
Chapter 38: Ishida Uryu, Quincy Respondent

(A/N: I have nothing to say)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

3rd Person pov

While Ichigo and friends had the "privilege" of seeing Don Kanonji performing live at an abandoned hospital, things were also occurring in Soul Society. It started at the abandoned ruins of the Atrumier family. All of a sudden a section of the ground was moved away and a Soul Reaper crawled out of the ground. He had black hair, red eyes and was covered in scars and bruises. He was crawling out of what appeared to be an underground facility, possibly built by the family in the event of a catastrophe. His hair was all over the place in such a manner that would've made Death the Kidd explode over how asymmetrical it was. There were three spikes coming up in the back, one coming down by his right ear, one in between his eyes, three curving down one right on top of the other on his left side and two sticking up on that same side.

This Soul Reaper was Atrumier Talbumosuke. He had spent the last 35 years underground, training himself. Now he was ready. Although he was underground, he had not been oblivious to the world around him. He communicated regularly with Aizen via Tenteikura and kept a keen eye on others via Kakushitsuijaku. He was well informed on the world around him when he emerged and his first desire was to report back to duty at the 5th Division.

Aizen was thrilled to see his apprentice emerge. He had gone into his own training hell a boy and stepped out a man. Aizen could tell from the man's spiritual pressure that he was captain level, bankai fully mastered. To prevent others from realizing Talbumosuke's true power, Aizen gave the fallen noble a limiter to hide his powerful reiatsu, making him seem no more powerful than a 3rd seat to those around him. Aizen told Talbumosuke that when the time was right he should remove that limiter.

"I must thank you again for letting me know about Zero's assault. With you so deep underground, no one would suspect anything." Aizen had planned this from the start. Some of Zero's movements had been tracked by Talbumosuke deep underground. True, Zero and the phantoms were protected by their reiatsu concealing cloaks, making it impossible to identify them. Up until Isshin revealed himself as one, no one really was sure if the phantoms were merely entities or regular souls wearing flamboyant outfits. That said, Talbumosuke, nor Aizen, were ever really able to complete the puzzle that Lelouch was Zero.

True, Lelouch on his own was a threat to Aizen, but Aizen was actually interested in seeing if Lelouch could pose a proper threat to him at all. Lelouch, like Urahara, had the intelligence and tactical ability to stand on par with the man, but more importantly Aizen could tell that Lelouch had a very dark side to him. Lelouch's rather satanic attitude when facing Ichinose Maki was what made Aizen believe that Lelouch had all the proper qualifications to become a proper rival. Now the man was a captain and that made Aizen both edgy and delighted. Of course, any great villain needed a back-up hero to face, so Aizen believed and that was where Kurosaki Ichigo would come in. Should Lelouch fail to hold up to Aizen's expectations, Ichigo would make a fine substitute. Or perhaps both together, could prove to be promising adversaries.

Of course, the topic of conversation was Zero, and Zero had been tracked by Talbumosuke closing in on the spiritual composition of a reiatsu concealing cloak. Aizen had suggested this to Talbumosuke and it worked, but not always. Lelouch's tactic to make the uniforms concealed within the wristbands proved to make anyone attempting to track the phantoms by such means only believe that they only appeared when needed and vanished just as mysteriously. To make things more believable, Yoruichi and Soifon, on Lelouch's orders set up a jamming barrier to block tracking of any kind within a 1 km radius of the base.

"Am I going to be in trouble for what happened with my family?" Talbumosuke asked.

"No, of course not." Aizen responded. "Your family is seen as tragic victims of the phantoms. You will be welcomed back to the Gotei with open arms."

Talbumosuke dropped to one knee in front of his teacher and mentor. "It's good to be back sir. I shall serve you well."

"It's good to have you back, Talbumosuke." Aizen smiled with his 'just as planned' smile.

At this same time, out in Rukongai, Ukitake Vera wandered the streets. For the last 40 years, memories of that night when Miyako had been possessed and attacked her still haunted her. She was still afraid to pick up her sword. She had tried many times, but the moment her hand would touch the handle it was like she was a demon and the handle a holy cross. Vera still wore the wristband Lelouch had given her. She respected and revered Lelouch. He was the only person who really understood her. Vera looked at her prosthetic right hand and clutched her wrist with her other hand as she stared deep into her palm with her remaining eye. She clenched her fist and silently sobbed as several tears trickled down her face. She wanted to help Lelouch and her onii-sama, to pay the former back for his kindness and the latter for taking her in and adopting her, but every time she thought about jumping back into the fray that haunting memory would come back to her. Her eyepatch would throb and her right hand would twitch.

As Vera stood there, wallowing in her own self-pity she heard a dreadful noise: a hollow's roar. People began screaming and running for their lives. Vera started shaking and dropped down to her knees and clutched her head. Those awful memories were coming back. A shadow flashed over her, the designated Soul Reaper to this station was jumping after the hollows to dispose of them. Vera watched, doing anything to keep her mind off those awful memories. She watched the Soul Reaper in battle. She was reminiscent of the days that she too would fearlessly leap into battle to protect the innocent.

But those days are over. Vera thought to herself.

Suddenly she heard a blood curdling scream as the Soul Reaper that had engaged the hollows in battle was promptly eaten and devoured. Vera became incredibly frightened. There were people that still needed protecting; it would take the Gotei too long to send out a new individual to take out the attacking hollows. Her body shook. Vera couldn't think, couldn't speak and couldn't listen to her body as it told her to run.

