
Soul Factor System

Due to the dwindling number of religious believers and humanity's desire for scientific progress, in the year 2100, "He" spoke to the entire human race directly for the first and last time. A beam of light covered the world and brought along the long-lost knowledge about humans' hidden potential - The potential of the Soul itself. The power of the Soul... A power sealed away long ago, and unlocked by this fateful "meeting" once more... Now that humanity has been brought back to light, with its newfound powers capable of shaking all before-known concepts, how will the forces lurking in the dark respond?

VioleP · Fantasy
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13 Chs

~ The risk of being an Exorcist


Romania - Year 2177


 Almost one year has passed since the attack of Asmodeus during the first practical examination of the first years. After most of the gifted first years graduated, a ceremony was held to award the best-performing students in their studies during the respective year.

 After one would graduate their first year at a theological institute in the exorcist course, their "school" life would drastically change. Second years were getting their own contract with a Holy Medium. This action was entitling them as exorcists, more exactly, Bronze Tier ones. Every exorcist that is technically still a student is a Bronze tier, which is the lowest of them all. Upon graduation, after their fourth year in the Academy, they will pass on to become Silver Tiers, and continue to get promoted accordingly to their actions and deeds.

 Every tier of exorcists also gets a grade in their respective tier, ranging from D to S, with S being the highest. An S grade in any tier can request an immediate promotion once they get their grade, with the only exception being students that can't rise in the rankings until they graduate.

 Following their graduation from the first year, Chroma's group was ranked as such:

 Chroma Kosetsu: Bronze, A grade

 Theodor Tryphon: Bronze, S grade

 Paul Tryphon: Bronze, B grade

 Rebecca Asterius: Bronze, B- grade

 Fabio Volkov: Bronze, C+ grade

 It was a rare occurrence to have students assigned to the A and S grades just after becoming exorcists, but this group was a little more special than most of the other students in their year, having a little more experience with actual exorcism. Theodor was a tactical genius with knowledge regarding the Exorcism Theory, and was also a skilled fighter, while Chroma was at the top during the Practical lessons in their school year. 

 Bronze Tier and Silver Tier exorcists didn't have the option of being Solo Exorcists, so they had to work in groups of 5, just as they are examined during their practical exams in their first year.

 Out of the 90 first years that graduated, 18 of them were assigned as group leaders according to their skills. The selection was a bit messy, the rules of it being uncommon. The best-graded student in the Academy, Theodor was allowed to pick his 4 team members, and then, those 4 members were excluded from the potential leaders. This being said, Chroma ended up being picked by Theodor, re-creating their old group from the exam. 

 Students that became exorcists were still students though, meaning that even though they won't be participating in lessons anymore, they will still be examined once every semester, to verify their current knowledge and evolution as exorcists. This was also a way to increase your grade during school, even though it seemed pretty insignificant for most students.


 "Thinking about it... What happened to Stephan after graduation? Is he a Solo Exorcist?" asked Chroma that was standing right next to Theodor, in the middle of the night, on top of a building.

"Huh? He was Bronze, S grade when he graduated... After that, he retained his grade so he instantly demanded the promotion. He is currently Gold, C grade, and the leader of a small group in the Vatican," explained Theodor.

"V-Vatican?!" shouted Chroma.

"Shh, you'll destroy our cover..." said Theodor.

"Ah, sorry..."

 The Tryphon group was in the middle of a rescue mission. Watching over Rebecca, who seemed to go alone inside an abandoned building, on the edge of the city.

"She entered the building... Can you see her, Fabio?" asked Theodor.

 Even though Rebecca just entered the building, Fabio was able to see her using the lens of his newly acquired toy. His Holy Medium was transformed into a sniper rifle whose lens could detect humans even through objects. It was not able to detect demons though, but it was nevertheless a useful ability.

 "Keep an eye on her... She can't contact us right now..." said Chroma.

 "You know, something was buzzing me for a bit..." said Fabio. Everyone was silent, so he continued his idea: "I can't detect our target... It is true that I can't detect demons... But the human we are after should have been in there."

"But you said that you can see her a few minutes ago!" exclaimed Chroma.

"Chill out Chroma..." whispered Theodor.

"I could, but... She just vanished. Do you think she is...?"

"I have a better theory..." the voice that said this was Paul's, who quickly continued: "Rebecca met with the target if you can't see it..."

"Possession... Paul, keep your eyes on Rebecca, she can't talk with us right now! She might do something rash!" said Theodor who quickly got up from where he was camping. "Let's go, Chroma!"

 The two of them embarked on Chroma's snow and flew straight towards the building.

