
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 15

- 3rd person -

The group had finally made it back to the hotel in one piece the day had been crazy. After Dabi and Natsuo finally quit their game of mermaids the group made their way to the shops nearby so that they could all buy some kimonos for the festival. One problem.... apparently if you wear mermaids tails all morning and tan...the outcome isn't the best...

Bakugou and Todoroki almost commuted homicide when they heard the girl like shrieks fill the kimono shop and they would never forget the second-hand embarrassment they felt when they realized that the idiots who were yelling in the store were none other than their idiots.

"REEEEEEEE DABI LOOK AT MY LEGS?!" Natsuo opened the dressing room wearing nothing but his underwear, Dabi who happened to be in the next room let out the most horrific girlish scream that would haunt bakugou for the rest of his days. "OMGSH OMGSH HELPPPPP HELP MEEE MY LEGS.....DONT MATCH MY BODYYYYY!" Dabi ran out of the dressing room in his underwear dramatically flapping his arms in the air searching for Todoroki " SHOO GET A DOCTOR! MY LEGS ARE BURNEDDDDD!"

Todoroki scanned his idiot brother up and down before taking in a deep breath " oh quit whining you were already burnt to begin with" Bakugou's eyes widen and he quickly covers his mouth to hold back the snicker that was about to leave his mouth.

"SHOO THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR JOKES IM SERIOUS!" Dabi grabs ahold of both Todoroki and Bakugou's sleeves now beginning to sway back and forth. " I was being serious too" Todoroki mumbles prying his brother's hand off of him.

There a loud cough and both Bakugou and Todoroki looked up to spot non-other than an employee who seems rather flushed " S-sir you need *cough* clothing.." Dabi turns around and looks at the employee before looking down at his body " I am wearing clothing!" he then pulls on his boxers and the employee goes red " I m-mean actual c-clothes" Dabi then smirks and throws his arm over the employee " Ohhh are you embarrassed because you like what you see?"

The employee if possible becomes even more red and embarrassed and just as Dabi was going to continue his little game he gets kicked in the shin " OWWWIEEE KITKAT THAT HURT!" Bakugou then aggressively tugs dabi back so he has to let go of the employee " YOU'RE EMBARRASSING ME GOD DAMN IT!" Dabi whines and then turns to Todoroki " SHOO HELP ME YOUR BOYFRIEND IS BEING MEAN!"

Todoroki simply looks in between his angry boyfriend and stupid brother and simply shrugs " With good reason, also you're crazy if you think I'm coming in between an angry Katsuki and his object of anger" He then walks over to where his other idiot brother Natsuo was.

Natsuo who was much more of an idiot than dabi was, was currently in his underwear at the front register " DO YOU GUYS HAVE THAT WEIRD TAN LIQUID THING YOU GUYS USUALLY PUT ON YOUR FACE?!" The gentleman at the register simply tilts his head " you mean foundation?" Natsuo's eyes light up " YES EXACTLY THAT!"

The gentleman looks at Natsuo curiously asks " why do you err need it, sir?" Without warning, Natsuo lifts his right leg onto the counter and points to it " I need a color that matches this! so I can paint the rest of my body with it!" The gentleman deadpans " sir... that's not how it works..." Bakugou who was now hauling Dabi to the front of the store spots Natsuo and without hesitation grabs him as well.

" WAIT KAT STOP! I NEED THE LIQUID STUFFFFF!" He then drags them out of the store and closes the door on them locking them out ...in their underwear...

After that Bakugou, Fuyumi and Todoroki peacefully bought kimonos for themselves and even the two idiots who were watching them from outside. They had gotten Dabi a dark blue kimono while Natsuo got a red one. Fuyumi's kimono was tainted light pink with rose print and had golden linen sowed into it. Now Todoroki's and Bakugou's were the most interesting of all...

