
Soul Factor System

Due to the dwindling number of religious believers and humanity's desire for scientific progress, in the year 2100, "He" spoke to the entire human race directly for the first and last time. A beam of light covered the world and brought along the long-lost knowledge about humans' hidden potential - The potential of the Soul itself. The power of the Soul... A power sealed away long ago, and unlocked by this fateful "meeting" once more... Now that humanity has been brought back to light, with its newfound powers capable of shaking all before-known concepts, how will the forces lurking in the dark respond?

VioleP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

~ Demonic Influence



 Saint Nicholas Academy, Romania


The next day, everyone was in the middle of their routine, like regular students. Taking art classes, learning new things about the past, but also about their future.

 To many from Chroma's class, those lessons were just boring, but for him, they were an inexhaustible gold mine of information. Many would say that this was the quality of a successful exorcist, and there were a few notable faces in their class who possessed this quality. 

 After their well-deserved lunch break, the students of class 1-B returned to their classroom, to take part in a lesson of high importance in the Church. And that would be...

 "The underworld?" asked Chroma facing his friends from the back of the class.

 The one who quickly turned to answer his question was Theodor, with enough knowledge in this domain.

"The underworld... Just as it sounds, The Study of the Underworld is nothing more than the expression: "Know your enemies before charging in". We learn about the hierarchy of the Underworld and the typical events in which it took part.

"I see... So, we are going to learn about them as well?" asked Chroma with a monotonous tone, seemingly quieter than usual.

"Them?" asked Theodor not understanding what Chroma meant.

"Ah, no. There's nothing... I should go back to my seat, the lesson will start soon." so, he left Theodor with a questioning expression on his face.

 The lesson went like usual. Theodor was really active in this kind of lesson, knowing many of the used strategies by the demons. Claude was really active as well as usual, and Paul was doing his best not to wake up from his deep sleep. On the other hand, Chroma was quieter than usual. He didn't even try to answer any question imposed by the teacher, and just went on with the flow, not doing much until the lesson came to an end.

 Theodor exchanged some suspicious stares with him, wondering what was wrong, but he wasn't the kind of man who would question him more about his personal life.




 Preparing himself for his last lesson of the day, the practical course, Chroma was hurryingly throwing his notebooks in his bag. Even though he was in a hurry, fearing that he'd end up being late for the said course, one figure unknown to him stopped by his desk.

 "Hello, your name was Chroma Kosetsu, am I right?" the new face asked.

 Raising his eyes from his bag, he saw a slender girl, with knee-long purple hair. Her eyes were the colour of amber, and she was standing about 1.6 meters tall.

 "U-Uh, yeah... That would be me. Do you need anything?"

 "Yes. My name is Rebecca Asterius. I saw your activity in the True History classes. I am not doing well in that particular subject, so I was wondering if you could help me with my studies." her way of speech was rather robotic, showing no emotion whatsoever, but Chroma didn't mind it. Even though he felt under the weather, his anxious demeanour didn't change.

"Ah, y-yes. I would like to help you during the breaks or after classes... But why did you ask me? There should have been other people way fitter for this-" but he didn't get to finish his sentence, getting interrupted.

"It has to be you. Now excuse me, we'll be late for the practical course." 

 Then, without adding anything else, she turned around and walked away, leaving Chroma daydreaming.

"What did she mean...? Does it have to be me? Eh...?" 

 After that, Chroma followed the usual schedule, taking part in the practical course like usual, doing hand-to-hand combat practice, as well as learning something new...

"Everyone gather!" the voice resounding in the hall was of none other than their practical instructor's calling for them.

After everyone gathered around him, he revealed to them a small box, that was standing covered on a pedestal right next to him.

"This is a Holy Medium. Some of you might have heard about them, and some might not, but I will still explain them to you." then, taking off the lid of the small container, he took out of it a small object whose shape was familiar to everyone present.

"You probably know what this is already," he added.

"A cross?" asked Chroma while staring at the small, cross-shaped pendant that was swinging on a silver chain in the instructor's hand.

