
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 14

- 3rd pov -

The sun was shining in through the curtains and reflecting off of Bakugou's sleeping face. Todoroki stared down at the serene sight before him taking in the glorious view. God, he's just so cute! Todoroki thought to himself as he gently brushed aside bits of Bakugou's hair.

Todoroki let out a quiet chuckle and proceeded to embrace Bakugou in a tight hug. "Mnn" Bakugou hums before nuzzling into his chest. Todoroki smiles and places a light kiss on Bakugou's forehead he then turns over and faces his suitcase. You see..... he brought something with him and he was debating on whether or not this trip would be the right time to use it...

Bakugou begins to shuffle in Todoroki's arms making him move his eyes from the suitcase to Bakugou once again. Todoroki stared down at Bakugou who was plastered on top of him and admired the little bit of drool escaping the blonde's mouth.

Last night was definitely a turn of events he definitely didn't expect Bakugou to be so sensitive it shocked Todoroki that Bakugou was actually insecure about himself and he wondered why,  I mean Bakugou was many things but he had nothing to be insecure about he was gorgeous, caring even though he would never admit it and he actually had good morals when you got past all the " DIE" and " BASTARD" and "I HATE YOU"

Todoroki rubbed circles on the blonde's back making the blonde shudder a response. When all said and done He was grateful to get an " I love you too" from Bakugou but it still hurt him that he made him cry in the process.

It was never his intention to hurt his little kitten but now that he knew Bakugou was insecure he would definitely do everything in his power to make those insecurities go away, how would he do that you ask? Simple. He would just have to tell the blonde how beautiful he was every day till he was sick of hearing it.

He looked down at Bakugou once again, he really wanted to wake him up but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Todoroki gently turned over making sure Bakugou didn't stir too much in the process. Once Bakugou was flatly laying on the bed next to him, Todoroki rolled over so he was now towering over him.


He looked down at Bakugou and smirked, yes Bakugou was indeed adorable when sleeping but he was also defenseless and you know what else was cute? When He made Bakugou so hot and bothered that he couldn't even mutter words correctly.

Todoroki licked his lips before bringing his hands up to Bakugou's stomach and gently lifting the shirt so it rested just above his nipples.

Todoroki eyed Bakugou's nipples quickly growing excited, He decided he wasn't going to do anything too extreme since he wasn't sure if Bakugou was ready but he also knew Bakugou didn't at all mind when he teased him.

Todoroki lightly skimmed his hand up Bakugou's stomach before bringing his head down and lightly licking Bakugou's left nipple as his hand flickered with the other.

He felt Bakugou shiver under him and a smirk quickly grew on his face, just how long would it take for Bakugou to wake up? He tugged on Bakugou's nipple with his teeth teasing it ever so gently.

Todoroki assumed Bakugou was feeling it because he was twitching and shuddering non-stop. Todoroki lifted his head to see Bakugou still sleeping, this won't do he thought to himself before bringing his head down once again and leaving little butterfly kisses that trailed down his chest to his mid-waist.

He massaged the blonde's chest for a couple of moments making the blonde cry out every now and then but it wasn't until he was sucking tentatively in the bridge of Bakugou's chest till he woke up.

"Icyhot what the fuck are you doing" Bakugou breathlessly said his face flushed as he looked down at Todoroki who was leaving hickeys all over his body. Todoroki lifted his head and smirked, " Awee you finally woke up" Bakugou glared down at Todoroki before yelling " HOW COULD I NOT WAKE UP WHEN YOU'VE BEEN MESSING WITH ME FOR LIKE 15 MINUTES NOW!" Todoroki stared wide-eyed " You were awake?"


Bakugou quickly covered his mouth " w-what?" Todoroki smirked but before he was able to continue their " activities" There was a large bang outside their hotel door " ARE YOU GUYS AWAKE ITS BEACHHHHH TIMEEEE! LETS GO TO THE BEACH BEACH LETS ALL GET AWAYYYYY SO LIKE HURRY UPPPP" 

Bakugou looked at Todoroki who was looking at the door with the intent to kill the voice that definitely belonged to Dabi. Bakugou sighed and looked back down at his body before turning bright red " YOU IDIOT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE GOING SWIMMING TODAY!" Todoroki simply stared at Bakugou and said " Okay and?" Bakugou clenches his fist angrily before pulling Todoroki down by the collar " AND YOU LEFT HICKEYS ALL OVER ME!" Todoroki looked down at his artwork very pleased with the sight before cupping Bakugou's face " You have nothing to be ashamed about they look beautiful on you"

Bakugou's face turned bright red " y-you idiot that's n-not the point" He quickly covers his face and gets up from the bed. He looks over at the mirror hanging on the wall and admires himself and the red blotches that covered his skin. " DAMN IT ICYHOT!" Todoroki simply chuckles before getting up from the bed and making his way over to Bakugou.

