
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

- Timeskip a month after bakugou joined his new school-

-3rd person pov

A month has passed since bakugou started his new school and let's just say it's been a heck of a ride. Todoroki turned out to be right, bakugou did use his number often, way too often for bakugou's taste. It's not as if he hated todoroki or not as much as he did when they first meet, he just made him feel as if he was going to have a heart attack every time he happen to be in a 5 feet proximity of him.

-Bakugou's pov (attempted)

- Ding!

I was walking with Kirishima in the hallway getting ready to enter the classroom when I felt my phone vibrate, again. " why does iceyhot keep texting me every fucking 5 minutes" I sighed and then ran my fingers through my hair.

Kirishima then turned to look at me and said " maybe he misses you?" I couldn't tell if he was joking or being completely serious but the conflicted look on his face rubbed me the wrong way, " more like he misses annoying the hell out of me" I quickly said and you know the saying speak of the devil and he'll appear, well he did.

There stood Todoroki at the entrance of the classroom, immediately making eye contact with me, making my heart do all the weird shit I've been trying to avoid. Todoroki looked at me holding eye contact as me and Kirishima got closer to the classroom, when I heard Kirishima quietly whisper " if you want we can make a run for it, he cant chase the both of us right?" I then chuckled and said" he's after me shitty hair if we ran, of course, he would chase me and not you dumbass" Kirishima then seemed to have a look of revelation on his face as if he didn't really think of that, and with that, I couldn't help but start laughing.

Todoroki then walked up to us and coldly told Kirishima to enter the classroom, this made me beyond angry I have no idea what his problem is with Kirishima but he's always so bitchy to him and it's pissing me the fuck off. I then grabbed Kirishima's hand and glared at Todoroki and said " No stay" Kirishima then turned red and looked in between me and todoroki and lightly yanked his hand away from my grasp.

"sorry bakubro this seems important I should give you privacy" why tf should he do that I thought to myself as he walked away leaving me alone with the devil himself. I then immediately looked up towards him, my heart betraying every fiber of my body. Damn it why does he have to look at me like that I thought to myself as he slowly started getting closer.

"Bakugou why are you ignoring my text," Todoroki said in an extremely sexy voice, to sexy for my taste. I quickly backed up which only made the bastard smirk I then said " why do you keep getting so damn close halfie " Todoroki then looked down at me and patted my head, like a damn dog. " because you keep avoiding my question kitten ~" I immediately felt the blood rush to my face, who did this bastard think he is teasing me?! I was about to give him a piece of my mind when it hit me, why not give him a taste of his own medicine? I then felt a smirk begin to play on my lips

I then harshly grabbed Todoroki by the collar bringing his face dangerously close to mine, the blush immediately began taking over todoroki's face giving me a sense of victory, I then hardened my grasp around todoroki's collar and then made eye contact with this bastard teasingly looking down at his lips and said " isn't it obvious to why I'm ignoring you Todoroki-kun?

I felt him shudder against my grasp and then continued and said " because I simply wanted too ~ " I then quickly pulled away and let go of his collar and made my way to the classroom straight ahead leaving todoroki completely and utterly dumbstruck, enjoying this thrilling feeling of victory that reminded me on why I was such a bad bitch.

As I got closer to the classroom I could see my friends smiling widely at me, me definitely knowing they had witnessed the whole thing. Pinky and Pikachu were the first to jump hug me and congratulate me on giving todoroki a taste of his own medicine since they were aware of how much todoroki had been teasing me lately, It would have been great to enjoy this feeling of victory a little bit more but the stupid burn that my soul-mark left was back which only meant one thing, It was growing.

My bond with my soul mate was deepening and I had no idea how to stop it, I had no idea who it was, could it be someone in my friend group? they were the only people I actually talked too and enjoyed talking too. I felt anger begin to rise in my chest, the mark has been growing daily and was now starting to spread down my back the prickly feeling still lingering. I had to stop this bond, whoever it was I was going to stop it, no matter the cost.

" Bakugou!" I heard pikachu's voice break me out of my trance and I quickly recovered and answered with a grunt, I'm assuming he took the hint because he continued" We're still coming to your house tonight right bakubro, it's your turn to hold the group sleepover remember?" I then rolled my eyes and answered " how could I forget you guys have been bitching about it all week, you damn extras!"

Pinky then responded with " We're just excited bakugou, we finally get to meet your mom and see where you live!" "and get to see all your embarrassing baby photos and post them everywhere-" Before Pikachu could finish he was hit in the back of the head by eyebags who was telling him to shut up, I'm going to admit I was excited, every group sleepover ended up with loads of gossiping, junk food, and mostly ended with us doing some other type of crazy shit. The bell then rang and thus started another tiring day.

-Timeskip to after school right before the sleepover-

"HEY HAG! I yelled " make sure you hide the baby photos!", "Now why would I do that Katsuki?" I could practically hear the deviousness in her voice but before I could continue our argument I felt my phone buzz.


Bakusquad bad bitches

Pinky: Bakugou I'm here and I brought the drinks!

Shitty hair : Mina how the hell did you get there so fast?! Anyways I'm like 10 minutes away and I have the snacks!

