
Chapter 28: Lelouch's Sorting Algorithm of Hollows

(A/N: Sorry for the wait folks, of course it's only been a few days so I don't think you'll all be complaining that much. It took me a while to figure out exactly how I wanted this chapter to go, plus the necessity to watch bits and pieces of episode 49 of Bleach. Anyway here we go).

Disclaimer: Bleach and Code Geass copyright their respective owners

3rd Person pov

It had been three years since Lelouch had geassed Mayuri into submission. The rather twisted captain still maintained his rather quirky and satanic personality, but for three years there hadn't been any screaming sounding through the research halls or bruises or blemishes inflicted upon Nemu…except for the one time she accidentally banged her knee against her desk as she got up in a hurry.

The Vice-Captain had remained 100% faithful to Lelouch because of what he did for her. Many members of the squad, plus Rangiku who saw Nemu regularly at the Soul Reaper Women's Association meetings, speculated more than just a working relationship between the Deputy Department Head and the Vice-Captain. When news of such rumors reached the offices of the Seireitei Communication the reporters immediately sensed a scoop. However, Lelouch refused to comment and Nemu merely stated the facts: that she and Lelouch were in a working relationship and were like siblings to each other. No development past that had occurred thus far.

In recent months Lelouch finished the wristbands he had been dedicated to finishing; he completed his work twice as fast with Nemu assisting him. He then passed the box of them to Kukaku, through Nemu. Kukaku then passed off the box to Soifon and Yoruichi. The two women delivered it to the Urahara Shop who was being paid quite a handsome sum out of Lelouch's own pocket to put the finishing touches on the devices. To Lelouch's surprise, part of the sum was sent back to him with a note that said: "Consider this a friendship and lifesaving discount".

In recent years Renji ratcheted himself up to 9th seat within the 11th Division. Rukia made her way to 7th seat under Kaien's guidance. Izuru had shifted divisions yet again, this time to 3rd Division under Captain Ichimaru where he became an 11th seat. Shuhei rose in rank to 5th seat, making him the Chief Editor of the Seireitei Communication. As a courtesy to Izuru, who Shuhei considered a friend, as Chief Editor of the paper Shuhei published some of Izuru's haikus in the Seireitei Communication. They were instantly popular.

It was Tosen himself who had declared Shuhei fit to be a senior officer, hence why the slightly inexperienced (Shuhei had only been a Soul Reaper for 11 years now) male had risen in ranks so quickly. Tosen commented that Shuhei could be looking at Vice-Captaincy within the next decade or so if he applied himself.

Susanna rose in rank to 4th seat after her predecessor died gloriously in battle. Rangiku also made her way to the exact same rank in her own division. Isshin, right now, was the only captain without a vice-captain. Yamamoto pressured him to find one so the Seireitei could be put back in fully functioning order, but Isshin said he had looked at all of the candidates and didn't see anyone who jumped out at being worthy for the position for the time being.

Although things were proceeding as normal for the Gotei, many things were happening behind the scenes, including Lelouch's investigation into Aizen's potential parasitic hollow. Kukaku was still looking for reported sightings, but so far there was no luck.

To further his own research, Lelouch was currently studying hollow anatomy. He'd go out into the field of reported hollow sightings, with Nemu and a few other researchers at his side, and study hollow attack patterns and abilities related to their physical features. His captain applauded Lelouch's tenacity for such research, often commenting how it was disappointing that he couldn't be out there with him, and also making remarks how it would be more interesting if the hollows actually ate some of the division members and how injuries would prove to be worth researching.

From these comments Lelouch realized a loophole in his orders: while Mayuri himself couldn't conduct unethical experiments or order others to do it in his place he could thrive on the idea. Lelouch found a bit of dark humor in how this sort of made his captain all talk.

The point of Lelouch's research was to ultimately create a bio-program on his lab computer that could pretty much allow him to create a virtual hollow. He had spent hours upon hours of this line of research for every day of every week of every month for the last three years. He was incredibly close to completing the algorithms. There were only a few, rare hollow species that he needed to find in order to complete his research. Things had gotten to the point where Lelouch could afford to cut back on the amount of people he needed to where he only needed Nemu and two volunteers since he had built tech to replace the need for live assistance.