He wraps his arms around Bakugou's waist and buries his face into the crook of Bakugou's neck. Bakugou shivers at the sudden contact and grunts " You know I actually wanted to go swimming today!" Todoroki let's out a laugh " Enough with the swimming kitten you can still swim!" Bakugou turns around and sharply says " IN WHAT A SWEATER?! OH, NO WAIT NEVERMIND YOU EXPECT ME TO SWIM IN A FUCKING RAINCOAT RIGHT!?" Todoroki laughs and places a light kiss onto the back of Bakugou's neck before pulling away.

"Whatever floats your boat Kitten" Todoroki turns and makes his way to his suitcase, Bakugou simply squints his eyes and glares at him before reaching out to the bed a chugging a pillow in his direction. The pillow smacks onto the back of Todoroki's head causing him to stumble over. " SCOREEE!" Bakugou yells now smirking down at Todoroki.

Todoroki turns around to see Bakugou smirking like a mad man. " Oh, so that's how you wanna play?" He then chugs the pillow back at Bakugou making a direct impact on his face. Bakugou falls over and Todoroki lets out a loud booming laugh.

Bakugou removes the pillow from his face and grunts " Why you little-" He then grabs a bunch of pillows from the bed and proceeds to chug them all in Todoroki's direction. Todoroki manages to catch some of them and thus a full-on pillow fight is UNLEASHED!

-A FEW MOMENTS LATER *insert Spongebob thingy* -

" wait Icyhot!" Bakugou giggles at Todoroki who is now pinning him against the bed. Todoroki simply smirks and raises his eyebrow at him " you're in deep trouble now kitten" Bakugou continues to laugh as Todoroki blows on Bakugou's stomach tickling him " WAIT! N-no sToP" Bakugou says in between breaths trying his best to resist the urge to laugh.  Todoroki lifts his head and smiles at Bakugou " You're so beautiful..." Bakugou's eyes widen before his cheeks turn a light pink " you aren't too bad yourself icyhot.."


Todoroki growls and yells " WILL YOU JUST WAIT A MINUTE!?" Dabi then answers " WELL HURRY TF UP ME AND NATSUO WANT TO PLAY MERMAIDS DUMBASS!" Todoroki looks over at Bakugou and mumbles " Do you see what I have to deal with?" Bakugou snorts and yells " STAPLES JUST LEAVE AND WE'LL MEET YOU LATER!"  Dabi's silent for a moment before he pounds on the door " GOD! THE BULLSHIT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH SMH I GUESS YOU REALLY WERE A BOTTOM KITKAT!" Dabi then turns around and continues to sing once more " Let's go to the beach beachhhhh"

Bakugou looks over at the door before he turns to Todoroki " what the hell is a bottom?" He's heard everyone call him a bottom but what the hell is it?! Todoroki simply tilts his head trying his best to suppress the blush rising in his cheeks " y-you don't know?" Bakugou clicks his tongue in annoyance before answering " I wouldn't ask if I didn't know dumbass!"

Todoroki looks at Bakugou in a daze before Bakugou snaps his fingers in front of his face " oi! answer me!" Todoroki turns to look at the door... If I run at full speed... I can make it.. just as Todoroki was going to make a break for it Bakugou stands in front of him and squints his eyes before saying " Don't. Even. Think. About. It" and poof just like that Todoroki's chances of survival... slim to none. " Why won't you just tell me?!" Bakugou aksed growing annoyed by the second.

