
Chapter 9: Lelouch's Awakening Part 2

(A/N: Hey folks Deadpool again! I tried to warn you about Akari-taicho. I really did, but that prick of an author who pays me went and spoiler tag my warnings. So don't shoot the messenger kay? Also Alex had most of this chapter already set and ready to go before he got the even the 7th chapter completed. I cleaned up for you. Enjoy)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

Lelouch's pov

"Lelouch you shouldn't be going through the captain's notes," the Homura-fukutaicho said to me as she dusted the floor with a broom, teary eyed. She was really broken up over the loss. "She wouldn't like it."

"Look Homura-fukutaicho," I told her, "We all miss the captain, and we were ordered by the head captain to clear out her things. No one else seems to want to take the job with you so I'm here out of the good of my heart." I was now overstepping my boundaries so I decided to coerce the vice-captain to see my point. "You know this is our last chance to see what Akari-taicho had. Maybe we'll turn up something interesting. Something embarrassing." I grinned.

Homura-fukutaicho blushed and coughed. Her sorrow turned to curiosity on a dime. "W-well wh-when you put it that way. I-I guess it wouldn't hurt to look through the captain's notes and texts for a little bit."

I continued about my business from there.

"When you are ordered to clean my office, go through my things carefully. There should be something of interest there."

What did she mean by that? I asked myself. What am I supposed to be looking for?

"Lelouch, over here! Quick!" Homura-fukutaicho seemed to have found something of interest. I scampered over to her. She was holding a journal with a key lock on it.

"Akari-taicho's diary?" I surmised.

"Most likely." she said. "Open it."

"I don't have the key," I said holding up my hands.

"Break the lock. Use Kido. That's an order." Homura-fukutaicho ordered.

I sighed and put my finger up against the lock. "Hado 1, Sho." I broke the lock and the diary flipped open.

"No incantation?" My fukutaicho asked me.

"Top of the class remember?" I smirked and then switched my expression to one of urgency. "But never mind that now. Let's see what Akari-taicho's diary looks like."

"Lelouch…you seem like you're expecting to find something…incriminating," Homura-fukutaicho said to me.

"You could say that, but not against our own taicho." I said. "Here, give me the book." I extended my hand outward.

"Yeah sure, go ahead." Homura-fukutaicho said nonchalantly.

I flipped through the pages of the book, scouring over Akari-taicho's diary. As I read, I found that Akari-taicho had been doing some form of behind the scenes investigation. I read one particularly interesting entry carefully:

"There is definitely one amongst us not here for the right reasons. The Head Captain believes I'm crazy. He doubts that any of the other captains could be so selfish or corrupt as my research would describe. I will carry out my investigation solo if I must."

The dates in Akari-taicho's diary, as I continued to read, were of her own selection. The Soul Society didn't have a fixed timeline printed onto it so she just picked a date at random for her first entry and went from there for consistency.

I continued looking for interesting entries similar to this one. I found one about 50 pages later.

"I'm sure I know who I'm looking for now, but I have no evidence to have him evicted. If I exposed him now, I'd look the fool. I will continue to investigate."

So this is what she was talking about, I realized. Akari-taicho was onto someone and it's possible today's attack was meant to silence her, but which one of the captains is she talking about.

I continued reading:

"I've been careless. I think he knows I'm after him. I can't write his name here. Not now. I'll be exposed and looked the traitor for sure. I have to make it seem like nothing's wrong."

So he found out. He. That narrows down the search a little. We can eliminate Unohana, Hikifune and Shihoin-taicho then.

I thumbed through more of Akari-taicho's diary. One of the entries wasn't about her investigation, but it caught my eye nonetheless:

"More ready recruits joined my squad today from out of the academy. Out of them all one in particular stands out. His name is Lamperouge Lelouch. He's the only academy graduate I gave a seated position to, although it's the lowest rank. After looking at his records I felt he'd be best suited for the squad. He's intelligent, clever and diligent. And to add to everything else he graduated at the top of his class in both academics and Kido. Most academy students do not get a seated position. The seat was bait and he took it. He deserves it nonetheless."

