicts temporary blindness on whoever it's used on and last for 5 seconds]

<Cool Down time: 10 minutes>

"5 seconds... that's a small window but a lot could happen in such an amount of time," Aaron remarked.


Back in the village, Tarvish was still undergoing treatment but he had gotten better and could now speak.

"Tarvish, to think you'll lose to another human, guess he got lucky somehow." the doctor who was treating him stated.

"Ifrit what I faced wasn't human... It was the farthest thing from being a human," Tarvish told the doctor with a serious look.

"What do you mean?" doc.Ifrit questioned looking quite interested.

"when it stood over me before taking my left arm I caught a glimpse of its eyes and it was cold, cold as death and its darkness ran as far as the eyes could contain". Tarvish added.

"Wow I've never seen you this shaken in my life, it must have been scary."

"I could tell he was holding back his strength, my advice to everyone is to obey and he just might protect us...

'Waaarrggghhh' A scream broke out cutting the carpenter's words short.

Ifrit and Tarvish rushed out to see what caused the scream.

Just outside the entrance of the village stood approximately ten trolls. With saggy shoulders wielding heavy clubs made of bones, anyone could figure they weren't here for tea.

One troll stepped out from the rest and it was obvious he was the head of the group. He was way more muscular than the rest, with scars all over his body, a giant slash across his right eye, and a heavy club in his right hand.

He let out a smile exposing his large tusks and disarranged teeth.

"What are you trying to do?" Ifrit asked as Tarvish immediately rushed in to get his hammer, "You're nowhere near combat-ready you'll just end up throwing your life away."

"So what?" Tarvish questioned, "If they get in here most if not everyone will be dead, I have to try even if it cost me my miserable life."

Knowing his childhood friend's resolve Ifrit knew he couldn't stop him, so he made way as he watched his friend run into his certain demise.

'They're here because we no longer have the protection of the elves. Shit!! If only I still had my other arm.' Tarvish said with disdain as he approached the trolls.

"Leave now or meet your death, I'll only repeat myself once." Tarvish threatened.

The trolls looked at the one-handed carpenter and then looked at each other before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

"Gugagagagagaa!!" their laughs resounded.

"And what if we don't?" The leader replied walking even closer to the entrance, "You're not even a complete warrior."

"You insult the Grunge tribe for coming here to challenge us with one feeble arm." The leader added.

"Come closer and find out how this feeble hand feels," Tarvish said with a huge smile on his face.

'Brugagagagaga' The troll leader laughed. "I like you half-man, I Katanja the strongest warrior of the Grunge tribe will personally take you on, try to entertain me before you die." Katanja voiced as he walked into the village.

'Why does it have to be the toughest one that comes first' Tarvish said with a smile still on his face 'Maybe if I take him down here the rest would retreat.'

"Alright show me what makes you the champion of your tribe, troll," Tarvish worded taking a fighting stance.

Katanja started taking heavy steps toward the carpenter, trolls stood roughly 7-8 feet possessing monstrous strength. Katanja took a heavy swing at Tarvish but he dodged it by the skin of his teeth.

Seeing an opening Tarvish dived under the troll's arm ready to counterattack when all of a sudden its other arm smacked the carpenter sending him crashing a few steps away.

Tarvish stood up cleaning the blood from his mouth, it was his first time fighting after losing one arm and still not fully healed so his balance and coordination were off by miles.

"Are you quitting already?" Katanja asked running towards him, "a warrior should always keep to his words."

"Tsk" Tarvish hissed dashing into the charging troll. The two warrior's weapons met and Tarvish tried holding his ground but the grotesque force sent him flying into a nearby rock, he smacked his head on the rock behind him and blood began flowing.

Losing an arm was a great loss for both the village and Tarvish cause his strength, balance, precision, and impact got halved.

"Don't be bitter, you did well for a human... As a reward, I'll make your death swift." Katanja said as he approached the carpenter who was struggling to remain conscious.

"Go into the land of brave warriors and be at peace," Katanja said as he raised his heavy club above his head.

Just before the club came landing, a shadow-like figure blocked Katanja's club from making its mark.

"You did well, now get some rest I'll take care of the rest." Tarvish looked up and standing in the way of the troll's club was the man who took his arm.

"Okay, you're facing me now," Aaron told Katanja. "You who dare to disturb my peace."

"I'll make you dread the second you stepped those hideous feet into my territory". Aaron sternly stated.


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