Todoroki inhaled the deepest breath known to mankind before softly muttering " It's a sex thing" Bakugou simply tilted his head "wutttt?" Todoroki then inhaled another breath before slowly stating " It's. A. Sex. Thing." Bakugou simply stares at Todoroki before flying halfway across the room " WHAT!" Todoroki looks up at an embarrassed Bakugou and stutters " I-it's a sex thing like you know... I-intercourse" He then motions to his wee-wee (as the french say it) and then to Bakugou.

Bakugou continues to look at Todoroki with bewilderment before screeching" I KNOW WHAT SEX IS! BUT WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ME AND BOTTOMS?!"  Todoroki covers his face and mumbles " A bottom.... is someone on the receiving end kitten..." Bakugou gasp " THESE BASTARDS THINK IM THE ONE THATS GETTING.....*cough*"

( keep it, pg13 children😳)

Todoroki simply nods his head and silence falls in between the two...." So.... how do we know for sure...i-if I'm a b-bottom...." Bakugou stutters his gaze never leaving the ground. Todoroki's head nearly snaps off before looking at Bakugou "w-wait.... y-you want to find out?!" He stutters his face turning a nice shade of strawberry red.

"w-well e-eventually.... wait....don't..y-you?!"Bakugou looks up at Todoroki obviously panicked. Todoroki holds up his hands and yells rather loudly " NO! WAIT YES! I BROUGHT SOMETHING.... but I didn't know if you were going too umm.... want to do it...." he then motions to his suitcase.  Bakugou tilts his head "what did ... you erm bring?" Todoroki stares at his suitcase extremely flushed before opening it and holding up a box of condoms.

Bakugou gasp " ICYHOT YOU REALLY ARE A PERVERT!" Todoroki yells back " I CANT HELP IT KATSUKI IM A MAN!" Bakugou then yells back a response " MAN MY ASS YOU'RE JUST HORNY!" Todoroki glares at Bakugou before sighing " Well then I guess if I'm such a pervert I just won't touch you anymore!" Bakugou stops moving and stays silent..... well shit.

Bakugou peeks up from the ground and stares at Todoroki who is now folding his arms and looks rather... annoyed. Todoroki then sighs and offers a smile to Bakugou " we should get going Dabi becomes aggressive when it comes to playing mermaids.." Bakugou tilts his head ... wait what? that's it?

Todoroki grabs his swimsuit before beginning to undress " HOLY CO- WHAT ARE YOU DOINgG ICYHOT?!" Todoroki laughs " I'm changing you dumb dumb" Bakugou closes his eyes but not before he peeks over at Todoroki's back muscles and let's just say he was very pleased with what he saw.

"Aren't you going to change?" Todoroki asks looking down at Bakugou who is still on the ground. Bakugou glares at Todoroki before standing up and saying " wEll It's nOt liKe I cAn gO sWimmIng" Todoroki winces he was never going to let that go was he?

" I- well you enjoyed it and TO BE FAIR YOU WERE AWAKE THE WHOLE TIME YOU COULDVE STOPPED IT!" Todoroki argues causing Bakugou to flinch... well shit... he's kinda right. Bakugou not being able to come up with some smart-ass comeback simply "hmphs!" dramatically before turning his head. He then makes his way to his suitcase making sure that the goods in the bag are safely secured and out of sight before grabbing a short-sleeved shirt and some shorts.

He eyes Todoroki who's simply staring at him before stating " Turn around!" Todoroki stares at bakugou with a " are you kidding me face" Bakugou not backing down intensifies the glare causing Todoroki to hold his hands up in surrender. Bakugou makes sure Todoroki isn't peeking before he changes into today's outfit choice. The two looked at each other and simply nodded before exiting the hotel room and making their way to where Dabi, Natsuo, and Fuyumi were.

- time skip to where the others are because I'm not about all that other stuff ;-; -

"NATSUO THE POINT OF PLAYING MERMAIDS IS TO FLAP YOUR FUCKING TAIL! FLAP NOT FLICK!" Dabi screeches at his brother who is in a green tailed mermaid suit. Natsuo flicks his hair and then flips Dabi off " THIS IS WHY I HATE PLAYING MERMAIDS WITH YOU, ITS FLICK NOT FLAP YOU DUMBASS!" Dabi folds his arms and sighs " This is why I'm disappointed to call you my brother" Natsuo folds his arms " and that's why nobody likes you"

Fuyumi stares at the two and sighs "I hope katsuki and shoto get here soon..." Upon hearing their names Bakugou speaks up " oi!" Dabi and Natsuo snap their heads in Bakugou's and Todoroki's direction " SHOOO PLAY WITH ME DABI'S BEING MEANNNNN" Natsuo gets up and hops his way over to Todoroki with his arm wide open. Just as Natsuo was about to embrace his dear little brother Shoto dodges it and Natsuo ends up flopping face-first into the sand.