Eyebags : Me and Denki aren't too far away we just have to pick up ice cream because some idiot, not to say any names * cough cough* kaminari forgot to get it

Pickachu: Are you catching a cold shinsou do you need me to warm you up ;)

Duck tape : :0 I didnt know .... THAT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BRING SOMETHING!?


Me/ Angry pomeranian: Says the idiot who forgot the ice cream

Eyebags: PFTTTTT💀


Shitty hair: now that's rough😂🤚🏼


Pikachu: Well I-

Pikachu: that's cold😔

Pikachu: Oh so cold😭

"KATSUKIIIIIIII YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!" it then hit me, that I HAD COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT PINKY GETTING HERE! I then practically flew downstairs, hoping I wasn't too late, I almost lost my footing at the last step down the stairs, completely out of breath only to find Pinky and the hag chatting normally, with no baby pictures insight ~phew

'Bakugou!" pinky squealed " your mom is the sweetest!" I could see the evil glint in the old hag's eyes, just what was she up too? Before I could ponder on it any longer the doorbell rang " That must be the others, let's go get them bakugouuuu" Pinky said as she dragged me towards the door of MY OWN FREAKING HOUSE, but damn does this girl got a grip.

Pinky then opened the door and there was everybody surprisingly, " We kinda ran into each other on the way here " shitty hair said. He looked different, he looked nervous. Why the hell was he nervous? I thought to myself that's when Pikachu spoke up " I GOT THE ICE CREAM GUYS!" everyone then began to laugh " cmon guys let's go inside" I said softly a small smiling growing on my face.

" Guys this is the old hag, old hag meet Kirishima, Sero, Shinsou. and Kaminari. You've already meet Mina" I said rather quickly, I know she's plotting something " Nice to meet you guys, Katsuki didn't really have any friends be-" "OKAYYY let's go guys" I then grabbed Kirishima and kaminari and pulled them all the way upstairs the other's following not too far behind.

"Woah bakubro your room isn't exactly at all what I expected it to look like," Shitty hair said looking around taking in the scenery " Yeah I definitely expected more emo" Pikachu said sighing, " I definitely thought it would be more trashy" Eyebags followed " WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" I yelled looking over at pinky and duck tape trying their best not to laugh, eventually failing causing everyone to laugh.

-Timeskip 2 hours into the sleepover-

" Bakugou can you go get the ice cream pleaseee" Pinky whined, " get it yourself pinky, I'm not your slave," I said grunlty " but it's your house, I'll end up getting lost and asking your mom for help" I flinched hearing the words'ask your mom for help' The less interaction they had with her the better "fine" I hummed and then got up, slowly making my way downstairs, once I reached the freezer and pulled out the ice cream. I immediately felt my phone buzz, What now I thought to myself pulling out my phone.



Pikachu:OMGSH MINA, you're a real one!!! Where did you even get this 🤣

Pinky: His mom gave it to meee, isn't he adorable 😍

Pikachu: Why did such an adorable kid turn into a little gremlin, sigh so disappointing 😔

Eyebags: You're dead mina lol

Shitty hair: R.I.P Mina she was a great friend till the end😔

Sero: She will be missed 😭

Pikachu: LMAOOOOO bye Bitchhh I love youuu😂💀


"PINKYYYY I SWEAR YOU BETTER START RUNNING BEFORE I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and furiously started stomping up the stairs. By the time I got to the top of the stairs, Mina was running out of my room squealing for dear life and was heading towards what seemed the bathroom upstairs " OH NO YOU DONT" I yelled furiously but by the time I had caught up to her she had locked the bathroom door.


I waited a second for a reply but there was none.

" OKAY BE THAT WAY" I was seriously about to kick it down when I felt a hard smack to the back of the head "WHAT THE HELL" I screeched and the culprit was none other than my dear wonderful mother with shitty hair, eyebags, pikachu, and ducktape not too far behind her.




"EQUAL RIGHTS, EQUAL FIGHTS BITCH" I screamed at her and that's when I heard fits of laughter coming from the bathroom and behind the old hag, "WHAT IM COMPLETELY SERIOUS!"

Pikachu then fell to the floor hugging his stomach and laughing his guts out


I thought about it, long and hard, One photo wasn't so bad, now a whole fucking album. No way.

"Fine I won't kill pinky" I sighed

"Good, Now good night kids," The old hag said before she walked away. Pinky then decided to open the door with a sheepish smile on her face, she then said "equal rights, equal fights huh" I then realized what I had said and started laughing along with Kaminari.

After a while everything went back to normal, I'm pretty sure the old hag had gone to bed so we were doing our best to be quiet. When pikachu came up with the bright idea to play truth or dare, so here we are.

Pinky was the first to go, "Kaminari Truth or Dare?" " Truth" he answered quickly I thought to myself. Pinky then continued and said, " What's your soulmate like?" I then saw the big goofy grin pikachu always wears wipe off of his face " I don't know" he said quietly, I couldn't take the eerie silence after that and bluntly said, "you're better off without knowing, they're nothing but heartbreak waiting to happen."

