
Chapter 8: Lelouch's Awakening Part 1

(A/N: Hey folks, Deadpool here. Ready for another exciting chapter. So Alex wasn't too keen on writing another chapter so soon, but when I found out about the spoiler bleep he decided to hand me the chapter script. So if this chapter sucks blame me. But know that by doing so you run the risk of having your computer inexplicably explode. Anyway, enjoy the show folks)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

Lelouch's pov

Together, with Homura-fukutaicho at the lead, we dashed towards the swarm of hollows that had gathered in large numbers along the southwestern Rukongai borders.

As we ran I could feel that I was starting to hold everyone up. Even with ten years of training I was still comparably slow to other officers and using Shunpo repeatedly would only tire me out by the time we got on site. I stopped and the others got a few feet ahead of me before doing the same.

"Lelouch, what's the hold up?" Homura-fukutaicho asked, turning around, having noticed that I had stopped.

"I…I'm starting to wear down." I wheezed. "You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up on my own."


The next thing I knew Aloman-senpai grabbed me by the arms and threw me over her back. There was only one problem. I was just as tall as she was.

"Lelouch, put your legs around my waist and grab hold with your arms." She instructed. The leg part wasn't an issue, but in the interest of not getting judo thrown over Aloman-senpai's shoulder I wrapped my arms loosely around her neck and gripped my left wrist with my right hand. I heard her mutter something under her breath.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing." She said.

"If you're done collecting cargo Shisato can we go?" Homura-fukutaicho asked.

"Yes. Let's get going."

Our group continued off once more. Now that I wasn't dragging everyone down with my stamina issues the others could use Shunpo and not leave me behind. We made excellent time and arrived in mere minutes.

Of course, when Homura-fukutaicho mentioned a swarm of hollows she didn't mention that the hollows were…well everywhere. The sky was covered, there was not a soul alive in the area. Our chances looked…bad, for lack of a better word. But of course we had the advantage of my brilliant tactics.

I got down from off of Aloman-senpai's back. "Ok, I think we can do this. We just need to…"

"Now this is my kind of mission!" Isshin-senpai gleamed. He leapt away and shouted at the top of his lungs. "ENGETSU!"

I put my palm to the left side of my face and sighed in frustration as I became reminiscent of a certain online viral internet video.

"Don't worry about it Lelouch. Even if they outnumber us, we have the advantage in strength." Aloman-senpai declared. She drew out her Zanpakuto, a katana with a yellow handle, from behind her back, spread her legs out, touched her hand to the ground and angled her Zanpakuto up and away at an angle. "Fight, Tataki no Senshi!" (Battle Warrior) Aloman-senpai leapt off the ground, transforming as she did. Her Shihakusho shrunk on her so that her top became sleeveless shirt that bared her midriff and her hakama became short shorts. Blue, fingerless, armored gauntlets appeared on her arms, that went up to her elbows and her shoes were replaced with knee ankle high boots that gave off residual spirit energy on the soles. With the way and rate they were vibrating at they would allow Aloman-senpai to defy gravity. She leapt into the air and drove a spinning kick into the face of a hollow, completely crushing the mask.

Magmiro-senpai drew out his sword from behind his back, a long No-daichi with a red handle before spinning it rapidly in front of him. "Incinerate, Kaenryu!" (Flame Dragon) Magmiro-senpai's sword turned into a long quarterstaff. It was many different shades of red and orange and one end of the staff took the appearance of a dragon's head. He pointed the staff at several hollows and let loose a flurry of fireballs.

Rickard-senpai drew out his wakizashi in his left hand and held it in front of him, pointing downwards, with his right hand clutched over his left. "Steal, Binsho Kizuna!" (Nimble Thief) Rickard-senpai's wakizashi let out a flash of energy and he became cloaked in a beige cape that then radiated his entire body with dark-mauve spirit energy. He then sprinted faster than I could blink and within a matter of seconds several hollows were gone and Rickard-senpai was twirling his wakizashi in his hand nonchalantly before taking off again.

