
Sovereign Conjurer: Ultimate Gacha in a Mix Anime World

Transmigrating into the body of the deceased Futarou Uesugi, being chosen to experience the ultimate gacha experience in a world with a premise similar with Solo Leveling, what's this? There are random anime characters that appear, some with the same back story, and some with completely different ones. But what could they be? Come read and find out *winky face* ... Enjoy, I'm testing out how to write a system Fic since I haven't created one, so sorry if it appears messy. Ps. If I mess something up with the system please let me know so I can fix it

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Chapter 25

[Third Person's PoV] 

As they entered, Futarou offered a fist bump towards Erza, "Good luck on your exams," Futarou teased, knowing she wouldn't need it.

Erza just scoffed as she reciprocated his gesture, "Good luck to you too," she teased for the exact same reason.

Orion jumped from Erza's head and landed on Futarou's shoulder. Erza looked at Orion sadly before saying.

Before they could say anything, they were immediately separated by one of the staff members inside. One took Erza and started leading her to one of the doorways, while another one tried to do the same with Futarou and a different one for Tohru. However, Futarou stopped them.

"Hold up, she's with me," Futarou intervened before they could have fully taken her away.

"What?" The staff member wearing a badge with the school insignia asked, the insignia being multiple weapons crossing each other, which includes a sword, a bow, spear, and a sorcerer's staff to show the variety of classes the school would teach.

"I'm a Summoner, she's one of my summons," Futarou explained simply.

"Can't you see the horns and tail?" Futarou sighed.

"Yeah, but there are those with abilities that receive a bit of physical alteration, even though those are extremely rare. We thought she was one of those," the staff member explained.

But Futarou shook his head, "Nope, she's just with me, like these guys."

They all looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders and giving him the go-ahead, and permission for Futarou to have Tohru as a tag along.

As Futarou and Tohru were led inside a room, they found themselves in a single blank white empty room with a desk and a chair in the middle. Futarou sat on the chair, and on the table, there was a test paper with a singular pencil. Meanwhile, Puck and Orion jumped towards Tohru, who was standing behind him like a perfect maid waiting for her master.

From around the room, Futarou then heard, "This first part of the exam is the written one. We will, of course, be testing how many you will get right, but we will also be testing how long it takes you to complete–"

"I'm done," Futarou interrupted, "Do I just leave it here or what?"

"Huh?!" The announcer said in confusion, "What do you mean you're done? I haven't even finished talking. I don't think I even saw you move?!"

Futarou looked around and asked, "Does this place have a camera? I can show you if you want. I did the front and the back."



"Hold it up in the air so I can have a better look."

Futarou did as instructed.


"You can move on to the next room," the announcer instructed awkwardly.

Futarou got up with a smirk, 'Hypercognitive ability for the win.'

As Futarou entered the next room, he found a man behind a desk with a paper in front and a crystal ball next to him. The room was also white, but behind the man, there were multiple doors with different symbols.

"Hm? Already? It would normally take a while for the next contestant. Well, anyway, put your hand on the Ability Tester so I can help you fill out these forms."

'System, can you block them from viewing my other abilities?'

[Certainly Host, which ability do you want to keep hidden?]

Futarou reached out his hands, 'Sharingan.'

As Futarou put his hand on it, he felt something go inside, searching for something.

After a few seconds, a screen appeared right above Futarou's hand, a screen which everyone could see.

The screen was split into two,

[Ability: Summoning] 

[Ranking: SSS+] 

[Ability: Hypercognition] 

[Rank: A+] 

Futarou was surprised to see his abilities' rankings, as it hadn't even crossed his mind to check their rankings. Meanwhile, the examiner was also surprised, but to a much larger degree. His eyes bulged out of their sockets, and his mouth hung wide open, unable to believe what he was seeing. He had to do a double-take.

"Take your hands off and put them back on again," the examiner instructed.

Futarou complied, which ended up showing the exact same results. The man leaned back in his seat and started to run his finger through his brown hair. He turned towards his watch and gave it a few taps.

He brought the watch closer to his mouth and said, "This is Tenken Aoiyama from the ability testing site, and I would like to report a Code Gold and Code Violet. I repeat, a Code Gold and a Code Violet."

Futarou just looked at him in confusion, while he stood there awkwardly.

"So now what?" Futarou asked.

"I'll help you fill out this form while we wait for the headmistress."

"Name and age?"

"Futarou Uesugi, 15, and shouldn't we have done this first before the written exam?" Futarou queried.

Tenken just scoffed, "Why would we waste forms on people who couldn't even pass the written exam… abilities: Summoning and Hypercognition… Tell me your class. I see you have a sword and spear with you, so I'd like your input."

"I can do 5 classes, what would we need these forms for anyways?"

Tenken was shocked to hear about the 5 classes and looked towards Futarou to see if he was just bragging without any knowledge, but he saw the seriousness in his expression, which caused him to sigh.

"We need these forms in order to set up the right parties when we go into dungeons and to make sure each of them has a proper set of each class. I mean, it would be plain stupid to set up a team full of warriors with no healers or mages for support. So tell me what classes you can cover."

"Warrior (Spearman/Swordsman), Mage, Healer, Supporter, Summoner… as you can already guess."

"I can already determine the warrior based on your physique. I'm going to need a demonstration for the others, apart from Summoner, as I can already see them," Tenken stated.

Futarou nodded and conjured a fireball in his hand. But as he did, he heard the sound of the door to their room slam open with a large bang.

"Show me the SSS+ ability user," a commanding voice echoed.

Futarou inwardly smirked as he heard the voice behind him. After all, he had done his research around famous figures around the world and was quite surprised by who some of them were. What surprised him even more was the Headmaster of the Academy.

Futarou turned around and faced the Headmistress of the Academy, he put two fingers by the side of his forehead and greeted her, "Yo."

Futarou used this chance to examine the Headmistress.

The Headmistress was a fair-skinned woman with brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parted above her forehead. Her hair had shoulder-length bangs that framed her face, and the rest reached her lower back. She was a slender woman of a curvaceous frame, above-average height, and noticeably large breasts, and a purple diamond-shaped mark on her forehead.

She was wearing a grass-green haori. Underneath, she wore a gray, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-gray obi that matched her pants. Her blouse was closed quite low, revealing her sizable cleavage. She wore open-toed, strapped black sandals with high heels.


Futarou then decided to appraise her.

[Name: Tsunade Senju]

[Rank: SS+]

[Ability: Mitotic Regeneration: 100 Healing]

[Info: The Headmistress of the T.A.H.A. known for healing abilities and unrivaled strength. The Head leader of the Senju Clan, known to be born with large Vitality.]

[Name: Mitotic Regeneration: 100 Healing]

[Rank: SS+]

[Description: Enhances her medical skills and healing magic to unparalleled levels, granting her the ability to heal injuries and ailments with extraordinary proficiency. In addition, it imbues her with superhuman strength, enabling her to perform feats of immense power.]

'Now imagine my surprise when I saw her name as the headmistress of this Academy,' Futarou thought as he saw her walking towards him with an excited expression.

As Tsunade approached, she examined Futarou from head to toe, "You seem strong. As someone that's treated a lot of people, I know when muscles are just for show, but yours appear to be solely for power. Now then, show me his form."