After finishing devouring the Soul Reaper the hollows turned their attention to Vera. If only I had my Zanpakuto. If only I could wield my Zanpakuto. Vera thought to herself. But I can't…I'm too scared. She dropped to her knees and clutched her head. Someone…help me. Vera shook with fear.

Do not despair Vera, you are not alone. Her Zanpakuto spoke to her.

Vera began frantically searching all over her body for her blade, but her search turned up empty.

I do not have to be with you to talk to you. I am a part of you Vera. Do you want to fight? Her Zanpakuto asked her.

I do…but…I am…afraid. Vera stated.

Even if you are afraid, will you let your fear consume you so that you become consumed by death? Make a choice Vera. What will you do?

Vera stopped shaking. She knew what she wished to do. She had found her resolve, the will to fight she thought she had long since lost. "I will fight!" She shouted. Her reiatsu exuded out from her, paralyzing the hollows. With great willpower, Vera's Zanpakuto materialized in her hand. She gripped the burgundy handle with renewed purpose. "Cut deeply, Chi Kamisori!" (Blood Razor) Vera's sword transformed. In her hand was a crimson colored, tri-sectioned staff. The middle section was where Vera gripped the weapon with both her hands, the bottom section was for balance and the tip consisted of an 8-spoked pinwheel, but each spoke was a very sharp blade. Vera gripped her staff with a fierce gaze in her eyes as she stared down the hollows. Channeling her spirit energy into the staff the blades on the edge of the staff began to rotate like a buzz saw. Vera used Shunpo and charged at the first hollow and drove the spinning blades of her weapon up into its mask, exorcising it on the spot. She then drove the blunt end of her staff into the hollow coming up behind her and cracked its mask, exorcising it as well. She saw the third hollow charging at her. Vera gripped staff, twirled it so that it was perpendicular with the ground and swung. The blade on her staff fired off at the hollow, growing three times its size and shearing the hollow in half before shrinking and returning to Vera's weapon. Vera then sealed her weapon and looked at her sword, seeing her gaze reflected in the steel. She then looked up at the sky. I am back.

Vera would spend the next two weeks undergoing the proper procedure to be reinstated into the Gotei. The announcement of her return brought great joy to Lelouch and while he was focused on Vera, Aizen made his next move. He sent a little robotic fly out into Karakura town, to observe Ichigo's progress.

Currently the amateur Soul Reaper was in the principal's office along with Rukia, Tatsuki, Orihime, Chad, Keigo and Mizurio. All of them were being reprimanded by the Physical Education teacher, Kagine-sensei. He was yelling at them for causing a reputational dejection to the school.

"Just what do you have to say for yourselves?" Kagine-sensei shouted.

The door to the office opened and the person stepping into it said, "The only thing they should be saying is how big of a mouth you have Kagine."

The heads of each student turned to see the one person they had wanted to see for a very long time. "Fon-sensei!" Ichigo, Orihime and Tatsuki were exuberant. If the situation were a scene in a television show an applause track would've followed.

"Miss Fon, of all the teachers in this school I'd expect you to understand the kind of civil crisis we're having here." Kagine roared.

"Who says I don't understand?" Soifon asked, folding her arms.

Aw man, and here I thought Fon-sensei was going to get us off the hook. Ichigo sighed.

"Mr. Kagine, allow me to make something perfectly clear." Soifon grabbed the muscle bound gym teacher by his shirt and dragged him down to her eye level. She looked at him with the darkest, menacing look she could possibly give him. She spoke bitterly and darkly with a very nasty sneer. "I am the only one allowed to punish my students. Is that clear? Overstep your boundaries again and let's say that you had best go home in an armored vehicle and lock your doors."

Soifon had changed a lot in the last century. Living with Yoruichi and not being a rule driven military officer had altered her immensely. She had grown more compassionate with others and she had lightened up in some respects considerably. While most of her snappy attitude and iron will was intact she had more soft spots and was considerably less tough on those she cared about. When she started teaching as a karate instructor Soifon quickly became an older sister figure, and second mother to many of her students. When she rescued Tatsuki when she was young that was one specific instance to show that Soifon was very caring towards those she had direct authority over. Yoruichi had told her that although Soifon had been hired to protect her that that did not mean that she wanted Soifon to die for her. Yoruichi said she viewed Soifon and everyone else in the executive militia as comrades that she was responsible for the lives of. If one of them had to die for her, while it was in her line of duty, she'd feel like she failed them because they were forced to resort to such extremes, which is why she worked hard to be able to protect them when they tried to protect her. She always believed in their skill, but never wanted them to bite off more than they could chew. Soifon took this lecture to heart and now if anyone so much as looked at her students the wrong way she'd become irate and protective.

When Ichigo was 12 he asked Soifon why she was always so tough on everyone.

"It's because I care." She had responded. "I want to see you all succeed and become the best you can be. If I wasn't tough on you it would mean I didn't care. I don't accept quitters or people trying to put the blame on my methods. In fact, their more like the same thing. An excuse is an excuse. If you quit, you just don't want to try. You have no chance of success if you don't try. If you try, even if the odds are stacked against you, you still have a chance no matter how small that chance might be."