Homura-fukutaicho spoke to me as she unsheathed her Zanpakuto. "Don't worry Lelouch, there may be a lot of them, but our power more than makes up for it." She swung her sword feebly to either side, "Motivate, Yogo Keikai!" (Championed Vigilance) Homura-fukutaicho drove her sword deep into the ground only for it to sprout to the size of a two handed sword. The handle and hilt turned black, with spikes protruding from the hilt. The blade was symmetrically shaped and bladed on either side. The flat end of the blade was painted black with red runes, spelling out the Zanpakuto's name, running up along the length. Homura-fukutaicho pulled up once with her blade and a row of Stalagmites rose out of the ground. She used those as footing as she jumped from tip to tip and got into the air before hacking down hollows, sometimes swinging her sword and cutting down a hollow at least three yards away.

"So that's Homura-fukutaicho's legendary Yogo Keikai." Bermuta-senpai admired.

"You've heard about it?" I asked.

"Her Zanpakuto is very versatile. It allows her to use the most dominant naturally occurring element around her as a weapon. On the ground a normal meadow could suddenly give rise to large stalagmites as you see here and in the air the wind becomes gathered in her swings and becomes a lethal accomplice to her swings. And around a body of water—"

"I get it." I said. "I can figure out the rest on my own. Look we shouldn't be standing around here doing nothing. We may not have Shikai, but we can still help the others."

"Agreed." Bermuta-senpai took off.

"I'm going to keep track of how many hollows I kill. If I win you buy my dinner." Targus-senpai said before rushing off.

Vera-senpai looked at me silently.

"What? Worried about me?" I asked. "Don't be." I looked up at sky and the battle going on in the air. "With the exception of my first mission when Isshin-senpai assisted me a great deal with his Zanpakuto, Engetsu's, signature move, the Getsuga Tensho, I didn't think all Zanpakuto were as amazing as they were. I thought reports were overexaggerated to the destructive force these things could carry." I said looking at my sword and then looked back at the battle. "I'll assist Magmiro-senpai with his anti-air effort."

Vera-senpai simply nodded and took off. I jogged up next to Magmiro-senpai. "I'm offering my assistance."

"Good, aim your Kido at the right side of the aerial battle. Try to keep your shots fixated on the hollows attacking the others before you go after any of the other hollows." Magmiro-senpai instructed.

"Got it." I nodded. I aimed up at the sky. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south. Hado 31: Shakkaho!" I fired the red blast of fire and continued to do so in rapid succession. I was well versed in Kido enough that with using just the one incantation I could keep the chant's effects sustained for a brief duration before the blasts would drop to their regular power.

Magmiro-senpai and I worked together to assist the others in the air, but at no point did I feel like the tide was turning. There were way too many hollows, no matter how strong we were, for every hollow we destroyed four more would replace it.

All of a sudden though, after a long time of fighting hollows, so much that I had switched to using Sokatsui rather than Shakkaho, the hollows began to retreat.

"Why are they retreating?" Magmiro-senpai asked.

"I can think of several reasons. None of them good." I said.

My statement was followed by a loud, piercing roar from behind me. Yeah, that would be one of the reasons.

"Uh, Lelouch," Magmiro-senpai shook my shoulder, "You might want to turn around."

"There's a Gillian behind us isn't there?" I asked.

"You're not scared of it?" Magmiro-senpai asked.

"Why should I?" I asked. "One gillian is no problem and the rest of the hollows have retreated. Between Isshin-senpai, Aloman-senpai, and Homura-fukutaicho that skyscraper sized hollow won't put up much of a fight." I felt the Menos' spiritual pressure die away as a large blast of bright blue energy barreled alongside Magmiro-senpai and me. "See what I mean." No sooner had I said that did I pick up the sensation of several more Garganta opening, all of them contained Menos class spiritual pressure. I looked around as seven gillians emerged from the area. All of the others converged on mine and Magmiro-senpai's location.

"Uh, anyone got a plan?" Isshin-senpai asked.

"Why are you asking about a plan? You blew up the last one." Bermuta-senpai told him.

He rubbed the back of his head. "Uh yeah funny thing about the Getsuga Tensho it fires all of my potential spirit energy in one blast. It'll be a few minutes before I can charge it up like that again."

