
Soul Land: Sign-In System

Zhou Hao, transmigrated into the world of Soul Land, and obtained a sign-in system. He starts with an awakened Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear martial soul, innate full soul power, and an attached soul bone. With invincible attacks, the strongest defense, and an incredibly powerful physique, he evolves his martial soul step by step. Let's witness how he rises to prominence in the Douluo Continent, stepping towards the pinnacle of power!!! Release rate: 5-7 chs per week Original author: love to eat rice beans I do not own the cover image i found it on pintrest cover mage credit: @ainitangshrek / Soul Land Support me on ko-fi : - ko-fi.com/cardinal_sin 1 extra chapter for every donation

Cardinal_Sin · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 12: Morning Training

Early in the morning, Zhou Hao woke up from his cultivation, his soul power vast and refined, without a hint of impurity.

He opened the window and looked at the rising sun, exhaling a slow breath. After two days of cultivation, he had completely consolidated the three levels of soul power rewarded by the system, taking his strength to a new level.

Zhou Hao did some simple exercises and then headed to the cafeteria for breakfast, and Tang San was there already. The two greet each other and continued to eat on their own. After a while, both Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing came, but Ning Rongrong didn't come.

The meal was meagre, with each person getting two eggs, plain rice porridge, steamed buns, and some pickled vegetables.

Of course, for ordinary people, this would be considered a decent meal, but for Soul Masters who are still growing, it's lacking in nutrients.

Zhou Hao smiled as he watched Zhu Zhuqing eat with a frown on her face, but she still swallows each bite. He doesn't say anything but he was thinking about something in his heart.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun didn't come back into everyone finished eating. Ma Hongjun had a smug expression on his face, indicating that he didn't do anything good last night. Dai Mubai, on the other hand, was sober but exuded a strong scent of alcohol. There were even a few lipstick marks on his face that he hadn't cleaned off.

Zhu Zhuqing seemed to ignore it completely. The cold and aloof girl quietly sipped her rice soup.

On the second day of school, the day began with the sound of drums. When the group arrived at the playground, the dean and the teachers had yet to arrive, but one person was already there—Ning Rongrong. Oscar, however, was still nowhere to be seen.

Her fair and delicate face appeared somewhat haggard, her eyes red, and she seemed to be in low spirits.

Today's class was still taught by Flender. After waiting for a full fifteen minutes, the dean finally strolled over. He glanced at Ning Rongrong without saying much but noticed that Oscar wasn't there yet. "Tang San, where is Oscar? Is he still sleeping in?"

Tang San quickly replied, "When I came out in the morning, he was still meditating. He shouldn't be sleeping. Should I go find him?"

Flender nodded but saw Oscar rushing over from the direction of the dormitory, with a look of excitement on his face.

"Oscar, are you planning to go for a run again?" Flender frowned.

"No, no, Dean, I had a breakthrough! I reached Level-30!" Oscar quickly shook his head, his eyes filled with undisguised joy.

"What?" It wasn't just Flender; everyone looked at Oscar with astonishment, except for Zhou Hao.

Ning Rongrong, in particular, had a face of disbelief. As a support-type soul master, she knew very well that this type of martial soul was the most difficult to cultivate, and the food-type was the most challenging within the support category.

Flender's eyes brightened. "Good! Oscar, you didn't disappoint me. Among these students, you are the third to reach Level-30. I congratulate you on behalf of the academy."

He turned to Ning Rongrong. "I trained you to let you know that the students who come here are all little monsters. If you don't work hard, you'll quickly be left behind by others."

"Look at everyone here; none of them are weaker than you. You are the cherished pearl of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, exceptionally talented. But who here isn't?"

"They, except for Dau Mubai, are all around the same age as you. In terms of martial souls, except for Tang San, their quality is not inferior to yours. In terms of cultivation, you can't compare to anyone. Tang San's martial soul is just Blue Silver Grass, but as you know, his combat power is almost on par with any ordinary Spirit Elder."

"So, I hope you can let go of your inner pride and grow together with everyone, become stronger together," Flender said, placing his hand on Ning Rongrong's shoulder and speaking gently.

Ning Rongrong had already taken his words to heart, but she still felt a bit wronged in her heart. "Then I'm probably similar to Oscar, right?"

"Hehehe, you're completely mistaken," Flender laughed heartily. "Have you ever seen a Food-type Soul Master with innate full soul power?"

Ning Rongrong's expression instantly paled, her eyes widening.

The events of the past two days flashed through her mind one by one, and Flender's words today finally pierced through her pride.

Tears welled up in her eyes again, but she knew she couldn't cry anymore. Outside, she represented the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, and she had to impress Flender.

Flender noticed Ning Rongrong's change in expression and smiled with satisfaction.

"Oscar, make two sausages for each person!" Flender announced to everyone. "Today's lesson is straightforward. Each of you must eat two sausages made by Oscar."

Xiao Wu almost thought she misheard, and even Zhu Zhuqing's face changed, which was rare.

Flender's face turned cold. "Don't question my orders. This is necessary adaptive training. If you can't overcome this little difficulty, then there's no need for you to stay here. In the future, when you're on the battlefield, you might have to eat worms and insects. Today, eating sausages is nothing."

Oscar was almost floating with happiness, and the dean's cunning old face suddenly became amiable.

