
Chapter 47: Lelouch Vs Aizen: The Last Few Turns

(A/N: Greatest thing about these circumstances is that I have more time to write. Yay)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

3rd Person pov

"Death you say?" Aizen asked Momo. "Momo are you feeling all right? Surely you don't think that I am evil do you?"

Momo's mind was far too feral to think rationally. Aizen's words were lost on his vice-captain. She attacked with fireballs from her Shikai. Momo's mind was temporarily gone. Kill! Kill! Kill! Attack! Attack! Attack! Sensei was right! Sensei was right! Momo's mind chanted these words and phrases, and other words and phrases relative to them, over and over again as she lashed out at Aizen.

Aizen was too secure in his own power superiority to fight back. He would wait until Momo burned herself out and then strike her down. Momo, with tears of rage and frustration sent fire ball after fire ball at the supposed to be dead captain. Her accuracy was horrible as her rage just had her randomly throwing fireballs everywhere. Damage to the structure was increasing.

"Oh my," Gin noted as Momo continued to fly off the handle, "she's really angry. How interesting."

Aizen continued to either dodge or deflect Momo's attacks. Just what caused her to be like this? Why wasn't she overjoyed at seeing me? I was her world, her master. A thought crossed his head and Lelouch's image with a crafty smile placed over the teen's faced crossed through Aizen's mind. Of course, it has to be him, but why…when…when did Lelouch figure me out? After coming out of his thoughts Aizen realized Momo was preparing a spirit chant to a particularly high level hado. He stopped her by cutting her down. It was a simple deep slash across her stomach and one particularly harsh one down her back.

Unfortunately for Aizen, his timing could've been better.

"Momo!" Hitsugaya and Rangiku burst into the room.

"Oh look, company." Gin smiled.

Rangiku wasn't surprised to see Gin, but she was surprised to see Aizen. Aizen's…alive? Does this mean…? I just saw him cut Momo down. Lelouch…you were right after all.

Hitsugaya bent down at Momo's side and felt her pulse. She still had one. She was injured, but she would recover. "Shiro…chan." She said weakly.

"It's okay Momo." Hitsugaya said softly. "I'm here now. Things are going to be okay. Fukutaicho."

"I know." Rangiku said drawing out her blade.

"No, get Momo out of here."

"What? Are you crazy? Aizen's a captain you're a…"

"Third seat. I'm well aware of that. However, Rangiku, when you were instated to your position, I was much less skilled than you were, but over the years I became much more powerful. The captain said promoting me would cast unnecessary eyes upon me. I think this is what he was talking about." Hitsugaya said and began to charge his spiritual power. "I won't say it again, get Momo out of here because I can guarantee you that once this goes down you won't want to be within ten square kilometers of this battle. And I can't guarantee I won't drag you into this and kill you by mistake."

His reiatsu…it's definitely captain class. Lelouch was planning this from the beginning. Captain…just how long have you known about Aizen? Rangiku asked herself. "All right, don't go dying on us." Rangiku said and picked up Momo to prepare to leave.

"Sending away your superior," Aizen noted, "For a child prodigy you certainly are foolish."

"You won't be mocking me in a second. Aizen, you're going to pay for what you did to Momo." Lelouch was right. All this time Aizen's been lying to everyone: Momo, me, the Gotei 13, all the other Soul Reapers, everyone. "You deceived us!"

"I never looked at it that way, but perhaps if you were more like Zero you would've been able to see past my façade." Aizen told Hitsugaya. "I was well aware that Zero had it out for me. His first two instances, while minor in action, were a setback to plans I had set in motion. He then he declared to unearth corruption that the Gotei could not see. He began working his way in from the farthest reaches of Rukongai, circling in until he would be finding corruption within the Gotei itself. I couldn't let myself be discovered then and I took care of Zero. By disabling Kurosaki Isshin and foiling Zero's plans, he hasn't been seen in twenty years."

"You…Momo meant nothing to you, did she? She was just a pawn in your twisted scheme. That's why you tried to deflect her to blaming Lelouch-taicho. He was in your way, he's an intelligent captain and with all that's happened to him you figure more pressure will just make him crack. I hate to break it to you, but Lelouch-taicho is too clever to be beaten or fooled by the likes of you. And neither am I. Bankai." Ice formed over Hitsugaya and he gained icy wings, a tail and arms and he froze everything in the general area. "Daiguren Hyorinmaru!"