"We'll be dead in a few minutes!" Targus-senpai freaked out. "What do we do?"

"The most important thing we can do is not panic." Aloman-senpai stated.

"Fukutaicho don't you have some sort of plan?" Rickard-senpai asked. "Come on, you're the leader here."

"Sh-shut up!" she shouted. "L-let me think."

"Don't bother." I said punctually.

"What did you just say?" Homura-fukutaicho snapped.

"I said don't bother straining your brain to come up with a plan." I told her.

"How dare you talk to me like that?" Homura-fukutaicho shouted. "I am the commanding officer here! Show me some respect Lelouch."

"If you would stop shouting, you would realize I'm telling you not to bother because I've already come up with a plan." I said.

"You what?" Homura-fukutaicho was confused.

"I said I have a plan. All you need to do is give me the order to take command of the mission and I can ensure that we all make it out of this alive." I said.

"D-don't be so full of yourself! We've only been standing here for a few moments and already you have a plan with how to deal with seven menos?" Homura-fukutaicho was in disbelief.

"I want…to hear Lelouch's plan." A childlike voice said.

None of us recognized the voice, but all of us turned to look in the direction we knew it was coming from.

"Oh my god! Vera spoke!" Targus-senpai shouted what was on all of our minds.

"Well if Vera's actually voicing her opinions for once perhaps we should consider Lelouch's plan." Magmiro-senpai stated. The rest of the officers seemed to be in agreement on this point

Vera's one little action had put the whole group, save Homura-fukutaicho, on my side. She sighed in defeat. "All right, let's hear this plan of yours Lelouch. If I like it I'll give you complete command of the mission."

"Very well." I said. I focused my mind and summoned ten hell butterflies, one for each person, plus one extra. I used it to send a message to the captain. "I've sent word to the captain about the situation. It'll take her a while to get here, but if all goes according to plan we can stay alive till then."

"What's the rest of the plan consist of?" Homura-fukutaicho asked.

"Just take the hell butterfly I gave you and listen to my instructions. If you put your trust in me I can guarantee its success. My plans hardly ever go wrong when I've had all members of my team able to carry out my instructions." I stated.

"That's a pretty adaptive plan." Isshin-senpai commented.

"And it served me well every time I used it." I retorted. "So do we do this or not?" I asked Homura-fukutaicho.

She sighed. "I hope you know what you're doing Lelouch." She then declared loudly. "I, Vice-Captain Homura Yuna, hereby authorize 20th seat, Lamperouge Lelouch, to take command of our unit for the remainder of the mission."

I was in control. Now things would go exactly as they needed to. I ordered the others to spread out in different directions, the hell butterflies followed them.

"Homura-fukutaicho, use Yogo Keikai to create stalagmites south southwest of your location. Rickard-senpai, use the tips of the stalagmites as push points and get up into the air. You'll be right within the Menos' range. Take it out!"

"Understood!" both of my comrades acknowledged. I was giving my orders with my eyes closed so that I could sense everyone, including the Menos. When I was certain that the first Menos had been destroyed I moved onto the second one.

"Aloman-senpai grab Rickard-senpai and give him a momentous throw past my location. Rickard-senpai you'll be on a crash course with the menos at Bermuta-senpai's location. Bermuta-senpai, when you see Rickard-senpai, use Hado 1 to give him a boost in altitude, it should give him the momentum he needs to cut down the menos near you. Homura-fukutaicho, use your own stalagmites to get into the air and use the wind to cut down the menos north of your location." I ordered.

"Hai!" Everyone involved acknowledged. Phase two was complete and we were down three menos.

"I can't believe it. This is actually working!" Homura-fukutaicho was ecstatic. "Lelouch you're a genius!"

"Don't get complacent now," I said, "We still have work to do. Magmiro-senpai, use your Zanpakuto to unleash a Jetstream of flame at the base of the Gillian nearest you. It'll get angry and attempt to fire a cero. Aloman-senpai you're going to make a beeline for that menos and attack it so that the cero fires off target into another gillian. Both of you can then proceed to finish off your current target."