Soifon would never let anyone harm, denounce or reprimand her students. They were her individuals to do with as she saw fit. The only people who could step over her authority were her students' own parents. That was the kind of person Soifon had become.

She released her hold on Kagine's shirt and the man dropped to the floor in apology. "I understand Fon-sensei, please don't hurt me!" he pleaded. Ichigo and Tatsuki both found it chuckle worthy to see the big burly Kagine-sensei bowing in apology to the much shorter and scrawny Fon Shaolin.

Acknowledging Kagine's apology, Soifon turned to address her students. "Now then, I will see you all after class to discuss proper punishment. You're all getting a week's worth of detention if you don't show up." She pointed to the door. "Now get your butts to class!"

"Hai, sensei!" Ichigo, Tatsuki, Orihime, Keigo and Mizurio shouted. All of the students saluted and ran off for the classroom.

Soifon looked over to Ochi Misato who had been in charge of her class during her absence. "Thank you for filling in for me all this time Ochi-san." She responded and then walked out of the room.

"That woman scares me." Kagine-sensei said.

Soifon returned to class later only to notice that Ichigo and Rukia were missing in action. She took a deep breath. She had to act like a teacher, despite the fact that she could pretty much gather where those two had run off too. More interestingly Ishida Uryu, her top student was missing from the room, but he walked in about 5 seconds later.

"Arisawa, where are Kuchiki Rukia and Kurosaki Ichigo?" she asked.

"Ah, Rukia went to the bathroom and Ichigo forgot something in his locker they'll be back shortly." Tatsuki said.

Soifon sighed. "All right, let's continue with today's lessons."

Ichigo and Rukia showed up not too much later, to which Soifon just gave a simple "thanks for finally deciding to join us". At the end of the day, Soifon made good on her promise to punish everyone after class. Whether she understood everything or not, rules were rules.

She handed Ichigo a mop. "You're scrubbing the classroom floor." She gave Rukia a feather duster. "You're cleaning the desks." She handed Keigo a chisel. "You're going to be scraping all the gum off the undersides of the desks and chairs." She handed Mizurio a cloth and bucket. "You're going to clean the blackboard." She looked at Chad. "Sado, the teacher's lounge is getting a new couch delivered in twenty minutes. You're going to carry the old one out to the dumpster and bring the new one in." She looked at Orihime. "There are a bunch of papers on my desk in my office that need sorting. Alphabetize them and put them in their proper drawer." She looked at Tatsuki. "And you're coming with me. I have a special assignment for you." Chad and Orihime left the room to go and complete their assignments. Ichigo and the others stood about as Soifon led Tatsuki away. "Get to work!" she shouted. The rabble instantly began cleaning the classroom.

Soifon led Tatsuki up the roof. "Sensei, what are we doing all the way up here?" Tatsuki asked.

"The time is quickly approaching to which we need to test Kurosaki's skills. I need you to help me when that time comes." Soifon stated. "I don't have very safe methods so having an extra hand on deck would prove very helpful."

"Is this my punishment?" Tatsuki asked. She sort of felt like she was getting off the hook with that kind of punishment considering Orihime was being forced to sorting files.

"Of course not." Soifon handed Tatsuki a squeegee. "You're washing the windows." Soifon then stomped away.

Tatsuki sighed and went back to the classroom and began working on it like her classmates.

The next day

School ended that day with everyone's midterm grades being posted up on the wall for the world to see.

"Third place." Tatsuki said reading Orihime's name. "You're doing as well as ever." She pat Orihime's head as she giggled.

"This sucks," one of the girls in class 1-3 with a rather flat chest cried out, "Orihime has both brains and boobs it's just not fair."

"If it makes you feel any better she's a terrible cook." Tatsuki said.

Soifon, who was all the way at the other end of the hall, heard such news and came dashing down. "Did I hear that right?"

"Huh, yeah sensei Orihime can't cook." Tatsuki said.

"No, before that." Soifon said.

"Oh, that, have a look for yourself." Tatsuki pointed to the 3rd place name.

Soifon became fired up at seeing Orihime's name. She vigorously pet the well-endowed girl's head. "Oh thank you Orihime. I knew you wouldn't let your sensei down. You're the best." Orihime giggled.

"Wow, praise from sensei, that's unusual." Tatsuki said. What Tatsuki didn't know was that Yoruichi had made a promise to Soifon that if she got at least 4 students in the top 25 standings , that Yoruichi said she would do something really special for Soifon, but she wouldn't say what.

"Oh let the girls and sensei have their bonding time, at least none of our gang embarrassed us by getting in the top fifty." Keigo stated.

Soifon was set off like a firecracker and put Keigo in a headlock. "That's defeatist's talk Asano," she growled, "How dare you downplay the importance of academic integrity." She let him go and pointed to the ground. "One hundred pushups! Now!"

Keigo whined, but did as he was told.

"What's all the fuss about all of a sudden?" Ichigo asked as he walked up to everyone.

"Ichigo help me." Keigo whined. "Sensei's torturing me."

"Did I say you could take a break Asano?" Soifon said glaring down at him. Keigo energetically began doing pushups.

"Hey, Ichigo you're name's listed here." Mizurio stated. Soifon's ears and eyebrows perked up.

"What? Oh hey look at that, 23rd place." Ichigo said casually.

