
CH3: Working Student

Tang San and I walked towards Dorm room 7.

"Can you believe the nerve of those two?" I asked Tang San.

"No." He said.

"They were clearly disrespecting Grandmaster!" I kept on going as we entered the dorm. "We'll have to teach them in the futu-"

"Oh, another student?" A boy says with bodies surrounding him "Okay you two are next!" he announced.

What the heck is that hillbilly doing, surrounded in a circle of bodies? Could his dad also be a serial killer too?

"He even fights girls!" A defeated loser said disdainfully.

Oh no! Maybe his dad was a serial rapist! I've gotta stand my ground. Surely he won't make a move now where there's so much people!

"Noobs! I'm the boss of the dorm! You have to fight me and win to be boss!" He announced as battle intent shines from his eyes.

"No thanks, I don't want to be the boss." Tang San announced.

The boy looked at me.

"I don't want to be the boss either." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. Okay it's all good. He's just an average competitive boy...unless that's what he wants me to think. I'll have to keep an eye on him.

"The winner is boss?" A high pitched voice asked.

I looked to the doorway and a little girl draped in pink stood there.

The boy arrogantly affirmed the statement. "After I defeat these two, I'll fight you next!"

"No need!" I said as I picked a bed to sit down in.

Seeing as I was tired, I immediately fell asleep the moment my head hit the bed. It was an eventful day after all. I've met a potential pedophile, serial killer, and a grandmaster.


"You dirty dog!" I heard a high pitched voice yell.

I immediately got up to the sound and I saw Tang San on the floor and the girl on the bed.

How the tables turn! And you really think you know somebody.

Putting two and two together, I gave Tang San a thumbs up and got up. I wanted to change my clothes but I didn't have any spare clothes. On my to-do-list was definitely get some more clothes.

The teacher called us all over and taught us a lesson.

To summarize everything, I learned the relationship between essence and spirits. Higher quality and quantity of essence strengthens the spirit. But also, talent matters a lot. If you have a junk spirit, you have little chances of getting stronger.

I looked at Tang San without any pity. He had the main character halo to him. It was only a matter of time before he surpassed the teacher.

Then it was lunch time.

You had to have Spirit Coins to get food, so thank me I asked for gold last time.

I got their best meal on the first floor. I was trying to conserve money for the future, until I can get jobs. Then I'll be eating good.

"Lunch is on me!" A young blonde dude said from the second floor. "Leftovers!" He yelled as he threw food in our direction.

He did a quick scan of our group and his eyes stayed on me and the girl.

I felt my face pale. I looked like a girl. I confirmed that through the various interactions I had with people. Even though I never got a look at myself, I should look pretty good right?

What if that blonde man was a r*p*ist?

"Those two look cute!" He announced to his group. "Too bad their losers."

The second floor erupted with laughter.

The girl next to Tang San was about to go there before I stopped her.

"I got this one." I announced.

I had a lot of potential. If I caused a ruckus, I'll be fine. If I get kicked out, I still have Spirit Hall as an option. The little girl is too hot headed. Her clothes show that she was not of important descent.

This caused the first and second floor to become silent.

"Got what?" The blonde laughed as the entire Second floor got in a defensive position. The people of the second floor started to surround him.

"Okay, I might need some back up." I admitted to the little girl and Tang San.

"I can count on you two?" I asked them.

They nodded albeit a little confused. What was there to get confused about? Beat everyone's a** and leave before there's any trouble.

"Attack!" I yelled as we charged up the stairs.

There was a barricade of beefy dudes in front of the blonde guy. They looked fearsome but their aura made them like paper tigers. Above their heads was an indicator of their levels.

Luo Bao - 10

San Feng - 8

Sui Ling - 9

I assumed the numbers were their spirit ranks as I ferociously approached them. They weren't even at my capacity yet, it'd be a waste to use spirit essence much less my actual spirit.

[Fist Strike]

I stomped on the floor as I transitioned my weight to my fist. In one swift motion, I jabbed with my arm hitting one of the meat heads.