"On my way Lelouch!" Aloman-senpai declared.

"I will do what must be done." Magmiro-senpai answered.

Phase three went off without a charm. There were only two menos left. "Targus-senpai I need you and Vera-senpai to act as a decoy so that the Menos will pay attention to you. As it walks forward, Isshin-senpai you will use Bakudo 63 as a tripwire to cause the menos to crash to the ground. If its mask doesn't break from the impact it will be up to you and Vera-senpai to finish it off Targus-senpai."

"You got it!" Targu-senpai responded.

"No problem." Isshin-senpai said.

When the sixth menos fell Homura-fukutaicho declared. "Great job Lelouch. So who gets the last menos?" she asked.

I opened my eyes. "Well when we started this little charade all the menos were attempting to converge on our location. We eliminated six in that time and so the last one should still be on its way here."

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"It means that in a few moments the last menos will enter my line of sight and when he does I'm going to take him out before he can even get a good look at me."

"Are you nuts? You're only a 20th seat!" Homura-fukutaicho screamed.

"A 20th seat," I said, as I drew my hands back to prepare my attack, "That graduated in the top of his class in kido." I couldn't see the menos yet, but I chanted anyway. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man!" Blue energy gathered in my fists. The ground began to shake as the Menos drew nearer to my location. "On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait far at the heavens." The menos appeared as the trees in front of me were crushed. It roared as it emerged. "Hado 73: Soren Sokatsui!" My attack ruptured through the air and smashed straight through the gillian's mask. The Kido shattered right through it and the menos disappeared. As I stood there panting all of my comrades made it back to my location. Homura-fukutaicho was so jubilant she ran over and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me.

"You did it Lelouch!" she cried out.

"Well, someone's awfully happy." Isshin-senpai commented.

Homura-fukutaicho let me go and brushed off her hakama. "Ah, well, I mean…good job Lelouch, I can certainly see why taicho wanted you for this division." She pretended to cough.

Geez don't hide your feelings too much. I thought as I smirked. A mere two seconds after I let my guard down though, I felt a humongous surge of energy headed Homura-fukutaicho's way. I pushed her out of the way to take the hit, but someone had sensed it before me and took it instead.

"Isshin!" Aloman-senpai cried out.

From within the forest clearing a hollow appeared, but it was unlike the menos. It was much more powerful than all seven of them combined. It had a human-like build and was very muscular. Its skin was all black, like bubbling tar, and its mask made its entire head resemble an executioner's hood. Hollow bone webbed around its feet and ankles, hands and wrists, waist and thighs, and around its hollow hole in the center of its chest.

"To have all seven of my pets defeated so quickly, I must admit I am impressed." The hollow spoke.

"Who are you? Or rather…what are you?" Homura-fukutaicho asked.

"Who I am is rather difficult to answer since we menos class hollows are made up of many hollows put together, so who I am is a collective of individuals wrapped into one. However, if you are asking for the name I go by, you may call me Vanguard. What I am is rather simple though," Vanguard folded his arms, "I am a Vasdo Lordes."

"Vasdo…Lordes…but they're supposed to be only myths." Homura-fukutaicho was scared. I was too, but I didn't show it. Unlike her I never assumed that Vasdo Lordes were myths. There was too much data on them. Endangered or extinct? Possibly. Myths? Not a chance. Still, Vasdo Lordes were formidable opponents and were said to be potentially more powerful than the Captains of the Gotei 13.

If we run and retreat we're all dead. One of us needs to stay behind. Any minute now Akari-taicho will show up and 'Vanguard' can be put in his place. My gaze converged. And if anyone's going to stay behind, it'll be me. "Homura-fukutaicho."

"I know, I'll stay behind and you all can escape." She said.

"Negative. I'm staying behind." I said.

"What? Lelouch!" She was flabbergasted. Who wouldn't be in her position, but I knew what I was doing.

"I have a secret weapon planned," I told Homura-fukutaicho, "Let's just say I knew there was more to this mission than just a bunch of hollows." Truth be told, I wasn't exactly prepared to deal with a Vasdo Lordes from the getgo, but I still had something that could clench victory for me: Geass.