 Meanwhile, inside the building:

"I-I am scared... Did you come to rescue me, miss?" quietly said the little girl that was standing in front of Rebecca.

"Yes! Don't worry... Where is the one that took you here?" she answered.

"Come here... I will show you where he ran to..." said the little girl.

 Hearing her, Rebecca stepped forward, towards the little girl. 

"Yes... Come... Closer..." muttered the little girl, waiting in place with her eyes covered by her long bangs.

"Crap, this is bad..." said Paul, leaving his hiding spot immediately, trying to go to Rebecca.

 But then, arriving close to the girl, Rebecca hugged her tightly and said:

"Purify, Holy Field..." her Holy Medium, the Cross emanated a blinding light that covered both the little girl and herself. A terrifying shriek could be heard from inside the light field, and once it was over, Rebecca was holding the now unconscious girl, tightly in her arms. 

"I guess I shouldn't have worried at all..." muttered Paul who got to Rebecca.

"We should take her to the Academy," she said.

"Yeah, but first, we have some unfinished business here..." 


 Medium-ranks, there were three of them, surrounding them. Paul summoned his Soul Type and prepared himself for the battle. But just then, a loud bang was heard...

 Entering the abandoned deposit through the roof, were Chroma and Theodor, each instantly eliminating one demon, leaving only a medium-ranked one standing.

 "Marvelous entrance, but you shouldn't have destroyed the roof, you know?" said Paul, deactivating his Soul Type.

 The remaining demon that was standing in front of them was long dead, before Chroma and Theodor even appeared, and so, he finally collapsed, his right half separated from the left one.

 "You know, you've become scarily good at using that thing..." said Chroma.

 "Well, thanks... Now, can I go back to sleep?" responded Paul.

 "Not yet... These couldn't possess the girl in any way. It's not over..." said Rebecca.

 "Hahaha! Sharp-minded I take it..." said the figure who appeared in front of them. 

"A high-rank huh?" muttered Theodor.

 The demon instantly rushed to them, but the snow wall standing in front of it was too hard to pierce through. The snow then extended from the wall, catching the demon's arm, and quickly trying to cover its entire body. 

 "Annoying... No escape huh?" after saying this, the demon severed its own arm, taking a bit of distance between itself and the group.

"Hey, guys! Guess what?" said Fabio through their communication device, seemingly annoying Theodor who quickly answered: "What's the problem? We are kinda in the middle of something!" 

 Then, something like a bolt of lightning seemed to pass right through the Demon's head, barely seen by Theodor who was left speechless.

"Umm... That building had windows apparently..." said Fabio quietly, leaving everyone hearing him dumbfounded.

 The bullet of light coming from Fabio's sniper rifle passed right through the demon's head, killing it on the spot. 

"Either this was a really weak high-rank, which was probable, or... Fabio is just insanely good at what he's doing..." said Paul.

"Why, thank you... Why did you first consider that the demon was weak? Don't I deserve any praise?" said Fabio, seemingly irritated.

"Good job, Fabio!" shouted Chroma with an excited tone.

"Now, that's more like it!" said Fabio joyfully.


 Saint Nicholas Academy, Romania


 Inside the principal's office, Theodor just gave him the report on the mission they just finished.

"Marvelous work as always. I'll keep you in touch if everything else happens. Your group is free for the rest of the day..." said the principal.

"Then, if you'll excuse me..." Theodor excused himself, wanting to leave, but he was stopped by the principal who asked him: 

"Tell me, Tryphon... How is work together with Kosetsu?"

"Chroma? He is incredibly skilled and is definitely making our group's job easier... Why do you ask?" 

"Wanted to know your honest opinion... No other reason. You can go..." and saying this, Theodor didn't even think more and left the office at once, leaving the principal all alone.


  Saint Nicholas Academy, Romania - Year 2177

 "Yo, are you done, Theodor?" asked Chroma who was waiting for him outside the principal's office, together with Paul and Claude.

 "Yeah, I am done," he responded, turning then to Claude and saying: "Long time no see, Claude. How're you doing?"

 "I'm not alright... Here to give the principal another report," he said.

 Then, as if he didn't want Theodor to push the matter any further, Paul signalled him: "Theodor, let's go home. Fabio is waiting for us outside, he just texted me."

"Alright. See you later then, Claude," said Theodor after shaking hands.


 Going outside the academy, Theodor asked the boys: "What's the matter...? Fabio left alone after we finished the mission."

"It's just..." Chroma was stuttering, he didn't finish what he wanted to say.

"One member from Claude's group died today..." completed Paul then continuing: "They were facing a difficult High-Rank demon. They were taken by surprise since the sources told them that they were hunting for a Medium-Rank that appeared nearby their turf."

