
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 7

- This chapters going to be a tad different:) -

-3rd person pov-

Bakugo is an idiot, that was a no brainer. He was academically a genius but when it came to anything involving feelings, he was an idiot. So you can't blame the angry boy for being so oblivious to the growing feelings of his red-headed shark-tooth friend, Kirishima.

Kirishima on the other hand was very much aware of his crush's feelings that were not towards him but to a certain bicolored beauty. So why did it hurt him so much when he saw them together or even when he caught them simply staring at each other. Before he could stop himself he followed them towards the roof, that's when his heart sank. There was his friend and crush, kissing a guy that was definitely not him.

Before he could register anything his body was already moving on its own, he was running as if his life depended on it, He couldn't see very well to where his feet were taking him due to the endless stream of tears in his eyes. His lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen and his mind was blank. He felt empty.

-Kirishima's Pov-

My legs were moving on their own, and my tears just wouldn't stop coming. Why? Why wasn't I good enough for him?! Why couldn't it have been me instead of Todoroki?... I looked around to find that I was at the park down the street from my house, I make my way to the empty swing set and sit down. As I look up at the sky tears streaming down my face admiring the sunset which had taken over the sky.

I begin to think back earlier today when Todoroki approached Bakugou and how everyone could hear they're yelling from miles away, It was mostly bakugou who was making the noise but nonetheless they were still making the scene, I remember seeing the look that had taken over Bakugou's face when Todoroki had walked away. It was the look of longing and embarrassment. I continue to look back and think about all the times Bakugou had made that face and all the times he did, Todoroki was involved.

I feel my heart clench as I stare up at the sky, slightly rocking back and forth on the swing. I smile to myself as a flash of Bakugou's smiling face comes into my mind. It then hits me, what the heck is wrong with me?! My best friend just got confessed to by the most wanted guy in school?! I should be happy for him! I then feel a slight smile grow on my face. If bakugou's happy I'm happy I think to myself, before heading towards the direction of my house. Even if I like him, I won't let that come in between his happiness, because that's what bro's do. Gosh, I sound so manly right now. I feel the smile continue to grow on my face, trying my best to suppress the feeling of emptiness in my chest.

As I enter my house I hear my mom calling me "Eijirou Sweety, Is that you?" I then reply quickly just wanting to go to my room to put this long day to an end. "yes mom it's me, I'm tired so I'm going to head to bed okay?" My mom then pops her head out of the kitchen eyeing me suspiciously " Hmmm" She stares at me well no, she glares at me. I stand there awkwardly hoping my face isn't red and my eyes aren't puffy from all the crying.

"Alright, If you get hungry there's food in the microwave set aside for you, okay baby?" she says gently and heads back into the kitchen. I sigh and head up to my room, immediately plopping myself onto the bed. I then feel my phone vibrate and ring, without thinking properly I answer the call only to be greeted with "Hey shittyhair" I feel heart drop, I quickly check the caller Id as it states "Best bro😌"

I mentally high five myself in the face as bakugou says "shittyhair? are you there? " I quickly answer "W-what's up bakubro?" I take a deep breath to try to slow down my breathing, it's not working. "Can we talk?" I hear him say hesitantly. I feel my heartbeat increase my 100x and quickly answer "yeah bakubro what's up?" I hear a deep sigh from the other side of the phone and hear him softly whisper " I like icyhot... and he likes me back.." I feel tears threatening to fall down my face but I stop myself and continue " That's great bakubro!! Congrats!" I try my best to say enthusiastically.

"I don't know what to do.." I hear shakingness in his voice and quickly become alert that he seems.. scared? "Bakugou what's wrong? I say worryingly. " I'm scared shittyhair, I need to stop it. he's my soulmate I mean?! I said I wouldn't get involved like that but I did and now I don't know how to stop it...." I hear the hesitation in his voice, he wants to put a stop to it? He doesn't want to be with Todoroki? but he likes him? and they're soulmates?