So from the very beginning she was planning to use me, I was a tool in her investigation. I felt used. Akari-taicho knew that I was eager to climb in rank and baited me with a seated position, knowing I'd take it. She wanted help with whatever she was investigating and she couldn't directly ask for help so she recruited me.

I got to her last entry:

"He's made his move. He's so underhanded. This quarrel is between us. My squad has nothing to do with this. I'll talk to Lelouch when I go out on the field. I will let him know to seek my diary. Lelouch, if you're reading this, the answer you seek lies in the assignment."

I shut the book.

"Well?" Homura-fukutaicho asked.

"Fukutaicho, do you have a record of the mission assignment we were given?" I asked.

"Er…no, but let me check taicho's files." She ran over to the file cabinet and dug through it. "Why do you need it?"

"I'll explain when you find it. Akari-taicho's diary explains that she was interested in a particular person. She didn't write their name, but she said the answer I seek lies in the assignment." I told Homura-fukutaicho.

"What does that mean?" she asked, but two seconds later shouted. "Ah! Found it!" she shut the cabinet door and slammed the file copy on Akari-taicho's desk.

"Let's have a look see." I said and picked it up. As I scanned over the top I found the name I was meant to look for. Our assignment that Homura-fukutaicho lead me and the other officers on—the last assignment Akari-taicho was alive for—was requested of us by another division and the captain's name was printed at the top. I flipped the file copy over to see if there was anything on the back. There was. It was a message written in red ink.

"Ah, what's that?" Homura-fukutaicho asked.

"A message from our taicho." I said.

"Lelouch if you're the one reading this then I apologize for making things possibly feel like I used you, but you have a clean slate I had to do it. Show what you've learned to Yuna, she'll help you. She's been ever so loyal to me."

That was all it said. I showed it to Homura-fukutaicho. "Does this mean anything to you?" I asked.

Homura-fukutaicho read it over. "Lelouch…what was in that diary?"

"Our taicho was investigating someone, most likely the captain who gave us today's assignment. She left us this mission to carry out. She has faith in us Homura-fukutaicho. And so I ask you: is there anything our taicho ever gave you? A memento of some kind that could point us in the right direction," I asked.

Homura-fukutaicho teared up slightly, wiped her eye and shook her head.

"Then all of the answers must be in this room," I deducted. "Taicho must've set up a little scavenger hunt for us. She knew then…she knew that the moment she walked out that door on that day seven weeks ago, that it would be her last stand. We need to keep looking." I scanned my eyes around the room and finally my eyes touched upon a picture sitting behind Akari-taicho's desk. It was of her and Homura-fukutaicho. It was a hand painted portrait of them together. Their position was rather…suggestive.

"Aiyah! Why is this out in the open?" Homura-fukutaicho picked it up and attempted to inflict damage to it.

"Wait…fukutaicho can I look at that?" I asked.

"Wh-what?" Homura-fukutaicho clutched the portrait tight to her chest. "I…this is…you can't…"

"Homura-fukutaicho." My tone inferred that my intentions were noble.

"Um…sure I guess. Just be careful with it." She handed it to me and I carefully slid the picture out of the frame and turned it over. Red ink. "Ah!" Homura-fukutaicho cried out.

"You are cunning Lelouch. I knew you were the right person to pick to help Yuna for this. Now that I am writing on something only you two would look at like this I can tell you a much greater secret. Open my safe. The combination opens when faith is reflected both ways."

"Why does taicho have to be so cryptic?" Homura-fukutaicho complained.

"There's always a chance someone else besides us could've ransacked her office. Like a certain other taicho out to ruin her career." I answered.

"But what's this supposed to mean: 'when faith is reflected both ways'? Why can't she just come out and say her combination?" Homura-fukutaicho asked.

