
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 2

Bakugou could still feel the anger running through his veins who did that guy think he was he seemed to be oozing arrogance and it didn't help that his soul-mark decided to start acting up as soon as he heard the bi-colored male's voice and as if momo would read the expression off of his face she softly said' that guys name who you just called peppermint princess was Shoto Todoroki" Bakugou looked at her and then repeated the name lightly and said " Shoto Todoroki?" even the name of this guy made Bakugou's heart flutter and he hated it. " God I hate him already," he said out loud and made a face of disgust.

Momo then burst out laughing and said," Bro that was The Shoto Todoroki, and you just said you hated him, Bakugou do you enjoy becoming a dead man or what?" Bakugou looked at her shocked and then said" why would I become a dead man he just has to keep his fan club out of my way" he the ran his fingers through his hair a sighed " god I already hate today and it's not even lunchtime yet" Momo then looked at him and stopped walking" just so you know you just insulted one of the Todoroki Brothers you're in for one heck of a first-day dude" Bakugou then loudly groaned "there are two of those bastards, thanks hedgehog you just made my day worse"

Momo then continues walking laughing along with Bakugou and just as Bakugou was about to thank momo and maybe just maybe ask her if she would be interested in sitting with him at lunch so he wouldn't look like an idiot by himself he quickly changed his mind and reminded himself he did not want to have friends and he definitely did not care about being alone.

Bakugou was then broken out of thought as Momo said they had reached his homeroom class which would be the class he would be stuck in all day, bakugou had then silently thanked her and entered the classroom along with momo who was also in this class.

The teacher known as Shouta Aizawa or to the students Aizawa Sensei looked at Bakugou and then said" you must be the new kid, just don't cause trouble because that's a lot of paperwork for me now you can sit in the back near the window" Bakugou then nodded and headed to the back and put his head down on the desk, as the students started flooding in he could hear thee gossip which was going around and a particular thing he heard was going around was that the new kid gave Todoroki a beating which made him scoff he was about to give whoever the voice belonged too a piece of his mind fate intervened and a certain Shoto Todoroki happened to walk in at the exact time.

Everyone had gone quiet and Bakugou immediately thought that if he didn't look Todoroki's way he would disappear. Yeah, that didn't happen much to Bakugou's disappointment, as soon as the bell rung everyone had gone to their desk and Aizawa then cleared his throat as the class had quieted down and said" Hey brats we have a new kid today, stand up and present yourself kid" The class seemed to look around until they spotted a mob of blonde spikey hair which they assumed was him, Bakugou then grunted and said" My name is Bakugou Katsuki, don't get in my way" and sat back down without hesitation everyone looked at each other with disbelief except two idiots, one with red spikey hair which looked to have taken a crapload of hair spray in order to have stayed that way and the other with blonde hair and a strip of black making him look exactly like pikachu the pokemon had burst out laughing.

Aizawa sensei then cleared his throat and the two of them had quieted down, Aizawa then proceeded to say " nice introduction, now class lets start with the first subject of the day which ended up being Language arts, Bakugou didn't really remember much of what Aizawa was saying because a certain bastard by the name of Todoroki would glance his way every chance he got and this only made bakugou's heart flutter which of course ended up making him angry which ended with him trying to not cuss out the bastard who was glaring at him.

As if he was trying to send a message Bakugou then glared at Todoroki who was then caught in the act of glimpsing at Bakugou, unsure on what to do Todoroki did what any guy who got caught in the act of staring at someone and didn't want to seem like a stalker would do. He stared back, and I mean hardcore stared back this intense staredown between the two didn't go unnoticed by the other students it was as if they were caught in the crossfire of an explosion waiting to happen which didn't go unnoticed by aizawa and quote he said" Todoroki, Bakugou if you guys are done with your little game of who can get Mr.Aizawa to give detention first then I would like to continue my lesson, bakugou then hummed and put his head down because if he didn't look away fast he was sure he would've ended up going to detention and in reality, he just wanted to avoid the drama Todoroki was trying to start if he was even trying to start any.

After that Bakugou didn't really remember anything else after a couple of class hours and subjects bakugou was pretty sure lunch was going to start soon and as if on cue the bell rang and Mr.Aizawa said " class dismissed for lunch be ready for pe right after"

Everyone had left pretty quickly even Bakugou did everything in his power to get out of there before Todoroki could walk up to him which he was sure was going to happen the minute the bell rang and he was trying to make his way to his desk but was stopped by a freckled boy with green hair in which bakugou would have to thank later for giving him the opportunity to get away which was a complete success.