"I see... So that's why he was looking so grim. Did they escape or...?"

"Apparently, the now-gone member used himself as a shield. He allowed the demon to stab him, keeping him in place. This allowed the remaining members to finish the demon," explained Paul. 


 Meanwhile, Chroma was keeping quiet, seemingly hurt by the loss suffered by Claude. They were good friends, so Claude being in that state was hurting Chroma a lot.

 But they knew that these were the risks of being an exorcist.

 The three boys were about to leave the academy's grounds when suddenly, the danger alarm resounded from behind them. The siren was signalling the appearance of an imminent threat nearby, so their consciousness didn't let them leave the scene.

 Turning around, they rushed inside the academy, directly to the analysis centre that was responsible for demon-related activities. 

 "What's the matter?" asked Theodor in a hurry.

 "Identify!" said the guard standing next to the door the boys rushed through.

 "Tch, Theodor Tryphon! Bronze, S grade! Tryphon group! What's the matter?!" he shouted.

 He was being pretty hasty, but the alarm they were hearing was indeed a troublesome signal. It happens only when a certain threat appears in the vicinity of the academy itself.

 "Three High-Rank demons were detected in different spots across the academy's grounds. Also, strong interference is stopping us from detecting anything further from the places these demons are currently at... This is the signal we received," explained the supervisor, who then urged the boys to look at the big screen behind him.

 Looking at it, Chroma got a hunch of what these demons were up to, and what the loss of signal outside the school grounds meant. The red dots on the map, signalling the position of the three demons were not moving and were standing exactly in a triangle position. One demon on the north, one on the southeast, and one on the southwest.


 "This is... A barrier!" said Chroma realizing what the positions taken by the demons meant.

 "Are you sure?" asked Paul.

"I couldn't be more sure..." 

"Yes. Indeed, it does look like a Three-Pointed jamming barrier. If it's created by High-Rank demons, it's indeed going to be powerful," explained the supervisor.

"But why would they...?" muttered Theodor.

"It's obvious. Something is going to happen outside in the city..." said Chroma with a serious expression, rushing out of the room.

"Where is he-?!" shouted Theodor, interrupted by Paul who said: "Wait, he is going to the North demon."

"How can you tell?" asked Theodor.

"It's obvious... He might be hot-blooded, but he is smart. Isn't this the logical thing to do in this situation?" explained Paul.

"But... Won't defeating one demon deactivate the barrier?" asked the supervisor.

"No, umm, sorry. I don't know what to call you..." said Theodor, slightly embarrassed.

"Grigory, Grigory Alexander is my name. But that isn't important right now!"

"No, it won't deactivate..." said a low-toned voice from behind the two boys. The principal just entered the room, bringing bad news with him.

"Defeating all of them will do?" asked Theodor.

"Yes, that seems to be the only way to deactivate a Three-Pointed barrier."

"Alright, Paul, go to the Southwest, I'll-" 


 Theodor didn't get to finish his order, getting interrupted by the principal himself who said: 

"What do you plan on doing? You three aren't the only soldiers in the academy! You've also let your Defender go alone to fight a High-Rank demon. Snowfall is strong, but High-Ranks are unpredictable. Their powers vary, so you never know what is going to happen. For example..."

"If the North Demon is a fire one..." completed Paul.

 Hearing this explanation, Theodor asked:

"Will you send teams towards the other points?"

"Of course, they are already on their way. North included... Now go! Help at the North side!"

"Yes sir!" Both Theodor and Paul saluted, going towards where Chroma was... The North Demon.


 The Academy's Grounds, North Side

 "You are though..." said Chroma breathing heavily.

 "You aren't bad either," said the demon holding his two huge sickles, which seemed to be his weapons of choice. The sickles emanated a strong heat, seemingly weakening Chroma.

"Chroma Kosetsu! Thanks for your work, please stand back to get treatment!" 

 Ten soldiers from the academy were quickly coming towards the battlefield, urging Chroma to stand back. 

"T-Thank you..." saying this, Chroma rode on his snow towards the backlines of the two groups that gathered at the North side, directly to their healing Saint Soul Type.

 Their healer was a bit dumbfounded, seeing that he had not even a wound, not knowing that Chroma couldn't spill any blood. Healing Soul Types did indeed have an effect on him, restoring his stamina and increasing his own regenerative powers. 

 "What's the situation?" asked one of the team members, who seemed to be their Support 2. 

"High-Rank, incredibly skilled in close combat from what I've seen. Don't get touched by those sickles, nor get close to them. They seem to be emitting vapour... Incredibly hot. He is strong, even for a High-Rank," explained Chroma.