"It's a game fukutaicho." I smirked. "And I say let's play it to the end."

"Fine then Mr. Smarty Pants what's the combination to taicho's safe hmm?"

"That's simple," I walked over to taicho's lockbox and saw the six rotatable digits on the front. I began sliding them from left to right. "One, Zero, Two, Two, Zero, One." There was a click as the box unlocked and I opened it.

"Ah, how did you know?" Homura-fukutaicho was amazed.

"Elementary my dear fukutaicho." I said. "Our taicho said that faith reflected both ways would open the box. She put her faith in us, herself and the division. Our seat numbers are Twenty, Two, One and then there's the division itself."

"Ah Ten, Two, Twenty, One!" Homura-fukutaicho realized the brilliance of the combination. "It's the same forwards as it is backwards!"

"Precisely," I said, "Now let's see what our taicho was storing in here." I opened the box. Inside there was but a single object: a key with a note attached.

"Behind my scroll there is a wall safe. Open it. Bring the evidence to the Captain Commander and let Hoshima have it!"

"She's being straight with us now. We've reached the end." I said and moved the scroll taicho mentioned in her letter. The safe was built into the wall, as she described, and I opened it. Inside there were stacks of papers.

"This is…" Homura-fukutaicho was at a loss.

"You read the message. Bring this all to the Head Captain. I'll go to Third Division. It's time our culprit was paid a visit." I grinned deviously.

3rd Division

I went to the 3rd Division with some paperwork I drafted myself as an excuse to get in. I figured it would take Homura-fukutaicho a while to read through all of those files before presenting them to the Head Captain, so even without flash step mastery I still had time to take things slow.

Upon my arrival at the 3rd Division barracks a couple of squad members blocked my path.

"Halt!" Said one.

"State your business!" shouted the other.

"My name is Lamperouge Lelouch." I told them. "I'm here to bring paperwork from 10th Division to your captain."

"We have strict orders from our captain that no one is allowed inside the barracks unless they are from our division," one of the guards said.

"Please leave, or we will use force." the other guard told me.

Cowering behind your men Hoshima-taicho? You obviously know your time is numbered. I considered my options. I could leave the 3rd Division's vicinity and wait for Homura-fukutaicho to arrive with First Division members, plus possibly Shihoin-taicho, the Onmitsukido and the Head Captain. I could try forcing my way in, but that didn't seem like it would work.

Or you could use Geass, Lelouch

I froze upon being suggested that. The temptation was great. Time was critical and my other options were poor.

"Hey! Are you going to clear out or are we going to have to make you?" one of the guards said.

Use geass? Do I dare? Maybe just this one time couldn't hurt. It's important

Your Geass is a part of you. Do not cast it aside.

The temptation built, but I was still somewhat unwilling. It's a curse. I thought. I promised myself I wouldn't use it. Using Geass only wound up losing me all the trust I had ever built up.

You call it a curse? But is that really true? You wish to atone, but can you truly? Hollows are not the only monsters to exist in this world.

My gaze tightened. Something inside me snapped. I had been running away…attempting to atone for what I had done, but in reality I had shied away from who I really am.

My reiatsu began to flow out freely. I was done running. I had realized my destiny. I am Vi Britannia Lelouch! Master manipulator! I will still work for the Gotei. I will become an asset to the force, but I'd be damned if I let criminals like Hoshima do whatever they want and cost us the lives of good people like Akari-taicho.

"I won't have it!" My reiatsu exploded and the guards were caught off guard.

"Hey! Get lost would you! Go have your tantrum elsewhere." One of the guards swung at me. I stopped him by pulsing my spiritual pressure into my fist to equate the difference in our physical strength. I pushed his hand away and bowed my head.

"Let me make something perfectly clear." I said bitterly. "I'm here to see your captain." I raised my head up and removed my contacts. "And you're going to let me pass!"