If Lelouch didn't need anything on the type of hollow he encountered it was a simple matter of having Nemu take it out with Hakuda or him using a single kido spell to be done with it. If he encountered a hollow he needed something from, then the fun started. His two volunteers would bait the hollow engage it while Lelouch took notes on the hollow's abilities and form, using his tech to observe it from a safe distance as he drew sketches and took high-definition digital photographs. If the hollow got too close for comfort, or if Lelouch finished his analysis, Nemu would leap into action and exterminate the hollow. Lelouch was happy to have quite the competent and efficient fighter along for this excursion without the need to fall back on a combat expert from the 11th Division. It allowed for a lot less paperwork.

Lelouch wasn't worried of Aizen getting a hold of his research and realizing Lelouch's intentions with it. How could he know? Lelouch figured. If anyone took a look at Lelouch's research they would see that he was doing a great service to the Soul Society as a whole. If his research was completed it would become possible to identify hollows by groups and families, clusters, ability and rank simply by their appearance.

New class, hollow theory 101. Lelouch had mused to himself on more than one occasion. It was definitely true that his research would make for quite the interesting study material. However, while his research was vastly beneficial to the Soul Society, it would still be largely incomplete.

Lelouch's research only accounted for hollows below the Gillian class. He was not going to risk a whole platoon just to get information on menos composition and nature. His report would say as such that his work was not guaranteed to hold true for menos grande. What the report wouldn't say is that Lelouch was unconcerned with the menos altogether. He was convinced that Aizen's prototype symbiotic hollow would be a high class hollow without reaching menos territory.

Lelouch was currently in his office, as he had been for the past week, taking the time to analyze his data and start writing his 'build-a-hollow' virtual program. He had enough information to build a thorough database, but not enough to fully complete it. However, once the program was built, Lelouch would be able to determine if he had enough reference points to speculate what Aizen's hollow would look like and/or how it would be parasitic.

As Lelouch worked there was a buzz from the intercom. "Lelouch-sama, Kaien-sama is here to see you." Nemu said to him.

Lelouch wondered what his neighboring division's 2nd in command would want with him, but considering Kaien's connection to Kukaku, he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Send him to me." Lelouch responded. Kaien arrived at Lelouch's office within two minutes.

"Hey there Mr. Deputy Department Head, how are you?" Kaien greeted.

"Working diligently. I don't really have the time for a social call at the moment." Lelouch said curtly.

"I'll be brief then." Kaien said. "I know you and my sister are out looking for a specific kind of hollow and you yourself are also trying to put together this algorithm to determine how hollows work and all."

"Get to the point Kaien-san." Lelouch stressed.

"Right, so I sent Miyako and a couple of other officers on reconnaissance. We've heard word of a new kind of hollow roaming about causing a panic. Whatever information we receive I just wanted to let you know that we'll send the reports to you…you know in case it helps." Kaien told him.

"A hell butterfly would've been quicker than coming here on your own two feet." Lelouch stated abruptly as he continued to type with his keyboard sounding like machinegun fire.

"Saw right through that didn't you?" Kaien asked, dropping the friendly overtones. "It's just…I have a really bad feeling about this Lelouch, so does Rukia. What if this hollow is the hollow you and my sister are looking for? All the teams that have gone after it have been vanquished. No one's reported back alive to give detail. I don't want Miyako to wind up amongst the casualties. She's a third seat and she's capable, but she's also my wife. I'm just concerned."

Lelouch stopped typing and looked at his comrade. "What do you want me to do?" he asked.

Kaien scratched his head. "I know this is kind of irregular, and sounds so much better in my head than out loud, but is there any chance you could take some mobile lab equipment with you and set up a station in our division. It'll just be until Miyako gets back."

"You want me to be able to analyze data on the spot. You want to be able to act on a dime in the case of an emergency. On the off chance that this really is the hollow I've been looking for you want to be able to know how to approach it so you don't end up a victim." Lelouch said. Kaien merely nodded. Lelouch saved his work and shut his machine down. "Well, lucky for you, I'm not stubborn as to not act on someone's gut feeling. If there's a chance that this is the hollow I've been looking for, you can be sure I want to be on site. However, if I'm going to be on site, I want the VIP treatment." Lelouch joked.

Kaien laughed. "Three years and you haven't changed a single bit from being cooped up in a lab all day. No problem buddy."