"Understood. I will take this message to the others..." said the boy, before running off towards the front lines.

"Shouldn't he... Stay close to the backlines?" muttered Chroma.

"This is just how he is..." explained the healer, as if he was used to that Support 2's behaviour.

"These guys... They don't know what they are doing. I should go and help them in the front line, but our backlines are wide open without that Support 2. If he targets our healers we lose," thought Chroma.


 And then, a loud scream resounded. The voice was of none other than the "Roaming Support", who was now standing face-to-face with the demon.

 He wasn't the same as he was when he fought Chroma. He started rapidly rotating his sickles, emanating heat on the battlefield. Those very same sickles lit up, their colour turning red from the usual pitch black. Then, with a strong throw... One of the sickles devastated the battlefield. One Defender, one Close Range fighter, and the reckless Support 2 were brutally cut in half, the lower part of their body now separated... The sickle stopped spinning and wreaking havoc, just next to the healer who was next to Chroma.

 He managed to barely defend him, by quickly creating a thick snow wall, stopping the sickle in place. The very same wall quickly melted from the incredible heat emanated by the sickle.

"A-Alex...?" The healer was speechless. The Alex he was talking about, was the now-dead Support 2, seemingly from the same group as him.

 The other healer that was just a few steps behind seemed to have also broken down. She was crying, muttering the two names of her fallen comrades.

"These guys... The battle is still on!" shouted Chroma, defending everyone with a huge snow wall, from the second flying sickle. Nobody was paying any attention at all. They just realized that they could die at any step... This was the risk, of being an exorcist.

 Then... Waking up everyone from their daydreaming, the earth started to shake. An earthquake... The sickles returned to the demon, who was menacingly smiling. He started spinning both sickles, even faster than before.

 The broken soldiers might have confused this event with the wrath of the demon, but Chroma understood.

"He is... Excited," he muttered.

 Letting out a loud laugh, he threw his sickle once more. Instead of defending them, Chroma realized that he had to make them dodge. He used his snow to move the stunned soldiers towards himself, while the sickle was still on the loose. And then, just before the sickle hit everyone, Chroma called it: "Snow Igloo!" 

 It was his strongest defensive skill, however, it had a small radius in which it could be used. He had to bring everyone close to him. The sickle was spinning mercilessly outside the igloo, trying to penetrate it, but slowly losing its momentum. While using this, Chroma had to constantly use his powers, to add new snow to the igloo, in place of the molten one.

 A truly, tiring process, usually used to defend himself from fire attacks that he could not dodge, like at the time with the Beelzebub's cult.

 "We need backup at the North side! Three soldiers down, seven unable to fight. The formation is broken! I am buying time!" shouted Chroma through the communication device. 

 "Roger that..." said a voice that was very familiar to him. But it wasn't heard from the device, but from outside the igloo.

 Realizing that the path is clear, Chroma opened the back of the igloo and urged the soldiers to run away. Persuading them wasn't hard, their fear overwhelming them completely. However, one didn't go... It was the healer who treated Chroma's wounds before.

 "Are you sure?" asked Chroma.


 Opening the igloo, Chroma rushed instantly towards the demon, who was now fighting against Theodor in close quarters. He was fighting using his Holy Medium, with an unusual style. The cross was tied to his foot, and while active, became a sort of armour covering it. 

 On his way, Chroma passed Paul who took his position as Support 2, going behind him, to the healer. But before that... He slashed Chroma once. Chroma instantly understood what happened, so he shouted:

"Switch with me!"

 Theodor leapt backwards, while Chroma threw himself at the demon, assaulting him with a barrage of attacks. He managed to dodge the sickles while counter-attacking with his fists and snow.

 Theodor arrived quickly at the healer, changing with Paul who rushed by Chroma's side, panting. Chroma managed to distract the demon, while Paul landed a few good hits. The small scratches on the demon's hands could only mean one thing. Those arms won't be lifted anymore, nor will the sickles. 

 Paul's Soul Type finished this. The demon was completely stuck to the ground. 


 "Can I ask you something, Chroma?" asked Paul.

 "Go ahead."

 "Why didn't you use your medium? You know that you can't beat High-Ranks just with your Soul Type..." he asked.

"Oh, that... It's rather funny-" he said, getting instantly interrupted by Paul who said: "Don't say it's funny... Three of our own died here. You could've changed that outcome!"

"I know that!" screamed Chroma, stomping the ground in frustration. He then muttered: "I know it... I just, couldn't use it... Look at it, Paul. Is it my fault?" and then, he took his hand out of his pocket, revealing inside his fist...