I didn't want to use it, but it was our only chance for survival. If I could draw Vanguard into close range I could activate Geass. He was too far away at the moment. I couldn't see his eyes. Hollows typically had their eyes further back inside their masks so I'd have to draw him in closer in order to use Geass effectively, but once I did it was game over.

"Take Isshin-senpai and get going." I ordered. "You gave me command of the mission and my orders are to clear out."

Aloman-senpai and the others were preparing to go. Aloman-senpai herself had Isshin hoisted over her shoulder. "Come on Fukutaicho!"

"Lelouch you'd better not going dying on us!" Homura-fukutaicho ran off.

I could still sense Vera-senpai nearby. "Worried about me again?" I asked. There was no response, but there didn't need to be one. "I'll come back alive, so go."

"Don't die." This was the second time I had ever heard Vera-senpai speak and I would make damn sure this wouldn't be the last. I felt her run off with the others and stared Vanguard down. The weight of his spiritual pressure was formidable, even from this distance. In close quarters it would probably be even more difficult.

The odds were really stacked against me, but this was our only chance for survival and I was going to take it. Screw the odds, I thought, Suzaku and I managed to pull off a nearly impossible attempt to break into the Damocles, I can manage this much on my own.

"Awfully noble of you to offer yourself up as my first meal." Vanguard scoffed.

"Going to do away with me and then catch up with my team. That's your plan is it?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"Indeed." Vanguard responded.

"Well you'll have to get kind of close to me to devour my soul don't you. What are you waiting for?" I asked. I flung my arms out wide. "I'm standing right here."

"Nothing at all!" Vanguard rushed forward and made to attack me. I reached up for my lens to remove it and Geass him, but he proved to be a lot faster than I anticipated and grabbed me by the throat and pinned me to the ground. His reiatsu was suffocating and my neck felt like it was close to snapping.

"Fool, did you really think you could hold your own against me. Do not underestimate the power of a Vasdo Lordes!"

"And don't go picking on my subordinates! Defend, Kokikoken!" (Noble Guardian)

There was a loud CLANG as Vanguard was sent flying off me and someone put themselves between him and me. I put my hand to my throat to catch my breath. I looked up and took notice of the haori flapping in front of me. I smirked as best I could with the pain I was in. Plan B arrives just in the nick of time.

"Lelouch, get back. This is my fight now." Akari-taicho told me.

"Hai, taicho." I rushed away and got to where the stalagmites risen up by Homura-fukutaicho had been placed. I cut one of the tips and sat down on the now flat spire to watch the fight. The hell butterfly I had been using to communicate with the others was still at taicho's location. I created another so that I could listen in on the fight. "The captain told me to get back not to get going, an important distinction I knew the meaning of. This fight would tire her out considerably. I'd have to help her back to the Seireitai most likely.

On the battlefield I could see taicho's Shikai. She was holding a large shield with her right arm. It had rounded at the bottom and had straight sides and was concaved at a forty five degree angle at the top midpoint.

"Who are you woman?" Vanguard asked Akari-taicho.

"I am Akari Mari, the Captain of Division 10." She answered. "We don't see very many Vasdo Lordes. Who are you?"

"I am called Vanguard, but you can also call me," he dug his feet into the ground and lunged forward, attempting to slam taicho over the head, "Your executioner!"

Vanguard attacked Akari-taicho, but she smacked him away with her shield. "Hado 33: Sokatsui!" she followed up her attack with a Kido blast, but Vanguard came out from her attack and she used Shunpo to escape his lunge. He fired a dark green cero at her. Akari-taicho stood her ground. "Tate Kabe!" (Shield Wall) Akari-taicho crouched down behind her shield as it grew bigger than she was. It effectively blocked the entire cero. Akari-taicho flung her hand out at her side as Vanguard came at her exposed flank. "Bakudo 81: Danku!" The kido wall didn't last long against Vanguard's physical attack, but it was enough time to allow Akari-taicho to dispel her Tate Kabe ability and slam the side of her shield into Vanguard's neck before slamming the front of it over his head and then slamming the shield forcefully into his side.