Soifon's eyes glinted as she heard this and she wrapped her arms in cross formation around Ichigo. "Oh, Kurosaki did I ever tell you how much I appreciate your presence in my class you academic genius, you."

"Who are you, and what have you done with Fon-sensei?" Ichigo asked, rather unamused.

"Ichigo, you traitor!" Keigo whined from the ground.

Soifon let go of Ichigo and went back to scolding Keigo. "Another outburst from you and you'll be doing one hundred and fifty."

"Say, Chad how'd you do?" Ichigo asked him. Chad pointed to the number 11 spot.

"Yosh! Way to go Sado!" Soifon was so jubilant it was scaring her students. Many questioned if this was still the same rough and strict Fon Shaolin they had come to know and deal with. All right, she thought to herself, I just need one more.

"I can't believe I've been hanging out with such nerds!" Keigo whined. Soifon put her foot in his back.

"Congratulations Asano, you've just upped your punishment by another fifty pushups." Soifon sneered down upon the helpless student.

"This has to be against some sort of rules." Keigo cried as he continued to do pushups.

"So if that makes us traitors who got the top spot?" Ichigo asked. "Ishida…Ametatsu?"

Soifon, not having heard the name herself looked at what Ichigo was reading. "You're reading that wrong." she said. "It's Ishida…Ury…u." Soifon stood motionless for a second before tearing through the roster sheet and pointing. "Aha! Ishida Uryu…he's in this class! Yeeees!" She started doing a little happy dance. "Everyone," she waved flippantly, "I'll be right back. I have to go make a phone call."

"Sensei sure is happy today." Orihime said.

"Yeah and it's creeping me out." Ichigo added.

"We have bigger things to worry about." Rukia said appearing out of nowhere and grabbed Ichigo by the wrist. "Come on, let's go."

"What? Hey!" Ichigo said as he was dragged away. He managed to get control of his own footing and ran in pace with Rukia.

"We've got trouble. Hollow alert." She said. "On top of that there's something I want to talk to you about."

"What's up?" Ichigo asked.

"Your sensei, Fon Shaolin, I know her." Rukia stated.

"This is news to me. What's the story?" Ichigo asked.

"I don't know her all that well, but let's just say she was part of this top secret organization along with me and a bunch of other people. I'd prefer not to go into detail." Rukia stated.

"Oh so making me a Substitute Soul Reaper isn't the first time you've broken the law then." Ichigo chuckled. This only prompted Rukia to back hand him into his ribcage. "Ow, hey!"

"The Soul Reaper we met the other day, Libra Naomi, I know her too. She and your sensei are both part of that same organization I was with." Rukia said.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Ichigo asked.

"I don't know. If I could get in contact with my old sensei, Captain Lamperouge Lelouch, I might be able to shed some light on the whole thing, but since I can't get a hold of Urahara Kisuke, who could get a hold of Lamperouge-taicho I really don't know." In truth, Rukia could call Lelouch on her own if she wanted to, but she felt her call might be traced. Lelouch had taught her while she was in the phantoms never to leave a forensic fingerprint behind if you could help it.

And speaking of traces, Ichigo and Rukia arrived on the scene only to once again find no trace of a hollow. The two began bickering about a false alarm when a bespectacled individual stepped out from the shadows.

"If you're wondering about the hollow, I already took care of it. Sorry I didn't stick around the first time, but class was in session." The individual stated and then glanced at both Ichigo and Rukia. "Kurosaki, Kuchiki-san."

"Who are you? And how do you know our names?" Ichigo asked.

"I know more than that. I also know that you can see ghosts, Kurosaki." The individual stated. Both Rukia and Ichigo were shocked.

The individual's spirit sensing capabilities picked up another hollow. "Another one." He sighed. "Well, at least the questions might stop."

"Huh?" Ichigo was confused and then his confusion increased even more when the individual created an energy bow, fired an arrow and directed it towards a hollow a few blocks away.

"Hmm, I suppose I could've waited for your signal to come in, being that you're right here and all, but first response is first response." The teen said.

Rukia's Soul Pager, blinked for a second before the signal died away. Ichigo was shocked. "So tell me four-eyes, who are what are you?"

"I am Ishida Uryu, I am a Quincy." Uryu said. "I am also the designated Quincy respondent of Karakura Town."

"Ah, of course, the bow." Rukia smacked her fist into her open palm.

"You know this guy Rukia?" Ichigo asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say I know him personally like I know your sensei or Naomi, but I know what Quincy are. However," she looked at Uryu, "aren't you a little young to be tasked with being a designated correspondent?"

"I'm the one put in charge simply because there is no one else. My grandfather has arthritis in his firing hand and my father chooses not to embrace his Quincy heritage so that leaves me." Uryu stated.

"Can someone please explain this junk to me?" Ichigo raged.

"Gladly." Uryu stated. "Quincies are a clan of humans with the ability to sense spirit energy. We, like the Soul Reapers, make it our mission to destroy hollows. However, while Soul Reapers exorcise hollows and allow them to pass on to the Soul Society, we Quincies simply destroy the hollows."

"Why would you do that?" Ichigo asked.