"Why is it... like that?" asked Paul with widened eyes. Theodor didn't do anything but watch from afar up till this point, but seeing the cross, the Holy Medium that Chroma was holding, he rushed at him instantly.

 It was, pitch-black...

"I don't know! It's been like this ever since I got it... You might remember that I used it after receiving it, but up till that point, it's been like this. Unresponsive..." explained Chroma, the frustration able to be read in his low tone and stuttering. 

 After saying this, he put it back in his pocket, and turned around and ran away...

"Chroma!" Paul called for him, but Theodor stopped him from chasing Chroma.

"He needs space, and also... I wouldn't want him to hear the newest report," said Theodor.

"New report?"

"More like... Reports."

"What does that mean!? Explain, Theo!" shouted Paul.

"Okay... First, the city is in huge danger, but I think that was a given, judging from the initial theory regarding their plan. They are wreaking havoc."

"I understand, so we have a lot of work to do! That's why I HAVE to go get Chroma here! What's the other report saying?" asked Paul in a hurry.



  Saint Nicholas Academy, Romania - Year 2177

 Standing alone on the top of the church located close to the main entrance of the academy, was none other than Chroma. This was his main spot to lose time whenever he had nothing to do, yet he needed to stay at the academy. Most instructors and priests have told him that standing on the top of a church was an inadequate thing to do, he just couldn't help it. It was the place that helped him feel at ease.

 From up there, he saw some of the academy's personnel hurriedly walking towards the main building. They were carrying something rather unsettling... The things they were carrying were... Body bags.

 "What in the world...?" witnessing the scene, Chroma couldn't keep his cool. He jumped from the top of the church, straight down to the personnel carrying the body bags.

"What happened?!" he shouted, standing in front of the fully suited men.

"It's confidential, students aren't allowed-"

"Bronze, A-grade exorcist, Chroma Kosetsu! I am asking for an answer!"

 Looking a bit at his worried face, one of the men finally understood and said:

"They are... The exorcists that were sent to the Southwest point to deal with the High-Ranked Demon that appeared."

"So many of them... How did this happen?!" shouted Chroma in a rage.

 Counting them, he realized...

"Nineteen casualties... Other than me, Paul and Theodor, only two teams were sent to North point. Is there any survivor?" he asked.

"There is only one... His entire team got eliminated as you can see, and he's witnessed something that he was not ready for. You can try to talk with him, though I suspect it would be better not to," explained the man, who then walked past Chroma.

"Wait, who is this sole survivor?" Chroma asked.

"A Bronze Class exorcist like you, Claude Angelos," saying this he continued walking, carrying the body bags containing the corpses of his fallen comrades.

 Hearing this statement, Chroma was petrified. He couldn't believe what he's just heard.

"Claude... Claude!" he shouted his name, running towards the Southwest point as fast as he could.

 Arriving there after a few minutes, he saw him. Kneeling, full of bruises and scars but refusing any treatment from the medics present. He was just staring into nothingness as if his mind was blown away.

"C-Claude!" shouted Chroma while rushing towards him.

 No response...

"Claude, please answer me..." Chroma was there, just next to him, calling for him, but no answer. He continued to call for his friend until he snapped...

"GO AWAY!!!" and with this loud, desperate shout, his hand instantly turned into a claw that was about to strike Chroma.

 But before anything could happen, one silhouette unknown to either of them appeared, catching his hand with hers with relative ease.

"Calm down, Angelos. This guy didn't kill anyone..." she said while slowly bringing her cigarette towards her mouth with her other hand.

"Wh-Who are you, miss?" asked Chroma.

"You were never sick, didn't you? Well, I wouldn't expect a literal snowman to get sick anyways. I am Saki Mina and am this academy's "nurse". Also... I am the medicine chief of the exorcists in this city and a half-foreigner like you," she explained.

"Saki... Mina. You are the- Legendary Saint Type?!" shouted Chroma bewildered.

"Indeed, there are people that call me that way, but you see... I am not fighting anymore. At least, not like you two were doing..." and then, she looked towards Claude and said: "Don't you dare follow your comrades brat! You have to get treated, no excuses..." and just like this, she dragged him after her.

 After leaving Chroma on the spot, dumbfounded, she leaned towards Claude and said: "Also... You will have some explanations to give to your worried friend over there."

 "I hope he's alright..." muttered Chroma.

 Screaming from afar and swiftly running towards Chroma, Paul seemed more worried than ever.

"I finally found you!" Paul was breathing heavily and was sweaty. It seems that he had a really hard time finding Chroma.


"Chroma, we have problems. The city's been invaded, and... Neither Rebecca nor' Fabio is answering!"