I can't believe Homura-fukutaicho is missing out on this. I chuckled to myself. Akari-taicho is really something. I was amazed at her ability. Captains were like I thought: Human-sized Knightmare frames.

Vanguard attacked Akari-taicho with a blast of energy, she deflected it bare handed and then rushed in to attack. She rose her free hand in the air. "Seishintsubasa!" (Spirit Blade) A phantasmal blade seemed to appear in Akari-taicho's left and she used it to slash Vanguard. Blood sprayed from the strike. Akari-taicho's blade dissipated after the swing. She then backed away as he prepared to counterattack.

Vanguard regenerated his wound and tensed his muscles. "Soul Reaper scum!" He seemed rather ticked from being overpowered by taicho. "I will show you…the power of a Vasdo Lordes!" Dark green energy surged around him before he threw his hands upwards. Reiryoku flared everywhere so much that I felt residual pulses from all the way back here. The hollow bone around Vanguard had burst straight off and now he was a hulking mass of hollow muscle, about twice his original size, and from the lines that the hollow bone had once run up his skin there was now pure, jade green, reishi.

"I am not afraid of you, creature." Akari-taicho declared.

"You will be soon enough." Vanguard stated. He lunged forward and got taicho right in the side of the head before she could even lift up her shield, sending her spiraling away. Before she could regain her footing, Vanguard was behind her and cracked her with a powerful left hook. Taicho sent her shield sailing through the air at Vanguard. He swatted it away with his powerful arm, but as he did Akari-taicho had moved into his defenses and landed an uppercut into his jaw. Her shield then came sailing back and smashed into the back of Vanguard's head. Taicho back flipped and caught her shield and then rushed in to attack Vanguard, but he sidestepped her attack and punched her hard in the stomach sending her flying back into a nearby tree. Akari-taicho got up, as I expected her too. There was no way that could've finished her. After all she still had every captain's ultimate trump card. And I watched her movements and felt the alterations in the reishi around her, it seemed like she was ready to play it.

Taicho slammed her shield arm against her chest, bringing her shield close into her body. "Bankai!" Powerful energy exploded from Akari-taicho's release, causing a powerful bright light to envelop her. When the light died down Akari-taicho was no longer in her shihakusho. She was wearing garnet armor all along her body. Her hands, feet, shoulders and neck were all protected by said armor. She was also wearing a helmet that had extensions by her ears that looked like a cross between fish fins and bird wings. A piece of metal went down the middle of her forehead acting as a nose-guard. In her left hand was a sword. The blade was glowing white and the handle was shining and golden. Akari-taicho's shield was the same color as her armor, but other than that it had not changed in any other manner. "Kokikoken Shinkutenpura!" (Noble Guardian, Crimson Templar)

"So you reveal your true form at last." Vanguard said, seeming to be rather unimpressed. "It will not save you."

"We shall see." Akari-taicho engaged Vanguard in battle. Her speed had increased immensely with her release and now she and Vanguard were on equal level. With every injury one of them delivered the other delivered one right back. For every blow Vanguard blocked of Akari-taicho's, she blocked one of his.

Vanguard drew away from Akari-taicho. She swung her sword feebly, in a similar manner as to how I had seen Homura-fukutaicho do so earlier. However, instead of thrusting the sword towards the ground she held it high above her head. "Kami Raiden!" (Divine Thunderbolt) Akari-taicho swung her sword so that it was parallel with the ground and from it a bright blue bolt of lightning fired forward and tore right through Vanguard. He regenerated the damage, but while he was recuperating, Akari-taicho ran forward and jumped into the air to bring her sword down on top of Vanguard. He braced for impact only for a crater to form underneath him and Akari-taicho. Akari-taicho turned and pivoted and made to bash Vanguard with a backhanded swipe from her shield. She missed and received a punch straight into her back, sending her flying. Vanguard appeared in front of her, while she was still going in midair and fired a cero.

I sprung to my feet, now worried. Armor or no, a point blank, powered up cero would definitely hurt. The smoke and dust cleared. To my satisfaction, Akari-taicho was still standing. Her shield disintegrated and there were cracks in her armor, but she still stood stolidly against Vanguard.

