
Please wake me up!

She gasped, too scared to turn. A few minutes-she stayed still as a statue, before finally putting her head together and took one step forward before turning. She wipes her sweaty forehead, no one was there! Another fallen box broke the silence. And this time she could hear footsteps as well.

“Who is this?” She screamed. “I know someone’s in here. If it’s a joke, it’s not funny! ” She was still breathing heavily. Before she could say another word, a shadow appeared in front of her. A man, she could say it. He stood tall and wore a hooded jacket. Although his face was shadowed by the dark, Shelly could feel that he was watching her. He took one step toward her and stood still, he extended his hands forward and in a blink of an eye…he vanquished right before her eyes… Shelly felt a heavy burden on her head. Everything was spinning around her, and her eyelids went heavy and her feet felt weaker…she let herself fall to that!

“She stood in the middle of a white abyss. She stared around; looking for an explanation…but no one was there. One moment silence were ruling, the next were filled with loud thunder and strong wind. She stood still, watching the dust on the white floor, turned around creating a twister around her. She stood helplessly in the middle, close to crying.”

“Everything lasted for few more minutes, before a dark shadow appeared. Shelly recognizes him. He was the same shadow she saw. He stood there, and tended his hand forward, and gestured it. As soon as he was done, the twister was calmed down and everything was back to normal. The cold air was gone. And the surroundings were invaded with a warm feeling. She was seated on the beach, fresh air blowing on her face. The peace she

always hoped for was ultimately here. But far on the right side, he was still standing. His face was shadowed by the hood of his jacket. Shelly, stood and felt the urge to face him. A clumsy silence passed through them. He took one step forward and….”

“Shelly! Shelly! Are you there?”

She opened her eyes. Her head felt heavy and painful. And her eyes were burning, just like she feels when she would spend the entire night crying. She was on the ground. The store room looked all cleaned. Boxes that were scattered on the floor were arranged neatly. The electricity was back. She casted another look around; the air sounded stuffy and hot. She sat blankly on the ground, wondering about what just happened; the rain…that strong wind, the roses, that card…those chocolates….that shadow???Someone was knocking furiously at the door. She wondered if that man was back again. She nervously cleared her voice and wiped off her sweaty face and walked closer to the door. “Who is that?” She asked.

“Shelly! Are you ok?” A worried voice asked, restlessly from the other side of the door. A voice that Shelly could recognize within a million and would give up everything just to hear that it.

“Rose!” She felt relief at last. She opened the door and engulfs the latter into a warm embrace. “Thank god!” She chuckled.

Rose casted her a fretted look. “I’ve been knocking for the last twenty five minutes. I was this close to ask someone break down the door. Are you ok?”

“Yes.” Shelly lied. Only Rose would understand how she was feeling right now. “On second thought, I don’t think so…” She added pointing out the busy street and clear sky. The roads were completely dried out and lots of chatter and noise were in the air. No humidity or dense clouds…She frowned…confused, staring around her..! “How’s that possible?” She whispered blankly.

One moment, rain was clashing furiously on the door, and in a blink of an eye…everything turned calm. One moment it was cold as hell, and now the temperature turned normal, hot and dusty. It was exactly like her dream. She stood wordless, outside. Everyone looked normal and happy!