
I have to leave one day!

Two weeks passed quicker than she anticipated. Aunt Martha, Anna moved out and the house was officially hers. Thought she always wanted to make one change or two, but considering the present situation, she didn't feel the need to do anything -yet! Rose was now staying with her. She runs her fingers on the papyrus paper, thinking if she should write her deepest thoughts or not. Vlad helped her. But she keeps pondering if he was done or…of course not, she keeps reminding herself. Maybe, he helped her to find her inner career, and yet there so many things that she wanted to know about him. She wrote that something for him hoping that he would understand…like her own falling star he guided her, and he was worth waiting for. She stood by the window of the living room watching him, laid on the grass- he was pondering. His eyes were shinny.

“Hey are you ok?” Rose, walked next to her. “Wow…He is beautiful.”