Dabi on the other hand wastes no time " Soooo... did you guys finally do the dance with no pants?" He looks up and wriggles his eyebrows at both Bakugou and Todoroki. Todoroki simply stares down at his brother and says " You disgust me" Bakugou on the other hand blushes madly " WHATTTTT!" Natsuo who has recovered from flopping into the sand lifts Bakugou's shirt revealing bright red blotches all over his abs and chest, He sequels and quickly covers himself but not before everyone has already seen it.

"OH MY GOD IM TOTALLY FACETIMING MITSUKIIII" Bakugou flinches at the mention of his mother but by the time he realizes what's going on he hears the horrifying familiar voice. "HEYYY KIDS!" Mitsuki squeals through the phone " GUESSS WHATTTT!" Bakugou's eyes widen his worst nightmares were finally coming true

"KITKAT AND SHOTO DID THE DANCE WITH NO PANTS!" Dabi screeches earning glares from passing pedestrians. Bakugou then screeches " NO! NO. WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING! IN FACT, I WAS ASSAULTED IN MY SLEEP!" Natsuo gasp and hits Todoroki's arm " SHOO YOU DIDNT GET CONSENT!" Todoroki looks at his brother and sighs " I wonder if I drown myself... will it hurt?" Natsuo ignores whatever his brother said before bringing his hand up to rest under his chin " Well I guess I can't blame you it's not like dad was a good example"

Dabi ignoring the conversation that was happening continues " Kitkat claims they didn't do it but he's covered in hickeys!" All that is heard is a pterodactyl-like scream " WAIT DOES HE LOOK LIKE THE BOTTOM!" Dabi tilts his head and looks over at Bakugou before nodding " Yup!" Mitsuki screams " I KNEWWW ITT DENKIIII COME HERE YOU OWE ME 40 BUCKS"

Bakugou's eye twitches... did she just say Denki? as in dunce face?  " OMGSHH NOOO BAKUHOE DID THE NASTY?!" A new shrieking voice has now popped up causing even more attention to be drawn to the group.

Bakugou marches his way to Dabi and yanks the phone out of his hands, he looks down at the screen and yells " PIKACHU WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" Kaminari glares at Bakugou through the phone and then points to Mitsuki " I missed your mom!" Mitsuki smiles and hugs Denki. Bakugou was about to continue until he hears a girlish scream in the background that he was also familiar with.

"DENKIIIIIIIIIII HURRY UP- oh hey bakuhoe!" Mina now insight. Before Bakugou can scream at the top of his lungs Kaminari cuts in " DAMN IT BAKUHOE NOW IM SHORT 40 BUCKS! WHY COULDNT YOU MAN UP AND BE THE TOP!" Denki aggressively hands Mitsuki 40 bucks before glaring at the screen.

Mina raises an eyebrow and snorts " You don't deserve 40 bucks if you thought bakuhoe was going to be top" Mina and Mitsuki begin to laugh completely forgetting that Bakugou was still there.

"YOU GUYS BET ON ME?!" Bakugou screeches not even caring if he's drawing attention anymore. Mitsuki, Mina, and Denki both turn to look at Bakugou before Mitsuki yells back a response " IT WAS EASY MONEY KATSUKI! YOU GOTTA DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO!"  Bakugou's eye twitches and just as he was about to yell at his dear mother Denki cuts in.

" DAMN IT BAKUHOE! YOU COULDNT WAIT?! LIKE YOU GUYS JUST GOT THERE!" Bakugou who's now had enough screams at the top of his lungs " WE DIDNT HAVE SEX!" He instantly regrets it when he notices that it's gone eerily quiet, he looks up and spots a bunch of people staring at him " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL STARING AT!" He continues to yell now flipping off the random civilians nearby.