"I believe the answer should be obvious." Uryu said. "You've seen the hollows. They do nothing, but kill and devour human souls. My clan's founders and ancestors could not understand the mercy the Soul Reapers show hollows by allowing them to return to the Soul Society. We Quincies simply destroy the souls as punishment to hollows for their actions. However, it was this belief that became our downfall. Long ago we once numbered in the thousands, but a couple of centuries ago the clan became at odds with the Soul Reapers and war broke out. There are so few of us left now and with Britannia taking over most of the world some of those of us remaining are just dying off as collateral damage. We're about as endangered of a species as pandas. My grandfather thought we were going to be wiped out. He spent most of his life trying to offer create peace between the Soul Reapers and the Quincies. He wanted to create a first response team to which Quincies would respond first in the event that Soul Reapers cannot perform their duties. For the longest time it seemed his peace talks weren't getting anywhere. The Soul Reapers ignored us, but my grandfather didn't give up and nine years ago someone finally heard his plea."

9 Years ago

Soken Ishida's house

"I see, thank you so much." Soken hung up the phone.

"Jii-san, who was that?" Uryu asked his grandfather.

"The answers to my prayers dear boy." Soken responded. "For the longest time I have tried to create a world where Soul Reapers and Quincies can live in harmony and I just spoke with a man who may have finally answered that prayer."

Present Day

"I heard about that." Rukia stated. "It was all over the Seireitei Communication. The man your grandfather must've spoken with was my sensei, Lamperouge-taicho."

"You know about all this Rukia?" Ichigo asked.

Rukia nodded. "My nii-sama told me about it. He said Lamperouge-taicho brought it up at a meeting and asked if such a thing had been brought up before. The Head Captain of the Gotei 13, Yamamoto Shigekuni Genryusai, said that such a suggestion had been stated numerous times, but that he was unwilling to give such a proposal a try. Lamperouge-taicho said he felt otherwise. The Head Captain asked if Lamperouge-taicho planned to doom the Soul Society. A little over forty years ago, the Quincies began increasing in number. The Soul Society became worried, but since the numbers were small and Britannia was killing some off with all of their war they decided it wasn't worth fussing over. However, Lamperouge-taicho's suggestion created controversy. Nii-sama told me that after the head captain said this that Lamperouge-taicho's brilliance began to shine in a way that he hadn't seen in quite some time."

9 years ago

Captain's meeting

"Yamamoto-soutaicho," Lelouch said, "I spoke earlier today over a special communication line with a man who called himself a Quincy. He was talking about a proposal to create peace and harmony between the Soul Reapers and the Quincy. I have to ask, has this been brought to our attention before?"

"Ishida Soken." Yamamoto stated. The man had called into the Soul Society about the issue several times. Quincies had special phones and equipment to allow them to contact the Soul Society directly in the case of an emergency. Just because they were at odds with the Soul Reapers did not mean that they were going to let the clan become wiped out if they could help it. However, prejudice ran deep. "We have heard from him many times over the last forty years. He speaks nonsense. The Soul Reapers and the Quincy ended their ties on a sour note over two hundred years ago. They cannot live in peace."

"And how do you know? I heard Ishida Soken's plan and I think it might work." Lelouch stated.

"Rubbish." The Head Captain responded. Lelouch scowled. "Lamperouge Lelouch, I know that you have accomplished many great feats for the Soul Society, but the Quincies are a matter that predates your time. Do not—"

"Just listen to me!" Lelouch shouted. Everyone was shocked that Lelouch would have the gall to interrupt the Head Captain. Many expected Lelouch to soon find himself nothing more than a smoldering crater for talking back to the Head Captain. Yamamoto though, remained silent and Lelouch was able to continue. "I know all about the Quincies. I've read every document and note I could get my hand on once I became captain. I probably know as much, if not more than the Soul Reapers in the Gotei who have been around even decades longer than I have. I am the one who created an algorithm to sort hollow anatomy and describe hollow behavior. It's true, Ishida Soken's plan is incomplete and full of holes on its own, but I can complete it. If you, all of you, will let go of your hatred, let go of your prejudice and tradition, we can end a two century old conflict. The quincies are not going to go away. What are we supposed to do? Twiddle our thumbs until another near mass genocide is in order? The Gotei is not a bunch of murderers! Or have I been wrong about what we stand for all this time? Where's the value system priority? Are we going to hang onto an ancient grudge or are we going to protect the innocent? Have we learned nothing from Zero? Our policies are full of flaws simply because we don't try. If you don't try there's no chance of success. If you try, even if the odds are stacked against you there is still a chance no matter how small. Just as the second division has the Onmitsukido, the fourth division has the relief unit, the ninth division has the Seireitei Communication, and the twelfth division has the department of research and development, I want the tenth division to have their specialty. We shall harbor the Quincy Respondent Unit. I will turn the Quincies into the Soul Reapers greatest sidekick unit. They will aid amateur Soul Reapers, protect the lives of innocents in areas that do not have Soul Reapers, and they will be the most adequate partners of Soul Reapers that the Gotei has ever known, but you have to give me that opportunity to make it happen!" Lelouch declared.

Byakuya's lips almost curved upwards to a smile. He hadn't seen Lelouch act like this in years and it was very refreshing to hear him be such.