Flender's action not only allowed everyone to gradually accept Oscar's sausages but also enabled him to truly integrate into the group.

"Entering Shrek Academy means that you are one entity and must have enough tacit understanding. At the same time, this is also a test of your mindset."

Oscar's smile became lewd,

"I, your father, have a big sausage! " and

"I, your father, have a little sausage! " with two soul incantations two sausages, one big and one small, appeared in his palm.

"Who wants to go first?" Oscar smiled smugly.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong's faces turned even paler. Just hearing Flender mention worms and insects made them feel nauseous, and Oscar's soul incantations were even more unbearable for them.

Zhu Zhuqing had already turned her head away, her chest rising and falling as if she wanted to vomit.

"I'll go first," Zhou Hao calmly walked up. He had already eaten it before, and it tasted pretty good. He took the sausage from Oscar's hand and said, "Give me two more." This drew everyone's attention.

Zhou Hao smiled and quickly finished eating. He walked up to Zhu Zhuqing, and the girl turned her head, looking at the sausage in Zhou Hao's hand with a disgusted expression. Her cold gaze turned flustered.

"Eat it, the taste is not bad. Don't think too much about it. After you finish eating, I'll give you something good," Zhou Hao's eyes showed a hint of doting, but it also seemed very natural. Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were both dumbfounded. Was this the audacity that humans could possess?

Ma Hongjun and Oscar were both in awe. Zhou Hao, who had been low-key, unexpectedly turned out to be a prince charming who knew how to flirt. Only Dai Mubai's gaze was complex, but soon he smiled with relief as if he had finally figured something out and relaxed.

Flender frowned. He knew about Zhu Zhuqing's relationship with Dai Mubai, and he didn't know what was going on with that boy these past two days.

"If you want to be able to teach Dai Mubai a lesson one day, then start now," Zhou Hao said earnestly.

Zhu Zhuqing's ice-cold little face turned blue and white. She lightly bit her lip with her white teeth and finally took a step forward. Her ears were noticeably redder, and she showed a slight smile as she looked at Zhou Hao, saying, "I'll eat."

With a determined look in her eyes, she took the sausage, opened her cherry-like lips, and finished it in a few bites. Fortunately, the sausage turned into soul power as soon as it entered her mouth, or she would have vomited.

Seeing this, Tang San also stepped forward and took four sausages, comforting Xiao Wu to eat them. Only Ning Rongrong remained. Her face was still pale, but she didn't want to be looked down upon by everyone.

Oscar softened when he saw this. He had been infatuated with this girl with a sweet smile and mysterious background since their enrollment. So he looked at Flender and said, "Dean, she already ate one yesterday during our run."

Ning Rongrong glared at him, not wanting him to blabber more, but Oscar smirked. Flender's face turned cold, and he observed everything that was happening among the students. He secretly envied their youthfulness. "Since she could eat yesterday, she can eat today as well," Flender said indifferently.

Ning Rongrong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, took the sausage, gritted her tiny silver teeth, and bit into it fiercely. This was already the second time, and Oscar couldn't help but shiver.

After Ning Rongrong finished eating, she felt a warm current surging through her body. The effect of the sausage seemed to be much better than yesterday. The fatigue from the sleepless night disappeared, and her body was filled with a sense of strength.

Oscar felt a chill all over his body. This girl was as beautiful as an angel but behaved like a witch.

Ning Rongrong turned around and looked at everyone, proving through her actions that she had the right to stay.

Flender nodded with satisfaction. "You all did well today. Remember, in the future, Oscar will always be your logistics support. Forget about those meaningless soul incantations. Maintaining your state and strength is the most important thing."

"You have one day to prepare. Tomorrow, Zhao Wuji will lead you to the Star Dou Great Forest to help Oscar obtain his soul ring. This is not only Oscar's matter but also a test for your new team. Understood? Dismissed."

Flender only left Dai Mubai behind and sighed, "What's going on with you? You've changed completely these past two days?"

Dai Mubai smiled lightly. "I just had a change of heart. All this inheritance stuff is meaningless. I just want to live the life I want."

"What about Zhu Zhuqing? What will happen to her? I know that your final competition requires both of you to participate together," Flender furrowed his brows even deeper.

"I'm tired of such bullshit rules. I have never even met her. We have no feelings for each other. The engagement is only because of that Martial Soul fusion skill. Her life shouldn't be bound like this, and neither should mine."

In the end, Dai Mubai's gaze became resolute. "She is beautiful, but she also hates me. We can fulfil each other's wishes, isn't that good? I can also have the life I want."

"Are you...?" Flender was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, I'm planning to go back and confront the old man. He's still in his prime, he can have a few more children if he wants. Let him deal with Dai Weisi. I don't want anything anymore. Hahaha."

"Mubai, I've watched you grow up these past few years. I know you don't want to be bound, and I know you're always fooling around with girls. But I hope you always remember that strength is the prerequisite for having a say in everything, including when you go back and make your demands. You have to speak with strength."

"I understand!" After finishing his words, Dai Mubai seemed to be reborn, his eyes shining brightly.

"In that case, go back and freshen up, get rid of the smell of alcohol, and build good relationships with everyone. These old bones of mine can still protect you for a few more years. Work hard and grow!"

Flender left with his hands behind his back, and Dai Mubai smiled freely.


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