
Soul Mancer: Rebirth Of The God Of Souls!

A Mighty, Ancient God, The God of Souls, Deus Anima! was ambushed by Zeus the Heavenly Emperor, who seeks to kill and destroy every being who he deemed to be his rival. Left with no option and means to reincarnate, he suddenly remembered a world he save from destruction 83 years ago! Going to the world, which he placed in a special plane, in his dimension. he found out that the species of soul which he holds so dearly were on the brink of extinction. Luckily for him, those two souls meet his criteria. Now! he must begin his road to power! ... eeh! he is already powerful. Now! he must travel through planes and dimensions, hunting and killing gods while growing even more powerful. ***** Excerpt: "In Every Soul, there is a Universe!, in that universe, you are the king! and when you're a king you give your law, every being must abide by it!" "Zeus! You made a mistake by going against me, don't you know that I am the unspoken ruler of thy empire, the heavenly plane!...You need not to worry, cause I will be back, this time I will take your head, while at the same time killing all the hypocritic gods and angels" "I am the only law and king of Rebirth and Reincarnation! Do you think that I will die easily!?" A voice resounded and echoed in a dark place, the voice sounded, ethereal, divine and Mystical. But little did he know that things were not always as it seems. Follow, the Soul Mancer, God of Soul, on his lifelong mission, Slaying gods and angels on his road to power? This book is for both #haremhaters #haremlovers. It's a No harem book as this God is not a harem king that always chases after anything with skirt. Apart from MC everyone in the world has a System. #Domineering ✓Check #Overpowered ✓Check #Dark ✓Check #Characterdevelopment √Check #OP MC ✓Check #R18 ✓Check #Magic ✓Check #Reincarnation ✓✓ Double Check R18: Doesnt means sex, but if you want the sex scene, you gonna wait... Sex scenes starts 100chaps +....still NO HAREM!!! But it worth the wait. Genre: Half #Fantasy half #Magicrealism **** Alternative Name; #Rebirth of the God of Souls. #Rise of the Ancient God of Souls. #Rise of the Soul Sovereign. #Deus Anima! *** This book is entered in WSA So please do make sure to Read, Vote, Review, Recommend to a friend,

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Caught Lancelot?

In a dark ruins, a silhouette could be seen.

The silhouette, was, of course, Scarlet Fox and Lancelot.

Her hair was fluttering in the wind as she held Lancelot firmly and prevented him from falling.

The scene was just like the romantic scenes one could see in movies, it's just that in this scene, the roles were reversed.

In a normal romantic scene, Lancelot the man should have been the one that held Scarlett Fox by the waist in a romantic manner.

But it was Scarlett Fox that is holding Lancelot firmly, despite her fragile, and sexy-looking body.

She rounded her right hand by Lancelot's waist and then traced her fingers on Lancelot's jawline.

Lancelot eyes were wide open, he is alive and breathing, but his eyes seemed to have lost their lives in them, his eyes seemed to have closed focus; that's one of a sign of being trapped in an illusion.

She was surprisingly bold, there was no hesitation in her action.

Seeing him look so helpless and defenseless she grinned even wider "What a handsome man, I wouldn't mind doing it with you but I love money more than you ... I just can't help it..."

After some time she slowly laid him on the bare ground.

The thought of the reward for getting Lancelot is driving her crazy 'The reward is just so great that none of us could resist, now that am the one that caught you, I surely would be the one that would get the Lion share'

'If not that I can't carry and protect you while at the same time, fighting beasts on my way to the Draecia Empire Dome, I would have escaped alone with you leaving the other bounty hunters to their fate'

'I need them for now, but I must find a way to eliminate them one by one and keep all the rewards to herself' She thought to herself licking her lips with greed evident in her eyes.

'I originally thought that he would resist, but he went with the flow of the illusion, but how can he be so emotionally weak'

'I will make sure to give him a great torture which he would never forget, I turn his greatest enemy into his friend and turn his most loyal friend into his greatest memory, it would be fun to watch sadly I can't do that yet, I can only manipulate the illusion, maybe once I advance to peak three-star my soul energy and essence would be enough to watch the illusion scene'

'This illusion beast is my hidden triumph card u can't let anything happen to it no matter what!'

She squatted on the ground and continued to look at Lancelot, from the way she was looking at him, one could tell that she is afraid that he would disappear anytime from now.

Out of the top Seven Hunters, Scarlett Fox might be the weakest but to emotionally weak people like Lancelot, she can turn out to be the most dangerous opponent he has ever faced.

She watched and waited, thinking that Lancelot would shatter the illusion.

One hour. . .

Lancelot was yet to break through the illusion.

As time continues to pass, the less restless she became.

At this point she knew that Lancelot's weakest point is his emotions, he had been through a lot.

A sudden betrayal from someone, whom you trust so much that you have even risked your life for theirs several times is not something everybody could handle.

It's tough to even for a SuperHuman Person like a Souler.

One Hour, thirty minutes. . .

Lancelot is still yet to break through the illusion.

At this point, Scarlett Fox's face changed from a devious grin to a cheerful face when she saw five silhouettes approaching.

The person that was at the front was Lone Wolf.

He seemed to have a backpack on his back, the content of the backpack was unknown.

Scarlett Fox waited for him to come close so that he would be able to hear her words.

As soon as he was close enough, she pouted cutely before saying "Took you so long..."


Lone Wolf completely ignored her but frowned when he saw Lancelot on the ground.

He was tense at first, he thought Lancelot is dead, so he went and place his hands beneath Lancelot's Nose, only to sigh in relief when he found out that Lancelot is not dead.

'What was I even thinking, a Peak Four Star Souler like him can't die just like that'

After some time, he closed his interest on Lancelot, he started studying the surrounding because everything looked strange and unfamiliar.

What made the place look unfamiliar was the aftermath of the battle between Lancelot and Void.

After looking around for a while, Lone Wolf said in a cold Voice "What Happened Here?"

the voice was so cold that Scarlett Fox felt like that was not a question but an order. Something very bad to her will happen if she did not answer quickly.

With a gulp, she muttered in a nervous voice "Lancelot and Void happened to clash and fight here, this must be the aftermath of their battle"

"Hmm..." Lone Wolf thought quietly for some time, before mysteriously walking to the exact place Void's Spatial Collapse skill took place.

He seemed to have noticed something there.

Seeing him act all high and mysterious, Scarlett Fox could not help but grimace with contempt.

As Lone Wolf walked closer to that place, he observed carefully, the void/space which had replaced the place that was sucked in by the spatial tear.

He walked around the place, carefully observing it.

After some time he did something unbelievable, he put his hand into the void.

Almost immediately, he let out a low grunt, as his face grimaced in psi while he quickly removed his hands.

'The Void is so cold, even my resistance to cold has no effect against it, is this related to the yin and yang theory, that must be it'

After he removed his hands, he observed it, his fresh and white-skinned hand was now covered with blood

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