By this time Unohana came rushing onto the scene to see what was going on.

Hitsugaya charged forward and stabbed his sword straight through Aizen, freezing him solid. However, Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu was in effect and through deception he struck down Hitsugaya in one blow.

Dammit, Hitsugaya said as he fell to the ground, Momo…I've failed you. I'm sorry.

"What a beautiful sight." Aizen said. "It's the wrong season, but I rather like seeing snow this time of year."

"Aizen-taicho," Unohana called out to him, but retracted her statement, "no that's wrong. After what I've witnessed it wouldn't be right to call you captain any longer. Aizen Sosuke, your title is high traitor."

"Well, hello Captain Unohana." Aizen said to her. "I have to admit that your arrival is not completely unexpected. I knew you'd figure out that I was staying here."

"It was the only explanation. The Central Forty Six chambers are completely off limits to everyone. It was the perfect place for you to carry out the plans you had in mind. You needed to stay in isolation after you staged your own death. And this was the perfect place for you to go completely undetected wasn't it?" Unohana asked.

"That wasn't his plan at all." From the shadows, a new figure entered into the chamber. "Am I wrong, Aizen?"

"Lamperouge Lelouch. I figured you'd come here too." Aizen told him. "Your intelligence begets your understanding to the world and you have an advantage none of the other captains do."

"If you're talking about Kyoka Suigetsu, I know all about it." Lelouch said. "I ran into Unohana-taicho on the way here. I told her all about it. Aizen, let us settle this right here and now. Face me!" Lelouch declared.

How does he know about Kyoka Suigetsu? Aizen wonderd. A certain blonde shopkeeper came to mind. It seems I was careless a bit careless in that respect. I cannot deal with him here. The area is not right. "As much as I would like to, I don't have time to deal with either of you at the moment. Gin threw out a length of ribbon and it began to spiral around Aizen and him. "Lelouch, if you truly wish to put an end to all of this, you'll just have to track me down, won't you?" Aizen disappeared.

"What do you plan to do now?" Unohana asked him.

Lelouch looked around. He saw the fallen Hitsugaya and the blood stains that belonged to Momo. "Set up a Tenteikura and inform the entire Gotei of Aizen's treasonous actions." Lelouch stated. "I will go to Sokyoku hill. Inform them of the truth." Lelouch handed Unohana a letter. "Read this word for word when you give your message." Lelouch left.

Unohana understood and watched Lelouch leave. She began to inform all of the Gotei about Aizen's treasonous actions, explaining that he wiped out the Central Forty Six and his transgressions towards the Soul Society. Many Soul Reapers were alarmed by this. The phantoms were less surprised, but somewhat kicking themselves in that they were unable to trust Lelouch, realizing that he had been right after all. Many captains began making their way back to the Sokyoku Hill.

Atop the aforementioned hill, Kaien was holding Rukia in his arms, having been brought to the top of the hill by Kaname Tosen. Lelouch had instructed the blind captain to wait until the Hogyoku had been extracted from Rukia before revealing his true nature. Lelouch needed Aizen to almost win for his plan to work. He attempted to snatch victory from Aizen from the jaws of defeat, before Aizen even realized that Lelouch had reversed the entire situation around on him.

"Put Rukia down Kaien, and step away." Aizen told him.

Kaien snorted. "Oh, so you think you're mister big shot now that you're out in the open huh? Well, if you want Rukia, you'll have to pry her from my cold dead fingertips."

"That can certainly be arranged." Aizen stated. He drew out his sword and made an advance on Kaien and Rukia. Kaien drew out Nejibana and leapt away, receiving a wound in his arm as Aizen slashed at it.

"You certainly are a tenacious man, Shiba Kaien." Aizen told him. "When I created Metastacia, I thought for sure that you would be swallowed up and that the Shiba clan would follow the collapse of the Shihoin clan soon after, but Lamperouge Lelouch saved you from that fate didn't he? However, I was able to manipulate you in fighting the Ryoka. Perhaps if you hadn't he might've already saved Rukia a while ago and you wouldn't be in this position right now."