Yamamoto listened to what Lelouch had to say. He understood that if anyone could do what Lelouch just propose that it would be Lelouch himself. "Then let us leave the matter to a vote. I will be the deciding factor in the event of a tie." The votes were tallied. Only Captains Kurotsuchi, Zaraki and Ichimaru weren't in full support of Lelouch's proposal. This was only because they really didn't give a flying fuck about how the Quincies were dealt with. However, this did in fact mean that Aizen believed in letting Lelouch have his chance. It benefitted him. It allowed him to see his rival's powerful intelligence at its most creative and with Lelouch focusing on the Quincies, Aizen figured Lelouch would have even less time to devote himself to keeping an eye on the 5th Division Captain.

Lelouch's proposal was accepted and integrated within the next three years.

Present Day

"So then why were you only passive up until now?" Rukia asked. "Shouldn't you have been helping us ever since I lost my powers?"

"That is indeed true." Uryu said. "I do know that exact day in mid-May when you transferred your powers to Kurosaki, but rules are rules. My pride as a Quincy refused to allow me to act without first being given clearance to do so. It was only the other day, shortly before Kurosaki got himself involved with Don Kanonji, that I was given the okay by Lamperouge-taicho. It surprises me though that nothing is being done about Kuchiki-san's predicament."

"A friend of mine said I will eventually receive retribution for my actions. She didn't exactly go reporting to her own captain about the truth and Lamperouge-taicho always has his own agenda. He probably wanted you to come in contact with us for some reason or another." Rukia said. "But wait, you can get in contact with him right? Could you let me speak with him?"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't speak with Lamperouge-taicho directly. I was one the phone with this weird monotone sounding Soul Reaper who just told me that I had orders to assist the resident Soul Reaper of Karakura Town." Uryu said.

"Okay, I really don't understand most of this, but the bottom line is that you're going to be helping me from now on right Ishida?" Ichigo asked.

"Those are my orders." Uryu said, pushing up his glasses.

"Good see you tomorrow in class then." Ichigo said. "Come on Rukia, I need to get something to eat." Ichigo stopped and then turned towards Ishida. "Hey, you wanna join us?"

"Don't mind if I do." Uryu said and the trio headed off to the nearest restaurant.

The trio sat down at a café a few blocks down and ordered food, despite the fact that they had already had lunch and the sun would be setting in a matter of hours. As they ate, Ichigo realized some important questions that hadn't been answered.

"Say, Ishida." He said. "If you're so good at sensing spirit energy and stuff does that mean you know about Fon-sensei being an exiled Soul Reaper and Tatsuki being spiritually aware?"

"Un." Uryu answered. "Well mostly. I've known about Fon-sensei being a Soul Reaper since the first day of class and know about Arisawa having reiatsu all of a sudden." He cupped his hand under his chin, "But an exiled Soul Reaper you say, that's certainly something interesting."

"I told you before, Ichigo." Rukia said. "Fon Shaolin is a former comrade of mine of a secret organization I promised Lamperouge-taicho I would never talk about. Of course considering you're not an affiliate of Soul Society it doesn't matter what I say. However, Fon Shaolin is no more a threat to the Soul Society than a domestic house cat."

"Still, Ishida if you're such a master of Soul Reaper knowledge didn't you find it odd that a Soul Reaper was teaching a living classroom?" Ichigo asked.

"Not really." Ishida pushed up his glasses. "Because Quincies are endangered the Soul Society has us under careful watch. I thought perhaps Fon-sensei was surveying me, but now that you've told me she's an exiled Soul Reaper that may not be the case."

"What should we do Rukia?" Ichigo asked.

"We do nothing." Rukia stated. "It's entirely possible that she's just trying to make a living, just as Urahara Kisuke runs a candy store."

"You know it's not nice to talk about people behind their backs, Kuchiki." Everyone's heads turned as they saw Soifon bearing down on them.

"Ah, Fon-sensei," Ichigo was the most nervous out of the three.

"I see you've met up with the local Quincy, eh Kurosaki?" Soifon asked.

"How long have you known?" Uryu asked.

"Since the first day of class." Soifon told him. "All of you finish your meal and follow me. There's something we need to discuss."

While Soifon got her students all in a group, Chad was just wandering through town, minding his own business.

Tatsuki and Orihime were sitting under a tree on school grounds, sharing some cupcakes that Orihime had bought to help the art club raise money for new craft materials.

"Tatsuki-chan." Orihime said.

"What is it?" Tatsuki said swallowing the cake in her mouth.

"I know you said that I shouldn't try and see spirits, but just the other day…I think I saw one." Tatsuki was ready to dismiss Orihime's claim, but if this was one of Orihime's wild antics she'd be jubilant. Orihime seemed rather calm and serine.

"You should be careful about how much time you spend with Orihime if you want to protect her. Now that your spiritual power has awakened it could rub off on her if you're not careful."

Sensei was right after all. "Tell me about it Orihime." Tatsuki said.

While Orihime recounted her tale, Soifon gathered her students together up on a bridge that connected the Kitakawase and the Tsubakidai districts. It was a path people hardly ever used to get in between the districts so they didn't have to worry about pedestrians for what Soifon had planned, or rather what Lelouch had planned that Soifon was carrying out on his behalf.

"Here's fine." Soifon said after she surveyed the area.

"Just what's this all about Fon-sensei?" Uryu asked.

"Kurosaki, I've observed you for quite a while performing your task as a Substitute Soul Reaper. I am even aware that you came in contact with Libra Naomi and that Rukia has told you all about what she knows of me, as well as bits and pieces of her sensei, my most trusted comrade, Captain Lamperouge Lelouch. Lamperouge-taicho is well aware of your existence and is keeping it a secret from the rest of the Soul Society. They will find out on their own eventually. Your existence won't remain hidden forever and they will take Rukia back." Soifon told him.