"Still you persist?" Vanguard asked. "It seems I have no choice, but to unleash my full power and crush you under my heel." He gathered energy from within him and grew out. He was now the size of a Knightmare Frame, no question about it. He had glowing green eyes and his mask was a cross between an alligator, a bull, and a piranha. The bull part was largely due to the large horns on his head spread out in the shape of eyebrows. His skin was still as black as the emptiest void, but he now had sharp claws on his fingers and all four of his limbs were as thick as tree trunks. "You will not defeat, my true form!" Vanguard shouted. He reared back his head before unleashing a powerful jade green cero from it at Akari-taicho.

I stood, wondering if I'd soon be rushing to the Seireitai for assistance. But from the smoke, Akari-taicho was rising into the air; not jumping, but rising. From out of her back came a pair of bright white wings. She was holding no weapon to speak of, but I surmised she had to discard it to use this ability, whatever it was. A visor dropped down in front of her face, covering her eyes and she stared down Vanguard.

"Here goes nothing." I heard her say. She tilted her head up and drew back her hands, gathering energy in each one. She stood motionlessly for a few moments before unleashing a powerful blast of energy. "Shiro Juryoku Taiho!" (White Gravity Cannon) Residual shockwaves from the blast reached my location. My sleeves and vest flapped in the breeze.

Did that get him? I wondered.

Akari-taicho's wings and visor disappeared and she regained her sword. As she descended to the ground a large claw reached out and struck her hard, slamming her into the ground. Vanguard's claws ripped right through her. I saw the blood spray.

I leapt off my perch. "Akari-taicho!" I began running towards the battlefield.

Stop yourself right this minute Lelouch Vi Britannia

I was on the next pillar down when I heard the voice. I stopped on a dime, barely keeping my balance. I continued to watch Akari-taicho, but the voice in my head was alarming. I hear your voice once and for eleven years you stay silent. Why now choose to speak? I knew who I was talking to, but to hear the voice now and after so long was alarming.

Because I am trying to stop you from getting killed. What do you intend to accomplish by throwing yourself out there? Your opponent is a Vasdo Lordes with the ability to intensify its frightening power. Do you really think you can succeed where your captain failed or at the very least save her life…


My Zanpakuto ran me over. And another thing. Why is that woman's life so important to you? You've never given any regard for human life, except in a few special cases. What makes this woman so special to deserve your want for her to live?

She's my captain I have to do something! I argued.

Since when does Lelouch Vi Britannia bow his head to authority? My zanpakuto asked me.

Since the moment I died. I responded.

To what end? You would throw your own life away? You've even abandoned the Geass, a power granted to you by fate to shape your destiny.

Just because you are a part of me don't speak as if you know about it! You may have my memories and may have existed since the day I was born, but you are not me! And that is grounds enough for me to tell you do not have the authority to speak on such things! I shouted at my Zanpakuto.

And this is why you make no progress. I will not lend my aid to a person that denies their true self. My Zanpakuto stated. At any rate your captain is still alive.

I looked over to where the battle was going on. Akari-taicho was certainly not out for the count. Vanguard had taken some brutal damage himself. His wounds had regenerated, but not perfectly. He was on his last legs. I couldn't tell if the same could be said for Akari-taicho. Her shield was still gone, but her sword was back in her hand.

It had ceased glowing though. Now it just looked like an Azure blade with a white handle. Whatever extra spirit energy she had put into it to make it more powerful was gone.

So she's wearing down too. I noticed. But she's still alive, and that's what matters. She will finish this.

With his undamaged arm Vanguard pawed at Akari-taicho. She slashed his arm, both hands on her blade, cutting into his skin. Vanguard howled and picked up a clump of dirt with his poorly regenerated hand and threw it at Akari-taicho. She slashed right through it and ran right towards him.