My attack was so swift that he didn't have enough time to activate his spirit. His had knocked back and saliva was exiting his mouth.

I used the momentum of the attack to continue my assault.

In a matter of seconds one of the guys was already down.

Tang San and the little girl did their thing. They were pretty much fishes in water in the chaotic environment.

The first wave was defeated very quickly. The three of us were at Innate Spirit power to begin with.

The second wave of fighters were more prepared. They all unleashed their spirits as our superior martial skills were too good. Tang San with his weird movement technique and the little girl's hops.

Those dummies probably thought that we had trash spirits because we are working students. Little did they know, one was the main character and I had a system!

I took a quick glance at their spirits however. It was never too good to get too confident.

There were three beast spirits and two tool spirits. One wolf, two dogs, one staff, and a sword.

The staff and the sword guys were looking especially tough. I checked their ranks and they were past rank 10.

Without saying a word, Tang San and the little girl went against the tool users while I charged the beasts. No matter how good their beasts were, could they ever defeat the holder of the three-eyed lion?

I used my dominating martial art to stall the beast Spirits. I didn't activate my spirit yet because I didn't want this fight to end quickly. Only through battling will your martial art get refined and transformed into something better. So far I had the stances down. But I need to get better experience. I needed to get my battle instinct better.

I side stepped the claws of the wolf spirit and hit him with a [Fist Strike].

I saw his eyes roll up and he fell down. I put my entire weight and some spirit essence in that hit.

The dogs next to him growled and I took care of them quickly. A dog vs a lion. Who did you think was gonna win?

That was easier than I hoped. I barely got any experience from them.

I turned to look at the other battles and they were also finished. We nodded at each other and we pounced at the blonde hair dude.

"Shield Spirit! Defense!" He announced.

A yellow light flashed and there was a spiritual wall that stopped our advances. I quickly kicked off the wall and landed a couple feet away. I charged again but this time I delivered an [Axe] Kick.

The shield shattered into a lot of bits as the spirit essence wasn't enough to take the hit.

The little girl walked up and slapped the young blond. I would've too if I didn't consider that some people liked that kinda stuff. With my advanced knowledge on book characters, I knew there was bound to be the SM dude around somewhere.

The entire cafeteria was silent.

In a couple seconds the entire school staff was present in the cafeteria. They looked at the chaos with a puzzled expression.

"What's going on?!" A man yelled.

I looked above his head.

Wu Linglong - 31

"Head master." A student whispered.

"What are you doing in my school?" The headmaster asked us clearly feeling the mood of the room.

Okay. It looks bad. A couple students were standing on the bodies of other students as they are beating the absolute sh*t out of a pathetic looking guy.

"We were trading pointers." I said to his surprise. "The people from the second floor wanted to give us some food but we felt that we didn't deserve it. It was really good food and so an exchange had to happen. Since we didn't have anything that they wanted, we opted to give them a chance to improve their combat capabilities."

"Trading pointers. Is that true?" His head turned as he asked the two conscious people. They were the two who I didn't wanna spend any energy on.

They quickly nodded their heads in agreements. What else could they do?

"Good. Competition is encouraged but bullying is not!" He said firmly as he left. "Usually the working students would clean everything...but since they've accomplished so much today, the losers of the exchange will clean it up."

I walked back to my seat and ate my food feeling proud. I stopped a potential serial r*p*st in the making. You gotta nip them in the bud. Literally sometimes if it's too late for them. He should thank me in the future. Someone else would've made sure he couldn't assault anyone while I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

"Watch yourselves!" The blonde haired dude said before whimpering off.

"What a loser!" I said with a dead stare, "I'll kill you the next time you make trouble for me."

The kid paled and quickly retreated. What type of reincarnated person would I be if I accepted people making threats? I'd be a laughing stock! I can't disappoint my fellow reincarnators!

The kid that challenged me in the dorm room came up to me slowly. "By the way, you'll be sweeping the garden south of the sports ground. That's your- umm job as a working student."

Oh my god! I have a job! Frick me!