
Soul Land: Sign-In System

Zhou Hao, transmigrated into the world of Soul Land, and obtained a sign-in system. He starts with an awakened Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear martial soul, innate full soul power, and an attached soul bone. With invincible attacks, the strongest defense, and an incredibly powerful physique, he evolves his martial soul step by step. Let's witness how he rises to prominence in the Douluo Continent, stepping towards the pinnacle of power!!! Release rate: 5-7 chs per week Original author: love to eat rice beans I do not own the cover image i found it on pintrest cover mage credit: @ainitangshrek / Soul Land Support me on ko-fi : - ko-fi.com/cardinal_sin 1 extra chapter for every donation

Cardinal_Sin · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 13: Communication and Departure

After returning to the dormitory, everyone started practising earnestly. The preparations mentioned by Flender were not for them to idle around. Although they all knew they had good talents, they were also aware of the importance of diligent cultivation.

The girls felt a sense of urgency as they were still a considerable distance away from reaching Level-30. Zhu Zhuqing always held a strong desire within her, hiding beneath her cold exterior was a passionate heart that yearned for strength.

On the other hand, Oscar began to consolidate his cultivation and refine his Soul Power, while Tang San was pushing through the final bottleneck of the third layer of the Mysterious Heaven Skill. Zhou Hao, who trained alone, had a balanced breathing rhythm, and his vast soul power flowed through his meridians. Over the past few years, with the systematic rewards and continuous battles in the Spirit Arena, his meridians were already unobstructed, and the strength of his body was no less than that of an ordinary ten-thousand-year spirit beast.

A dark golden light circulated on his right arm. This Soul Bone, which had accompanied Zhou Hao for six years, had grown even stronger, with a lifespan of up to 20,000 years, containing terrifying power.

Zhou Hao had only recently broken through and was still far from reaching Level-36. At noon, Tang San and Oscar came to find Zhou Hao for lunch.

On the way, Oscar was still excited and couldn't help but ask the two, "What kind of Spirit Ring should I look for in the Star Dou Great Forest tomorrow?"

Tang San replied, "There are all kinds of Spirit Beasts in the forest, and no one can say for certain. It can only be determined based on your own needs and a general range. Oscar, you've been to the Star Dou Great Forest before, tell me about the specific situation."

Zhou Hao secretly thought, "That's where you started your cheat mode, picking up a 100,000-year Spirit Beast as your wife from the beginning, and even killing a Human-Faced Demon Spider casually, resulting in an additional External Soul Bone. This luck is even better than my own System."

"The Star Dou Great Forest is the cradle of spirit beasts. It is a place that every Spirit Master yearns for, but it also comes with countless risks," Oscar answered.

Tang San couldn't imagine and asked, "Is it the forest where the Spirit beasts are raised by the Heaven Dou Empire?"

"Hahaha, those domestically raised spirit beast forests are nothing compared to the Star Dou Great Forest. It spans across two empires and is one of the three most famous gathering places for Spirit Beasts on the entire continent. Its vastness is even greater than that of the Balak Kingdom, and the number of spirit beasts is countless. There are even 100,000-year-level spirit beasts there."

Oscar continued excitedly, "Any Spirit Master, as long as you have enough strength and good luck, can find the most suitable Spirit Ring there."

Seeing Tang San's shocked expression, Zhou Hao couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, "Don't you have a hundred-thousand-year little rabbit by your side?"

"What about the other two major gathering places for Spirit Beasts?" Tang San asked again.

Zhou Hao then spoke up, "The other two are the Extreme North and the Sunset Forest. But you've overlooked an important point."

Both of their gazes were drawn towards Zhou Hao as he continued, "Have you ever considered how many Spirit Beasts are in the vast and boundless ocean that surrounds the entire continent? This is a point that almost everyone overlooks."

"The number of Spirit Beasts in the ocean is even greater than all the gathering places on land combined. And due to fierce competition, they are even stronger than the land-based Spirit Beasts within the same lifespan."

Tang San and Oscar were both taken aback, and Zhou Hao continued, "The ocean is almost unexplored, and the spirit beasts of 10,000+ years of age are likely a huge number, with a fair number of 100,000-year level Spirit Beasts."