Fuyumi had seen these adorable matching couple Kimono in a display case in the store. She definitely would not let this opportunity pass by! Fuyumi grabbed her youngest brother and dragged him in front of the display case making sure the matching black kimonos had gotten his attention while she faked interest in another kimono nearby. Todoroki was definitely intrigued... he found the idea of wearing matching kimonos cute... but would Katsuki?

Halfway through shopping for his Kimono Bakugou had taken into account Todoroki's strange behavior and how he would longingly sigh and linger in front of these two black kimonos in the display case, making it painfully obvious of what he wanted. Bakugou was totally against it at first but the longer he lingered on the thought of matching with Todoroki he couldn't help but smile to himself, it was cute. It was also cute that Todoroki was trying to act all uninterested but he was actually doing the opposite.

Bakugou had called over the gentleman at the front desk and asked him to secretly bag the kimono's while he distracted Todoroki. The gentleman understood and bagged them at lightning speed while Bakugou distracted Todoroki by teasing him. Which in the end ended badly for Bakugou but he quite enjoyed being pinned in the dressing room under Todoroki... but that's a story for another time ;)

(I know... aren't I evil \ ˚▽˚ / )

Once the two had left the dressing room both looking rather tacky with Todoroki's ruffled hair and Bakugou's unevenly buttoned shirt and bright hickeys splotched on his neck. Fuyumi couldn't help but blush along with the employee who was helping the out. Fuyumi was still shocked on how they acted like this but still somehow got flustered by the mention of " sex" it puzzled her, she made a mental note to definitely talk to Bakugou or Todoroki about it later.

Todoroki had noticed that the couple's kimonos were now missing and grew rather dejected, It's not like he was going to get enough courage to ask Bakugou to wear them but now there was no hope in that since they were gone... Bakugou couldn't help but chuckle and the frown on Todoroki's face he was beginning to feel rather excited about his little "gift"

Upon exiting Todoroki was called over by the employee at the desk and was handed a small bag. He was extremely surprised and excited to find that the kimonos were in there. " How did you?" Todoroki asked looking down at the bag and smiling. The employee smiles gently and handed him another small bag filled with little hairpins and snacks and said " let's just say you have a boyfriend with great observation skills... also here's a gift! You two make a lovely couple"

Todoroki's heart clenched and butterflies sprouted in his stomach. He turned around to spot Bakugou lecturing Natsuo and Dabi as he was grabbing them harshly by the ear. He couldn't help but chuckle he then turned and smiles at the employee before saying " Thank you! Have an amazing day!" He turned around and rushed to the exit of the building making his way to his tiny boyfriend show as currently scaring the shit out of his brothers and probably small children walking by...

The man chuckled as he watched Todoroki sprint out of the building before mumbling to himself " ah young love!" The employee then turned around and continued to help the other customers.

" IT WAS AN ACCIDENT KAT! I SWEAR I DIDNT ACTUALLY MEAN TO STEP ON THAT KID I SWEAR!" Dabi screamed being pulled by the ear. " IT WAS ALL NATSUO'S FAULT I PROMISE OWW OW OWWWWW" Bakugou pinched Dabi's ear even harder before tightening his grip on Natsuo's ear " OWW NOWW KAT DONT DO THIS! DABI WAS THE ONE WHO PUSHED ME INTO THE BOY I SWEAR!" Natsuo screeched whole Bakugou simply clicked his tongue " THATS THREE TIMES TODAY YOU MORANS HAVE EMBARRASSED ME!"

Dabi and Natsuo turn to look at each other " okay I admit walking around in underwear in a store is... a little much... and stepping on a random kid is... well excessive BUT that's only twice we've embarrassed you!" Natsuo puts his hand under his chin while Dabi nods furiously. Bakugou glares at them before saying " watching grown men play mermaids is EMBARRASSING!"