Everyone stared at me shock in their eyes and completely speechless. " Can we just continue the game?!" I said impatiently, this seemed to break everyone from their shock as they all "yupped" or" hummed" in approval.

Pikachu then looked at me and said"Bakugou truth or dare?" I quickly answered with dare because I'm not a pussy. Pikachu then smirked and said" Bakugou I  dare you to tell us if you like anybody" this question caught me off guard I was about to answer when todoroki's smirk randomly flashed in my head and went beet red " Ohoho so there is someone you like?!" I saw pikachu nudge kirishima as kirishima turned red for some reason " is it, someone, we know pikachu asked hauntingly I quickly snapped and said, " I DONT LIKE ANYBODY YOU DAMN PIKACHU!"

Everyone seemed to start bursting into small giggles or fits of laughter, My phone then dinged so I pulled it out to check and to my surprise, it was the one and only Todoroki Shoto


Ice princess : How are you kitten?, Just wanted to let you know that was a mean stunt you pulled today :(


Ice princess: I wish you weren't so mean to me Kitty-kat, I'm genuinely curious about you but you just shut me down.

Me: what the fuck does that even mean iceyhot? you're curious about me tf?

Ice princess: I talk to you later Akatsuki, enjoy your little sleepover. I hope you have sweet dreams, preferably of me;)🖤


Me: hello?

Me: Iceyhot answer me!

Me: Hello!

"Bakugou! hello, earth to bakugou!" I immediately looked up from my phone heart beating fast, and soul-mark burning , with a beet, blushed face " W-what" shit I stuttered I thought to myself "You were smiling at you're phone just now, are you okay?" Kirishima asked, I then remembered that the burning was back, it's growing again!? " Okay, I've had it! " I said angrily I then turned to look at everyone and stated, " I think one of you is my soul-mate because my mark keeps growing and burning like a bitch, so all of you show me your marks" they all stared at me wide-eyed as if I had just said something completely insane.

" S-soul marks are private bakugou you just can't say that" Kirishima was blushing madly, Kaminari was just staring in shock and shinsou, mina and sero were pretty much unbothered by this" Yes you can I rather figure out now so I don't have to worry about rejecting them later."

"yeah it's not me or sero," pinky said with a blush, "we're each other's soulmate's" sero continued now turning red, " well whoop dee doo congrats now the rest of you show me" everyone but me stared at mina and sero in awe and congratulated them, I just wanted to figure out who mine was so I could reject them and get it over with.

Pikachu then looked at me and sighed he pulled his shirt up, his soul mark a beautiful lavender mixed with black flowered combing down his ribs, but that's not what caught my attention. Pikachu had a smiley face above his belly button, a smiley face of freckles. I burst out laughing holding my stomach as I bent down forward " HEY I KNOW WHY YOU'RE LAUGHING YOU DICK, LEAVE MY SMILEY FACE ALONE BITCH" I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started laughing even louder, rolling on the floor now, everyone but shinsou, who looked like he had just seen a ghost.

" haah okay good news pikachu you aren't my soulmate," I said wiping the tears from my eyes I then turned to eyebags and said" You're turn eyebags" he just looked at me shocked written on his face " I don't think I'm your soulmate bakugou" " look eyebags I don't think you're my soulmate either but I just wanna make sure" He then looked at me and then pikachu and lifted his shirt revealing the same mark pikachu had and said" I can't be your soulmate... because I'm his" he then pointed to Pikachu who was in shock as well as blushing like a mad man, everyone was now smiling and hugging them both congratulating them, including me, partially because I've shipped these two for a while now and Pikachu was freaking crying. what was I supposed to do!?

I then turned to kirishima who was beet red, I was even red because if he wasn't my soulmate then who was? after witnessing shinsou and kaminari did I really want to throw that away? wait... what am I even saying, I'm never going to put myself in the type of shriveling pain my old hag went through, never.

"Show me your mark," I said coldly to kirishima who then turned around and lifted his shirt, my heart was beating faster than a bullet being shot, his is on his back?! like mine!?, I was growing anxious as he lifted his shirt up and revealed green flowers along the line of his lower back, completely different from my red ones " Damn it, you aren't my soulmate either arghhhhh" I sighed, great now back to square one, I looked over to kirishima who seemed, disappointed? no, impossible. right?

Mina then looked at me and said" show us your mark bakugou!" "what?! why?!" I said quickly there was no need for it none of them were my soulmate I thought to myself. Kaminari then spoke up and whined," IT'S ONLY FAIR, YOU ANGRY POMERANIAN BITCH, YOU MADE US DO IT!"

"ARGH FINE," I said angrily, I then turned around, lifting my shirt revealing my soul-mark hearing gasp. "It's so beautiful"  I heard mina say "It's huge dude, Why is it so big?! I heard shinsou mutter. " Kirishima doesn't that look like-" "yup" kirishima stated flatly. I immediately turned around and looked at them intensely, " Do you know who else has this mark?!" I said, my voice sounding a little too desperate for my taste

"Yup," kirishima and kaminari said at the same time, " tell me!" I pleaded. "you aren't going to like it" Pikachu stated, " JUST FUCKING TELL ME!"

" You have the same mark as, Shoto Todoroki"