
Southern Charm and City Attitude

Marine and Southern Bad Boy, Nash Bond returns to his home in New Orleans for some much needed R&R, and little does he know, that home will be the worst battle he's ever been in. A busines mogul and rising star, Lesley Monroe struggles to take over her father's company and manage the rising star that is her fiancee, ventures to the south not looking for what she gets.

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Returning Home

There's nothing like the sounds of home to soothe the mind...or at least that's what my C.O. thought.

The upper Wards of N'Orleans may be where my mother and memories of my sister are but my fondest memories are in Wrangler Pointe, where I'd made the best friendships.

But now, I stand in the Louis Armstrong Airport, Sgt. Nash Duke Bond Special Forces #314, ain't that a mouth full.

"Aww, Look it there!" I heard a familiar voice say. "My baby boy all grown up."

"I missed you too, mama" I set my bags down and hugged my mom.

"Look at you all spift up for us." another voice rang through my ears.

"Braxton, I didn't expect to see you." I hugged her as well. "Or these little devils." I lifted nieces up onto my shoulders.

They just laughed as I held them and my sister made faces at me.

"Uncle Nash, how come you don't stay in New York with us?" Gabby asked me.

"Cuz Grandma needs a hand around the house." I tried to explain.

"She should come too, then we could be together all the time!" Mona Lisa joined in on her sister's plan.

"Girls, are you causing your uncle grief?" Alfonzo came over.

"No daddy!" They said in unison, looking as innocent as possible.

"Aren't they always?" I said.

"Now that sounds like my girls." He laughed, as I handed the girls over

"How long are you guys in town?" I asked, Brax.

"Just a couple days. The girls wanted to see you and I told mom we were coming last week..."

"But last minute stuff, I get it. Two birds, one stone. I know the deal." I said to her.

"More like three." she looked at me happily.

"No way!" I smiled at her, picking her up. "Oh, tell me at least this one's a boy."

"You think I wanted girls." she whispered. "Even still, their my little hell's angels." She looked at Fonz and the girls as they attacked him relentlessly.

"I know, and I'm really happy for you, sis. I truly am, now I guess I've gotta get on with my own life." I said.

"Well, little brother. Welcome Home." she hugged me again.


As they headed out, I met mom at home, where she had been cooking all day.

"Mama, you didn't have to go through all this trouble, really." I said hugging her as she stirred a pot of gumbo.

"What trouble is it to make my favorite son dinner?" she sassed me.

"Yes ma'am." I said backing away.

"And go answer the door." she scolded me.

And just as she spoke, there was a knock at the door.

"Uncle Nash!" a trio of voices cried.

"Looks like somebody hasn't lost his charm." an all too familiar voice said.

"Well as I live and breath,  Starlight." I looked at the most breath taking woman, of dark brown hair and a joyful smile.

"Missed you too, Cowboy." she said back.

"Maverick, come on in dinner is almost ready." mama had shouted.

"Uncle Nash we missed you." Ryder said.

"Missed you too, Kid. You keeping your brother and sister outta trouble?" I asked him.

"Sometimes, but I try." he hung his head.

"At least you try, right? Your mom tried tons of times with me, but I still got into trouble." I winked at him.

"Uncle Nash, what's it like in other countries?" Bo asked.

"It's kinda scary but not when you know someone's always got your back." I said. "But what are you little spider monkeys, doing dragging your poor mama all the way down here to see me?"

"Scotts got a race in Texas, so I figured we could stop by." Mavy said.

"Well isn't that nice." I winked at Jamie. Who just  giggled.

"Don't go using that Southern Charm of yours on my little girl." Mavy scolded me.

"How else is she gonna be immune?" I raised an eyebrow.

Mavy just looked at me, "Between the seven of you I fear more for that poor boy she falls in love with."

"You should, because between the seven of us, no little girl is more protected. Besides, Mona, Gabby and Sola, of course." I smiled at the little girl. "But I feel more bad for the boys."

"Why?" Mavy got defensive.

"Because you girls haven't changed a bit, and no girl will ever be able to live you to girls standards." I said.

After dinner and a few story of the old times, Mavy packed the tikes in a car and headed back to their hotel.

"You really did love that girl." my mom came around a dark corner.

"I really did." I stared at her sadly.