"What exactly is your point?" Ichigo asked.

"As a part of some sort of ridiculous plan, that I'm not allowed to tell you the details about, Kurosaki Ichigo I must test your capabilities as a Substitute Soul Reaper." Soifon declared. She took out a small coin sized object from her right jeans pocket.

"Sensei, is that really necessary to go to that sort of extreme?" Uryu asked.

"What is it Ishida?" Ichigo asked.

"That object in Fon-sensei's hand is bait. Quincies use it to attract hollows." Uryu stated.

"Sensei! You can't do that! You'll endanger everyone in Karakura Town!" Ichigo shouted.

"I know, and I am an exiled Soul Reaper so it's not a farfetched belief on the Soul Society's end that I would resort to such a tactic. I am branded a traitor for actions I still believe were the right thing to do. However, this action I do now, at my old friend's request is for your awakening Kurosaki. It's your awakening to see if you truly have the capability to call yourself a true Soul Reaper." Soifon stated.

"Why can't I just duel you?" Ichigo asked. "There have to be better ways!"

"Ichigo I am a captain class Soul Reaper, you're not even the strength of a tenth seat officer and your lack of experience wouldn't put you higher than fourteenth. There's no comparison. There are no alternatives. If there were easier solutions, understand that Lamperouge-taicho would've informed me of one. He hates endangering the innocent just as much as the rest of us do, but he says there is simply no other way." Soifon said to him. "Do not fret though. I'm not just going to be sitting around twiddling my thumbs. I've already sent word ahead to Urahara Kisuke. Kurosaki, you need to fend off this wave. The rest of us will cover the areas you cannot and protect the innocent. Ishida, as a Quincy respondent it's your duty to assist Kurosaki. You take care of anything he misses and keep him from getting himself killed."

"I understand sensei. I swear on my honor as a Quincy that I will not fail." Uryu stated.

"Then it's settled. Between us, Urahara Kisuke, and Arisawa we should have this covered. Let's begin." She broke the bait and the hollows emerged. The battle to test Ichigo had begun.

Of course, it turned into so much more than that. Lelouch knew, thanks to Tosen, that it was Aizen's aim to turn Ichigo into a substitute rival should Lelouch fail to hold up to Aizen's standards. Of course, turning the son of his former superior into a full-fledged Soul Reaper benefitted Lelouch too. If necessary he might need Ichigo to take down Aizen.

Aizen distrusted Tosen much these days. He couldn't be sure where the man's loyalties lay so he didn't tell him as much information as he told Gin. He did say he planned to turn Kurosaki Ichigo into a substitute rival, but he didn't tell him how he planned it.

Still, to meet Aizen's will, thanks to Naomi's report about Ichigo's potential and his heritage Lelouch knew it would be necessary to push Ichigo to his ultimate limit and that would mean forcing him into battle until he collapsed from exhaustion. Even Lelouch could not predict that such a move played right into Aizen's hands and that the man was going to use such a tactic to force Ichigo against a truly devious opponent: A menos grande.

Before the menos emerged however, another development occurred that Lelouch could not have predicted. Sado Yasutora became fully spiritually aware and gained power much like Tatsuki had a month earlier.

However, Chad was not the only one.

Back at the school, Orihime had finished her story to Tatsuki and the girl had done her best to try and tell Orihime that seeing ghosts was fine, that she would protect her if anything tried to hurt her. No sooner had she said that did a whole bunch of students begin swarming them. They all seemed drained of willpower like they were zombies, or the puppet on someone's strings.

What the hell? What's with those guys? Tatuski asked herself.

All of a sudden the students stopped lumbering and charged.

"Oh no you don't!" Tatsuki shouted. She leapt into action and began knocking out each student that came her way that tried to attack her and Orihime. "Orihime! Defend yourself! Pretend this is Final Fight with zombies!"

"What? Uh-um! Kiyah!" Orihime broke out her own karate and the two friends began fighting off the students swarming them.

The hollow controlling the students, Numb Chandler, noticed the resistance that Orihime and Tatsuki were putting up. What's this? It seems I have some resistance. No matter. They'll crack like the others. Numb Chandler began focusing her entire army of mind controlled students on Tatsuki and Orihime.

Dammit! Tatsuki thought to herself. I can't use my spiritual power on normal humans. She looked over to Orihime who was holding up pretty well. The triple d-cupped student was no slouch at self-defense, not the way Tatsuki had taught her.

However, just as things started looking up, Numb Chandler showed up to intervene. "So you two are the reason I'm starting lose so much of my mind controlled army."

"Oh, yeah, what's it to you, you big jellyfish?" Tatsuki asked.

"How could you do such a horrible thing?" Orihime asked. "That's so cruel."

"It's how their kind are, Orihime." Tatsuki said. "Hollows are the lowest forms of life on the face of the earth." She clenched her fist and imbued it with flame. "And that's why it's the job of people like Ichigo and me to get rid of them!" She ran at Numb Chandler. "Kaso Kobushi!" She drove her fist towards the hollow, but it defended itself with its tentacles. It got sent flying back several yards. Thankfully, Tatsuki had learned how to use her first technique more often. Now her limit was five times a day. She readied another strike, but instead of coming back at her directly Numb Chandler fired a series of darts over a long distance they were too fast for Tatsuki to see coming and they struck her in her abdomen chest and shoulder.