"This ends…NOW!" she shouted and leapt high into the air. Her legs kicked back, her sword was hoisted up over her head like aimed downward, seeking Vanguard's vitals. Akari-taicho came down on the left side of Vanguard's torso. He shrieked and tried to fend her off. My captain spoke calmly. "Gyoshuku Jirai." (Condensed Landmine) A blast of Akari-taicho's own reiatsu blasted outwards from her sword, planted firmly in Vanguard's torso. The blast ruptured his torso, causing the stab wound she created to merge with Vanguard's hollow hole. Vanguard collapsed backwards onto the ground. My captain followed him down, sword poised for another implant and when she landed, this time she drove her sword deep into the center of Vanguard's head.

"You…bitch." Vanguard groaned before fading away. I took this time to rush to my captain as fast as I could. She was staggering when I arrived on the scene and began to fall forward as I ran towards her. Her Bankai disengaged as she hit the ground.

It disengaged forcefully! "Akari-taicho!" I ran towards her. I grabbed her and turned her over. Her wounds were severe. Not only had she taken a cero at point blank, but she had four deep slash wounds. They were disconnected along her torso, arms and legs. Blood was trickling out of her mouth. My ability with healing kido was too amateurish to treat such potentially lethal wounds. In fact in my panicked condition I might just make things worse.

She was still breathing for the moment. I sent a hell butterfly for Captain Unohana. I needed medical assistance pronto. "Akari-taicho, stay with me." I urged her.

"Lelouch…" she said weakly, "I told you to…get back."

"I did, but I didn't abandon you. I got to a safe location. Like you wanted right, you needed someone to treat you after the battle. You're really hurt." I was starting to become hysterical. I wasn't about to lose my captain. This woman had given me purpose. She believed in me, almost been like a second mother to me these past five years in her squad. I wasn't about to watch her die before my eyes.

"I am sorry Lelouch, but it seems like I won't be around to see you achieve the goals you set out for yourself." She smiled.

"Don't talk like that." I told her. "I sent out a hell butterfly! Captain Unohana will be here soon. We don't have to lose you taicho we…"

She shook her head, "That battle took all of my strength. It is a subordinate's job to defend their captain, but it is a captain's job to defend his or her division. If my time for the Gotei had to end…I am glad I went out protecting what is important to me. You…the division…and especially…Yuna."

"Taicho," I was starting to freak out. Taicho was excessively injured. She was dying and there was nothing I could do to help her.

"Do not despair Lelouch." Akari-taicho said. "This is just a part of the cycle of life and rebirth. May we meet again in another life?"

"Taicho…I…there must be something I can do!" I didn't want to watch the person who believed in my abilities die. Akari-taicho was the only one who believed I had the capabilities of a seated officer. I started to wonder if this is what it was like for Suzaku when he had to watch Euphimia die.

"Lelouch…if you want to do something listen carefully." Akari-taicho spoke.

"What is your will captain?" I asked.

"As is procedure my office will need to be cleaned out. When you are asked to do this, go through my things carefully. You will find something of interest when you do." Akari-taicho ordered. "That is my final order as your captain." My panic would not leave me. My captain was really dying. She reached up and stroked my face. "Lelouch, I said that I'm glad I died protecting all of you, but I would prefer if I spent my final moments being cradled, like a person who might be my lover would…like Yuna would."

Wait so her and Homura-fukutaicho were actually…It took my brain a few moments to process that. That's kind of hot.

"Lelouch." my captain coughed.

"I will obey your last request, taicho." I told her and held her as she asked. Cradling her, as I would if I would have held Nunnally if she were dying in my arms. It almost felt like the same thing to be honest.

"Goodbye Lelouch…thank you…Please tell Yuna…how much she means…to…me…"

She began to grow cold. Her eyes closed and her head tilted to the side. The blood drained from her face. Her body went limp. And just like that…Captain Akari Mari was dead.

(A/N: Hey folks, I took back my job for writing the author's notes. It's not that I don't trust Deadpool to do his job, but…this was a very dramatic scene and I don't need him turning it into narm. And yes Akari Mari is dead. No she will not be making a miraculous recovery, no Lelouch is not going to find her in 50-70 years reincarnated. She is dead. Done. Over with. Her living role in the story is complete. Her death will greatly impact Lelouch. His awakening is coming and you will have to wait patiently for that. Till next time everyone)