Dabi and Natsuo gasp " OKAY KAT THAT'S TOO FAR EVEN FOR YOU!" Natsuo yells throwing his fist in the air. " YEAH PLAYING MERMAIDS IS HARD WORK YOU KNOW!" Dabi glares at Bakugou. Bakugou simply shrugs and tightens his grip once more " OW OW OWIEEE!" Both begun to plead and cry out for help but it's useless... Bakugou is relentless.

" cough cough" Todoroki says earning Bakugou's attention " ICYHOT HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! YOU DONT ACTUALLY SAY COUGH COUGH YOU ACTUALLY COUGH!" Todoroki then shoves the bag in front of Bakugou's face " Thank you for the gift Katsuki" Bakugou pushes the bag out of the way and blushes. He looks at Todoroki before stomping away and saying " Yeah yeah let's just go back to the hotel already damn it!"

And that's how they ended up here.

At the hotel. Wearing matching Kimono's while Dabi and Natsuo painted their legs with concealer that wasn't in the slightest their color.

"Katsuki you look amazing I promise!" Todoroki yells through the other side of the door. Bakugou is currently hiding in the bathroom glaring at himself in the mirror. "I LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT! WHY DO I HAVE TO WEAR THIS FLOWERY PIECE OF SHIT ANYWAYS!" Bakugou then examines the hairpin that Todoroki gave him. It was rosy pink with a small cherry blossom on it.

"Katsuki please I promise you look amazing" Bakugou grits his teeth. He would never EVER even think about doing this if it was anyone else asking him too BUT Todoroki seems so happy and he doesn't want to ruin that. So will he let his pride take a hit and wear the stupid pink flowery thing? Yes.... but just this once!

He slams and opens the door almost knocking Todoroki along with it. Todoroki scans over Bakugou completely astounded. The way his kimono hugged his waist and fanned out at the bottom made him look more irresistible than before but what made Todoroki completely swoon was when Bakugou was hiding behind his hands to try and cover his embarrassment was almost to darn cute for Todoroki to resist.

"Quit fucking staring at me, icyhot bastard!" Bakugou says lowing his head and clenching his fist as he proceeds to exit the hotel room but not before casually shoving the box that held the bracelets in his kimono. Todoroki calls out behind him but he ignored him and walked even faster. It's not that he's angry with Todoroki He's just well embarrassed.

" STUPID TODOROKI AND HIS STUPID CUTE PUPPY EYES. Fuck him and his eyes." Todoroki manages to catch up to him and overhears his one-sided conversation and can't help but chuckle " Katsuki are you talking to yourself?" Bakugou then turns around and flips him off " and fuck you!" He then turns back around and makes his way to the elevator so they can meet with everybody else and make their way into town for the festival.

Todoroki couldn't help but smile like a huge doofus. He knew Bakugou was just flustered which made him resort to cussing and he couldn't help but feel proud that he was the cause of that. They stood in the elevator and waited as it went down in comfortable silence.

Bakugou kept eyeing Todoroki's hand it was usually moments like this that Todoroki would tug on his arm or hand but when Bakugou looked up to see if Todoroki was even in the slightest contemplating taking his hand he was quite disappointed to see that he was just smiling and looking up to the ceiling of the elevator.

Bakugou clicked his tongue and grunted under his breath. Stupid Icyhot and his touchy touchy self! NOW IM THE WEIRD ONE WHO WANTS HIM TO TOUCH ME! As soon as the elevator opened he marched out and made his way to where the van was parked where he spotted his so-called " groupie"

- Bakuhoe's pov cause why not ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜ -

We're all sitting in the van and the two idiots in the front are fighting over some dumb shit which isn't surprising in the slightest.

I'm currently listening to music and looking out the window panning out a musical dance number while listening to my music because let's be real here .... who doesn't do that?

.... Weirdos that who...

I look down at my phone which just vibrated and realized it was a text from Fuyumi which read :

Favorite Todoroki Sibling✨

hey, kat! Earlier in the store, I noticed that you and shoto were in the dressing room together.... and It interest me to how you guys haven't ... as dabi would say ' done the dance with no pants'...('・_・')

As I'm reading the last sentence I nearly choke on my own spit. WHO THE HELL TEXT SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! I cautiously turned my head to make sure icyhot isn't looking before turning my phone and typing a response rather aggressively.

