
Soul of Ruin

After losing everyone he had ever loved, Mark, an Abandoned had lost most hope in life. Until his whole existence was turned upside down by his foolishness. Witness as he tread upon the path of death, vengeance, and ruin.

DreadFeelings · Fantasy
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272 Chs


When Achilles noticed that he could no longer see Sia, he started covering his face with his hood and walked off to a certain direction.

He was hoping to catch a cab on the way to quickly fly back to Hilbert Hotel, there was no time to waste after all.

He moved along the road for a while when he suddenly noticed, a woman with a bob cut walking opposite to his direction.

'She looks familiar, have I seen her somewhere before?'

When Achilles was close enough to this person whom he thought had seen before, he was taken aback by this woman's expression.

He thought about a description from a novel he had read, a woman in the story was described as having an unfathomable hatred welled up inside her heart, the fire within her eyes was something that a woman rarely had and a man could never possess.

The anger and thirst for vengeance within this bob-cut woman were similar, only much deeper, darker, and more insufferable than that.

Achilles' mind was also fuelled by madness and dark emotions that he hid, but it could never even reach half of what this woman stored inside her.

The bob-cut woman glanced at Achilles, seemingly sensing his gaze. The latter turned his eyes in another direction to pretend that it was nothing but a coincidence.

The woman also didn't mind him any further and quickly moved past him.

Once he made sure that this mysterious person could no longer see him, he heaved a sigh of relief:

'That woman is truly dangerous...'

Eventually, Achilles managed to catch a ride and was driven back to his temporary residence. He immediately jumped onto his bed and relaxed.

'The last four months seem like an entire lifetime already...'


'I feel like I know that man from somewhere...was it my imagination?' Yuna wondered in puzzlement.

While she was thinking about what had happened, a ringing sound reached her ears. She looked at the number and noticed that it was John who called her.

"Doctor, what do you need me for?"

{Come back to the lab, it's time for another experiment.}

"Got it." Yuna answered succinctly and hung up.

It had been around four months since she participated in the superhuman project that the old man John offered her.

It proved to be quite beneficial to her as her strength had increased considerably.

'With this power, whoever killed him will pay the price.' Yuna clenched her fist as she thought about her current ability, her eyes flashed with craziness.

When she joined the experiment, the old man John had constantly enticed her about revenge, said things like the law would not be able to help her, the killer would get away without any harm done to him, et cetera...

The feeling inside her heart of wanting to bring the culprit to justice, warped into a dark obsession that she needed to kill the murderer with her own hands.

The innocent maiden's heart was twisted by a cruel, devious old man. It made her into a broken, tainted version of herself.

Yuna was supposed to have a bright, uneventful life full of happiness. However, fate played a cruel game on her, the man she respected, care for and probably the one she valued the most...was taken away from her forever.

Her life hurdled out of its destined orbit at that exact moment...and could never return to its prior path ever again.

'...I need to come back soon.' Yuna thought to herself before catching a taxi nearby to return to the Central Tower.

The tower was filled with people wearings suits walking back and forth, she paid them no heed and went to the elevator and pressed one of the top floors.

Yuna moved inside a laboratory on a particular floor that was full of creatures submerged in chemical tanks.

She scanned the lab and found an old man with dark skin was sitting at a nearby table, doing some sort of experiment with a bat-like creature.

John seemed to have noticed her arrival and lifted his head up, he said with an amiable smile:

"Come here."

Yuna followed his order and sat opposite to him, John scrutinized her up and down then asked:

"Has there been any problem lately?"

"No doctor! In fact, I feel more energetic than ever." Yuna shook her head lightly while looking at John in a grateful manner.

"I see, well let's begin."

"Yes." Yuna took off her clothes without hesitation, she wasn't worried about John attempting anything weird since he was an impotent man. It was one of the reasons why she was comfortable letting him do experiments on her.

She then walked to one of the chemical tanks, the yellowish-green liquid soon drowned her whole body inside and she lost consciousness.

John silently looked at her, a corner of his lips lifted up slightly as he muttered:

"You truly are a prominent subject..."