
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

  - 3rd person pov

After Bakugou found out Todoroki was his soulmate he did everything in his power to avoid him, and I mean absolutely everything. If Bakugou saw Todoroki even somewhat glance in his direction, he took off sonic speed in the other.

Of course, this confused Todoroki because he was sure he hadn't done anything wrong, especially to where bakugou had to avoid him. This bothered Todoroki to his core, he was going to find out why bakugou had started to avoid him if it was the last thing he did.

- Todoroki's pov

Bakugou ran away again... that's the 6th time this week and it's only Tuesday, 'why is he avoiding me?' I muttered to myself. Did I do something wrong? Did I make him angry? no that definitely wouldn't be the case, he's always angry with me.

"Todoroki-Kun!" I hear Midoriya yell, I quickly turn around and face him, greeted with his signature smile. "Hello, Midoriya." I say simply  " Has Bakugou-Kun stopped avoiding you yet?" I hear him mutter lowly. " No, not yet," I say followed by a deep sigh. " Wow, Todoroki-Kun you must really like Bakugou-Kun!" He says rather loudly and way to cheerfully.

I then feel myself grow hot as I quickly turn red.' Me? Like Bakugou? No way... Right?' I was about to ask Midoriya what gave him that idea but the bell then rung, echoing the halls. I then feel a slight tug as Midoriya grabs me by the sleeve and pulls me towards the classroom, completely to deep in thought to really object.

As we enter the classroom, I feel all the eyes on me as usual. I look up scanning the classroom looking for a pair of electrifying ruby red eyes who may or may not belong to a certain ash-blonde boy but yet there was none. 'maybe he's not here yet, I mean he did take off in the opposite direction the moment he saw me.' I thought to myself as I made my way to my desk who was thankfully right next to bakugou's.

As I sat down I kept my eyes locked on the door waiting for the electrifying ruby eyes belonging to a short angry ash-blonde boy. Bakugou walked in immediately making eye contact with me, A spark running through my body. I held eye contact hoping he wouldn't look away, but he did letting the electrifying spark leave my body as quickly as it came.

Bakugou steadily walked towards his desk next to mine and quickly put his head down, shutting down my hopes to be able to talk to him or just merely hold eye contact with him. That's when it hit me " Wow Todoroki-kun you must really like Bakugou-kun!" 

I then was lost in thought. Did I like Bakugou? Sure I liked the reactions he gave when I teased him, they were cute but was there something else to it? What did I think of Bakugou? I looked over to the seat next to me only to see Bakugou turned towards me with his eyes closed and a peaceful look displayed on his face. 'He's adorable' I thought to myself. WAIT!? I just called bakugou..... adorable?

I quickly looked away from the sleeping Bakugou, my face gleaming red. 'Bakugou.... adorable?' I pondered to myself and as I was swallowed by my own thoughts even deeper I came to the realization that bakugou really was adorable.

There were little things he did that I guess I unintentionally noticed. Like the way his ruby eyes captivated me and trapped me as if I stared for too long I would completely drown in them, or the way he twiddled and drummed his fingers when he was bored, or the way he quietly hummed when he thought no one was listening but most of all the way he smiled which was rarely but could still brighten up anybody's darken day.

I quickly smiled to myself as I thought about the past memories of this month of me mostly teasing bakugou and him getting angry. I craved talking to him, his voice was intoxicating constantly bringing out emotions in me I thought were buried along with my dead mother. Bakugou just made me well... feel something and I welcomed it. I remember as if it was yesterday when he first arrived here and caused a commotion, even calling me "Peppermint Princess".

I remember feeling the burning in my chest and the frustration growing underneath my skin but most importantly the stinging in my soul-mark. Bakugou had ignited emotion in me without even trying, He did something that I had been trying to do since my mother's "accident" so of course, I would only grow curious about him, it was a natural reaction.