"Yes, master Lelouch." the two guards stepped aside and I walked past, put my lenses back in and pushed open the door to the 3rd Division barracks, just enough so that I could squeeze by. I moved about stealthily, careful not to draw attention to myself. I followed a trail of reiatsu to the most powerful presence in the general area, which I figured had to be the captain.

He'll have his lieutenant right there with him I bet. I surmised to myself.

I eventually made it to the captain and lieutenant's office quarters. I waltzed in through the front door. An elderly woman with gray hair, and a purple stripe running through it was sitting at the Vice Captain's desk. According to the records, this was Iba Chikane. She looked up and saw me. "Hoshima-taicho's a little busy right now. Why don't you come back later?"

"I would," I said, trying coercion first, "But you see it's very urgent that I speak with him. Or maybe you can tell him that I'm here to talk to him about Akari-taicho. Ask if he'll see me then."

"Huh." the woman chuckled. "Is their rivalry ever going to stop?" she complained as she stood up. "I swear if those two don't stop bickering the whole Gotei is going to suffer."

It's suffered already with Akari-taicho's death. I thought to myself. It hadn't been long and her death had been rather hush-hush so only our division knew and a gag order was placed to prevent the word from spreading. Once things calmed down the other captains would be told. Right now her death was unconfirmed to them.

Iba-fukutaicho went around the back to speak with her captain. I stood and waited for a short period of time before she came back. "Well, put some feathers on me and call me a chicken." she scoffed and jabbed her thumb over her shoulder. "The captain says he'll see you."

"Thank you fukutaicho." I told her and walked around the back to where Hoshima-taicho was.

"Close the door." his deep voice said when I entered.

"Yes sir." I closed the door and then got my first good look at Hoshima-taicho. He was a man who looked to be about in his forties with blood red hair. It stuck out in so many directions, like the guy had just rolled out of bed. He was leaning forward on his desk with his elbows propped up on it. One of his hands was curled up into a fist and the other hand was cupped over that fist. His chin was leaning on his hands.

"Judging by your reiatsu I'd say you're a pretty low rank. What's your name and seat?" Hoshima-taicho asked me.

"Lamperouge Lelouch, Twentieth seat of Division Ten/" I answered.

"My lieutenant informs me you want to talk about your captain." Hoshima-taicho said to me.

"I do." I answered.

"Your topic intrigues me. And that is why I let you in. Tell me Lelouch…are you here on her behalf?" Hoshima-taicho asked me.

"Should I be?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Don't play games with me. I don't know how you got past the front gate without any trouble, but rest assured I don't plan to let you stand here and act like you know nothing about what's going on between us. You wouldn't be here otherwise. So spill it, what do you know?" Hoshima-taicho asked me.

"I know that Akari-taicho was tailing you." I said. I watched as Hoshima-taicho got to his feet as I spoke. "She said something about how you weren't here for the right reasons. She also said that you brought us into your squabble with the hollow attack on that day seven weeks ago. I don't know what went on between you, but apparently she believed that you caused those hollows to appear. She is dead because of you."

"That is what you believe is it?" Hoshima-taicho asked as I watched him walk over to his bookcase. "You believe your captain is a complete paragon and I am a corrupted officer that needs to be apprehended?"

"I take it you have evidence pointing to the reverse?" I inquired. "Or are you trying to tell me that my captain might've had some splotches on her shine? Because if that's the case don't expect me to be surprised. Every person has at least one scar on them. It may not always be visible but it's there. Whether it's a regret, a stupid action, or a childhood dream never fulfilled, everyone has scars."

"You talk as if you've experienced such things." Hoshima-taicho said to me.

"You could say that." I responded.

He chuckled and plucked something from off one of the shelves. I tensed my feet in case he tried to throw a weapon at me. I may not be able to defeat a captain in battle. My chances were the same as trying to save Akari-taicho before my Zanpakuto talked me out of suicide, but I could at least dodge the first strike if I anticipated his movements ahead of time.

Where are you Homura-fukutaicho? I asked myself.