" Bakugou I'm not following?" I say confused, he then continues to talk " don't you get it, I really really like him, and I need to put a stop to it!" I hear him say harshly, I then chuckle to myself and say " Bakugou are you scared because you've never felt this way before?" I say a hint of amusement in my voice, I seem to hit the dot because there's no response, I then sigh and continue

" Bakugou don't be scared, Todoroki likes you too, It's okay to be scared because you've never felt this way, it's a natural thing I promise and... I'll always be here if you need anything" I say hesitatingly, I then quickly continue and say "even if something bad even did happen, you know the squad would beat him to a bloody pulp right Bakubro!" I hear him chuckle on the other side of the line as he quickly answers "I can kick his ass by myself thank you very much." he answers sassily, and he's back I think to myself. " Thanks, Kirishima," he says softly, I feel my heart do backflips as I brightly answer " ✨anytime bakubro!" ✨

Bakugou then screams " CAN YOU NOT BE SO SHINY I CAN PRACTICALLY FEEL YOUR SHINY AURA THROUGH THE PHONE!" I quickly bust out laughing " alright alright, Bakubro I have to go I'll take my shiny aura someplace else" I chuckle, and right as I'm about to hang up I hear bakugou say " Thanks again Kirishima" and then there was a click ending the call.

I smile holding my phone to my chest, I'm happy for him.. I really am I think to myself. I then feel the heavy feeling in my chest begin to grow lighter as I sigh I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm a pretty manly friend I smile to myself feeling my eyes grow heavy as I slip into a peaceful slumber.

-Timeskip to the next morning-

-Kirishima's Pov-

I was currently on my way to school, trying to calm my pacing heart from jumping out of my fricking chest, which may I add wasn't working at all dude. "BRUVAAAAA" I hear an extremely over-energetic screeching voice that happens to belong to my all-time bestie "BRUVVAAA" I yell back only to meet not only Denki but also Shinsou who was also Denki's boyfriend now as well.

The three of us continue to walk after greeting each other casually talking about the most random things that pop into Denki's head. After a while we soon arrive at the school, the three is us make our way to our classroom and I immediately spot Bakugou, who I'm pretty sure isn't actually glowing. I feel my heartbeat race, even more, wait calm down Eijiro remember to keep calm. KEEP CALM!

I repeatedly tell myself to calm down. Which seems to work for like 5 seconds, I hear Denki call out to him and bakugou turns to face our direction, he was about to walk over to us, but he was stopped. Strong arms are swiftly wrapped around bakugou, a loud set of gasp can be heard all around the hallway because the person who has hugged bakugou is none other then Shoto Todoroki. Bakugou's face has now become a blushing mess, I expected him to push Todoroki away and repeat to yell at him while a smirk is placed on Todoroki's face but that's not what's happening.

My heart drops and the world seems to stop. I try my best to look away but I can't as I witness bakugou turn around and wrap his arms around Todoroki's neck. He's hugging him back. I quickly avoid my gaze from the two as more gasp are heard throughout the hall, Only to be met with a sympathetic look on Denki's face. I quickly try my best to smile at him and continue to walk into the classroom begging for the day to already come to an end and tears already threatening to fall down my face.

Class has gone by slowly as I turn around only to see Todoroki and Bakugou staring at each other a small smile placed on both of their faces.  I quickly turn around and wipe the tears forming in my eyes trying to remind myself that as long as Bakugou's happy everything's okay....but why is hurting so much...I put my head down on my desk and try my best to calm down my aching heart.

-Timeskip to right before the lunch bell-

" Kirishimaaaa, wake upppp" I hear a familiar voice call out, I open my eyes only to be surrounded by the squad, including bakugou who's staring at me as well as everyone else. "What happened?" I say trying to sound like my usually cheerful self "You slept all through class bruvaaa that's what happened" Denki says looking at me an arm wrapped around him belonging to Shinsou. " Oh haha sorry guys my bad, I didn't get much sleep last night!" I say rubbing the back of my neck. I look towards the clock only to see that it's practically lunchtime. "Cmon dudesss let's go eat I'm starving," Mina says energetically walking out to exit the classroom. Everyone following after her and me not too far behind.

As we enter the cafeteria my eyes immediately go to our usual table which was now being occupied by a Bicolored hair beauty. Todoroki. I guess I wasn't the only one confused by this as I hear Denki practically screech " WHY IS TODOROKI AT OUR TABLEEEE, IS HE DECLARING WAAAR!" The group bust out into little fits of giggles and then turn to look at bakugou who looks like he just wants to dig a hole and die. Bakugou then clicks his tongue and says " Me and Todoroki are working things out... I guess. HE JUST WANTS TO GET TO KNOW YOU GUYS OKAY!!?!" Bakugou practically screeching the last part and his face red from embarrassment.

Oh god... I think to myself, this is going to be a long lunch. I heard mina awee at "how cute it is that todoroki wants to know us" I on the other hand am not too thrilled about having to watch Bakugou and Todoroki he all lovey-dovey through lunch. Which probably won't actually happen but just the thought of it makes my stomach churn.