But soon that curiosity manifested into something else, something I just couldn't figure out. What was this attraction I feel towards him it's as if there's a string leading me to him and I just can't get away from it and I don't think I want to? I must've been really deep in thought because by the time I came to my senses there were only 30 minutes remaining till lunch.             

Todoroki-Kun I hear a small whisper and turn around towards it, knowing full well who it is as I reply with a simple "hmm", 'You've been staring at Bakugou-Kun all through class, Is something bothering you?' he whispers quietly so we don't interrupt Mr. Aizawa while he's teaching. I quickly become flustered because not only was I caught looking at bakugou, It was Midoriya who caught me nonetheless, the airhead of my friend group. This probably meant others had noticed too.

"ah sorry Midoriya I didn't think I was being too obvious but yes something is bothering me," I said in a flat tone whisper. I saw a look worry flow up his face and I quickly said " It's nothing to worry about though!" which seemed to relieve him of the worry but replace that emotion with ... embarrassment. I look around to feel all the student's gaze on me as well as a not to happy-looking Mr.Aizawa.

"Something you'd like to say Todoroki?" He says in a gruff tone while raising his eyebrow. " Uh No..." I say flatly causing the person who was sleeping only moments ago to snort. I turn to look at him, his head propped on his arms on his desk already looking at me causing my heart to flutter rapidly, his face which was displaying a rather smug look was replaced with a flushed face in a matter of seconds, I just couldn't help the smile tugging on my lips. That is until my attention was brought back to a rather pissed of teacher located at the front of the class.

"Are you done now or do you need more time to continue flirting with Bakugou?"Mr.Aizawa says without hesitation, I was completely caught off by this question as I could barely hear the gasp and laughter from the class over the pounding of my heart in my ear.

" Uh yes sir.. I'm finished" I say rather quickly, trying to keep the stoic look on my face as the embarrassment and heat start to rise to my face.  As soon as I sit down, I turn my head towards bakugou, still, in the position, he was in before only his face was more flushed, I keep eye contact with him as I mock his position. My head layed out on my crossed arms, as I lose myself in those ruby eyes. This was the longest I've stared into Bakugou's eyes, he hasn't looked away yet he had been avoiding me all week even the tiniest bit of eye contact, he would just look away.

But that wasn't happening right now, he kept holding eye contact with me... It was enticing and electrifying. How could such a little man hold such power over me? I broke eye contact with Bakugou, only to catch myself looking down at his lips. This must-have bothered Bakugou because he hardly whispered" My eyes are up here Icyhot" My gaze stayed on Bakugou's lips a moment longer until I brought them up to meet bakugou's eyes once again. We stayed like this until the lunch bell rang, breaking us both out of our spell, way too soon for my taste. Bakugou was the first to break eye contact due to his friends immediately approaching him so they could head to lunch, igniting jealousy in me.

Bakugou is always expressing his emotions, Honestly, I think that's a part of him that captivates me. I can't express myself to save my life, everyone says I come off as cold and distant but I just don't know what face or how I should react when people talk to me, after my mother I taught myself to be numb towards these things called 'feelings'.

Todoroki-kun, Let's go to lunch!" I hummed a response and stood up and steadily exited the classroom heading to the cafeteria along with Midoriya.  As we entered the cafeteria, I spotted my brother Dabi flirting up a storm as usual. People are always shocked when they find out Dabi and I are brothers since we're so different. Him being flirty and outgoing, while I'm cold and rather keep people at a distance... well all except one.

My brother immediately senses my presence and looks towards me and midoriya and gives me his signature sly smirk as we continue to walk towards him and our table of friends. " Well hello there, little brother," Dabi says to me patting the seat next to him, gesturing me to sit next to him which I oblige too.

"How's your angry little cutie-pie doing?"  I immediately realize who he's referring to, turning my head towards where bakugou's table is located " Oh he's doing just peachy" I say in a tone that seems a little sarcastic as I see Kirishima's and Denk's arms around an angry Bakugou who's angry yelling something I couldn't hear due to the distance and the chattering occurring in the cafeteria.