"Still…don't you think it was a foolish move to walk into your enemy's territory? Do you really think you're going to get me to confess to whatever actions I've been making, leave and go to the Head Captain?" Hoshima-taicho mocked me.

"I don't have to." I said.

Hoshima-taicho laughed. "So what am I supposed to believe? Am I supposed to believe that a twentieth seat had the kind of foresight to come here from Tenth Division, stall for time, while your accomplice goes and exposes me to the Head Captain?"

I felt a pulse of multiple spiritual pressures approaching the area. Good she's on her way and she's only a few seconds from arrival.

"That is exactly what I did." I smirked.

In seconds, members of the Onmitsukido swarmed the office and the window shattered as Homura-fukutaicho burst through it. "Captain Hoshima Treva, by order of the Head Captain you are hereby apprehended by the Onmitsukido for signs of corruption and are the prime suspect in the conspiracy to murder Captain Akari Mari."

"Am I supposed to be scared by a lieutenant and a few shinobi?" Hoshima-taicho said arrogantly.

"They are here as a formality." A thunderous, elderly voice called out. I heard the sound of a cane as an elderly, bald man with a long beard, and a much less longer mustache, walked into the office. He had a haori draped over him and it bore the kanji of the number one. This man was the Head Captain: Yamamoto Shigekuni Genryusai. "Hoshima," the Head Captain spoke to the 3rd Division captain, "When Akari-taicho first came to me about you I thought she was crazy, but after going over so many different files locked away in her wall safe I am inclined to think otherwise. The information those records contain, to think that one of our own could be so corrupt as to align themselves with the hollows is crime of high treason. If you come quietly, perhaps you will not be put to the sword."

"You think you can arrest me, don't make me laugh." Hoshima was still incredibly arrogant. "Today will be the day the Gotei attempted to apprehend the criminal Hoshima Treva, who effortlessly escaped their grasp."

"Don't be so overconfident boy!" The Head Captain lunged forward with his fist at Hoshima taicho, but when he did the man disappeared into this air. His voice was still heard though.

"Did you forget about my Zanpakuto's special ability Head Captain? Kemuriakuma (Smoke Devil) allows me to create astral images of myself from anywhere within a 500 mile radius. Using Bakudo 77 I can continue to talk to you all," Hoshima stated.

"But Tenteikura only works if you've met someone though!" I exclaimed.

"You met my astral image, a part of me. The Kido doesn't discriminate." Hoshima stated. I growled. "The Seireitai has a 450 mile radius. I am outside your grasp Soutaicho. You will never find me and one day I will be back and when I return I will be powerful enough to kill you."

Hoshima's reiatsu completely faded away after that. "Send word out to the 2nd Division," Yamamoto-soutaicho commanded to the stealth force. "Former Captain Hoshima Treva is now a wanted criminal by the Seireitai. This information does not leave the first two squads."

The members of the Stealth Force saluted and silently left the area. "And as for the two of you," Yamamoto said to Homura-fukutaicho and me, "Continue the work you were originally assigned, cleaning out your captain's office."

"Hold on just a second," I said.

"What is it boy? I am a very busy man." the Head Captain said to me.

"Will Hoshima be caught? Will he pay for my captain's death?" I asked with a fierce gaze.

"Rest assured young one," the Head Captain said to me, "The stealth force will find Hoshima Treva and he will be brought before the Central Forty Six and tried."

"But what about his status? What if he…"

"Corruption, once exposed, causes an individual to lose all credibility and pull with them, not without evidence pointing to the contrary. Be at ease. When Hoshima Treva is caught, he either dies during capture or his sentencing will be decided by Central Forty Six. He will not be sentenced lightly. Justice will be served." the Head Captain told me.

Most of my anger dispersed. I did not smile. I would not be completely relieved until Hoshima Treva was captured and brought to justice. "Good. It eases my pain in knowing that my taicho will be avenged."