We all start to make our way to our usual table, Todoroki looks up to our direction and looks directly at Bakugou, a small now placed in his face. Once we get there Bakugou sits right next to him and not in his usual spot next to me... I guess that was a given but it still hurt me.

A little bit of time has passed since lunch began and let me just say..... IVE NEVER FELT SO LONELY IN MY FRICKING LIFE! Sure it wasn't so bad when Denki and Shinsou got together, it didn't bug me in the slightest but now. IM SURROUNDED BY COUPLES!

Mina and Sero are being all lovey-dovey,  Denki and Shinsou are cuddling right next to me and Bakugou and Todoroki are secretly holding hands under the table well... HATE TO BREAK IT YOU BUT ITS NOT SO SECRET! I really want to get out of here I sigh and then put my head down. Sure I'm happy for everyone... but seeing couples especially when your trying to get over your crush and that certain crush is in front of you doing couply things with the guy he likes REALLY DOESNT HELP.

"Kirishima are you okay?" I look up and follow the voice and realize it Denki, I quickly put on a light smile and say" Yeah bro I'm good why?" Denki stares at me for a moment and then continues " I don't know man you just seem off today" This seems to catch everyone's attention and they all turn to look at me, I look away from Denki and unconsciously look up only to be meet with Bakugou's eyes. I feel the breath hitch in the back of my throat I immediately look away hoping it wasn't obvious I quickly get up and say " Yeah guys I'm fine, my stomachs just been hurting all day I think I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick alright!"

I start walking before anybody else can respond, I make my way halfway through the cafeteria only to look back to see Todoroki leaning and resting on bakugou. I feel my eyes start to water before I turn back around and practically dash to the bathroom. Hot tears streaming down my face as I'm trying not to break down here and now on the floor. DAMN IT, This isn't how it was supposed to go! I was supposed to be happy for him! What's wrong with me?! I bring my hand to my chest and clench my shirt as I'm frantically running to the bathroom, I enter the bathroom and immediately shut the door behind me.

I take a couple of deep breathes and fall down to the floor trying my best to control my breathing. After a couple of seconds it quiets down and I hear... sniffling? my eyes widen in shock. Crap. I'm not the only one In here. I get up and walk to the stall where the sniffles are coming from.

"uhh, are you okay...?" I say awkwardly, gosh I hope I don't sound like a creep I sigh to myself after a couple of seconds I can hear a squeak come from the stall "Uh I- Um I'm fine.." The person says obviously still crying and trying his best to not let his voice squeak. " Umm are you sure? I mean you're crying?" That's when the stall door practically swings open almost knocking me off my feet.


I quickly shake myself from that thought and immediately try to calm him down " Woah wait calm down! Don't cry! please don't cry!" I say frantically unsure what to do in this situation... DO I HUG HIM!? WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?! I go with my instincts and pull the small boy into a tight hug which I'm assuming was the right move because he immediately hugs me back, tears streaming down his eyes and now creating a damp spot on my chest where his face is currently being held.

We stay like this for a few minutes until the small boy pulls away, his eyes swollen and puffy and his face beat red and also swollen... he kinda looks like a cute ...pufferfish. I guess I said that allowed because the boy starts crying again frantically repeating that he's sorry. After a couple more minutes have passed by the boy takes a seat on the foot, he looks at me and for some unknown reason, I can't look away. I hesitantly sit next to him it stays quiet for a minute before the small boy softly mutters " I-i'm so sorry about that.." I look up at him, his face red from embarrassment and it looks like If I say the wrong thing he might start crying again, I quickly stare" It's no problem!! it's my fault I was being nosy!!! Please don't cry!!" I say looking at him worriedly.

The small boy bust out into little fits of the CUTEST giggles I've ever heard in my whole life of existence.. which has sadly been 16 years but not the point. focus eijiro. The freckled boy smiles at me...


The blinding green-haired boy who can practically light up a room continues and says " My name is Izuku Midoriya! I'm in your class but just in case you don't remember me haha!" My heart clenches... this cute boy is in my class?! AND I DIDNT KNOW?! Sighhh, I'm so disappointed in myself. I smile at him and say "I'm Eijiro Kirishima but erm you probably know that haha.." Midoriya nods briefly and looks down toward the floor.

"Kirishima-kun If you don't mind me asking... why were you crying? he says hesitatingly his hands practically shaking. I chuckle to myself about how nervous he is before and look towards the ground and say "My friend Bakugou got a boyfriend or something like that.. and well I might've liked him err well actually might've really really liked him and I mean REALLLLLLLLLLY liked him" I say scratching the back of my neck and chuckling to myself I look up to midoriya who now has a saddened look on his face.