" No need to get so jealous little brother, it's not like you like him, and even if you did he might not even be your soulmate so what would be the point right? or at least that's what you always say anyways" Dabi says

"well you might be right, but I just can't help but feel drawn to him, like something is constantly pulling me towards him, it's rather...confusing but enjoyable at the same time" I feel a small smile rise upon my lips "oh wow little brother, you've got it pretty bad ~" I turn towards my brother then quickly say " Even if I did, there's no one for me other then my soulmate, you know that dabi," I say sternly a frown overtaking my smile,"

"Jeeze no need to get so serious brother I'm just saying soulmates or not if you like the dude what's wrong with it," He says putting his head down on the table. " I just don't want to end up like our parents," I say with a flat tone, I quickly find myself becoming annoyed. "I'm just saying, you find yourself drawn to him, you get with people because you love them not because their your so-called soulmate and besides shoto, our parents so-called relationship was over before you were even born." I hear the bitterness in his voice, believe it or not, dabi is actually not a bad guy, he may be a flirt but I'm sure he's just hiding his pain, because unlike him I was born with a soul mark.

"there's no poin-" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence, by midoriya nonetheless.  "Todoroki-kun maybe Bakugou-kun is your soulmate? I mean it could be a possibility since you feel so drawn to him and you always complain about your mark stinging, how about giving that a thought before you shut things completely down with Bakugou-kun"

I feel my eyes grow wide because everything Midoriya said was true my soul mark did burn every time I had an interaction with bakugou, maybe that's why I longed for him? I felt well happy. The smile quickly growing on my face, I then reply to Midoriya " You're right...Why didn't I think about it before?!" Midoriya then gives me a small smile, I then look at the clock noticing lunch is going to end soon, so I can't confront Bakugou now I quickly come up with the plan to talk to him on the roof after school. I feel myself practically speed racing towards his table, not being able to hide the smile on my face...maybe just maybe, this could be perfect.

"Icyhot? What do you want?" I quickly snap out of it, immediately recognizing the voice looking up to a surprised but scowling bakugou. " I need to talk to you after school on the roof," I say trying my best to not pin him to the table and kiss him there. "why would I do that?" he says with a confused look, I then feel anxious and lower my head whispering in his ear " please kitten I need to confirm something"

He immediately pushes me away and red blush forming on his face, I smirk knowing exactly the response I'll get. "FINE ICYHOT JUST DON'T GET SO...CLOSE DAMN IT!" He says in his angry but adorable expression that just makes me melt. "Alright... I look forward to it" I say while walking away hearing a loud string of foul words being spewed out of bakugou's kissable mouth.

I enter the class, already growing impatient and begging for the school day to come to an end, because if Midoriya was right, this could be perfect but if he was wrong, I think my heart would literally break, I have never wished for something more in my life. Please...let bakugou be my soulmate, just, please.  The bell then rings as I enter the classroom preparing myself for what's going to be the longest day known to mankind

-Time skip to just after the last bell rings-

-Still Todoroki's pov-

I survived, I think to myself as I hear the last bell ring, I quickly turn to look at bakugou who's already standing up and says " What are you waiting for Todoroki?" I blush as I hear him call me by name instead of one of his many nicknames he's gifted to me but I quickly dismiss it as I get up practically dragging bakugou down the hallway barely containing myself and completely zoning out the protest coming out of bakugo's mouth.

We quickly reach the stairs leading towards the rooftop and every step I take I feel my heartbeat get faster. By the time we reach the final set, my heart is practically beating out of my chest. I let go of bakugou and open the door that leads towards the roof, I urge him to enter which he does and I quickly follow not too far behind him.

