
c h a p t e r t h i r t y o n e



"Hermione Granger! You look absolutely stunning tonight."

Hermione grinned as she gave the woman a quick hug. "Thank you, professor."

Mcgonagall scoffed but she couldn't help but smile. "I am no longer your professor, Hermione. Just call me Minerva."

Hermione gave a small nod as she linked her arm with Draco's. Mcgonagall stared at the boy for a few moments before raising her eyebrow."And who might you be?" she asked.

Draco shifted uncomfortably for a few moments before saying, "Draco Malfoy."

"Oh! What a lovely example of house unity! You two have fun tonight." she smiled. Draco nodded and thanked her before she walked off to meet some more guests.

Draco turned to Hermione and let out a groan. "Please, 'Mione. No more of that touchy-feely stuff with professors." he said. Hermione blushed slightly as she nodded her head, "Yes, of course. I forgot about the bond, i'm sorry."

Draco smiled as he kissed the top of her head, "Don't worry about it, just help me find the drinks."


"Merlin, sign me up." said Hermione as soon as they walked up to the drinks table. There were many drinks all set up across the table, including Draco's beloved firewhisky.

"Our prefects would let us stay up in the common room. They would often join in with our games." he said as he looked at the labels.

"What games?" Hermione asked, picking up a shot glass of firewhisky. Draco took the shot from her hand and swallowed the fluid. Hermione sent him a glare but he shook his head, "I'm not letting you get drunk tonight. And the games would include things like the Slytherin version of truth or dare."

"How does it differ from the original?" she asked, picking up a glass of punch instead. Draco smirked and brought the shot glass up to the light. "We would each have a shot of firewhisky after each round." he said.

Hermione shrugged, "That doesn't sound that bad." Draco laughed and shook his head. "The shots were spiked with Veritaserum."

Her eyes widened slightly and she stared at him. "How did you get the Veritaserum in the first place?" she asked. Draco let out another laugh. "I think you're forgetting that we had good old biased Snape as our head of house."

He picked up another shot and swallowed it before Hermione could take it out of his hands. "I'm not sure who the new head of house for Slytherin is now though." he said, his eyes not quite focusing on the girl.

Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at him in the eyes. "How many shots does it take before you get wasted?" she asked, glancing over at the table. There was a sign saying "Drink Responsibly" but she felt like it wasn't that effective.

Draco shrugged. "I'm a pureblood! I can drink however much i want and be fine." he said, shrugging her hand off. He went to reach for another shot but Hermione grabbed his hand. "Hey, lets go dance, ok?" she said softly.

Draco's gaze flickered between Hermione and the table but he let her drag him towards the dance floor nevertheless.


"You know, I was taught how to ballroom dance at the age of seven." "Really? Why?""Pureblood 'perk' i suppose." he sighed.

Hermione and Draco were lost in a crowd of people. Mcgonagall gave a speech which was followed by Harry. He and Ginny opened the dance and Draco and Hermione were soon stood in close proximity.

Draco's right hand was on Hermione's waist whilst the other was holding her hand where as Hermione's left hand was on his shoulder, the other holding Draco's left hand.

"I really do appreciate you being here." said Hermione, letting out a small laugh when Draco spun her around. "I wouldn't waste an opportunity to take someone as beautiful as you out." he replied.

Hermione smiled as Draco started to lean in. He dropped her hand and used it to cup her face, using the one on her waist to bring her body closer. "Are you sure we should be doing this here?" she muttered when their faces were just a few mere centimetres apart.

"I'd do it in the disgusting men's lavatory if it meant being with you." he said, connecting their lips a few moments after. Hermione brought her hand up to the back of his head and tugged at his hair.

Draco let out a small moan but Hermione dropped her hand and pulled away. "You taste like alcohol." she stated. Draco shrugged but Hermione just sighed, dragging him out of the crowd.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom. You," she said, handing him a plastic cup full of water, "drink this." "But i'm only slightly tipsy." he groaned, staring at the water.

"Draco, please just drink it.""Fine."


Ginny needed help fixing her makeup which resulted in Hermione staying in the bathroom for fifteen minutes. By the time she came back into the hall, Harry was talking to Draco who had an empty shot glass in his hand.

"Oh look! Hermione's here!" Harry said as soon as she walked up to the pair. She raised her eyebrow but went along with it. "Um, hi?"

"I think you might want to look after Malfoy." Harry muttered as he went to stand by her. Hermione turned to face Draco who was smiling like an idiot. "Hey 'Mione!" he laughed as he leant in to kiss her cheek.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows as she took his mask off and looked at his eyes. "Heyyyy!" he whined, "People will know an evil death eater is at the party now!"

"You're drunk." she said. Draco scoffed and crossed his arms, "No, drunk."

Hermione sighed and took his hand into her own. "What's the time?" she asked, turning back Harry. "Half eleven." "I think i'm going to take him home." Harry nodded and the two said their goodbyes, Hermione bracing herself for the night.


"Wow, he looks wasted." Pansy said, laughing when Draco put his middle finger up at her. "No, wasted." he replied as he tried not to fall.

"Should i get started on that healing potion?" Blaise asked, getting up from his seat. Hermione nodded and smiled. "That'd be great. Wish us luck." she said, shaking her head at the boy clinging onto her shoulder.


wow ok so Soulmates has 6k reads/views/whatever tf it's called

i am actually so shook lmao

i just feel like my writing doesn't deserve it ?? i mean, you guys seem to like it and idrk why lmao

anyways expect fluff in the next chapter

i hope you have/had a great day