
SoulsBorne System (Starting in Dark Souls 1)

MC with a SoulsBorne System. Goes to Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, and an (Original World). Not in this order A Soulsborne veteran gamer gets the chance to reincarnate into the multiverse. He will conquer the various worlds he travels to and will become the sole God of his new World. But unknown to him, Other Beings see him as a threat to their rule and domains. and have decided to eliminate him and all those he care about. i do not own the image or the from software franchise. the image is by Windcomet36 on Instagram, he has created a masterful piece of work that represents the souls community and all we have been through. With the infamous Moonlight Greatsword to Demon Souls to Dark Souls to Bloodborne to Sekiro and finally to Elden Ring which holds all these games together in one amazing instalment by George Martin and Miyazaki.

Knight_Riku · Video Games
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59 Chs

Chapter 12: Depths

As the duo entered the Depths they made their way to a room filled with Hollows.

They were easy yo deal with, especially for Artreus who had stayed in his Wind Fqlcon Form. He would use his wings to send out dozens of aerial blades at the Hollows.

His blades were not that powerful, but after a few to each on and at their vitals, it did the job and killed them.

Artreus spotted the two butxhers that would jump down from their hiding places.

Artreus: 'How'd they even get up there?'

He ignored the million dollar question and flew at fast speeds directly towards the Butcher.

He flew and pierced the Butchers eye, he slowly dug himself further in, making his way so he could kill the Vutcher from the inside out.

The Butcher tried to pull him out, but it was too late since he had borrowed himself deep into its head.

He tore out the Hollows brain and eyes from the inside. When he was done, he tore open his way out and looked to see his body covered in blood and brain matter.

He did not feel entirely disgusted by this. It was probably because he was inside of an animal form. He can feel the animalistic instincs of each species influence him partially when he transforms.

It's not alot, but manageable. It is more like a small desire. When he is in a Lion firm,be feels the need to show great strength and pride, when as a wolf, he feels the need to hunt and protect family.

He can easily Resist it, all it does is an itch at the back of his neck he can ignore easily.

He didn't mind this since what he had just done would have made his Human mind vomit in disgust. Fortunately, he wasn't on his Human form.

He left the now dead Butcher corpse and flew to the next hidden Butcher to repeat the process.

After finishing the two off, he and Solaire went to meet up with Lorentius. He turned Human...otherwise it would be weird to have a talking bird save you.

Artreus: 'Maybe I should do that to someone else I'll meet. Siegmeyer? Sieglinde? Ciaran? Nah, she probably seen some weird shit already since she's a Lord. Rickhart? Logan? He'd probably dissect me alive. I'll think who I will troll later.'

They found him trapped in a barrel, surrounded by more empty barrels.

Solaire: "Is he...in a barrel?"

Artreus: "Don't question it or you may lose Brain Cells."

Solaire: "Brain C-e-l-l-s?"

Artreus: "It's nothing. Yo, you hang on. We'll get you out of the...barrel."

Lorentius: "Ahh, Thank You. Please. I'm saved!"

After breaking the Barrels.

Lorentius: "Thank you. My name is Lorentius of the Great Swanp. Who might you two be?"

Solaire: "I am Solaire of Astora, friend."

Artreus: "Artreus Akaniir...of Skyrim."

(A/n Yes, I did say that. Bite me.)

Lorentius: "Skyrim? I don't think I have ever heard of such a place?"

Solaire: "Neither have I."

Artreus: "Don't worry about it. Lorentius, I think you should get to safety soon. It is dangerous here for you. Do you know about Firelink Shrine and the way there."

Lorentius: "I do. I can find my way there just fine. Thank you fir everything. Should we meet again, I will repay this debt."

Artreus: "Okay. Farewell."

Solaire and Artreus left the apprentice Pyromancer to find his way to Firelink Shrine. The two proceeded and dealt with the third Butcher and his dogs.

Artreus was sure to grab the Large Ember.

After that the two made their way to the Bonfire at the end of the watter filled and Slime infested alley.

Artreus wasn in his bird form since he will never touch the filthy floor of that place.

He can't get infected with any diseases, but that doesn't mean it is filthy and detectable.

Once the two made their way to the next locked door which would serve as the shortcut to the Gapping Dragon Boss Fight.

Artreus just used the Skeleton Key to open it so he could skip the Depths. He did meet Knight Kirk.

He didn't say anything though, and just stared at the duo ready to fight.

Artreus just held out his hand which had 5 of his 9 Humanies.

Artreus: "Take it. Give it to The Fair Lady. It will help her."

Kirk was surprised to find another person who was devoted to her Beloved Lady he served. He accepted the Humanities, albeit hesitantly with caution.

He took it and bowed his head. He vannished and had left via the Black Crystal. Once he had left, he immediately went to The Fair Lady to offer up the Humanities He had obtained, to help ease her Ladies suffering as best he could.

Meanwhile, the duo went to deal with the Gapping Dragon.