Once we reach what seems to be the center of the rooftop, bakugou turns to me and says " what is it that you needed to tell me?" My nerves are a jittering mess I feel my breath begin to shake, I quickly take a deep breath to try to relax myself, I need this, I need him.

I then look up to look at bakugou and suddenly my nerves begin to fade away, I see the anxious look on his face, as well as his ruby eyes waiting in anticipation. I then say in a confident tone, because I need this to be true.

"Bakugou, you're my soulmate." I then see his expression turn into shock and then morph into confusion. "How in the hell did you find out?! Did Pikachu tell you? or maybe it was Shitty hair?!" I feel my face turn cold " what do you mean? 'how did I find out?' You knew!... wait we're actually soulmates?" I say bewildered.

Bakugou looks at me a confused look overtaking his face "wait you didn't know?" I look at him and say"I had a hunch and hoped but I didn't know for sure... but you knew? and didn't tell me!" I felt myself begin to grow angry..no furious as I continued "for how long? how long did you pretend to not know?! is this why you've been avoiding me ?" I yelled harshly. I examine the look on bakugou's face he looks.. hurt, guilty, and confused.

"What the hell was I supposed to say?! I didn't even want a soulmate, I still don't! so why? Why is it that I want to talk to you constantly, That I actually don't mind your annoying teasing and that I actually look forward to it?.. why do you affect me so much, It's Not fair! I didn't want this, Damn you icyhot!"

My eyes widen at the sight of bakugou in front of me, tears rolling down his face and desperation in his voice. " I didn't mean to lie to you, or avoid you...I'm just confused I don't know how I feel about all this," he says quietly. I take a step forward towards him my hands reaching up to his face, his eyes widen as he looks at me. I then proceed to place my hands on both of his cheeks and gently wipe his tears away.

I look down towards him, looking into his beautiful ruby eyes and say in the gentlest tone I can " I'm sorry kitten, I didn't mean to make you cry... I'm so happy right now, I can barely contain myself" I smile looking at him, he then begins to cry even more. He then continues to mutter " I'm sorry"

I can't help but chuckle " Who knew you were so emotional kitten?" He then stops crying a scowl replacing his adorable pout and says " I CAN'T HELP IT IF IM AN EMOTIONAL WRECK, LEAVE ME ALONE!" he tries to push me away, but I don't budge. I burst out into fits of laughter, this goes on until he figures out that he won't be able to push me away. A comfortable silence has taken over our conversation as I stare into bakugou's eyes and he stares into mine.

After a couple of minutes like this, I begin to speak and say "Bakugou" all I hear is a "hmm' in response as he continues to look at me. " I think I'm falling madly in love with you," I say with a beaming smile, a furious blush overtaking his face. "w-what?!" I then lean in towards him and huskily say" You heard me."

I see bakugou look down towards my lips and say " I still don't know how I feel about the soulmate thing" he says his gaze not leaving my mouth. " Does that mean you don't like me?" I say still leaning in, he stays quiet for a moment but then he whispers " No.." I feel him lean closer towards me, our lips being pulled together like magnets before I hear him say" I'm a mess you know.. I'm angry and explosive, I wouldn't be a good match for you." he says sounding like he's trying to convince himself more than me.

I simply reply with " You're perfect." I caress his cheeks as he stays quiet, the tension continuing to fil the air, he then looks up to me and says " Shoto...Kiss me." That was all it took to send my systems into overdrive.

"As you wish Katsuki" I smash my lips on his soft lips and kissed him. He didn't hesitate and kissed back, his hands wrapping around me as he grips onto the back of my shirt tightly, I feel as if the earth is spinning the tingly sensation of his mouth on mine. I licked his lips asking for permission which he granted, I began to explore every inch of his mouth, leaving no parts untouched. The burning sensation of my soul mark located on my back, My minds begins to go blank, We both pull away for oxygen, Bakugou begins to huff to try to catch his breath a blush found on his face with his eyes in a daze. I put my forehead on his and simply say " perfect"