"Akari Mari was one of the most brilliant captains we've had. I am ashamed we had to lose such a valued member of the force." the Head Captain said and walked away.

Wonderful. I smirked to myself. My plan goes off without a hitch. Although the criminal escaped he will see justice. And to top everything off I got to meet the Head Captain himself.

"Lelouch." Homura-fukutaicho spoke up finally.

"Yes fukutaicho?" I said.

"Let's go back to the division. We still have an office to clean."

"Yeah." I nodded and the two of us left together.

We finished cleaning out Akari-taicho's office by dinnertime. After which both of us decided we'd rather not mingle with the other officers and went to our quarters to go to bed.

Lelouch's dream

I've had nightmares before, but this one was not my recurring nightmare. It was different. This time I could see me I was wandering through a forest, very similar to the battlefield on that day seven weeks ago. The trees were swaying oddly back and forth and the sky was gray.

As I continued to walk through the forest I found myself under the tree cover. I walked, stuck on the path I was on. I stopped when something splashed me. It was wet. In moments it was starting to rain hard, but something was…wrong about this rain. I looked at my hands as the rain splashed on them. It was read. This was not rainwater. This was blood. I looked up.

Mangled in the trees above my head was Akari-taicho's body, pierced by branches of a leafless tree, surrounded by other leafless trees. My eyes grew wide with panic.

"Akari-taicho!" I bolted awake, panting.

That better not have been your doing. I said in my head.

Your nightmares are beyond my control Lelouch. It responded.

It had been around a year since Hoshima Treva was declared a wanted criminal and search parties were sent out. Akari-taicho's death was finally confirmed to the other captains. There was a lot of grieving to be had. Homura-fukutaicho never really seemed to recover from the incident. Whenever I would see her she always seemed distracted. She was doing her best to keep the squad together, but she kept passing a lot of responsibility onto the lower seats like Aloman-senpai.

Why do I keep having them? I asked my Zanpakuto. I thought I awakened when I came to accept my true nature.

Have you truly accepted it Lelouch?My sword asked me. One instance of using your Geass, to honor your captain and catch a criminal, have you truly awoken? You still have yet to come visit me.

It's bad enough you sound like C.C. I told my Zanpakuto. Do you have to act like her too.

My Zanpakuto laughed. I was given personality and form by your memories, thoughts and actions. It is this woman you call C.C who gave you the first step to shape your destiny. To help you along that path, I decided to become more like the one who started you on it.

Do you look like her too? I asked, slightly annoyed with the spirit now.

Why don't you come visit me and find out? She asked. If my Zanpakuto sounded female, I might as well refer to it as such.

Perhaps I will, in time. I cut off communication with my Zanpakuto and headed for Homura-fukutaicho's office. I had some paperwork for her that I finished the night before that I didn't have the energy to bring to her when I finished it. When I arrived in her office though, she wasn't there. I decided to go to her bedroom. The door was open so I walked straight in. Homura-fukutaicho was packing a suitcase. She stopped and looked straight at me

"Oh…Lelouch…I…" she attempted to hide the suitcase by shutting it and sitting on it. "What are you doing here?"

"Paperwork, but…what are you doing with that suitcase?"

"I'm…going on a trip." She covered her mouth with her sleeve again.

"Homura-fukutaicho, after everything we've been through I don't think I deserved to be lied to." I said to her.

"Damn it why do you have to be so silver tongued?" she exasperated. She leapt to her feet and approached me. "Lelouch…I…I don't know how to tell you this, but…I suppose I'll just give it to you straight. I'm leaving the Gotei to pursue Hoshima…and I'm not coming back."

"So you're running away?" I asked, displeased.

"I won't leave the hunt to the Onmitsukido. When Hoshima is found I want to be there. I owe Mari-sama that much." she said with a fierce gaze.

"I know about you and her by the way." I told Homura-fukutaicho.

"You…you know about us?" Homura-fukutaicho blushed.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, that's between you and her. However, if you and Akari-taicho were really that close what would she think if she saw you running away?" I asked Homura-fukutaicho.

