

Our protagonist, a soul pact player, had a accident when taking his adventure in online games, due to accidentally getting involved with NPC, he was thrown to the Island that is forbidden for players. Never did he know that the NPC is part of Dark Organization. So he struggled to survive with small pet he contracted with. But little did he know, this is just the beginning of his journey with his soul pact companions. Description: SOUL PACT ONLINE - a virtual MMORPG that takes place in virtual world games. A game that everyone will bet their future. It's not about how your level up in this game but how you survive and coordinate with your future companions you will contract on.

DaoistTxFG5I · Games
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31 Chs

CHAPTER 9: Future Plan

Jay vision blurred after he choose to return to go back in town.

Di! Di! Di!

Jay's system communication rang. Handsome Cloud Jake was contacting him.

"Brother Jay, I'm already here in Mauini Town, where are you? Lets move quickly brother." Handsome Cloud Jake said while he still don't know how to feel he still level 0 so natural to be restless.

But still come to Mauini Town, he believe in his buddy so he waste a 7 hours just to go here.

So he was restless and at loss what to do?

"Bro relaxed, come to the central plaza, I'll give you a hand in leveling." Jay said in calm tone.

At this stage of the game, most players had already risen to level 1, while some professional players were already level 2. And maybe level 3 such a big population and soul players there still hidden tigers and dragons among soul players.

Jay spent exactly 7 hours to grind in Beast Forest while grinding rock beast soul monster. As he observed his surrounding Jay begin to think what he his next move is.

Then Jay remembered a two ancient books that may give him strength for this game. This books is rare treasure, it has the ability to make a soul players a forging master and potion master, a side job that every player can build while playing Soul Pact Online.

Side Jobs have many choices: Chef, Herb Gathering, Mining, Forger, Potion Maker, Architect, and Engineer and many more.

"Oh that right, a hidden quest for side job in Maple Valley, I should get it being apprentice forget I could make equipment and earn money with this book I don't need to build my sub job and waste resources to master it." Jay said after remembering the hidden quest in the valley. When he still doing Dark Soul Quest to gather information he needs to communicate with other NPCs for the quest while talking to them he could also know there quest but couldn't accept them due to Dark Soul Quest.

" It seems I have to buy some items and make proper preparation." Jay said to himself and sent a message to Handsome Cloud Jake, telling him to meet up at the Shop Market after going to Plaza.

When Jay arrived at the Shop Market, there were quite a lot of players. This place is like a resting spot for them after grinding monster, they drink here, chat with friends while other will buy and sell items that they get in grinding.

Jay search a empty spot, then place a cloth to the ground and put the equipment and herbs he picked.

[ Gorgeous Cloth Shirt] Simple

Price: 1 silver and 25 coppers

[Rock Iron Necklace] (Bronze)

Price: 20 silver


Price: 5 coppers each

It was a fair price at this stage of game. Many players are also selling items such ores, herbs, fruits and etc. but equipment was very rare. When Jay display a equipment and selling them it attract the soul players who was busy walking and going to the Shop Market.

" A bronze equipment"

" There really equipment, and a bronze"

"The price was too high for me, only rich players can afford it".

Players was shocked, bronze it's already rare at early stage of game, with this bronze equipment it will give you already a advantage to other players. Many players was happy and others was sad, a income of average players has only exceed 20 coppers and 21 silvers was equivalent to 2100 coppers such a price was too high for them. But Jay just smiled at them and wait for the right buyers.

It was at this moment a group of players rushed over. Leading by them was A Bossy Man.

"Hey, are you there owner?" the bossy man became excited as he looked at the equipment. He then looked at Jay observing him, he couldn't tell what level Jay was and discovered he just wearing a simple cloth and novice sword. He just average player such a lucky bastard to get a bronze equipment thought the bossy man.

"Yep it me." Jay said while nodding his head

"Okay, I want everything here for 1 silver." the bossy man said.

"Sorry no negotiation, the price was already set, don't put my business into a low price please." Jay said while ignoring the bossy man attitude.

At this moment the Bossy Man glared at Jay didn't expect to rebuked like that. Coldly saying, " Are you sure, I'll give you a chance, think carefully before you speak sell it to me, I don't think you can oppose us."

Suddenly, all five members of the body man started to surround Jay. But Jay didn't mind and said "Idiots."

He act dared to threaten him inside the town. Taking action in town was prohibited and was save zone area fighting was against the rules.

"You fucking bastard!". the bossy man became agitated instantly after being called idiot, so he couldn't help but ripped Jay into pieces.

As the bossy boss want to attack Jay, another group of ten players came at the moment. Everyone of them have a unique symbol pin in their chest. It was a guild chest identification.

"Ohh it's really a bronze equipment, never would I thought I can find one here." A person spoke and look at the owner he was shocked at Jay he didn't expect to see a simple young man to sell a bronze equipment especially it has level 5 requirements so he view Jay as not a simple player. He look at Jay with respectful gaze and friendly smile.

" Hello young man, I'm Owl I want everything here could you sell it to us. Let's be friends, Next time just called me and considered us Agility Alliance if you have a good equipment to sell." Owl said and handed a 24 silver without hesitation.

"Since you want to buy it with a good price of course I accept, Sure, I'll contact you in the future." Jay accept the coins and understand Owl intention. It was good deal anyway cooperating with guild was best way thought Jay.

When the bossy man saw how Jay transaction, his face became cold and angry. He called a name in his group and said, " Counter, keep on eye to that kid, Killed him when you have a chance let him experience and know to regret on opposing us, Rules of Dark."