
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs

To The Grunge Tribe

"Ohhohoho... this is getting interesting," Aaron said with a smile.

"Please, just spare my life I was only following orders," the troll pleaded.

She was the only female among the trolls, nothing about her painted her in a feminine light, right from her raspy manly voice down to her muscular physic.

Aaron stared at the troll closely trying to make sure it wasn't some sort of setup and to be certain she wasn't just trolling.

He then proceeded to walk in circles around the kneeling troll like a predator weighing out its prey. Aaron was conflicted, unable to decide whether to take her offer or not.

Trolls are known for their lies and trickery in times of peril right under goblins and can not be taken seriously hence Aaron's extreme caution.

"And why should I believe a word that comes out of a troll's mouth?" He interviewed finally halting in front of the shivering troll.

"Why would you want to sell out your tribe?" Aaron probed even more for if he was going to take this troll's words he has to be ready for anything.

"It-It's not like I want to betray my tribe, I'm just not ready to die," Atalai the surviving troll said bowing her head in shame.

"Stretch forth your hands, can't have you walking around without restraints," Aaron then pulled out a heavy-looking handcuff from his inventory.

"Wait you use both gravity and spacial magic?" Atalai inquired looking quite intrigued to see a human pull out something from thin air.

"Just shut up and stretch your arms" Aaron ordered not ready to listen to the muscle troll.

'Clang Cling Clang Clang Cling' the heavy chains chimed as Atalia followed her captors, the entire village watched as Aaron and Eleanor led the captured troll into their manor.

"To have slain that muscular troll like that and still take on his raid members without sustaining a life-threatening injury," a woman whispered to her husband.

"Yeah there's no way he's human, I even think he can hold his own against an orc," her husband whispered in reply.

As Aaron led Atalai down the cold and dark dungeon he couldn't help but remember how he was dragged down and thrown into his cell as he begged the elves to show him clemency.

"Get in," Aaron gestured as he opened an empty cell. "I'll get back to you when I make my decision".

He then locked the cell and proceeded to climb the stairs leaving the troll to herself.


"So what will it be? Are you going to trust the troll and go against an entire tribe?" Eleanor inquired. "I know you've become extremely capable but a tribe of trolls is quite a feat for even you to handle".

"Don't worry it's not like I'll be going in there axe blazing," Aaron assured.

"I'm not worried" Eleanor countered, "I just want to be the one who kills you that's all."

Aaron then opened his stats recalling he's got some status points he's not yet invested.


[Name: Aaron Plight]

[Race: Dragon <Night breed>]

[Level: 10]

<HP: 185/298> +50

<Mana: 212/226> +50

<XP: 106/300>

[Job Class: <None>]

[Title: <Dragon Lord>]

<Strength: 213> +50

<Agility: 201> +50

<Intelligence: 198> +50

< Stamina: 154> +50

<Durability: 167> +50

Extra stat points: 36


< Sovereignty (Legendary - Level 2)>

<Dark flames (Unique - Level 2)>

<Ancient dominion (Mythic - Level 2)>

<Darkness (Rare - Level 1)>

"So what can I do with thirty-six points?" Aaron mumbled. "I'll invest most of it in my intelligence considering it increases my mana, and the higher it is the more skills I can use"

Aaron instantly started designating his points.

<Strength: 213(+5)> +50

<Agility: 201(+8)> +50

<Intelligence: 198(+13)> +50

< Stamina: 154(+5)> +50

<Durability: 167(+5)> +50

Extra stat points: 0

"That looks well balanced," Aaron said dusting his hands feeling satisfied. "But this blade tho, is the system sure it's a grade?" he remarked pulling out his katana from the inventory.

Aaron observed the blade for a while, weighing and swinging it, and it felt lighter with every swing.

"God bless the unnamed swordsmith who made this masterpiece" Aaron commented putting the katana back in his inventory.

Days ago before the troll attack, Aaron had addressed the people of his little town telling them how he was going to protect his small kingdom and provide resources for everyone who happens to be in it. He had taken care of the protection part now all they needed was resources to thrive.

Tap... Tap... Tap...

Atalai could hear footsteps echo through the dark and misty dungeon, the steps grew louder with every second, in her heart she knew whoever was approaching was coming for her.

Atalai gazed at the darkness through the iron bars of her enclosure when the steps suddenly came to a halt, and from the darkness emerged a man.

He had on a black adventurer cloak and it was impossible to see his face but she knew exactly who it was the minute he spoke out.

"Get up, we're leaving." He said in a calm yet stern tone. "Show me where this Grunge tribe resides" he added as he opened up Atalai's cell.

"Eleanor you'll remain here and watch over New Age... I'll be back as soon as I'm done," Aaron notified the elf who was leaning on the dungeon's wall with her arm crossed.

"I'm seriously against you matching into trolls' territory alone, as I said earlier I need you alive" Eleanor let out, "but I know better than to try and stop you since your mind's all made up."

Aaron glanced at Eleanor right before pulling the troll by her chains out of the dungeon and into the forest.

A few seconds into the forest Aaron suddenly halted causing the troll to bump into his back.

"What's the matter?" Atalai asked with that raspy voice of hers.

"know this, the minute you try to pull a fast one on me before or after we reach your tribe, your worthless head would be laying 4 feet from your wretched body," Aaron promised before advancing further into the forest.


<Mana: 212/230>

<Strength: 218>

<Agility: 209>

<Intelligence: 211>

< Stamina: 159>

<Durability: 172>

Extra stat points: 0


I had to nerf Aaron because he was begining to one shot everyone at an early stage of his adventure, that spot only belongs to Saitama... Btw thanks for reading.

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