
Are you a believer?

“Do you believe?”

“In what?”

“In everything?” He smiles faintly.

“Do You?”

“I believe that behind every moment there is always a reason and after every darkness, there’s light. If I feel sadness, I believe in happiness. If I feel hatred I believe in love. If I feel lonely, I believe in friendship. As long as you will believe…everything can be true!” Shelly eyes were filled with warm tears. He really made his point this time. “I will be here, as long as it takes for you to mend your life, cure your broken heart.”How come he talked like her mother? Could it be….???

“Who send you?” She crossed her fingers hoping the answer would be

exactly what she wanted to hear.

“No one.” He said. “I was attracted to your pain.” He sighed. “Every night, before you go to bed, you use to pry over your life. Saying that you are cursed and that you are doomed. I was there, Shelly.”

“You hear me everyday?” She was impressed and curious. A clumsy excitement ran through her nerves. “Why and how…”

“I’m a ghost.” He stares at her. “Remember?”

Although, he seemed calm, Shelly could find a clumsy sadness in his eyes, as if he regrets something. As if he missed something…or someone! She wondered if he was trying to hide his feelings. And yet, Shelly fined a strange assent between him and herself. She could feel a strong sensation of trust between them, as if she knew him from Adams!!!

She watched as he moved closer to her, and dragging her into an embrace. A quick one, yet assuring. Shelly, closed her eyes for a moment and smile lightly. “I swear to protect you and guide you.” He whispered. “Any thing that you want…I will give it to you. I promise.” He tightens his arms, around her. Shelly felt secure already.

“What’s your name?” She whispered against his chess.