"I can make up for it starting now. I won't let Rukia go." Kaien told him.

"How admirable, but I don' think you fully understand the position you are in, Shiba Kaien. You see it is hard for me to control my power. It's hard to step on ants without crushing them. No, it would be better to say that you are not unlike an ant fighting the sun." Aizen told him.

"How poetic. I've got a nice little poetic statement for you too: Go to hell!"

"Aha, I see that you have become somewhat like Urahara Kisuke, laughing in the face of your own destruction." Aizen said and took another swing at Kaien. The Shiba clan leader dropped to one knee. "But I'd save that sort of laughter for another occasion. Now then, please hand Rukia over if you will."

Kaien clutched her tighter to his body. "Never. I will never hand Rukia over to you, over to anyone. I swore I would protect her. Rukia is the only thing I haven't screwed up in my life. I failed to protect Miyako from Metastacia. I failed to help Isshin. I failed to keep my sister from being incarcerated. I failed to help my brother become a Soul Reaper. I will never let myself fail Rukia!"

Kaien-dono, Rukia clutched to him. She was touched by his words and vivified that he cared so much about her.

"And that's why I will defend her even if I must sacrifice my life." Kaien held out his Zanpakuto and twirled it. "Rankle the seas and skies, Nejibana!" Kaien twirled the weapon high above his head and sent a wave at Aizen. Kyoka Suigetsu's illusion shattered and Kaien was cut deeply in his yet to be cut shoulder.

"Did it ever occur to you how I managed to fake my death?" Aizen asked. "Or do you just not care? Unohana didn't say it so allow me to explain it to you. My Zanpakuto is called Kyoka Suigetsu. It creates perfect illusions and controls the five senses. I can make a butterfly appear to be a dragon or a small mound of dirt a large mountain. I can even muffle my enemy's screams so that their allies never hear the time of their death."

Kaien grit his teeth and turned around to attack Aizen. "Daitan'na Gama!" Aizen deflected the water disc with his sword and then got behind Kaien before slashing him up the back. Kaien dropped to his knees. Damn.

"I'll give you one more chance, put Rukia down Kaien and step away from her." Aizen told him.

"He'll do it Aizen-taicho! I'll go with you if you want, just leave Kaien-dono alone!" she cried.

"No way." Kaien said defiantly as he turned around and got up off his knees, but didn't stand up all the way.

"Kaien-dono, no. Please don't sacrifice yourself for me." Rukia told him. Kaien only clutched her closer to him.

"I won't let him have you Rukia." Kaien told her. "I said it before. You are the only thing I have yet to mess up in my life. My life has just been a roundabout of failures along the way. I've never been able to please anyone except Captain Ukitake and the noble council. I've always just been a good soldier, doing my part, helping out, but I've never once been able to succeed when it really counted. I let Miyako die and Lelouch made it so that I could avenge her. I tried to save you on my own and Ichigo had to show me that I needed help. Now, when I have the option to protect you on my own, I'm not going to give that chance up!"

"Then so be it," Aizen said and held up his sword, "Too bad." He brought his blade down, but it was stopped by a black katana as Ichigo appeared.

"Hey there," Ichigo said to Kaien, "With all your squatting, I would almost think Rukia's too heavy for you to hold. Good thing I came to give you a hand, right friend?" Ichigo pushed away Aizen's blade and he and Kaien leapt back. Ichigo stared down Aizen and stood in front of Kaien and Rukia, holding his sword in preparation to strike.

"Ichigo." Kaien said to him.

"Yeah?" Ichigo asked.

"Why is it I always gotta get bailed out when I'm in trouble?" he chuckled.

"Cause you're so stubborn you try to do everything yourself that's why." Ichigo told him. "What happened though, all you had to do was carry Rukia away and look at you you're all beat up. Aren't the noble families supposed to be super strong are something."

"Says the guy with the cuts and bleeding caused by his fight with Lusca-taicho." Kaien returned.

"Sorry about dat," Gin apologized to Aizen, "I didn't think you'd want me to interfere Sosuke so I let the Ryoka get by."