"Bahahahaha!" Numb Chandler appeared above Tatsuki and Orihime, the former of which was in incredible pain. "Let's so you fight back now, girl. With three of my seeds in you, you're mine to control!"

"Shut up…" Tatsuki grunted, getting her bearings. She lifted her head. "I'm not going to lose to a freak of nature like you." Tatsuki's willpower was off the charts. She was far too resilient to be controlled. She dug her foot into the ground. Let's see how that piece of seafood likes this one. Tatsuki took to the air and then brought her foot up for a roundhouse kick. "Kyoi Oba!" (Blazing Overdrive) Tatsuki drove her flaming foot into the Numb Chandler's side as if the hollow were a soccer ball. With force she aimed her foot down at the ground and sent the hollow careening into the ground, forming a crater. Tatsuki came down to the ground, using the spirit particles around her to help break her fall, an important lesson that her sensei had taught her. She landed and waited for Numb Chandler to strike back. She had learned that until a hollow's mask was shattered the battle was not over. They were like zombies: no headshot, no death. As Tatsuki crouched on the ground, panting, like a runner preparing to take off into a sprint another seed went streaming towards her. This one nailed her right in the forehead.

"TATSUKI-CHAN!" Orihime ran over to her friend who lay on the ground, twitching.

Numb Chandler cackled again. "That's what you get you tenacious bitch!" She looked at Orihime. "And now for you my pretty."

"Ori…hi…me." Tatsuki hacked.

"Tatsuki-chan." Orihime sobbed.

How awful…I made you cry…I'm such a...horrible person. Tatsuki's eyes closed.

Anger and rage took over Orihime. The normally passive teen was furious. She stood up, keeping her rage internal. "No one hurts Tatsuki." She turned towards Numb Chandler with a scowl that wouldn't look out of place on Ichigo's face. "Anyone who hurts my best friend answers to me!" And with that the Shun Shun Rikka were born.

10th Division

Soul Society

In his office, Lelouch was tossing a stress ball into the air and catching it as it came down. He was wondering how Ichigo would fare against so many hollows, despite those that were around to assist him.

A knock on his door soon led to the answer to his questions. "Come in." Lelouch stated.

It was Nemu. "Lelouch-sama, I have an urgent report." She handed Lelouch a set of documents and photographs that Lelouch scanned over.

"I see." Lelouch said. Looks like Kaien-san and Hisana are going to have to get involved. Not bad though Ichigo. That menos may not have been defeated, but to get it retreat is pretty impressive. Looks like your wanted adversary is growing just how you want him Aizen. Too bad for you, I plan to beat you myself. Lelouch thought to himself. "Thanks for this Nemu." He said.

"It's no trouble at all, Lelouch-sama." She said and began to leave.

"Nemu…about twenty years ago…I'm sorry." Lelouch said. Nemu stopped. "I didn't mean most of those things that I said. I care a lot about you, but I just can't let you get hurt. You mean everything to me and that is why we can't be together." Lelouch walked over to Nemu and wrapped his arms around her. "I can't let you be used as bait to draw me out. I can't subject you to that kind of danger even if I could get you out of it."

"But then why did you say that this was the end?" Nemu asked.

"Nemu…if you found out that I was not the person you thought I was…would you still revere me as you do?" Lelouch asked.

Nemu turned to look at Lelouch. "How could I not? You taught me how to live and how to think. Why would I refuse to revere you?"

Lelouch clenched Nemu's hands, folded her fingers and pushed her away so that she was at an arm's length. "I don't deserve the unconditional affection you give to me Nemu, but I am thankful for it and I want you to know that come what may that I care a lot about you too."

"I don't understand. Just what are you trying to say?" Nemu asked.

"That is something I cannot tell you." Lelouch said. "But to stop Aizen I must be willing to cast aside as much as needed, even if I must take him down with me or soil my reputation with so much sin that the sinners of hell would be saints by comparison." Nemu started to shed tears. Lelouch wiped them away. "Please Nemu, don't cry. You'll make this harder than it has to be."

"I just don't understand. If there's something troubling you, please tell me! I want to be of use to you! There must be something I can do for Lelouch-sama!"

"Then live well Nemu, and be happy." Lelouch told her with a smile. He walked away from her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm meeting Ukitake for Lusca-taicho for lunch."

Nemu remained standing there still uncertain of what had happened to Lelouch. My happiness is your happiness Lelouch-sama…when will you understand that?

End of Chapter 38

(A/N: What's gotten into Lelouch all of a sudden? Just what is that guy up to? Well, I know and I'm not telling. But more importantly, hooray for little things. Vera's back in action and Uryu isn't a total asshole. And also it seems as if Talbumosuke is becoming a more menacing figure. Note that this is because Lelouch, as Zero, destroyed the Atrumiers. Had Lelouch not interefered, Aizen would've had the support of the Atrumier family, but Talbumosuke would not have been so enraged and obsessive that he would've pushed himself to become as strong as he has become. Nice job breaking it Lelouch you created your own villain and problem. Next chapter Rukia will be brought back to the Soul Society and shit will really hit the fan from there. See you all next time).