
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 3

Bakugou was still being dragged away by Kirishima and all bakugou could think of is why would Kirishima break up his so-called 'fight' but before Bakugou could ponder on the thought any longer they came to stop, Kirishima then turned around to face him and before bakugou could ask what the hell was going on with Kirishima.

Kirishima then grabbed both of bakugou's checks and said" Bakugou you really shouldn't mess with Shoto Todoroki, you could seriously get hurt" Bakugou then slapped Kirishima's hands away from his face and tried his best to not let the heat running towards his face stop him from making eye contact with Kirishima so he could say " look shitty hair, I get you mean well but I don't give a fuck if he's a what? a Todoroki what's up with everyone telling me to watch out, Mr.Prince doesn't look like he's able to hurt a fly besides ill be damned if I let him of all people mess with me" Bakugou then huffed loudly.

He then turned away and began to head towards the exit of the cafeteria with Kirishima following not too far behind he then heard Kirishima call for him and slowly turned around and gave him a look that said "what?!"

Kirishima then hesitantly said" look you might not get it because your new but Shoto and Dabi Todoroki aren't to be messed with there are all kinds of rumors about them going to a juvenile detention center for some kind of murder, look they don't look it but they can be very violent, not to mention if you cause trouble their dad could make your life a living hell and make it as if you didn't exist, look dude whatever angered you so much... just let it go"

Bakugou could hear the pleading in Kirishima's voice and the desperate look in his eyes, could these two dudes really be that bad? he decided to not let it get to him, rumors are just rumors, and it's not like he was picking a fight with Todoroki. Todoroki was just messing with him and if he let him walk all over him, everyone else would follow and he would not have that.

He decided he didn't want to worry Kirishima by telling him he wasn't going to let that bastard walk all over him so he just turned around and started heading back to the classroom since lunch was just about ready to end and his next class or subject would be P.E.

As Kirishima and Bakugou entered the classroom he was then immediately greeted by his so-called new squad which was hounding him with questions, Bakugou then without a second glance headed to his desk and put his head down, he just wanted to go home and sleep. why was being the new kid so tiring?

Although today had been uneventful so far he was sorta glad he had met those two idiots who introduced him to their friends he would never admit this ever but he didn't hate them as much as everyone else he's meet today.

The bell then suddenly rang and the classroom was once again beginning to fill with students who he had yet to learn their names and he really couldn't careless to him they were just "extras" in his book. Before long class was supposed to start but Mr.Aizawa was nowhere in sight, are teachers even allowed to do this bakugou thought?

As if someone had read his mind a yellow-colored caterpillar looking sleeping bag had suddenly sprung up out of nowhere only to show the one and only Mr.Aizawa nobody but bakugou seemed all that much shocked by this so he figured this was probably a normal thing.

Mr. Aizawa then said " Okay everyone let's head down to the locker rooms so you guys can change into your gym uniforms, Bakugou, since you're new here's, yours"

Bakugou then stood up to receive his uniform along with a P.E. locker number and combination, everyone then headed out down the hall. Bakugou still had no idea where he was going so he decided to stay in the very back which he was fine with since Kaminari, Shinsou, and Kirishima decided to walk with him as well. Everything was going fine and dandy until a certain Bi-Colored bastard brushed past him, purposely hitting him as he passed.

"oh sorry about that" Todoroki said as he turned around, no emotion showing on his face or in his voice, still as serious as ever. Kirishima, Shinsou, and Kaminari immediately sensed the tension in the air and the three of them begged that someone would come to rescue them. Bakugou looking over and sensing his friends no, his acquaintance's distress as he could see Kaminari holding on to Shinsou and literally shaking quietly asking if he was going to die.

Bakugou couldn't tell if kaminari was joking around or being dead serious, Bakugou then said" you three go ahead it seems like I have something to discuss with peppermint right here" Kaminari immediately dashed off yelling "OH THANK YOU, I LIVE ANOTHER DAY"

Shinsou and Kirishima looked at each other awkwardly before Kirishima said" are you sure bakugou?" Kirishima then looked towards Todoroki warningly only to have Todoroki sending death glares towards Kirishima making him gulp. Bakugou then lightly smacked todoroki's arm telling him to quit and then turned towards shinsou and kirishima and said" I'm fine just go" that's all it took to have them run after Kaminari with their tail between their legs.

"what was that about" bakugou turned towards todoroki a hint of frustration in his voice, Todoroki turning to look at bakugou said " I have no idea what you're talking about" a slight smirk playing on his lips, " of course you don't," bakugou says with a sigh before he could say anything else he was caught off by todoroki grabbing him and pinning him to a nearby wall, trapping him with both his arms of the side of his head leaning down towards bakugou's face.

"W-what the hell do you think you're doing" Bakugou stuttered out completely caught by surprise, blush rushing to his cheeks as well as the burning on his chest and on his left shoulder area where his soul mark was located, this reaction only made Todoroki want to tease him even more so he lowered himself towards bakugou's ear and huskily asked " Bakugou what do you think about soulmate's"

This was all it took to break bakugou out of his trance and kicking todoroki in the shin then grabbing todoroki by the hair and bringing his head back and venomously answered " to hell with soulmates they're a waste of time and you icyhot are waisting my FUCKING time" he then let go and continued to head to where he saw the rest of the class enter.