Boom Boom boi 💥


'Nosiest' Todoroki Sibling ✨

Excuse my manners I was raised with no mother and had an asshole for a dad.

Boom Boom boi💥



'Nosiest' Todoroki Sibling✨

Also if you don't want anyone asking questions then you know... you shouldn't do UNHOLY things in a DRESSING ROOM.  but you know... I'm just the *cough cough* nosy one.

I look up from my phone and spot fuyumi glaring at me. HOW THE HECK CAN SHE SEE THAT I CHANGED HER CONTACT NAME FROM IVER THERE?! I lift my middle finger and flip her off earning a sweet smile from her before my phone buzzed once more.

'Nosiest' Todoroki Sibling✨

so like I was saying. Are you and shoto ever going to do it? or are you planning on you know staying virgins for the rest of your life?

Boom Boom boi💥


and not that's it's any of your business but I actually plan on proving that I'm not a bottom very soon.

I hear a small chuckle and I look up to see fuyumi covering her mouth- THE AUDACITY. I was about to yell at her until I see Shoto look at me and I instantly freeze up. WHY DOES HE STILL HAVE THAT FUCKING EFFECT ON ME?! ITS NOT LIKE IM SOME LOVESTRUCK TEENAGER.

..... Oh, wait... I am.....

Todoroki looks over at me and flashes me a small smile before placing a hand on my thigh. My heartbeat instantly quickens because you know HOT BOY TOUCHING YOUR THIGH ISNT A GOOD FUCKING COMBINATION!

I look up and give Todoroki what I hope looked like a warning but he didn't seem to budge and simply continued to raise his hand slowly up my thigh leaving a tingling sensation.

I let out a grunt before moving his hand off my thigh. He looks up at me before grabbing my hand and placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. He looks up at and smirks, probably because my face is beat red and I probably look like a clown.

I turn my head to try and hide my blush but it just so happens that I'm now facing Fuyumi who is turned back in her seat grinning like a mad man.

I hate it here.

I hear a gagging noise come from the front followed by " Can you two stop with the couply stuff, some of us are L O N E L Y" I look up at spot Dabi looking through the rearview mirror with a face of disgust. Icyhot is the first to speak " If you don't like it, simply don't look" I snort and rub my temples, Icyhot: 30, Bacon bits : 0.

I see Dabi squint his eyes at Shoto before replying with " Oh look a bridge, I wonder what the van would look like under it ~" Shoto puts his hands on the window like an eager child before speaking " Me too! You should totally do it!"

Dabi looks back horrified before scoffing " There's only room for 1 mentally unstable person in this family and that's me" Natsuo then hold out his hand and counts his fingers " well actually I think we're all a litt-" Dabi then honks the wheel " HEY DUMBASS WATCH WE'RE YOUR GOING IM DRIVING HERE!"

Dabi then turns to Natsuo and says " You were saying ?"

Natsuo looks out at the road and then at Dabi, I see him put his hand down before he turns and says " Nothing brother let's just focus on getting to the festival alive, okay!" Dabi looks at Natsuo curiously before shrugging.

Icyhot continues to hold my hand the whole drive there so I can't exactly text Fuyumi back. I look out the window and begin to get lost in thought... She did have a point though.

It's not that I don't want to do it with Icyhot.... but what if he doesn't like? What if he actually feels repulsed by it?! I stick my free hand in my kimono and squeeze the box that had the bracelets.... calm down... don't overthink!

I turn my face to try and sneak a glance at Todoroki only to be caught because turns out, He thought the same fucking thing.

" Oi, what the hell are you staring at?!" I grumble before glaring back at him. Todoroki chuckles before bringing his free hand to the top of my head " This hairpiece really does look beautiful on you" His voice was quiet and gentle which was probably the reason why my heart squeezed the moment those words left his lips.