Lelouch responded with a slight nod and then buzzed the intercom to tell Nemu to grab certain pieces of equipment and make her way to the 13th Division. Nemu complied and told him she would meet him there. By sunset, Lelouch was fully set up in an empty room within the 13th Division. There were so many cables strung about that it was impossible to get from the door to Lelouch without stepping on one. Thankfully most had very low tension so there wasn't much of an issue. Lelouch had just started working, and by this point putting the finishing touches on his program when Kiyone threw the door open. "Lelouch-senpai, come quick, trouble!" she cried out. Lelouch followed her to where Kaien, Rukia, Ukitake and a few other Soul Reapers were huddled around an unconscious Miyako.

"What happened?" Lelouch asked.

Kaien sighed, "Miyako is the only one who made it back. The rest of the reconnaissance team is reportedly wiped out."

"I see." Lelouch said. He was thankful that Miyako had made it back in one piece. However, as he looked over her body, something struck him as odd. "If there was a fight, don't you think Miyako should at least be injured." He said.

"Lelouch, what are you saying?" Kaien got irritated.

"Frankly, I don't know at the moment. However, I already have a full database on hollows that drain spirit energy. That is the only thing that could've left Miyako unconscious without any wounds. If I could please have some room," Lelouch excused his way forward. "Someone kill the lights." He requested. His request was carried out. "Nemu," he called, "Black light."

"Hai." Nemu handed him said object.

"What are you going to do with that?" Ukitake asked.

"Hollows that drain spirit energy leave an ultraviolet mark on their victims. This can show me where she was attacked and how. If this is our mystery hollow though, no marks will show, unless she was attacked from behind." Lelouch scanned the black light over Miyako's body, carefully noting the complete lack of markings. "Kaien-san, I need to examine her back." Kaien turned Miyako on her side so Lelouch could check for markings on her backside. No such things appeared. "Lights." Lelouch said. The lights came back on.

"No markings, what does this tell you Lelouch?" Ukitake asked him.

"It means that this is indeed the work of our mystery hollow. I'd like to have Miyako in my room for examination. Also, the hollow may come back this way. It might feel bold enough that it believes it can break through an entire division and eliminate the only Soul Reaper to bear witness to it and live. Also, there's a chance it might have done something to Miyako. If she awakens there's no guarantee she won't turn hostile. Some hollows have that ability and that's a database I still haven't quite finished yet."

"I'll set up watch around the perimeter. Sentaro, Kiyone, please watch over Lelouch and Kurotsuchi-fukutaicho." Ukitake instructed.

"What about Vera?" Lelouch asked. "I'd feel rather comfortable with her around."

Kaien sucked in a pained breath, realizing the problem.

"What, what did I say?"

"Vera was…part of that reconnaissance unit Lelouch." Rukia told him.

Lelouch turned wide eyed. Vera's dead? He shook his head from side to side. No…no, I'm not about to break down. Lelouch took a deep breath and kept his composure. I will cease being traumatized by the loss of close comrades. "I…see." Lelouch stated aloud.

"Lelouch, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Kaien apologized. He figured Lelouch might blame himself for Vera's death since he was the one who requested her transfer, but Kaien knew that if anyone were to be blamed it should be him for sending Vera out on the mission. Ukitake knew however that the hollow was to be blamed for Vera's death and that no one should start slandering the other. Both men stayed silent of such thoughts however.

The only thing Lelouch said was. "You couldn't have known that this is how things would turn out." He then gestured to Nemu to follow him back to his makeshift lab.

Lelouch secured a few mechanisms to Miyako's wrists and her head. He also latched her feet to the floor on the off chance she turned hostile. Nemu kept guard directly over Lelouch. She would not see harm come to him while she was fit to do anything about it. She put herself on full alert.

Lelouch continued to work on his program and saved after every little thing he did. If Miyako turned hostile there was no chance she wouldn't attack him or damage his program in her aggression. His elephantine memory would be a substantial backup on the off chance things were damaged, but it would be an annoyance if he had to retype any amount of the program.

At the same time, the division watch was discussing all of the events that had played up thus far.

"Hey did you hear the Vice-Captain called for Lelouch's assistance?"

"Really? Lelouch is back? I had no idea."

"Apparently the Vice-Captain thinks he can help with the hollow that attacked Miyako-san."

"I hope she's okay."

"Relax, Lelouch is looking after her. That guy is a genius, I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Still she lost her entire unit and I heard that silent girl, Vera was part of it."

"Really, the goth chick?"

"That's what I heard. Still, that Vera gal is so creepy maybe her Zanpakuto lets her come back from the dead or something."