"It's fine." Aizen said. "When you're cleaning the house it doesn't matter if there's one speck of dirt or two."

Ichigo and Kaien both faced forward towards the brown haired Soul Reaper. "So, this is Aizen then?" Ichigo asked.

"That's him all right." Kaien said.

"Do you think you still have enough strength left to get away?" Ichigo asked Kaien.

"Running? There's nowhere to run." Kaien told him. "Aizen would catch me in seconds in my condition." Kaien put Rukia down behind him and Ichigo. "I'll try to create an opening. Hit him with everything you've got. We'll have enough time from our ploy to get away."

"Heh, who needs to get away, together we can do anything." Ichigo said to Kaien.

"Quit being so arrogant, Aizen's got a lot of experience and plenty of power, not to mention you just came off a fight. Stick to the plan okay?" Kaien asked.

"Speaking of plans where the heck did Lelouch wind up?" Ichigo asked.

"Beats the heck out of me." Kaien responded. "I thought he'd be here already to confront Aizen, but something feels off."

"Well let's just try to not die." Ichigo said, glaring at Aizen.

"I like that plan. That plan sounds good." Kaien responded. He held up Nejibana. "I'll be your backup. You've got an edge with Bankai." He told Ichigo. Ichigo agreed. Kaien prepared his first attack. "Daitan'na Gama!" He sent the water disc forward and circled around Aizen's flank. He sent out a wave, called it back and sent it out. "Ajisai dai kozui!" The whirlpool went spiraling towards Aizen as Ichigo came in. Unfortunately for both Soul Reapers, Aizen was far too skilled to have been caught by their little ploy. Ichigo ran forward only for Aizen to stop his blade with one finger and then slashed Ichigo right across the chest. Ichigo collapsed upon the ground.

"Hmm, too shallow it seems, I meant to slice you completely in half." Ichigo dropped to the ground. "But I didn't strike deep enough."

"Ichigo, hang on!" Kaien ran towards Ichigo, but his path was blocked by a Soul Reaper with midnight black hair. "You…you are…"

"Atrumier Talbumosuke," the Soul Reaper stated. He drew out his sword and put it on his shoulder. "Bestow unto me ultimate power, Jikan Kami." (Time God) Talbumosuke's blade became twice its size, but remained narrow. And hourglass was seen imprinted on the blade with red energy flowing about the hourglass. The energy turned yellow and before Kaien could blink Talbumosuke was behind him and there were several slashes across his body on his front and back. Talbumosuke was glowing yellow. Kaien fell to the ground. "The one power that all are affected by: time." The glowing stoppoed.

"Good work Talbumosuke. Your skill has become rather impressive." Aizen complimented."

Talbumosuke turned around and knelt down on one knee. "Sir you praise me to highly." He said. He then stood up

"Now then," Aizen said, "let us continue where we left off." Aizen approached Rukia and dragged her towards the center of the hill. He explained to Ichigo his role in all this and explained what he was after. Kaien, still conscious, listened intently.

Did you know about this Lelouch? Kaien asked. If so…why didn't you tell anyone? What was the purpose?

Before Aizen could extract the Hogyoku from Rukia, Sajin came screaming in shouting Aizen's name at the top of his lungs and slammed his blade down upon the evil captain. Aizen dodged that and Sajin's next attack.

"Kaname," Sajin spoke to Tosen, "If you've got an explanation I need to hear it now!"

Tosen remained silent. His true colors would be revealed eventually, but for now Sajin must think him a traitor. Lelouch would come and things would be over properly.

Sajin was struck down by Aizen's use of Hado 90.

"Not bad, using Hado ninety like that." Gin stated. "I think the only one whose ever been able to correctly execute it besides you is Lamperouge Lelouch."

"It wasn't correctly executed." Aizen told Gin. "And as loath as I am to admit it, when Lamperouge Lelouch executed Hado 90 to save Hinamori, Abari and Kira from a menos that was a perfect execution."

Ichigo's friends finally rushed back onto the scene. "Master, allow me." Talbumosuke told him. Aizen nodded. White energy began to flow in place of Talbumosuke's red energy around the blade. He held up the blade to Ichigo's companions and instantly slowed them down, very way down. White energy formed around each resident of Karakura Town. Their muscles tensed and cramped and each individual became so sluggish that a simple sword slash from Talbumosuke's blade was enough to down each of them, save Soifon who required several. Talbumosuke stood in the center of the carnage. "Sorry, can't have you interfering with my master's plans." He told them.