There was only one problem he had no idea where he was or how to get to the cafeteria and he really didn't want to miss lunch. After wandering around for what seemed like forever which in reality was more like 5 minutes Bakugou had run into the two idiots from earlier laughing and talking about something he couldn't hear clearly he was about to ask them if he could go with them to the cafeteria but his pride wouldn't let him ask he then decided he could do it on his own like always.

Just as he was about to pass them he then heard one of them call his name "Bakugou wait!" Hair spray had said bakugou then turned around and looked at them and grunted and said "what" he, of course, didn't mean to sound like a dick it just sort of happened when he was about to say something else but then Pikachu butted in and said, "come eat with us Bakugou it would be fun!" Bakugou then looked at them questioningly wondering if they had a motive but those goofy grins didn't seem to be harboring any superior motive so he just grunted as to say sure the both of them decided it was a yes and the began leading the way making small talk along the way bakugou would never admit it out loud but they didn't seem to bad he had learned hair spray with the shitty hair was known as Kirishima and Pikachu was known as Kaminari they were kinda funny and bakugou didn't find talking to them as tiring as usual so he assumed he must've been starving to be thinking that.

As soon as they entered the cafeteria bakugou went straight to the line with Kirishima and Kaminari not too far behind, Although it wouldn't normally bother Bakugou the staring and the whispering were beginning to piss him off to a new level once he had gotten his tray bakugou was lead to shitty hair and pikachu's table where he meets eyebags known as shinsou, pinky known as Mina and Sero known as duck tape truth be told Bkugou was enjoying himself and they were getting along pretty well until Kaminari said "bro whats up with the Todoroki table they just keep staring over here" everyone from the Bakusquad's table including Bakugou looked over where todoroki was sitting and as an automatic reaction Bakugou began to grit his teeth and glare.

There was the bastard in all his beauty and glory just staring him down everyone at his table seemed to notice and stared as well, Bakugou had, had enough and slammed his hands against the table and had enough sure it was okay at first maybe they were curious but now they were all getting annoying "Bakugou wait!"  was what Kirishima had said but Bakugou did not wait instead he practically marched his way to todoroki's table which seemed to surprise those sitting at the table all but Todoroki who was hoping this would happen all bakugou could hear was a faint "Todoroki-Kun stop staring he's coming over here now" and when Bakugou had checked where the voice had come from he realized it was the green dude from earlier who he was thanking well yeah now he's taking his thank you back.

Bakugou slammed his hand against the table then leaned in very close to Todoroki and said" do you have a problem with me iceyhot?" which was a very dumb thing to do on Bakugou's behalf because not only was he way to close to Todoroki's face the burning sensation had come back making bakugou even more confused. Todoroki then smugly said' Bakugou if you wanted to kiss me this badly all you had to do was ask?" this only made Bakugou blush and even angrier he then said " why the hell would anyone want to kiss you?! Just leave me alone I don't know what your deal is but you keep staring me down and it's getting annoying so what the hell do you want!?" Todoroki didn't even flinch and said" I don't want anything from you yet you just intrigue me, and last time I checked its not a crime to look at someone or in their general direction," Todoroki said in his normal monotone voice, to say this only angered Bakugou, even more, was an understatement.

You could practically see the fumes coming out of Bakugou's head before bakugou could even say anything to wipe the stupid smirk that had popped up on Todoroki's face he was pulled away by Kirishima nonetheless in which Kirishima bowed and then laughed awkwardly and said: " I apologize for Katsuki's behavior he's just tired" Kirishima then turned around quickly dragging bakugou and his extremely vile cursing with him as soon as Todoroki hear Kirishima call Bakugou "Katsuki" a frown had appeared on his face and all he could do as he watched Kirishima get handsy with bakugou as he dragged him away and of course ignore the disgusting feeling in the pit of his stomach and as he ignored every fiber of his being yelling at him to yank bakugou out of Kirishima's grasp.

Todoroki then heard a cough and was brought back to reality he looked up to see his Brother Dabi the heartbreaker of the school the two were notorious for being good looking, extremely wealthy and their not too terrible fighting skills. Dabi then said" you sure know how to pick them, little brother" Todoroki then looked up at his brother and smirked " its nothing like that Dabi, besides you know how dedicated I am to my future soulmate: Todoroki said with ease unlike Bakugou, Todoroki believed he needed his soul mate to live and craved the love soul mates had, his parents weren't soulmate's and they ended in disaster partially because Todoroki's dad was a dick but ever since he learned they weren't soulmates Shoto had decided he wouldn't marry anyone unless it was his soulmate and he continued to believe that till this day.