The laughter that ensued afterwards was cut off by the rustling of leaves. The men turned towards the source of the noise. From out of the bushes, bleeding like crazy from head to toe, missing both an eye and a hand, leaves clinging to her damaged Shihakusho and panting over and over, was Vera.


An alert was sent out and Lelouch immediately saved his work and left his post to check up on his supposed to be dead comrade. "Move!" He shouted and began unloading several injections of blood clotting serum into Vera's veins.

"Le…louch." Vera wheezed on the blood in her throat when she realized it was him.

"Vera, don't talk, you're going to be all right." Lelouch told her. I will not fail again, I won't lose another comrade.

Vera gripped his Shihakusho tightly with her hand. "Shiba-sama…she…"

"Vera you don't need to talk. I can understand you fine when you don't talk." Lelouch told her. Vera understood her comrade and instead used the blood pouring from her body and wrote Miyako's name in Kanji on his sleeve with her finger. Lelouch, seeing this looked at Vera closely who shut and mimicked the face of someone being in immense pain. Lelouch perfectly understood what was going on by that point. He sent out a hell butterfly to 4th Division, requesting assistance for Vera. He ran back to his lab to find his terminal trashed and Miyako gone. He ejected the backup CD from the damaged terminal and asked Nemu to set things up with the spare he had set up behind the bookcase. Time was of the essence, he knew Kaien well enough that he would go after Miyako stating her honor to have been defiled. Lelouch had to analyze the situation right and proper or run the risk of Kaien meeting the same fate as his wife. It was time for the young self-proclaimed chessmaster to put his algorithm to the test.

At this same time, Kaien and the others were finding out about Miyako's fate. Kaien chased after the fiend that he believed to have taken control of his wife. Ukitake boldly went with him and requested Rukia join the two of them.

He turned towards Sentaro and Kiyone. "Mobilize the squad to battle stations. Check on Lelouch and see if he's all right. If he's uninjured I want to hear word from him. He's a hollow expert and we'll need all the information we can."

"Yes sir!" Both division members ran off and split up. While Sentaro rallied the division, Kiyone went to check on Lelouch. She found him in the room the squad had rented out to him, working diligently on rebooting his program. She saw the wreck around him.

"Lelouch, the captain asked us to make an inquiry on your status!" Kiyone announced.

"I'm uninjured for the moment. I just came back from overseeing Vera's status. I'm assuming the alert reached the captain." Lelouch stated.

"Yes sir." Kiyone stated. "Also, Miyako-san…"

"I'm well aware of what's become of Miyako, right now I'm about to test my algorithm and see if I can't properly analyze the enemy."

Kiyone relaxed a small amount. She knew it was just like Lelouch to be one step ahead of everyone else.

Lelouch got to work as he started up the program. Miyako wasn't injured. Vera was. I know Vera well enough. The hollow possessed Miyako and then attacked everyone else, just as it probably attacked other Soul Reapers in order to goad the captain and Kaien after it. It's like with Grand Fisher, this hollow was given superior artificial intelligence to the rank and file. Lelouch thought as he analyzed the situation and began entering parameters. However, using the ultra violet scan, I didn't depict any sort of markings to indicate any drainage of spirit energy, which means the hollow didn't drain Miyako's energy at all. It's as if it simply became her. Looking at Vera, I can gather what happened next. While in Miyako's body, the hollow wiped out the rest of the unit. However it has to be able to shed the body it has possessed, otherwise we would've heard reports of rogue Soul Reapers rather than a mysterious hollow. However, going by Vera's injuries it has to have some form of combat ability. Miyako's Zanpakuto can't do the kind of damage Vera sustained on its own. Lelouch's typing slowed and he had a realization. That's it. The situation of what happened began to play out in his head as he typed away at the keys once more: Vera had been attacked first by the oncoming hollow, however she was clearly outmatched. When the hollow tried to possess her, Miyako had become a willing victim in order to protect Vera. Vera, not quite understanding of her surroundings, possibly having lost her eye before Miyako intervened, was then attacked by the woman she trusted and presumed dead with her injuries. Vera your tenacity is going to be what keeps everyone else alive. Lelouch thought to himself. He only knew about less than half a dozen ways hollows could do such precise injuries such as gouging out someone's eyeball. However, as Lelouch took a mental snapshot of Vera's condition, he remembered seeing no indication of the attack being through and through or at an angle. Which means the hollow went straight at her eye with a fine pointed strike. Lelouch continued entering the parameters and also entered the potentiality of being able to destroy a Zanpakuto. If Aizen did indeed develop an anti-Soul Reaper hollow, I cannot discredit this possibility.