"The cross is the exorcist's best weapon, your hope and the Church's symbol. With the cross, even those whose Soul Types are not fitted for combat can overwhelm the demons. You might've heard many times that the demons were weak against this symbol, but why this was the case was never publicly stated..." and then, closing his eyes for a fraction of a second, the cross that was still continuously swinging in his hand started letting out a blinding light.

 After the light seemed to get absorbed back into the cross, something bewildering astonished every present student. A light sword appeared in the instructor's hand, with the cross pendant at its very core.

"This is your best weapon! The Holy Medium, which you will get into your possession at the beginning of your 2nd year here! By getting a contract with this Holy Medium, your soul will get tied to it, allowing you to materialize any weapon made of pure holy power. After all, imagination is one of the many beautiful attributes given to us by the Lord!" 

 Everyone was looking continuously at the shining sword, some of the students even shedding tears. Their weakness was showing after seeing so much holy power gathered at one point. But then, there was one voice that stood out in the crowd:

 "By our soul getting tied to the Holy Medium... It means what it sounds like?" the one imposing this rather vague question was none other than Claude Angelos.

"You got it, Mr Claude... If this Holy Medium gets damaged, your soul also does, and if it gets destroyed... It's Game Over."

"As I thought... The path lying ahead of exorcists is a rocky one," said Claude.

 Meanwhile, somewhere in the back of the crowd, one student didn't seem to be doing very well. Staring at the glowing sword from the instructor's hand, Rebecca was getting continuous headaches. Nobody seemed to realize it, but neither did she try to tell anyone. She could just endure the seemingly harsh pain until the instructor retracted his blade back into the form of a cross.

 Afterwards, the instructor explained a few more things to the students about how to fight with a Medium, and the effects they have on the demons' bodies, and after a few more minutes of talk, the course finally came to an end.

 "Let's go home I guess," said Paul yawning while approaching Chroma and Claude. Theodor also followed behind him, carrying both his, and Paul's bags.

 However, this time, Chroma refused their offer:

"I am sorry guys, maybe next time. I have an appointment, so I will stay in the school just a bit more..."

"Oh, alright!" the one who quickly answered Chroma's apology was Claude, who took his bag, and after waving Chroma goodbye, went on ahead. Theodor quickly followed after Claude, and then, Paul as well.

 That appointment was the promise Chroma made to Rebecca, to help her with her True History lessons, so just like he said, the two of them met after the end of their courses in their classroom.

 Other than information related to the subject, the two of them didn't talk about anything else at all. Chroma was giving his all since he's never been able to teach anyone something. Meanwhile, Rebecca seemed to understand instantly what Chroma was explaining, without any problem.

 Looking at the two of them, without them seeming to realize, was a shadow lingering behind the classroom door. And then, after one sudden yawn from Chroma, the "shadow" departed.

"It will be getting pretty late. You are learning really fast, so at this rate, you shouldn't be having any problems in the future, Miss Rebecca," said Chroma, ready to end the learning session.

"Yes. Thank you, Chroma Kosetsu."

"Call me Chroma... Why would you use my full name? Anyway, I think I'll be going. See you tomorrow, I guess." said Chroma, ready to take his leave, but just before he rose from the desk, Rebecca caught his sleeve. Chroma couldn't help but look at her serious face while she was looking at him without saying anything...

 After the two of them left the Academy, they walked together, in the dark of the night.

"Why would she want me to take her home...? Why ain't she saying anything?! This gotta be the weirdest interaction I've had with a classmate from the beginning of the Academy year." thought Chroma while he was slowly walking behind Rebecca.

"I know a shortcut. Follow me," she muttered silently, taking a sudden left.

"A-Alright!" Chroma quickly hurried after her, entering a dark alley. However, quickly after entering the dark alley, Chroma instantly got goosebumps, feeling a chill down his spine. He looked around him, but Rebecca was nowhere to be seen... And then, completely dumbfounded, Chroma looked back for no more than a second. Standing in front of him, was something whose presence he's felt many years ago, coming back to haunt him. And with a swift move... While he was completely astonished, Chroma's chest got pierced by... A demon's claw...