
Sovereign Conjurer: Ultimate Gacha in a Mix Anime World

Transmigrating into the body of the deceased Futarou Uesugi, being chosen to experience the ultimate gacha experience in a world with a premise similar with Solo Leveling, what's this? There are random anime characters that appear, some with the same back story, and some with completely different ones. But what could they be? Come read and find out *winky face* ... Enjoy, I'm testing out how to write a system Fic since I haven't created one, so sorry if it appears messy. Ps. If I mess something up with the system please let me know so I can fix it

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Chapter 24

[Third Person's PoV]

T.A.H.A (Ta-ha): The Apex Hunters Academy is Japan's greatest and most advanced Hunters academy in the entire country, and it's one of the top 3 most famous Hunters academies in the whole world, known for nurturing Guild Masters and extraordinary Hunters who have risen up in strength and power.

Futarou, Erza, and Tohru were seen running on top of rooftops and jumping from building to building as they made their way to said academy.

"I could just turn into a dragon and fly us there, you know," Tohru said, unsure of why they were doing what they were doing.

Futarou shook his head, "You're too big. It would have frightened people and made them think it was a dungeon break."

Futarou then stopped, "But that did give me an idea."

"Since we all can fly, why don't we race each other there? Tohru, no dragon transformation, just wings."

"You can fly now?" Erza asked curiously.

Futarou just patted Shusui on his hip.

Erza nodded in understanding before pondering on the idea, "You know what, let's do it. It's quicker that way."

[Re-Equip Magic: Black Wings Armor]

Erza gained black armor with silver trimming that has silver crosses in several places. It has a revealing silver-edged breastplate and plates flanking her hips that reach down to her waist-guard. The waist-guard leaves the front of Erza's body exposed, with her groin being covered by a dark imbuement.

She has large plates guarding her legs. She has two wings that have black metal "arms" acting as the wings' leading structure, but the parts used to fly are composed of a membrane-like material. While Erza's hair automatically tied in a ponytail.

Futarou held onto Shusui, [Djinn Equip: Paimon]

His body glowed and transformed into his Paimon fusion and started levitating off the ground slightly as the sash appeared.

"I see, this is your Fusion with Paimon," Puck muttered…

While from Tohru, green-scaled wings expelled from her back before stretching out completely.

Tohru looked at Erza's armor slightly and didn't say anything else.

"Ready?" Futarou asked, getting into position to which Tohru and Erza got into position.

"Set," Futarou continued. Tohru gained a large grin, exposing her sharp teeth and narrowing draconic eyes, feeling competitive.

Futarou didn't say anything for a few seconds, building up tension, "And Go!!!"

They all took off, with Futarou taking the lead followed by Tohru, who was followed by Erza. Futarou used his Wind Manipulation ability to cut down on the wind resistance, while Tohru used her draconic strength on her wings to fly.

Erza wasn't far behind either; she was just by Tohru's tail, with a serious expression, not wanting to lose. They broke through the sonic barrier as they raced, creating loud noises.

Erza, with her magic and maneuvering, managed to pass Tohru ever so slightly, but Tohru would catch up once again.

They already gave up catching up with Futarou; after all, he was a few feet away from them.

The two continued to be neck and neck, trying to gain the advantage over the other. They weren't the only ones rushing towards the Academy. Underneath them, many different teens were using various methods to make their way towards the Academy.

Some were running on top of buildings like Futarou and the others were doing earlier; others leaped great distances, while some of the girls were leisurely flying on brooms.

Futarou was the first to arrive; he swooped down towards the front of the biggest building he had ever seen. There were multiple people walking towards the entrances with a determined look, while also engaging with each other.

Futarou landed, causing the others to look in shock. He undid his transformation, closed his eyes, and spread out his arms.

Which just caused greater confusion, until they heard screaming.



Tohru and Erza were both flying rapidly right next to each other.

"There's no way I'm losing!!" Erza shouted with her hand stretched towards Futarou's hand.

"There's just no way I'll lose to a human twice!!" Tohru retorted, sticking out her hand towards Futarou's other hand.

They both immediately understood what Futarou was doing, and with one last shout, they arrived before Futarou and each slapped his hands.

Due to their strength and speed, their claps created such a large force that it blew some of the examinee participants back as both Erza and Tohru skidded along the floor, undoing their transformation.

Once they stopped sliding, they rushed back towards Futarou and both asked.

"So who won!"

Futarou held both of their hands as he started speaking like an announcer, "And the Winner is... Erza Scarlet!!!" Futarou announced, causing her to pump her fist while Tohru got pissed and started stomping the ground, creating cracks.


Tohru noticed some of the people around looking around, which caused her to growl and exert her intimidating dragon Aura, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT? WANT A PIECE OF ME, HUH? COME AND GET IT!"

Futarou approached Tohru from behind, locked her arms, and picked her up, causing her to start kicking, "LET ME AT THEM!"

Some started shaking in fear due to Tohru's intimidating presence, while some narrowed their eyes.

Futarou put her down and started rubbing her head, "It's okay, relax. You only lost because you are shorter than her, which means she has longer arms and was able to touch me first."

Feeling Futarou's head patting her head, she started to calm down but still grumbled. She looked towards Erza and said, "I will demand a rematch, just you wait!"

Erza looked at her challengingly, "Any time, I would be more than happy."

Tohru nodded her head. But as they were about to continue, a boy about their age approached them and looked at Futarou with disdain and coldness.

"Hey, is this thing yours?"

Futarou looked around to see if he dropped something, but seeing that he didn't, he looked towards the blue-haired boy in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about that maid, because if it is, you should teach your property how to behave-"

He didn't even get to finish his words as Futarou pummeled him to the ground, where the ground cracked and caved in with the blue-haired boy's face in the middle, all bloody with missing teeth.

Futarou grabbed his wrist and spun it back and forth slightly while looking down at the boy coldly, "Call Tohru a thing or a property one more time and I'll snap your neck next" 

Everyone around the vicinity froze, unsure of what to say before Futarou scoffed, "I was really excited for my examination today, and trash just had to come along and sour it."

Futarou turned towards Erza, who was looking shocked, while Tohru practically had heart eyes as she saw how angry Futarou got for her sake.

"Anyways, let's continue, onward towards our adventure, my comrades," Futarou said, pointing towards the entrances, acting as if nothing really happened.

Erza wanted to say something but then shook her head and smiled as she just witnessed a side of Futarou she hadn't seen before... Although she couldn't say that she didn't like what she saw.

And with that, they walked towards the entrances without anyone else stopping them.

Without Futarou noticing, he created a large commotion that left everyone that witnessed it in awe and fear due to his actions and Tohru's presence.