
Is it a dream?

She felt a twinge of pain in her abdomen. Normally, she feels like that only when she was upset. But, even upset isn’t enough to describe the way she was feeling today. She felt cold mist on her face, even the woolen hooded pullover she was wearing was not helping much. She sighed desperately and walked closer to the shop.

Shelly Pierce opened the rusty shutters. The aluminum door needed a quick dust off- she thought. She briefly closed her eyes, before she realized that a strong Rose scent was cutting the morning air. Maybe, Madam Feline finally got fresh roses today after all-she pondered. She walked next door at Madam Feline’s, place for a quick glance at the beautiful flowers, she had. Normally, she use to have breathtaking lilies and marigolds mostly…but she had been complaining about how roses, were difficult to

have these days. Madam Feline was not there yet. Clumsy, and yet mysterious, she should be here already- Shelly whispered.

The scene was still deserted, strong wind was howling and the air grew more humid and cold. Thunder and lightning marked their presence. Shelly ran her trembling small fingers through her black navy bluish reflection hair and lazily pushed opened the Aluminum door; she nearly chocked in surprise. The front counter was covered with one big straw basket filled with chocolate, and red balloon were tied up on the small sliver painted nails around the table and one bouquet of dark red roses. Roses’ petals, were scattered as well, camouflaging the broken and dirty tiles. She felt a light smile touched her lips. . She walked wordlessly towards the counter. She confoundedly runs her fingers, on the chocolate, pondering if she was dreaming or its reality. A few drops of water were still visible on some petals. She picked one chocolate. It was Switzerland made. She casted another look at the basket, a black card with golden writing was placed in the middle.

“No matter what, I will always be there….even if the shadows stop me!!!”

“Happy birthday!!!”

She felt a clumsy pain invade her heart. Was Rose, her only best friend, playing a prank on her? But, how she got inside the shop? No one has the key except her. She was sure that her Aunt Martha, and Anna her cousin sister, wouldn’t even remember her birthday, let alone leaving her a birthday wish surprise! She was engulfed by the confounded question in her mind. Who did this? How they got inside without the key? She blankly closed the card and walked towards the store room. She had to bite more than she could chew today! Or maybe it was just an excuse to spend more alone time- she wasn’t sure!

It took her like forever to clean those petals off the floor. The faded paint on

the wall seemed dirtier, maybe because of the humidity. She glanced around; all the shops were still closed. The dense heavy clouds, camouflaged the sun. The street was sinister and empty. No cars, no taxi, not even a bicycle… The small hill on the front, were filled with mist. She wondered if that’s the reason that all the shops were closed. She walked inside the shop and gave a quick glanced at the clock, it was already eleven. Normally, this time of day, the street would be filled with busy bodies! Even the two windows glass and the door glass, were blurred with humidity.

The sound of a daring thunder startled her. The scene turned dark and colder. The winds were howling even louder. A few more minutes, it started raining cats and dogs! Shelly closed the door and windows. She could hear the rain clashing vigorously against the latter. She felt goose bumps on her freezing skin. A weather like that and she was alone. What if something worse was to happen?-She pondered desperately.

The last time, it rained like that, she was only fourteen. And she was on the beach with her mother. That day, she still remembered it as if it was yesterday; everything was calm and all of a sudden, it started. She felt as if she was taking her last breath. The sky was dark and wet, and the sea was rough with furious tides, clashing on the shore. Everyone on the beach panicked, and she sat frozen on the wet sand waiting for her mother…

A louder noise startled her and interrupted her thoughts. It came from the store room. She knew that her fingers were trembling, but she took it for birds! She knew that if she gives herself in, she might not be able to tackle her present situation. She moved dubiously toward the store room. Another noise, of falling box confirmed that her doubt was cleared. This time she was sure that someone was inside.

Shelly, pushed opened the wooden door and walked inside. She could feel her heart racing. And almost feel the blood pumping in her stressful nerves. She sighed and cleared her voice, just to see if there would be any response. She took another step inside, the power was shut down,

because of the rain- she presumed. The room was dark. She took another two steps and stood in the middle and stare at the empty boxes scattered on the ground. Although, the room was not big, yet the bulky scene gave it a more sinister look. Moreover, it didn’t have any windows. Aunt Martha thought it was best to have it that way, to protect the goods. She frowned, partly thinking that she should dare and partly thinking to back off. Before she ultimately act, she stood wordlessly and frozen on the spot… clumsy warmth on her neck, as if someone was breathing behind her!