I look away trying to push down my embarrassment which was working until Todoroki removed his hand from my hair and placed it under my chin " I'm over here silly"

I'm now staring into Todoroki's beautiful heterochromian eyes. He continues to look at me without breaking eye contact until he slowly moves in closer. I feel my breath hitch in the back of my throat the moment he's inches away from my lips. He's now no longer looking in my eyes but at my lips. I don't know how and I don't quite understand it myself but when he kisses me I lose myself... in a good way... I think?

I closed my eyes in anticipation and wait for the warmth to reach my lips, and just as he was about to I hear a loud screech come up from the front " YOU FUCKERS THINK IM JOKING WHEN I SAY ILL RUN THIS VAN OVER THIS BRIDGE DONT CHA?!" Me and Todoroki's head both snap to the front of the seat, wow thanks dabi,

moment ruined✨

Natsuo chuckles awkwardly before slowly speaking " It's okay Dabi,.... Breath in... breath out!" Dabi grumbles under his breath before letting out a loud sigh "I can't believe you guys got matching kimonos without us. sCrEw yOu" Natsuo let's put a booming laugh " Is that what you're angry about?!" Dabi continues to glare at the road before Natsuo speaks again " Dabi bro, They're dating! Like let them have their moment "

Dabi stays silent until Todoroki speaks " Yes what Natsuo said" Dabi looks back through the rearview mirror and glares at me before speaking " I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WANTED TO WEAR MATCHING KIMONOS WITH HIM INSTEAD OF YOUR BROTHERS SHO!" Todoroki stays stoic as he says " he's my boyfriend, you guys are sadly my brothers "

Dabi's mouth flies open " WHAT ABOUT BROS BEFORE HOES!" Todoroki makes a face of displeasure " Katsuki isn't a 'hoe'" Dabi then clicks his tongue " Why do you think his friends call him baku ' hoe'" I quickly interrupt him and say " cause they're stupid"

Todoroki simply looks at me before answering Dabi " I don't know why you compared Katsuki to this ' hoe' you speak of but katsuki isn't a gardening tool, silly brother "

Dabi and Natsuo turned around and just stare at Shoto practically saying " say wut" It was funny... until Dabi nearly killed us because he wasn't paying attention and ran a red light....

Around 20 minutes later we arrive at the Festival and Dabi parked. Natsuo who was grateful enough to just arrive at the festival in one piece practically kissed the ground when he jumped out of the car. Dabi glares at Natsuo before saying " You dramatic little wimp, MY DRIVING ISNT THAT HORRIBLE!" Natsuo simply raised his head and glared at him " we nearly died 4 times!"

Dabi waves him off and says " No we didn't, we nearly died 3 times! THREE!" Fuyumi chuckles at her brother before softly whispering something to Icyhot. I don't know what she said to him but his eyes practically lit up. Minutes passed and Dabi and Natsuo were still squawking like idiots.

Todoroki had quietly walked next to me and before I could even figure out what was going on, we were already walking away from the rest of them. " what are you doing!?" I hissed. Todoroki grabbed my hand and said " getting away ...duh!" I elbowed him in the side before speaking again " we can't just leave them!" Todoroki looks down at me and smiles " Fuyumi said to make a break for it!"

I look back and see Fuyumi wriggling her eyebrows.... of course, she did. I feel my phone buzz and I quickly unlock it :

'Nosiest' Todoroki Sibling ✨

Make sure you give him the bracelets! and how do you say thins... I think it's " go get some?!" ANYWAYS GOOD LUCK!

I simply look at my phone in shock, how did she find out about the bracelets?! I instantly turn around to see Dabi, Natsuo and Fuyumi grinning at us. I should've known these three were plotting something! I smile to myself before squeezing Todoroki's hand once again.

tch....It's now or never!