After he was done, Lelouch hit the calculate button to see what his algorithm would generate. He was given only 1 potential anatomical structure. "Nemu, print this!" he commanded. He grabbed the printout and was out the door.

"Ah, Lelouch-sama, where are you going?" Nemu asked.

"I have to help Kaien-san, Ukitake-taicho and Rukia." He said. He looked over the printout he had grabbed as he made his way towards where he sensed Ukitake, Kaien and Rukia's reiatsu. "Oh dammit!" he swore when he read his computer's analysis of the hollow's tentacles. "Oh dammit, do not let me be late!" He picked up speed with Shunpo. "Dammit!" he swore again and drew out his sword. "Rally and Motivate, Eien Tamashi!" Lelouch cast aside his documents wrapped himself up in his came. He reappeared right in the thick of the battlefield where a five percent difference in anatomy of the hollow Lelouch's computer had generated was battling with an unarmed Kaien. He watched as the hollow's tentacles built up in a bunch upon its back. "Oh like hell you are!" Lelouch held out a straight arm. "Hado 33, Sokatsui!" He fired the Kido straight at the hollow, blasting some of the tentacles off of it and causing the hollow to retreat, having taken a pretty nasty injury. It would be back soon, but it would give Lelouch time to give Kaien an analysis of the situation.

Of course, rather than being grateful for being saved, Kaien whacked Lelouch across the face and held him up by the lapels of his Shihakusho. "Lelouch, why did you interefere?" he shouted.

"Excuse me," Lelouch commented coldly, "Don't act like you wanted to die back there."

"I had him right where I wanted him." Kaien growled.

"Drop your testosterone level about five clicks and you'll realize just how stupid that sounds given the situation. I just saved your life. You can act a little more grateful. That hollow is going to be back. If you want to have your revenge without losing your life, you'd better listen to me because I don't have a lot of time." Lelouch responded calmly.

Kaien put him down. "Talk." He said.

"I just put my algorithm to the test. If I hadn't stepped in just now you would've wound up just like Miyako, a puppet on that hollow's strings. The only way to kill the hollow would be to kill you. Do you really think anyone would want that on their conscience?" Lelouch asked with a glare.

Kaien realized the point Lelouch was making.

"I lost someone very dear to me because of their desire for revenge on the honor of the woman she loved. I'm not going to let history repeat itself while I can still do something about it!" Lelouch declared. "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. Perhaps you'd still be able to use Nejibana if I had."

"I'll take out that thing with my bare hands if I need to." Kaien said. "Just tell me how I can win."

Lelouch could see that direct interference would only anger Kaien into feeling inept and unable to defend and avenge Miyako's honor. Lelouch took a deep breath. "All right listen to me then and you'll make it out of this alive."

While Lelouch and Kaien discussed the finer points of strategy, Metastacia healed his wounds, dealt to him by Lelouch and went back out into the open to slaughter him and Kaien, or better yet take command of one and use him to kill the other. The very idea made Metastacia tingle with glee.

"Hey you! Ugly!" Metastacia heard the voice of the Soul Reaper he had failed to possess call out to him. He looked up to see Kaien in the treetops. "You want me, come and get me you rejected horror film monster."

Angered Metastacia chased after Kaien.

"Hollows are incredibly prideful, taunt them and they'll give chase." Kaien remembered Lelouch's tip off.

The 13th Division Vice-Captain deftly used Shunpo to lead the tentacle-backed hollow into a narrow path. Trees surrounded them on either side, making the battlefield quite linear.

"Your enemy is rather large. If you can lead him to an enclosed space it'll make it hard for him to move around freely. Your speed and much smaller frame will give you a great advantage." Kaien remembered Lelouch's advice.

Metastacia attacked Kaien with his tentacles to ensnare the Vice-Captain only for Kaien to turn and attack with…a blade?

Metastacia's tentacles were cut off and Kaien stood, holding a katana. "That's impossible! I destroyed your Zanpakuto's blade!" Metastacia was baffled. A Soul Reaper's Zanpakuto could not recover itself unless the wielder lost consciousness. There was no way this Soul Reaper had been knocked unconscious long enough for his Zanpakuto to recover and then shaken awake and still have the combat capacity to face him head on.

"You underestimate the power of Soul Reapers, or perhaps your ability isn't as absolute as you thought." Kaien taunted. He swung his blade with both hands and took a stance to face the scum that killed his wife.