"Thank you Talbumosuke, I appreciate the assistance." Aizen said to him.

My, my. The kid sure has gotten stronger. Far too strong if you ask me. Gin said with his grin widening.

Aizen, with no other interruptions took the Hogyoku from Rukia's body. He looked around. So he didn't show. I'm rather disappointed. Aizen thought, thinking of Lelouch. Oh well. He held up Rukia. "It's too bad, but I just don't have a use for you anymore. Kill her, Gin." Aizen told his companion.

"Well, if I must." Gin said and pulled out his wakizashi and aimed it at Rukia. "Shoot to kill, Shinso." The spear went flying through the air at Rukia to end her life.


Rukia did not die. She was saved. Holding her, Gin's Shikai in his gut, was Byakuya. "Nii-sama…but why?"

"Aizen!" Hisana came in from the side and attacked the 5th Division captain. He dodged with ease. Hisana and Byakuya both still retained their injuries from their fight with each other, but Hisana was too mad to care. "You…Lamperouge-taicho was right about you all along! You monster!" Hisana unsealed her whip. "Die Aizen!" She made to attack, but the next thing she knew she had a deep, fresh wound along her body. Talbumosuke appeared behind her, glowing yellow. "I will not permit anyone to attack my master. It's nothing personal Hisana." He told her.

When did…Atrumier…Talbumosuke…become this strong? Hisana asked herself as she fell forward.

"Hisana!" It was the first time anyone had ever seen Byakuya emote. Watching his wife get cut down was about all he could stand. Rukia was one thing, but Hisana was entirely another. However, as he tried to stand his wound pained him and he crouched back down onto his knee.

"Nii-sama." Rukia worried.

"Sir, we should be going." Talbumosuke said to Aizen.

"That you're right we have what we came here for after all." He looked down at the Hogyoku. However, before Aizen could do anything he had to stop a blade that made its way to slash him from behind. Its wielder was Tosen Kaname. "Mistaking me for the enemy? I thought you were better than that Kaname."

"He's not on your side. He hasn't been for at least thirty years now." A voice called out.

Aizen parried Tosen and broke away and looked over to see a figure stepping up over the horizon: Lamperouge Lelouch.

Aizen smirked. So he has come.

"Explain yourself, Tosen!" Talbumosuke shouted. "What has this man told you to make you betray us?"

"How can I follow a man who deceived me?" Tosen asked looking in Aizen's general direction. "To take advantage of a blind man's sight is a great sin indeed. Were my eyes not opened to the truth, I would've betrayed the Gotei rather than focusing my justice on the man who is solely responsible to blame for my anger."

"I see. This is about Kozou Mariko isn't it?" Aizen smirked smugly only to realize something very wrong with the information at his disposal. The look on his face was priceless. "Wait."

"Aizen," Lelouch spoke, "The time has come for us to lay all the cards out on the table. Let's start with you. Close to two hundred years ago, Hoshima Treva caught onto your mad scheme, but rather than reporting you he supported you. He gave you cover even. Later you gain the support of the Atrumier family with Atrumier Rehten. We jump ahead some more years. You obtain Kyoka Suigetsu and later learn of a blind man, Tosen Kaname, with impressive spiritual power through Kozou Mariko. You were afraid that if Tosen became a Soul Reaper that he would endanger your plan because he was immune to Kyoka Suigetsu so you devised a plan to not only test your latest hollow research, by driving Atrumier Rehten into temporary insanity to not only show the family you are their ally, but also to gain favor with Tosen Kaname and make him hate the Soul Society, to make him join in vengeance. We skip ahead some more years. You and Urahara Kisuke begin creating the Hogyoku, but both of yours are a failure. You add your failed Hogyoku to Urahara-san's failed Hogyoku and then begin hollowfication experiments. Urahara Kisuke is banished to the world of the living and is out of your hair, but he takes the Hogyoku with him. You bide your time, you wait for a golden opportunity to present itself. You become a captain. You build your reputation to make you look like some form of paragon and you gain allies like Ichimaru and Atrumier." Lelouch knew Gin's real intentions, but he had no intention of spoiling the man's fun. "Over half a century ago you create Grand Fisher to see if you can create a hollow with super keen intelligence."

