
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Katanja The Champion

"Aaron... Aaron the village is being attacked" Eleanor came rushing into the throne room.

"What do you mean it's being attacked?" Aaron asked getting up from his high chair. "I just finished clearing out the goblins who were planning to raid the village around the forest."

"These are trolls, not goblins," Eleanor informed. "They're around ten and among them stands one troll who seems to be the head of the raid."

"So because the elves are dead every hungry creature thinks my village is vulnerable," Aaron said with a long grin on his face.

"The one-armed human you fought the other day is holding them off, but I doubt he'd last any longer," Eleanor predicted.

Before she could word her concern with explosive speed Aaron flew out of the throne room towards the entrance of the village.


"You did well, now get some rest I'll take care of the rest." Tarvish looked up and standing in the way of the troll's club was the man who took his arm.

"Huh? Another warrior wanna-be... Can you hold on? let me finish with the one-arm human lying down?" Katanja demanded pointing at Tarvish who had passed out after seeing Aaron.

"You're facing me now," Aaron told Katanja.

"Hmm... I like your resolve, fine I'll face you since you want to die so bad." Katanja expressed drawing back his club.

Just as he withdrew his large bony club, he swung it at Aaron's head hoping to end the fight with one single strike.

"Do you seriously think a slow attack like that would hit me?" Aaron questioned.

Hearing his voice Katanja turned around at an alarming rate, standing behind him was the same human he had tried to squash.

"Don't look so shocked yet, save that expression for when I show you what a true strike looks like," Aaron advised.

"Don't get cocky just because I missed, I'll get you this time," Katanja assured as swung his club at Aaron.

'Whooommm!!!' Katanja's club came landing on Aaron.

"Brugagagaa... Let me see you blab your mouth now," Katanja declared as he felt his club smack Aaron. "Now one challenges the strongest warrior of the Grunge tribe and lives to tell the tale."

"What sort of drivel are you sprouting from that decayed mouth?" Aaron spoke up. "You didn't miss this time, so what's your excuse."

Blocking his club with one hand Aaron looked at Katanja with disappointment unfazed by his attack.

"Huh!? How is this happening?" the champion troll asked unable to hide the stunned look on his face.

"Didn't I tell you to save the shocked look for when I do strike back," Aaron let out as he dashed into the opening that was created by Katanja's right swing and landed a clean blow to his well-sculpted abdomen.


Unable to contain the blunt force of Aaron's punch he was sent flying into one of the villager's houses.

Before the troll could get up Aaron sprinted toward him with intense force and speed landing a right kick on the side of his face which sends him flying out of the house and crashing into another nearby house.

Seeing as their leader was being overpowered the rest of the trolls ran toward Aaron trying to outnumber him.

"Eleanor, can you take out two of them?" Aaron asked Eleanor who had been observing him from a distance.

"Yeah, two low-IQ beasts shouldn't be such a task," Eleanor let out as she closed the gap between herself and Aaron.

"Get them!... Let them know the wrath of the Grunge tribe!!!" The trolls yelled as they raced toward them.

Eleanor chanted a spell and forest vines sprout from the ground and bind two of the trolls that were racing at them.

Forest magic's a base magic every elf is born with due to being favored by nature.

Eleanor then chanted some more and suddenly wind spears began to form from thin air. She then released her hand and the spears were sent flying toward the trolls.

The trolls had torn apart the vines that bind them and evaded the spears just before they could make contact.

"I was going to make this quick but it seems you want to die in agony" Eleanor slowly and elegantly approached the trolls with a wind sword she had just summoned.

[You've activated skill: Ancient Dominion]

Suddenly the charging trolls feel to their knees under the immense pressure of Aaron's skill.

"Hold on I'll get to you guys soon." He told as he watched the trolls struggle to get up.

Eleanor gracefully held her own against two trolls, using speed buffs she kept on attacking with impeccable speed. She knew if one of the trolls got a hold of her it would be a big problem so she kept her distance whiles still doing steady damage.

'Unlike her parents, I'm glad she's less of a caster and more of a fighter class'. Aaron reflected before shifting his focus back to Katanja who was getting up.

"Ptooo" Katanja spat as he exited the broken house, he tried to stand up straight but his legs kept wobbling.

'This seems like the perfect time to test out my new katana' he noted as he pulled out the katana from his inventory.

"I need to slice my opponent five times within thirty seconds to activate the [Blood loss] effect," Aaron muttered as gradually walked towards the troll who had barely just gotten up.

"I don't disparage you for trying to attack a village that you deemed feeble, your only fallacy was deciding on the wrong village to plunder," gradually sprinting towards katanja Aaron divulged.

"Please, mercy I'm just a warrior who was sent by the..."

With combustive speed and accuracy, Aaron shredded Katanja with his katana.

[Ding! Blood loss is in effect]

[Ding! Blood loss is in...]

[Ding! Blood loss is...]

[Ding! Blood loss...]

[Ding! Katanja the warrior died of blood loss]

[You've acquired 30 stat points]

[You've acquired 10 XP]


Laying on the floor was a dead warrior orc decorated with nothing less than 30 fresh blade cuts.

"Now who's next?" Aaron inquired turning to the remaining trolls who were subjected to ancient dominion.

Seeing their raid leader getting sliced and diced like barbeque destroyed what little morale they had left.

By this time Eleanor was done dealing with the two trolls, she had been fighting. "What should we do with the rest? Kill them off or lock them up in the dungeon," she asked.

"I do not need beasts like trolls, they're too unpredictable," Aaron responded.

'I'll rather kill them and get the XP' He thought as he pierced his katana through the throat of one of the trolls.

"Urgghk" the troll let out silently as it struggled to gasp for air before dying.

[Ding! You've acquired 10 skill points]

[Ding! You've obtained 12 Xp]

Aaron moved on to the next, looked it dead in the eyes, and in the blink of an eye swung his katana freeing the troll's head from its hefty neck.

[Ding! You've acquired 8 skill points]

[Ding! You've obtained 10 Xp]

[You've acquired trolls bone club, troll's tribe wristband, troll's tusk]

Aaron proceeded to pierce and slash all the rest and only stopped because of what the last one said in an attempt to save its life.

"P-please, don't kill me... I can take you to our tribe leader, he's the one who ordered us to pillage your village," the scared troll spilled out.

"Hmmm... Now, this is getting fascinating... It seems we've got a rat," Aaron let out with a smile on his face.



<C+grade katana {Unnamed}>

[This blade was forged in the sweat and toil of an unknown blacksmith that hoped to gain fame and glory but was killed before achieving his dream.

Causes [Effect] Blood loss if an enemy is sliced five times within the first 30 seconds of the first slash.]



<Darkness (Rare - level 1)>

[With 15 mana per use this skill can be cast on whoever you deem fit, this skill inflicts temporary blindness on whoever it's used on and last for 5 seconds]

<Cool Down time: 10 minutes>
