
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

-Bakugou's Pov ( still on the roof) -

Todoroki's kissing me... and I'm kissing him back?! and it's nice... WAIT WTF IS WRONG WITH ME?! BAD ME! NO NOPE NOT TODAY SATAN! I try to push him off of me but my body is completely betraying me.. his tongue is just so addicting... why tf does he taste so sweet? My body is completely turning into mush, my legs are about this close from giving out and my mind is blank. Damn you icyhot and your stupidly good kissing techniques!

Todoroki then pulled away, I looked up at him and lemme tell you I almost shat my pants he had such an intense look on his face. "Uhhh Icyhot? Are you ummm okay?" I continued to look at him waiting for a response but this motherfucker just stared at me like I had three heads, I felt myself starting to grow angry "HEY WHEN SOMEONE ASK IF YOU'RE OKAY YOU RESPOND DUMBASS!" I then kick his shin and continue "OR DO YOU NOT NOW BASIC ENGLISH YOU MORON" I then hear a hiss from todoroki as he grabs his shin and says "WTF BAKUGOU THAT HURT!" I then turn around so I'm not facing him, being the petty bitch I am and say"Well then answer me" I feel strong arms around my waist and then I'm in the air "TODOROKI PUT ME DOWNNN AGGHH!?"

"NO NOT UNTIL YOU APOLOGIZE!" Todoroki says completely serious, I then spat back and say" THE KATSUKI BAKUGOU APOLOGIZES TO NO ONE!" I then feel  Todoroki chuckle below me he then counters " Alright I'll just have to tickle my way to an apology " I feel my blood run cold... wait WUT. "DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT I-" I was cut off my the tingly sensation of todoroki tickling my stomach, I feel the squeals trying to escape my throat... NUH UH I AM NOT KISSING TODOROKI AND LETTING HIM HEAR ME SQUEL IN THE SAME FREAKING DAY! " I put my hands over my mouth trying to muffle out the laughter that's coming out of my mouth, eventually failing. "BAHAHAHA  S-stop T-todoroki that's E-enough," I say stuttering because I can't form a sentence due to the fact I'm so fricking ticklish.

Todoroki then stops and says " Bakugou you have such a pretty laugh." I immediately feel my face turn red but I won't let him know that so I say " That wasn't a laugh. That was a cry of revenge" Todoroki burst out laughing and then puts me down, he has such a..... nice laugh. I feel myself turn red. The air all of a sudden thickens and I see the intense stare is back on todoroki's face, wtf is his problem?! "WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME LIKE THAT?!"

Todoroki continues to stare at me for a moment longer and then he says "Because you're beautiful, and I'm just so happy but" I immediately feel a pit in my stomach, what's he going to say?! is he going to say I'm not good enough? that I'm not what he wanted in a soulmate ...and even if he doesn't I..don't care, I didn't want a soulmate anyways but why do I feel urge to start crying. Wait calm down me... he hasn't said anything yet, Todoroki continues and says" But... What are we?" I let out a sigh of relief but it's quickly taken back when I look up to respond and see the desperation in Todoroki's face. "I-uh I don't know.." I try my best to ignore the blush on my cheeks, observing the hurt look on todoroki's face... Damn it! " I-it's not like I don't erm Like you... I just need time to figure stuff out.." I say quietly.

I then feel the pressure of a hand on my face, purposely squishy my cheeks together. "I understand kitten" Todoroki has a soft smile on his face.

>✨Attack points +400, Critical hit. ✨<

I need to get out of here. Like now. Before I die of a heart attack. I quickly turn towards the door and start walking. no. Bitch I'm running. "BAKUGOU WAIT?" I hear todoroki yell my body betrays me, yet again and stops. smh. "Bakugou why did you just run off like that?" Todoroki says now stepping in front of me, I look down, making sure he can't see the look on my face,  trying to calm down my racing heart. Keyword: Trying, and absolutely failing. " Why did you suddenly run? and why aren't you looking at me?" Todoroki then tries to put his hands under my chin but I quickly step back "I err have to get home... It's getting late and my old hag might be  umm worrying.." I say totally not convincing what so ever.

"all right we can head down now but.." I then feel fingers under my chin once again and before I could react I'm facing todoroki, looking directly into his eye. " look at me when I talk to you kitten" Todoroki says smugly, I feel pink decorate my face. I do what any normal angry boy would do when they don't want their so-called crush to see them blushing with their stupid hot smug face would do... I kick him in the shin again. I hear as hiss come out of todoroki's mouth " Bakugou stop doing that! He groans. "hmph! Payback bitch" I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"Payback for what, I didn't even do anything" Todoroki tilts his head in confusion as he stares back at me. Payback for making my heart do weird shit I think to myself because like hell I would say that out loud. " For tickling me, I told you I would get my revenge," I say smugly. Todoroki then looks at me with a "are you fucking kidding me, you dang smoll angry child" look and I just shrug and smirk, because I am salty af, and that is a known fact.

Todoroki lets out a sigh and I just smirk to myself, but that smirk is quickly wiped off when THE LITTLE BITCH HOLDS MY FREAKING HAND!