"Oh," he says quietly... I suddenly feel guilty as if I've done something wrong a few moments pass of just silence before Midoriya mutters " My friend Todoroki happens to be the guy bakugou is umm dating" He says silently. My eyes widen as I continue to stare at him " and I might happen to like todoroki" Midoriya mutters turning red. I stare at him wide eyes probably looking like an idiot. I then state "we're in the same boat I guess haha," I say chuckling. Midoriya looks at me wide-eyed before tears start streaming down his face. OH SHIT.

"WAIT DONT CRY MIDORIYA!" I yell frantically, trying my best to calm him down. Midoriya then says between sniffles " I-I can't help it y-your just s-so nice... y-your in love with y-your friend and here you a-are smiling the d-day h-he gets a b-boyfriend... you're so nice.."


wait... WHAT DO YOU MEAN "BADUMP?!" I feel my heartbeat continue to race, what the frick is this?! I pull midoriya into a hug. " you know it's not that easy... I actually feel really bad. I want to be happy for him but it hurts to the point I can't be near him..." I sigh, squeezing midoriya a little tighter. Midoriya wiggles away from my grasp and then stares at me...

"well of course it's going to hurt you dodo... your feelings aren't just going to vanish... you're allowed to be sad silly" I don't know what it was. Whether it was the fact ive been wanting to hear those words for so long or whether the fact he was staring at me so sincerely. I just broke down crying. My hands started shaking, I quickly put them over my face to muffle out my cries as I feel thin arms wrap around me to pull me into a hug. Midoriya holds me, tracing circles onto my back repeating the words "it's okay, you're okay." We stay like this for a couple more minutes, I'm not crying anymore but I really don't want to pull away... He's just so... warm.

Midoriya doesn't make any moment to pull away even though I'm positive he's aware that I'm not crying anymore. I pull away and look at midoriya who is blushing extremely. I can't help but smile and say " Thank you Midoriya" He looks at me shocked before blushing even more. I chuckle to myself. Cute.

-Meanwhile with the Baksquad-

-Bakugou's Pov-

Kirishima's been gone for a long time... what's up with him? he's been acting weird all day today. I would never admit it but I'm worried. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel a squeeze in my hand I look up knowing damn well who it belonged too. Todoroki looks at me worriedly and says " Bakugou if you're worried, why don't you go check up on him?" Todoroki looks at me with a warm smile on his face. GAHHH WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!? SHOWING THAT FACE HERE! Stupid icyhot. stupid hot, icyhot.

"ILL DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT TO DO ICYHOT," I say damn well knowing I'm a blushing mess right now, my table starts laughing including todoroki who has a smirk on his face. gosh, I hate them. I get up stomping my way to the bathroom, still hearing the laughter behind me. GRRR.

After stomping my way through the hall I find the bathroom and it's closed... that's weird I think to myself before lightly opening it and hearing "My friend Bakugou got a boyfriend or something like that..." I stop holding the door slightly open... that's Kirishima's voice... he's talking about me? I don't make any movements letting my curiosity get the better of me and continue to listen.

"and well I might've liked him err well actually might've really really liked him and I mean REALLLLLLLLLLY liked him" I feel my heart drop.


But that doesn't make sense?! He couldn't like me... he practically told me to be with Todoroki! why would he do that if he liked me!? I quietly shut the door and make my way to the classroom. I can't face him right now... and I most certainly can't face Todoroki right now. I'm such a terrible person I think to myself. HOW COULD I NOT NOTICE?! of course this doesn't change anything... but still he put aside his own feelings for me. I find myself outside the classroom when the bell rings. I quickly make my way to my desk and immediately put my head down. My thoughts all jumbled up.

After a couple of minutes pass everyone starts entering the classroom, I hear the loud chatter but the only thing playing in my head is... are the words "I really like him" My face brightens up. He likes me?... I feel terrible. of course I'm flattered that he likes an "evil gremlin" like me as Denki would put it...but. It's just not the same...I feel a hand lightly run its finger through my hair, I lift my head up from my desk to find the culprit, Todoroki.

Todoroki lightly smiles at me and my face immediately turns red. I take notice of my racing heart. I then put my head back down and think... I'm sorry kirishima but it's just not the same... I have to tell him. I want him to be happy.. if he needs some time away from me I understand. But I can't just ignore this and hurt him.

I lift my head and right in that moment, Kirishima walks in with a small green-haired boy laughing brightly. I smile to myself. I hope you continue to laugh like that.