

I'm lost.

I don't know what happened, I was following the map perfectly! I took a right at the big rock like it said and now I'm lost! Did I turn at the wrong rock? They all look the same.



I turned around and I saw a carriage carrying two people.

I quickly got out of the way to avoid being trampled and the carriage stopped.

An old man wearing a black Santa hat got off the carriage and approached me.

"Little girl, where are your parents?" He asked in his nice old man voice.

Sh*t! Am I going to meet a pedophile - I mean beta tester right after reincarnation?

I was about to summon my spirit before I saw a little kid with dark blue hair and pure obsidian eyes in the cart.

Unless that man was running a pimp ring, he shouldn't be looking for another child.

"I'm lost, can you help me?" I asked the man.

I didn't address my gender as that would take a lot of time.

"Sure, where ya going?" He asked.

I pulled out the map and showed him Notan Beginners Academy.

He smiled. "What a coincidence. Me and Tang San were going there to begin with. You wanna ride with us?"

"Thank you." I said with a bow.

I hopped on the carriage.

"Hello." I said to the boy sitting all alone.

"Hello." he said.

He closed his eyes and stopped talking to me.

Dang, that's it? I thought we fellow kids were going to play with toys or something. This is fake news! This isn't what I signed up for when I got on the cart!

I took a deep breath and thought about everything that happened.

To sum everything up. I got reincarnated, two spirits, a system, and an awakening.

Oh, yeah! The shop feature.

_ _ _

✦[Store || Skills]✦

[Renewal Taekwondo | 40]

[Ssam-Su Taekkyeon | 40]

[Chidori | 20]

[Full Counter | 20]

[Rail Gun | 20]

[Flash Step | 20]


_ _ _

Renewal Taekwondo! Isn't that from GOH! I loved that webcomic.

I scrolled through the skills and the only thing that caught my attention was the Renewal Taekwondo.

Without any hesitation, I bought the skill.

A stream of information went into my head. The stances and concept of the martial art were engraved in my mind.

This skill was perfect for my offensive spirit.

I quickly looked at the description.

[Renewal Taekwondo: A type of martial arts that emphasized in strong, linear kicks. Made from analyzing pre-existing skills and removing the weaknesses as well as adding more skills.]

I looked at the different stances and skills and was amazed. Just using this martial art with a really strong body will probably makes a person stronger than a normal person in the same rank.

[A/N: When I mean rank, I'm talking about the ones you reach a bottle neck with. Like, 10, 20, 30...]

I started comprehending the martial art on our way to the academy.

Two hours had passed and we finally made it to the academy.

I felt that my breathing and posture changed from the two hours. And I only understood the essence of the first basic skills.

Fist Strike, Front Kick, and Axe.

The first was a punching attack while the next two were kick attacks.

The Combo I have decided to work with was two [Fist Strikes], two [Front Kick], and the finishing [Axe] kick.

The combo with my Spirit should break a few bones of the same rank.

We arrived at the front gates and the old man left the carriage at the stables. He beckoned us to come and we did.

I looked at the boy again and sighed. He was so respectful to old people but he was super rude to me.

The old man asked around and we finally made it to the gates of the academy.

We were walking up to the front gate of the academy but we were abruptly stopped by the gate keeper.

"What on earth! Do you think this is a place where you country bumpkins can enter?"

The gate keeper looked disdainfully at our clothing.

I felt my face heat up again. Why is everyone in this world so mean?

The old man smiled apologetically, "This? Little brother, we have come from Holy Spirit village. These children are our village's working students for this year, you see. We need to go through."

The gatekeeper frowned, and somewhat queerly. "So a grass nest can still produce a golden phoenix? A tiny village also has people with spirit power? But the academy has not had a working student for a good many years. You cannot fake it."

What is this guy's deal. His b*tch a** probably got dumped by his girlfriend. Or maybe he found out his girlfriend was a guy this entire time. But it was too late and the girl got him already.

I unconsciously shifted my gaze to his bottom. The man was too busy talking to the old man he didn't see my stare.

The old man showed Tang San's certificate.

The gatekeeper scoffed. "Spirit is blue silver grass? Innate full spirit power? Ridiculous, this really is the biggest joke of my career. I have worked as gatekeeper at the academy for four years, and still haven't heard of a student with innate full spirit power. This boy's spirit is blue silver grass, and can still have full spirit power? I think this spirit hall certificate is definitely a forgery. A bad one too."

He threw the certificate on the floor

"You..." The old man said.

I sighed, I was going to give this dude a chance but...

Just as I was about to unleash my spirit, the gate keeper smiled.

I thought he was about to apologize.

"What Holy Spirit village, I think Beggar village should be a better title."

This man is a total a**hole.

"What? Not convinced ah, I said you came from beggar village. What's wrong? You look at this little destitute spirit, all the clothes are completely patched. I think, you are still looking for a place to go begging, right? Our Nuoding academy is not a charity. Quickly beat."

I couldn't take anymore and unleashed my spirit.

A Towering Lion over Six feet tall emerged from behind me. It was growling as my body started transforming. The beast behind me gave off a dominating effect over a large radiance.

The guard instantly peed himself because of the pressure.

The old man fell on his butt and the little kid was barley able to stand.

"Give me the letter." My voice was still high and feminine but the aura coming behind me forced the guard to obey me.

