
Did you notice that i'm hot?

A loud noise woke her up. She gently ran her fingers on her forehead, she felt dizziness, and her eyes burned. Bitterness as she swallowed. She guessed that now she knew what hang over meant. The noise was coming from the outside. She blankly sat on the bed, scared to place her feet on the floor, tensing that she might just fall off. She thought for another few minutes….when a vivid vision, popped into her mind, like a blurred image. She confessed her deepest wish to him. Everything she dreamed of, now he knew it. Everything! A gentle knock at the door, startled her. She walked unconsciously and pushed open the door. He was standing in front of her. His eyes opened wide, as if he saw a ghost!. He ran his fingers into his hairs, and gasps. He cleared his voice, ashamed. Was he thinking about

last night as well? She pondered. She shook her head blankly, wondering how she ended in her room.

“Good morning?”