What? Ichigo grit his teeth. Then this man is to blame for my mother's death?

"With that plan a success you continue your research. Forty years ago you create Metastacia and set him loose. It serves its purpose and you move on. And now we come to two months ago. You observed, carefully, the way in which Rukia acted with her sister and brother-in-law, then you sent her to Karakura Town, where the Hogyoku was and her wish to become a normal, non-noble being was granted. You sent her there specifically because it was the birth place of Kurosaki Ichigo, whom you have carefully watched since the moment of his birth." Lelouch continued.

Say what? Ichigo could hardly believe his ears.

"And why not? The man is the son of both a Soul Reaper and a human. Such a thing is a very rare occurence. You had to investigate." Lelouch continued. "You invade the Central Forty Six and use Kyoka Suigetsu to slaughter their members. You have Rukia conveniently found and brought back to the Soul Society to be executed so that you could obtain the very orb that is in your hand. You knew that Kurosaki Ichigo would invade the Seireitei to rescue Rukia. You used that as a distraction to get what you wanted. You even went so far as to fake your own death and now you have everything you need. It's a perfect plan, but you made one mistake." Lelouch said and flung his arm out at his side. "And that mistake was that you crossed paths with me. From the very moment you sent Urahara Kisuke to be banished I have worked to trip you at every turn, stop you at every juncture and counter your every move. I played by your rules and settings, simply because I had no problem in doing so. You always wanted a rival Aizen." Lelouch said and threw his arms out at his sides, palms facing Aizen. "Well here I am!"

"How commemorative." Aizen said with a grin. "I'd give you a medal if I could. And since we're talking about cards on the table, allow me to talk about you. I brought you to the Seireitei as a man on my honor and you became a Soul Reaper through your own ability. I watched you for a while, wondering if perhaps you could be useful to me. I saw the man you were inside and after Akari Mari died, to test the powers of a Vasdo Lordes. When Homura Yuna died, I figured that, having lost your closest companion, you would see that the Soul Society was not the best place for you and that you would join me in my rebellion, but it seems that I must've miscalculated because you stayed ever resistant. For seventy years you avoided me. I thought you would turn me in or expose me, but you did not. That was wise, for it would've been you who was found guilty. As you matured, especially after you obtained Bankai, I thought about eliminating you and covering it up using Kyoka Suigetsu, but I did not for one simple reason."

"So you could feel important when your plans succeeded today right? If you beat me in plans you would feel as if nothing could truly stop you. You are secure in your superiority. That is what you want to say right?" Lelouch asked as his arms hung out at his sides and he walked calmly towards Aizen. "However, surely you must wonder how it is I know so much about you. You may talk calm, but inside you are curious, frustrated that I could unravel your plan so easily. You knew I was becoming a threat to you, but it was your ego that let me live. You believed I could become a proper rival, but I don't think you ever realized just how much of a dangerous rival I was. Aizen," Lelouch drew out his sword and slung it over his back, releasing Eien Tamashi without calling her name. He then clapped his feet together and flung his arms out at his sides like he would if were posing after a big speech, "Allow me to show you my true form, a form that will reveal to you just how much of a threat I have been to you all this time." Lelouch's reiatsu flared everywhere tremendously. "BANKAI!" Lelouch transformed into his Bankai's form, looking so much like Zero. Hisana, Byakuya, Gin, Talbumosuke, Ichigo and Renji all watched as Lelouch emerged clad in his Bankai form. Byakuya was the most shocked out of everyone, whether he showed it or not. "Zero no Seishin no Eien Tamashi!" Lelouch flung his right arm out at his side. This is it. This is the endgame.

To be continued…

(A/N: Next time on Soul Chess: Aizen Vs Lelouch. The two chessmasters go head to head as the Eye of the Storm arc reaches its conclusion. As we have arrived at a juncture where I have much of what's to come already planned out, hang on the edge of your seat as the next chapter should be up shortly if it is not already).