
Vlad the stubborn!

He felt a disappointment through him. He let her go and frown confusingly. Should he tell her? Would she…? He closed his eyes and turned to face her. She was still waiting. “Vlad.” He finally broke the awkward silence, between them.

Shelly felt a clumsy feeling. She felt as if she knew his name before. As if they met before. “Have we met?” She shrugged as if she screwed the pooch! “I’m sorry, its your name. I just feel that i…”

“Yes.” His voice sounded gentle and sure. “I’m the one who haunt your dreams…” He added. “I will be here with you, as long as you feel happy and ready to live your life again.” He said it again. As if he was her shadow.

As if he was her soul mate!!!

“May I ask how you would do that?” She crossed her hands and shrugged.

“Well, just a little bit of ‘this and that’, and you will be swirling in happiness in no time!” He added with a pride.

“There’s no such thing as ‘Just a little bit of this and that’…” Shelly bellowed annoyed and impressed.

“I’m a ghost! Last time I checked-no one dared to mess with me!” She didn’t even realize it, but he was standing really close to her.

Arrogant too. “Well, Vlad, I don’t need anyone. I can handle my life very well and I…” I don’t need another ghost following me every where. My past is enough!- she wanted to say. “You have to go away.” She surprisingly found her voice stern and hard.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t promise that.” He turned to face her. “It’s too late, now.” He stares sharply at her. Shelly felt both assured and scared. She could say that he wasn’t joking. “You have to let me.” He seemed almost like pleading.

“My life already screwed as it is.” She said, more like whispered. “I can’t let you in my life. I’m sorry.” She meant it because…!

“Know this…” He started walking toward her with an attitude. “I’m here for you, like it or not? I will stay, until I…until you finally get what you want.”

“What I want…is to be left alone. I don’t need any one. I can handle my life…” Her voice broken and was interrupted with giggles and murmuring. It took her a few more minutes to realize that a bunch of girls were stalking at them. They were gossiping among themselves, but she could tell that they were talking about them, because their eyes were fixed on them…on her. She was sure that they must be thinking that she drank too much of those small shots, with rum and cherry syrup.

“See…” He said. “That’s the world there…laughing at you.” He taunted.

“More reason to let me in…”

“No… more reason to stay away…” She stares at him again. “I don’t want people going around, start thinking that I lost my mind.” She hesitated. “Go away…”

Instead he just moved closer and drags her into his embrace. “I can’t do that.” He whispered against her ears. He brushed his lips on her cheeks till her ears. Her fingers trembling against him. “I took the pledge to cure you! And I won’t leave until I succeed.”