To say this answer surprised Todoroki was an understatement everyone he's ever met was obsessed with meeting their soulmate including him, why did he hear so much hate in his voice as he called soulmate's a waste of time, had bakugou already met his soulmate? maybe it had ended badly that's why he was so angry. Todoroki just had to know although he hoped that wasn't the case because he's only known Bakugou for a day and yet he felt a need to talk to the small blonde, whether it was because the angry blonde was amusing or he was genuinely interested in him todoroki had no idea.

Todoroki sighed and then headed into the locker room immediately looking for a small blonde only he was not there, had he already left todoroki wondered he then quickly changed and headed out towards the gym completely unaware of the white soul mark on his left shoulder blossoming into a beautiful tattoo.

After Bakugou had made sure everyone was gone from the locker room he exited the bathroom in the lockerrooms and quickly changed, he made sure and waited for everyone to change because he did not want to risk his soul-mark being exposed since he noticed the burning earlier bakugou had decided to check it out in the bathroom after he entered the locker rooms and to his surprised the simple white mark located on his left shoulder had been blossoming to what seemed like flowers on fire, he quickly covered it up and hid in the stalls wondering 'how the hell did this happen?' 'have I met my soulmate today?' he questioned himself who had he talked to today? he quickly told himself it didn't matter and he would worry about it later.

Bakugou then exited the stall and quickly changed and put his stuff in his gym locker and headed towards the gym, when he entered the gym he saw the classes gaze on him but he only looked at todoroki. Mr. Aizawa then said' how nice of you to join us bakugou, you're a little late don't you think?"

Bakugou immediately stiffened and begged his brain for some smart alec response but there was none, so he did what any student who was late to class when in reality was hiding because he was scared of finding the supposed love of his life would do he quickly said he got lost. Mr. Aizawa just stared at him as if he was looking into his soul and what seemed like an eternity he hummed as if to say okay and then ended it with " just don't let it happen again."

Bakugou then spotted his so-called friends and made his way to sit with them, he spotted the worrying look on their face and then simply stated "I'm fine losers, quit worrying it's becoming annoying" they then began to smile and start laughing and joking around like normal the surrounding laughter around bakugou had cause him so shed a tiny smile, if you weren't looking for it you wouldn't have spotted it on bakugou's face, except todoroki did and the little smile made his heart do backflips as well as cartwheels, but before his heart leaped out of his chest his attention was brought back to his teacher.

Aizawa quickly said to partner up because we would need to work out with partners for today's lesson. Todoroki was about to walk up to bakugou but quickly stopped when he saw a smile on the red hed's face and heard him say " Bakubro be my partner alright" bakugou not really in the position to disagree said yes and then they turned away. Todoroki immediately felt disappointed but was quickly brought back to reality when he heard his friend Midoriya asking him to be partners Todoroki flatly said yes still looking at bakugou as he was walking away.

Kirishima was talking away bakugou was trying his best to pay attention but he kept getting distracted by Todoroki, like when todoroki would look his way or smirk at him or even just glance at him but bakugou would still try his best to ignore him, it just wasn't going too well. "Bakugou, it's your turn now " bakugou then responded with " oh yeah" but just as he was about to start doing this so-called workout someone from across the gym had caught his eye and apparently everyone in the gym as well.

There was Shoto Todoroki in the middle of the gym floor, sweat glistening down his body like an angel and his shirt tightly hugging his upper body muscles as he ran his fingers through his soaked hair, Bakugou had no idea what had come over him but he just could not look away from the scene developing in front of him he might've hated him but even he was weak to Todoroki's good looks after all bakugou had eyes after all.

Todoroki immediately felt the gaze and quickly made eye contact with Bakugou, Bakugou unsure of what to do since he was caught staring went beet red and quickly looked away making the Bi-Colored male very pleased with this reaction.

"Bakugou? Bakugou! are you alright?" Bakugou then looked up at the voice which was no one other then Kirishima who was looking down at him with one of his hands on Bakugou's forehead and the other on his shoulder, leaning in a little to closely to bakugou's taste " yeah why wouldn't I be?" he responded, heart still racing, face still beet red but now his soul mark was burning this confused bakugou, who was around him, who was his soulmate?

Before he could think too long about it Kirishima patted his head and said " you're just red, that's all I was worried" He then gave bakugou his goofy toothy grin which would make anyone with a heart melt; bakugou just stood there in awe but then quickly realized what he was doing and smacked Kirishima's hand away and then proceeded to head towards the exit of the gym since he was sure they had less than 4 minutes anyway.

Bakugou quickly changed unnoticed and headed back to his homeroom class, the rest of the day was pretty much a blur but as soon as the final bell rang he had never been happier that his first day was finally over as he was about to get up to head home. He had been called over towards Mina's desk which had Kirishima, kaminari, shinso and sero hanging around it before he could ask what's up kaminari jumped at him slinging his arm around bakugou's shoulder and said " do you wanna come with us to hang out at this arcade its loads of fun" he said while poking bakugou's cheek. Bakugou almost bit off his finger but he was just too tired to do so, so instead, he just kaminari off of him and said " not today pikachu maybe next time I'm busy" and almost walked away until Mina said, " wait give us your number so we can add you to our chat!"

Bakugou thought long and hard about this and figured there wouldn't be any harm in it so he brought out his phone and gave them his number. "there" bakugou said and turned away, the way back home was a flash considering the tiresome day he had, he was surprised Todoroki didnt bug him at the end of the day, it sort of bugged him but he would never admit it.

- Ding!

Bakugou was too tired to answer his phone but as his eyes fluttered shut he wondered now that his first day was over, would everything calm down from here but boy was he wrong.


- hello, this is Shoto Todoroki, save my number Bakugou you're going to be using it often.