
Soul of Ruin

After losing everyone he had ever loved, Mark, an Abandoned had lost most hope in life. Until his whole existence was turned upside down by his foolishness. Witness as he tread upon the path of death, vengeance, and ruin.

DreadFeelings · Fantasy
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272 Chs

Another Month

It was in the middle of May, the summer's atmosphere had nearly reached its peak so the weather outside was really hot. Luckily, Achilles' room had an AC so the heat didn't really bother him that much.

Another month had passed which he spent inside the morgue, mostly to recuperate his broken body back to normal. Thanked to the miracle of medicine, he was able to heal without suffering from any long-lasting consequences.

Achilles was grateful for Sia's help since if it wasn't for her, he might have lost his left arm forever.

Asides from resting, he had also received plenty of feeding sessions during dinner. Even though he could easily move around now, Sia still insisted on feeding him with her....cough, mouth.

Achilles suspected that if she didn't have any work during the daytime, he would have received 3 times a day feeding session.

If that thing happened, he was pretty sure he would turn mad.

All the unimportant stuffs asides though, he had also used this rare opportunity of peace to practice controlling his essences.

Those harrowing battles over the span of two months had shown how lacking he was in both skills and strength. He wasted too much essences in a battle that would make him vulnerable later on.

Achilles had been steadily making progress in his control to waste the minimum amount of essences possible. He couldn't have achieved this without Sia's help, the latter had been teaching him many things which he needed to know and improve.

He knew that Sia was a senior Divine and also a few years older than he was, but he did not expect her to be so knowledgeable. This made his respect for her rose quite a bit.

'Tomorrow is the day I get discharged, once that happens I should devour the rest of the corpses and breakthrough the next rank.' He held his chin while contemplating about his plan.

Achilles could feel his power reach closer to the threshold of Lesser Evolved after absorbing the four Wendigos. He assumed that as long as he could finish the rest of the corpses, he could breakthrough without much problem.

This pleased him greatly since a normal Lesser Evolved would only need to take around a month and a half or more to level up. But Achilles was much different from a regular one which meant it would take him more than double the amount of time to reach that limit.

Of course, this was only theoretical, the actual practice of breaking through was much more complex and life-threatening.

'What will a Corrupted's Mindscape look like?'

The Mindscape of a Divine was organized and always followed a certain order since they had rationality. However, for barely sentient things like Corrupted, he had no idea what would await him inside their dark and crazy Mindscapes.

'No point in guessing. All I can do is to always keep my guard up when I'm inside.'

When everything was settled, Achilles had nothing left to do for the day, so he decided to train himself a little and then go to sleep until Sia comes.


Tomorrow morning, at the front desk of the morgue.

Achilles stood together with Sia to do a certain procedure before he gets released. He didn't have to worry about the hospital's bills since Sia had told him she had everything handled.

This once again made Achilles feel puzzled by this woman's action. He had no idea why Sia was helping him this much over a simple interest.

'...Forget it, there's no possible way for a man to understand a maiden's heart.' He shook his head lightly, thinking about what his father had taught him when he was still a child.

After Sia was done with the procedure, she turned towards him with a smile and then asked:

"What are you going to do next?"

"I'll probably try to sell those monsters' corpses I have for some money." Achilles answered without divulging anything about his ability, he couldn't possibly let someone he didn't trust know about it.

"Do you wish to sell them to me? I promise I'll give you a good deal."

"...I'll consider it. How will I contact you?"

"...Catch." Sia smiled at him then threw something at his direction. Achilles extended his left hand to catch it.

"This is?"

"A digital watch, there's already my number in there, you can call me anytime you want." Sia spoke with a sincere expression underneath the hood which made Achilles frown a little.

"Are you sure you want to give me something valuable like this?"

"Don't worry, it doesn't worth much to me." Sia said with a nonchalant look.

'Lady, you are too much of a filthy rich woman.' Achilles thought with a corner of his lips twitched slightly.

"Then I'll accept this, thank you."

Sia nodded then both of them started walking out of the morgue. After reaching the bustling street, they parted ways after Sia left a few words for him:

"We'll meet again."

'I'd rather you stay away from me as far as possible...' Achilles was having a hunch that they would definitely meet again just like what she had said.

'...Hopefully I'm just imagining things.'