I dismissed the spirit and handed the letter back to the old man.

"Three-Eyed Lion." A horse voice said grabbing everyone's attention.

An average, somewhat thin looking man with short white hair was standing in front of the gate. He gave off a scholarly vibe.

"Grandmaster!" The gate keeper yelled.

"Old gentleman, is it possible for me to have a look at the spirit hall certificate?" He asked the old man.

The Old man quickly gave the Grandmaster the certificate and gestured for me to do the same.

In just a minute, the Grandmaster gave his opinion.

"There is nothing wrong with the certificates, old gentleman, lovely child, for this matter just now let me apologize on behalf of the academy. I'll deliver these two children."

Then the Old man started to kiss up to the Spirit Master as I looked at the young child. His obsidian eyes were fierce during the conversation with the guard. If I didn't act soon, then he might of.

The child nodded and we followed the Grandmaster.

Before we left, the Grandmaster looked at the gatekeeper coldly. "This is the first and last time. If there is a repeat offense, you need not remain here." His hoarse voice was calm, but gave a feeling that made it impossible to refute.

The Grandmaster looked at me and I shrugged.

I was fine with this. I just reincarnated so there was no need to cause such a ruckus so early.

"Are you purposely making him stand guard with pee on his pants?" I asked the Grandmaster.

He just smiled.

After a while of walking, the Grandmaster announced that we arrived.

"Teacher, thank you." Tang San said to Grandmaster.

"I'm not a teacher." The Grandmaster denied.

Then they had their little back and forth that was quite boring.

To sum it all up. The Grandmaster has no true power in the school.

Then he said to Tang San that he must address him as Grandmaster unless he takes him as his teacher.

To this Tang San was quiet. He wasn't saying no or yes.

Then he called him clever and tried again.

"You are the fourth person to have a twin spirit in the last 100 years."

This caught me by surprise. A twin spirit like me! And this twin spirit thing sounds rare. Maybe he's the main character or something.

"The other person to have a twin spirit is right next to you." He told Tang San as he looked at me.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

He pointed to my hands. On my left hand was a red eye with a black stilt on it. On my right hand was a symbol with three eyes.

"Wow, how did I miss that." I said out loud earning me a smile from the Grandmaster.

"Fine, but how did you know he had a twin spirit." I asked him.

"Because of the certificate. Blue Silver Grass can never have a innate 10 rank user."

"How do you know this?" I asked

"I have investigated six hundred forty seven people with blue silver grass spirits. Among them were sixteen with spirit power, so the odds are less than three in a hundred. And even these sixteen people possessing spirit power did not have spirit power ability exceeding the first rank, and yet your innate full spirit power is of the tenth rank. According to my research in the first of the ten great core spirit competencies, innate spirit power size is in direct ratio with the quality of the spirit. Blue silver grass is obviously unable to measure up, therefore I can conclude that you should still have another spirit, and also that it is an extraordinarily powerful spirit." He says proudly.

Then Tang San decided to be all smart and keep asking questions. Then I learned about Variant Spirits.

Tang San suddenly moved back a step, opening up the distance between him and Grandmaster. Immediately after, he fell to his knees, and respectfully kowtowed three times towards Grandmaster.

Watching enough anime, I knew what he was trying to do so I did the same.

This time, it was Grandmaster's turn to be dumbfounded, "What are you two doing?"

"Teacher." Tang San respectfully called, "Please accept me as a student."

"This is a two for one deal!" I yelled as my head was on the floor.

Then Grandmaster denied it saying that we didn't know what we were signing ourselves up to.

"A teacher for a day is a father for life. You should receive my kowtow." Tang San said.

"I never had parents. Please accept my kowtow." I said as my head was on the floor.

This caught both of them by surprise.

"Alright. I accept both of you." He finally announced.

It took forever but we finally made it to the dean's office.

When we entered the building, a sixty year old man greeted us.

Grandmaster placed the certificate he held on the desk and so did I.

He told that elderly teacher, "Director Su, these two are this year's working students delivered by Holy Spirit village, I will trouble you to help them register at once."

The man told the headmaster that there was an important visitor waiting for him.

The Grandmaster shook his head and told us to register by ourselves.

"Goodbye teacher." We said at the same time and that peaked the interest of the elderly man.

"Grandmaster isn't a teacher." he said out loud.

"He is our teacher." We insisted.

His face started to form weirdly as if he was suppressing laughter.

This got on Tang San's nerves.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Obviously he's making fun of out teacher." I tell Tang San.

It's not that hard. Everyone in this world is super mean! Just assume the worst!

"As an academic teacher, I can tell you to that a master can't be acknowledged very easily." A teacher said.

"You have a - Oh my god! You have a Three-Eyed Lion for your spirit! And Full Innate Spirit Essence! Do you believe that Grandmaster is acceptable? He can't even pass Rank 30!" One of the teachers said.

"You are disrespecting my master and telling me commit treason!" I said angrily. Sure I wasn't really angry but I am a really good actor.

"Treason? You have a lot of pot-" The other teacher said.

"No! I thought academic teachers had pride?" I responded

"What? I'm just say-" The teacher tried to clarify.

"Enough!" Director Su glared at the teachers. "Your both going to dorm room 7. Your stuff will be provided by the school. Have a nice day."

"Let's go!" I said as I stood up and left.