Natsuo ticks his tongue " Kat you'll never be a people person if you yell!" Bakugou simply turns his head and says " uhh yeah that's like the whole point" He then turns back around and spots Denki trying to rip the money out of his mother's hands " HE DIDNT DO IT YET THAT MEANS THE BETS STILL ONNNN!" Mitsuki is pushing Denki away " IT DOESNT MATTER WHETHER OR NOT THEY HAVENT DONE IT KATSUKI IS STILL A BOTTOM!"

Todoroki makes his way to Bakugou and snatches the phone from his hand and hangs up. Everyone turns to look at him wide-eyed before he simply says " too loud."

Bakugou looks at Todoroki for a moment before letting out a booming laugh " Icyhot... I swear *wheeze* you're kinda funny"

Todoroki's heart drops .... DID KATSUKI JUST COMPLIMENT ME?!"

Dabi looks over at his brother who has now gone blank before saying " I think you broke sho" Natsuo then karate chops Todoroki in the stomach, Todoroki doubles over coughing" WHAT THE HECK?!" Natsuo simply nods " I saved you, dear brother....NOW YOU MUST PLAY MERMAIDS WITH US."

Bakugou who is now watching the three idiots interact sighs to himself before walking over to Fuyumi. Fuyumi looks up and smiles at him " Oh hey kat!" Bakugou sits down next to her and says " hey yumi" The two of them watch as Dabi and Natsuo drag Todoroki by the arms into the sea and Bakugou can't help but laugh.

" KATSUKIII HELP MEEEEE" Todoroki pleas turning to his boyfriend. Bakugou looks at Todoroki and smirks " THAT'S KARMA!" Todoroki glares at his boyfriend before yelling " ILL GET YOU FOR THISSSS!" Bakugou simply sticks out his tongue before turning to Fuyumi.

"So is there anything... you want to do?" Bakugou asks his attention now fully fixed on the girl beside him. He wasn't going to lie, Fuyumi was pretty easy to read and he could tell that there was something she's been wanting to do I mean how could he not notice she's been reading the same flipping magazine about the same flipping festival 7 times now and it just so happen that festival was taking part tonight and tomorrow night.

He wasn't going to say that he would take her without her telling him no, no, no. That wasn't his style he didn't do "kind" .... well he didn't make it obvious. The idiots Fuyumi had for brothers would never notice that she wanted to go to the festival so it was all up to him to get it out of her... also he kinda wanted to go.... watch the fireworks with Todoroki.... but he would never admit that.

"Oh...how'd you know?" Fuyumi turns her head and asks. Bakugou simply lets out a "tch" before looking down and beginning to make circles in the sand. "well you've been reading that same damn magazine for like 7 times now only an idiot wouldn't notice" he then looks up at Dabi and Natsuo who are currently holding down Todoroki trying their best to put Todoroki's hair in some weird pigtails that makes him look like a sprinkler system.

"Idiots" Bakugou murmurs causing Fuyumi to giggle " I wanted to go to this festival... but I didn't want to bug anybody!" Bakugou clicks his tongue and says " It's not bugging you're here on vacation too dumbass" He then gets up and yells in the direction where the other three were " YOU GUYS BETTER HURRY UP WE HAVE A FESTIVAL TO GO TOO!"

Natsuo takes off his goggles " WHAT I COULDNT HEAR YOU!" Bakugou looks at Natsuo and yells once more " WERE GOING TO A FESTIVAL SO HURRY UP!" Natsuo tilts his head and responds " CAN YOU SPEAK UP! I THINK I GOT SAND IN MY EAR!" Bakugou tilts his head to in confusion " HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET SAND IN YOUR EAR?" Natsuo turns to look at Dabi " what the hell is he saying?!"

Dabi simply sighs before grabbing Natsuo's face and placing it in front of his before yelling " W- E A- R-E G-O-I-N-G T-O A F-E-S-T-I-V-A-L " Realization dawns on Natsuo's face before he mumbles " why didn't he just say that?" Todoroki who is watching both his brothers and now had his hair pulled back in pigtails simply glares at them and mutter " Why couldn't I have been an only child?" Todoroki then turns to look at Bakugou.

Why did he all of a sudden want to go to a festival? Todoroki wondered. Bakugou on the other hand was actually looking forward to going to this because now he had the perfect opportunity to give Todoroki those bracelets... only one problem though....

Will he actually be able to do it?