>Insert gay panic<

"W-what the hell are you doing Icyhot!?" Todoroki then proceeds to start walking towards the exit of the roof, dragging me along with him. "Isn't it obvious Katsuki, I'm holding your hand," he says. "WELL NO SHIT SHERLOCK BUT WHY?!" I say trying my best to calm down my inner gay panic which is rising by the minute.

"Because my hand was cold, and I needed to warm it up" Todoroki mutters softly a little tint of blush on his face. My eyes widen and brush spreads to my face as well, Todoroki opens the door, and as he opens it you can hear loud footsteps quickly running down the stairs. I turn to look towards Todoroki and he turns to look at me, "Who was that?" I say worriedly looking up at him, Todoroki then responds with "Probably the janitor or something" Todoroki says calmly, he might be right. I shouldn't worry about it. We then both make our way down the stairs and head towards the exit of the building, my head still wondering if that really was just a janitor.

-3rd Person pov-

Little did they both know that it indeed wasn't a janitor but a red-headed boy, with shark teeth, had witnessed the whole thing and was now running away with tears streaming down his face, all the way home.


-Bakugou's pov again-

-Timeskip to Bakugou in his room after he gets home from walking with Todoroki-

I'm currently laying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, and remembering all of today's events. Icyhot confessed to me, I can't believe he figured out we were soulmates, and to make things worse he didn't even know for sure, I practically told him! gah, What do I do? My mind starts wandering to all the times I and todoroki have had interactions together. I look back at all the memories we've made in these past couples of months and I slightly smile. I clearly have feelings for Todoroki, that one is no brainer but he's my soulmate. I told myself I wouldn't get involved like this, the answer is clear so what's stopping me? I get up and let out a sigh, I head towards my mirror and just stare at myself.

"What does he even like about me? I have an okay body, it's not anything special? And I hope it's not my personality because then he just has issues" I chuckle to myself. I groan and continue to stare at myself

"You're beautiful"

I suddenly feel a chill go up my spine, I look at myself in the mirror to see that I've become a blushing mess. I look at myself in disbelief, this happened because I remember some stupid sentence, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I start pointing at myself, well pointing at the mirror. " WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY ARE YOU GETTING ALL BLUSHY BLUSHY!? HMM? IT'S JUST WORDS THEY DONT MEAN ANYTHING!" I continue to stare at myself panting because I'm out of breath, still a complete blushing mess. Does he really think I'm beautiful? I then feel all giddy and let out a giggle. NO. NUH UH. A GIGGLE?! I feel ashamed, oh so ashamed. what's wrong with me? Gahh this isn't like me at all, I head back to my bed and cover my face with my hands. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!" I yell angrily"

"KATSUKI, SON. SHUT THE FUCK UP." I hear the old hag yell, I quickly yell back "SHUT UP OLD HAG, SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH ME!" I then hear her yell back from downstairs, " HAVING A CRUSH DOESNT MEAN SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH YOU BAKA! AND QUIT YELLING AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR YOU DONT NEED BE ANY CRAZIER!" I growl in response.  What Am I going to do? Before I can think of anything remotely close to a solution my phone dings.


(text messages)


What are you up to kitten? Missing me I hope😉

Angry Pomeranian💥

yeah no. When I think of you I feel like I'm gonna throw up✨


Aweee so you admit you think about me kitten🥰

Angry Pomeranian💥

did you not see the part where I said  I wanna throw up when I think about you?


You're telling me you get butterflies when you talk to me, Oh Katsuki you're being so forward today🥰

Angry Pomeranian💥

I hate you:).


That's not what you said today on the roof, in fact, you said the complete opposite 😌

Angry Pomeranian💥




I can't help but bring it up, It made me happy

In fact, your being itself just makes me happy:)💗

Angry Pomeranian💥

Gahhh shut uppppp🥺


I bet you have your adorable blushing face on right now! I wish I could see it.

Angry Pomeranian💥


Icequeen 🙄❤️

Yeah you're right all the faces you make are cute😉

Angry Pomeranian💥




Angry Pomeranian💥

You're lucky I actually like you, otherwise, I would kill you.

Icequeen 🙄❤️

How sweet and kind of you💀

Angry Pomeranian💥

I know I'm such a generous person✨


I have to go kitten, get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep tight and I hope you dream of me<3

Angry Pomeranian💥

Goodnight Todoroki, I hope you sleep well.....<3

Icequeen 🙄❤️


I can't believe I sent that stupid HEART WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! I feel so giddy. I bury my head in my pillow, thinking of Todoroki, because apparently, that's the only thing my good for nothing brain can do arghh.

I stand up and reread the last couple of messages that Todoroki sent, It's no good I think to myself. Very aware of my increasing rapidly heartbeat. I then hold my phone to my chest, and then fall down on the bed, my back hitting the mattress. I leave my phone on my chest and bring my hands to cover my eyes, A smile rapidly growing on my blushing face. It's no good. I'm completely helpless and it seems like I don't mind all that much.