"But I would never be allowed to…"

"I can put a good word in for you with Yoruichi." I told Homura-fukutaicho.

"Do you really think she'll listen. You're a 20th seat. Acquaintances or not…"

"I'm a 20th seat that graduated from the top of his class in Kido and academics, drafted a plan to eliminate seven gillians, survived an encounter with a Vasdo Lordes long enough so that the captain could show up and take command of the battle, and managed to get into a division that was supposed to be closed off without violence and managed to hold down the fort long enough for my Vice-Captain and the Head Captain to arrive." I reminded Homura-fukutaicho. If it really comes down to it I'll use my Geass. Homura-fukutaicho deserves to fight for Akari-taicho's honor without having to resort to abandoning the Gotei. She should be allowed to develop, learn Bankai and lead in our captain's stead. From what I know about Akari-taicho that is what she would want.

"If you're going to put in a good word for me with Yoruichi tell her to find me at her house's manor grounds. If I don't hear from her by the end of the day I am leaving on my own. Whether that happens or not," she handed me a stapled sheet of paperwork, "This is yours."

I looked at the sheets. They formed a promotion certificate. I was being promoted and moved to the 2nd Division as the 18th seat.

"I'm being sent to another division?" I asked.

"I was prepared to leave without a trace. The Head Captain would surely know why I left. You would be considered involved in helping me desert and incarcerated. To prevent that, I wanted to put you in another division. Given your tactical mind and information gathering prowess I thought to give you to Yoruichi." Homura-fukutaicho told me. "With your plan though, Yoruichi may be more inclined to listen to one of her own squad members."

"I'll be sure to speak with Yoruichi." I promised Homura-fukutaicho. "I won't let you down. I owe you and Akari-taicho that much." I looked slightly sorrowful. "You two were good to me. You gave me the foothold I needed to fulfill the goals I set out for myself. I am grateful. I grabbed my upper right arm with my left hand and massaged it. I looked down and away from Homura-fukutaicho. "I just wish…there was more I could do for the both of you."

Homura-fukutaicho grabbed the sides of my face and made me look at her. "It's ok Lelouch. You've done enough for now. I've really enjoyed having you in the division, but it's time for both of us to move on." She let go of my face and lookd directly at me. "This will probably be the last time we will ever see each other so I want you to listen to the last words I have to give you. Thank you. What you have offered to do for me, even though I did not ask nor care to ask for it means a lot to me. I think I now see what Mari-sama saw in you." She reached her hand behind my head and brought my lips to hers. I was surprised, but the surprise was that she went both ways given her relationship with Akari-taicho.

When she broke away I was unsure what to do. I had no idea Homura-fukutaicho felt this way about me. I contemplated saying something, but I decided that if I admitted to feeling anything for her, it would only make it harder for her to leave. This was the last time she would see me, so she obviously wanted to take what she could and go. That was something I could understand.

My Vice-captain walked past me and headed for the door. She stopped at the doorway and turned to look at me. "Goodbye Lelouch. I hope fate is kinder to you than it has been to me." She then looked forward and walked out of her room, belongings in hand.

I stood there for a few moments before touching two fingers to my lips. I let my arms hang out at my sides and looked at the open doorway. I spoke two words. Two words I should've said before my Vice-Captain left my sight. "Farewell…Yuna."

(A/N: Again, I, Draconichero, have control of the author's notes so that deadpool doesn't kill the mood. So yes, Lelouch has potentially awoken to become his usual self. The death of his captain has pushed him into using the Geass and becoming more like his old self. He is no longer afraid to use Geass, even contemplating using it on Yoruichi just to help Yuna. It also turns out that Yuna actually does, in fact, like Lelouch. Anyway, now that the Captain of 10th and 3rd are gone it is time the clock ticks forward towards a familiar Bleach plot: the Pendulum arc. Till next time folks)