
c h a p t e r s e v e n t e e n




"Draco! Guess what day it is!" Hermione said, running into the living room. Draco grunted and shifted his position on the couch, "Friday?"

"What?" she paused, "No, it's your birthday!" The boy buried his head into the pillow and groaned, "What a joy."

Hermione sighed and walked over to the couch. She grabbed the edges of the duvet Draco was currently hiding under and threw it onto the floor.

Draco's back muscles tense at the sudden contact with the temperature and Hermione found herself not being able to look away. "Granger, stop staring." Draco grumbled.

He was wearing a pair of muggle sweatpants but that was all. At that moment, Hermione was glad that he wasn't looking at her very red face.

"What happened to your shirt?" she asked. Draco grunted as he turned over and sat up but he simply smirked when he saw Hermione staring. "Keep your eyes to yourself Granger." he said, picking up his black tshirt from the floor.

"I think i might have a temperature. I was boiling hot and then freezing cold." he explained, slipping his shirt back on. "What? Let me check." she offered, sitting on the space on the couch next to him.

She placed her hand on his forehead and immediately felt a shiver travel through her body. "I'll get Harry to bring some healing potions over." she decided as she stood up.

"No really, I'm fine." Draco dismissed. Hermione raised an eyebrow at him but simply shook her head. "No, you're having a good birthday whether you like it or not. Now, wait a few minutes whilst i apparate to Harry's."

"No, really Hermione, you don't have t-" but he was cut off when she suddenly disappeared with a pop.


Hermione re-appeared a few minutes later with Harry who was carrying a bag which was probably full of potions. "Hello Malfoy." he said. Draco drew his knees up to his chest and gave Harry small nod

"So he has a temperature?" Harry asked, kneeling down on the floor to look through his bag. "Yeah." Hermione replied.

"Alright," he paused, standing up again, "If he drinks this twice in an hour he should be feeling fine by the afternoon."

Hermione took the potion from Harry and gave it to Draco. She gave Harry a quick hug and Draco could feel a sick feeling in his chest. It was probably the soulmate bond.

As Hermione and Harry were exchanging goodbyes, Draco looked at the bottle. It had some sort of green liquid in it and he had a feeling that it probably didn't taste like butterbeer and rainbows.

"Alright," Hermione said when Harry had left, "Harry said to drink one portion now and then the other in half an hour." The girl sat down next to Draco who raised an eyebrow at her.

"I didn't know Potter was a healer." he said, crossing his legs. "I don't think he is. Im pretty sure he's still an auror at the Ministry. Potions is mostly a hobby."

Draco nodded. "Does this taste gross?" he asked, focusing his attention back on the potion."Only one way to find out!" Hermione smiled.

He stared at the bottle before taking out the cork stopper and downing half of the potion.

"Oh my god. That was gross." he gagged when he was done.

"Don't make me do it again." he said, staring at Hermione. "Draco, you have to." she sighed. "Well, why don't you come over here and make me?" he challenged. Hermione raised an eyebrow at him but smirked before standing up. "Later."

The boy got up to follow her but she got her wand out and pointed it at him. "No, you stay on the couch." Draco put his hands up in the air and groaned, "Do i have to?"

"Draco, i'm only making us some tea. i'll be back here in a few minutes." she said, pocketing her wand. Draco grunted but refrained from saying anything else.

Hermione returned with two mugs of tea a few minutes later. She handed a mug to Draco as she sat down next to him. "Have you ever tried pizza?" she asked, taking a sip from her tea.

"The fuck is a pizza?" he said. Hermione let out a small laugh as she shook her head, "You'll see, later at the restaurant."

Draco nodded and the two sat in silence, drinking their tea.


"How should i dress?" Draco asked at four pm later that day. "Casual but not too casual." she replied whilst looking through her drawers. "So is a shirt and a tie fine?" "Preferably wear something on the bottom too." "Well, yeah."

Hermione ushered Draco out of her room and went to look through her wardrobe. She didn't want to seem like she was trying too hard, but she also wanted to make an effort. She wanted to get the same sort of reaction that she did at the Yule Ball in fourth year.

She looked through her wardrobe until she found a dark navy dress. It had a design of a halter dress and the bottom of it reached just above her knees. The top layer had some sort of see-through material but the bottom layer prevented the dress from showing too much.

Hermione remembered when she bought the dress. Ginny had managed to drag her out when she was beginning her new life after Hogwarts. They had gone to several muggle shops before Ginny had found the dress and bought it for her 'just in case'.

Hermione put the dress and some opaque tights on. She didn't really know what makeup to wear so she went simple: a coat of mascara, some blush and a light pinkish nude lipstick. She decided to keep her hair the way it was. After all, she figured she should just accept her natural waves.

"Granger hurry up. We need to leave in 5 minutes." Draco yelled from the corridor. Hermione rolled her eyes as she unlocked the door and stepped out.

Draco stared at her. "I'm gonna admit, you aged quite well, Granger." he smirked.

Hermione raised an eyebrow as she took in what he was wearing. He had some sort of tailored trousers on and a white long sleeved shirt paired with a navy tie. It wasn't too much, but it wasn't lacking.

"You didn't do too bad either, Malfoy. Nice tie by the way." she laughed as she walked past him to go look for some suitable shoes.


is this cliché? i feel like this is cliché

someone save my cliché soul

wowza so that happened. stay tuned to get a hot image of draco + pizza inserted into your brain

drapple who?

i hope you have/had a great day!