During Tang San's God Exam period, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King he hunted down was a million-year colossal Spirit Beast, it had already become fully sentient. If it weren't for the Sea God's suppression, it would probably have ascended long ago. There were also those small bosses that casually appeared with 100,000-year level strength and groups where 10,000+ years of cultivation were as common as cats and dogs.

After Zhou Hao finished speaking, the two beside him stared wide-eyed. A huge number of 10,000+ year Spirit Beasts? And a fair number of 100,000-year-level Spirit Beasts?

Oscar felt like his worldview was being turned upside down, and Tang San secretly felt shocked. Despite studying under his teacher for so long, his experience was still lacking. What Zhou Hao said was all in realms he had never known before.


The next morning, after breakfast, everyone quickly assembled on the training ground where Zhao Wuji was already waiting for them.

Seeing Zhao Wuji, the students were somewhat stunned. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to do so.

Zhao Wuji's appearance was quite dishevelled, with panda-like eyes and several bruises on his face, which was truly amusing. Zhou Hao knew that it was because Tang Hao called Zhao Wuji out that night after the assessment, and without even using his martial soul, Tang Hao knocked him down.

Zhao Wuji glared, "What are you little brats looking at? Stand properly."

Xiao Wu was displeased and muttered quietly, "Why not call him a little bear cub?"

"Hmm?" Zhao Wuji and Zhou Hao looked over at the same time, startling Xiao Wu, who stuck out her tongue, while Tang San took a step forward and smiled apologetically.

Zhao Wuji thought of the man with the red spirit ring again and said to Dai Mubai, "Lead the way, let's go."

Dai Mubai nodded seriously, "There are many Spirit Beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest. After we arrive, everyone must stick together and avoid acting alone."

"Zhou Hao, you and I have the highest cultivation levels. You'll be at the front, and Ma Hongjun and I will be at the rear. Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing will be on the flanks, and Ning Rongrong and Oscar will be in the middle. Tang San, you'll also be in the middle, tying a Blue Silver Grass around each person's waist."

Zhou Hao didn't say much. This arrangement was fine. Both he and Dai Mubai needed someone to take charge of leading the way and covering the rear.

After leaving the village, everyone accelerated towards the Star Dou Great Forest. The journey was long, and they could only travel on foot. The Dean called it exercise, but in fact, he wanted to save money on the carriages.

As they sped along, everyone finally experienced the importance of Oscar and understood the purpose of Flender's instructions from yesterday. Without Oscar's sausage for stamina recovery, Zhou Hao wouldn't mind, but the others probably wouldn't be able to keep up.

"Oscar, give me two sausages!" Zhou Hao followed behind Zhao Wuji and turned to Oscar.

"Alright, no problem!" Oscar quickly recited the incantations.

Zhou Hao was a bit hungry, and after eating, he felt much more comfortable. The slight fatigue in his body also disappeared.

The Star Dou Great Forest was located in the southeast direction of the Balak Kingdom, and Suo Tuo City itself was also located in the southeast direction of the Balak Kingdom. The distance between Suo Tuo City and the Star Dou Great Forest was about five hundred kilometres.

With Oscar's sausage support, the group covered four hundred kilometres in just one day. When night fell, they finally arrived at a small town closest to the Star Dou Great Forest.

The town wasn't large, but it was bustling. Many shops were engaged in the trade of Spirit Beast fur or scales because most visitors were Spirit Master teams coming here to hunt Spirit Beasts. The residents of this town relied on the Star Dou Great Forest for their livelihoods, earning profits by providing services to the Spirit Masters.

Zhao Wuji led everyone to what seemed like an ordinary hotel and said, "Let's stay here. Rest for the night and gather downstairs for departure tomorrow morning. You'll be responsible for your own accommodation and meals."

After Zhao Wuji finished speaking, he walked into the hotel on his own, got a single room, and went upstairs.

Zhou Hao smiled and said, "You four can share a quadruple room, and the girls can share a triple room. I prefer sleeping alone, so I'll get a single room."

Everyone had no objections, so they checked in. Then Ma Hongjun suggested, "Let's go to the restaurant across the street and grab something to eat. I'm about to throw up from eating Oscar's sausages all day."

Ma Hongjun voiced the sentiment shared by everyone, and even Zhu Zhuqing nodded in agreement.


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