Metastacia growled and attacked Kaien with his tentacles. Kaien cut them away with the blade in his hand. "Blasted Soul Reaper." Metastacia sharpened his tentacles to the consistency of spear tips.

Lelouch's words rang in Kaien's head. "Watch out for when he sharpens those tentacles on his back; the attacks will come in rapid fire at that point."

"Bakudo 39: Enkosen!" Kaien protected himself from Metastacia's attacks. He then Shunpoed around to Metastacia's right flank and leapt at a nearby tree and pushed of the trunk for leverage. Kaien took a sweeping arc strike and severed of Metastacia's tentacles that were still attacking his Kido shield before using the hollow's back to push himself into another leap and landing on top of a sturdy tree branch. He about face and turned towards Metastacia who was severely damaged by Kaien's assault. Blood dripped from his severed tentacles.

"Damn you, you filthy Soul Reaper!" Metastacia shouted.

"That's my line you putrid hollow!" Kaien shouted as he swung the sword he was holding out at his side, shaking some of the blood off of it. "I told you before that you would pay for what you did to Miyako. I will make good on that declaration."

Metastacia laughed in disbelief. "You think that I'll listen to you. I am the Ultimate Bane of Soul Reapers. You cannot defeat me! I will make you suffer!" Metastacia attacked Kaien in an attempt to possess him.

"When he tries to possess you he will be at his most vulnerable. Kido is effective on the tentacles. Don't even try to cut them, you'll run the risk of ending up like Miyako."

Kaien put away the sword he had and held up his hands so that his wrists touched each other and his knuckles were bent. "Hado 73: Soren Sokatsui!"

"What?" Metastacia looked up in horror as his tentacles were destroyed.

"After that, all that's left is the coup de grace."

As Metastacia's body fell into a disjointed mass of pieces Kaien walked straight up to his head, glaring down at the hollow. He held his hand in front of him. "With this blow, it ends." Kaien gathered red energy in his palm. "Hado 31: Shakkaho!" He shot Metastacia right between the eyes. The mask dissolved and the rest of the body went with it. Miyako…I avenged you. Kaien thought to himself.

"Kaien-dono!" Rukia's voice called out.

"Kaien-fukutaicho!" Sentaro and Kiyone could be heard. All three came running up towards the Squad Vice-Captain, with Lelouch and Ukitake along with them. Lelouch was beaming.

"I told you he'd be fine." He told the formerly worried seated officers. He walked casually up to Kaien.

Rukia was the first to notice the sword sheathed at Kaien's side. She saw how the handle was vibrant red. "Kaien-dono, that Zanpakuto."

"Hmm, oh right…" he unsheathed it and sent it spinning lightly through the air where the tip sank into the ground in front of Lelouch's feet. "You can have that back."

"Thanks." Lelouch said and tossed Kaien's own bladeless Zanpakuto towards him. "If it doesn't recover on its own you should stop by our division. We have ways of repairing broken Zanpakuto now."

"Wait, this was the strategy you came up with?" Rukia asked. "I thought you didn't want anyone's help so you could defend Miyako-san's honor."

"Lelouch didn't help Kaien." Ukitake stated. "Not in a way to detract from Kaien's honor at least. Lelouch had full belief in Kaien's ability to win on his own. His aid was verbal. He was supporting him in giving him strategy. By lending Kaien his Zanpakuto he allowed the hollow to doubt its own superiority."

"It wasn't a huge problem with me. Once Kaien explained that the hollow's Zanpakuto destruction could only occur once a night I handed him Eien Tamashi without hesitation. He needed a blade and I was more than willing to lend him mine since I was content with not partaking in the fight." Lelouch responded.

"Lelouch provided me with information he knew about the hollow and some tricks to turn the tide in my favor, the rest of the fight was still up to me to win or lose." Kaien answered.

"Which you won and it also proves my algorithm to be a success. It saved the life of a Vice-Captain." Lelouch seemed proud of his accomplishment.

"It did indeed at that. Does this mean that your algorithm would be considered complete?" Ukitake asked.

"Mostly. The prediction it made on this particular hollow was ninety-five percent accurate." Lelouch responded.

"I see. How long do you think it will take before it is fully completed?" Ukitake asked.

"It depends on how much help I have to complete it." Lelouch responded. "But I only need five specific hollow types for it to be fully functional. Why do you ask?"

"Kurosaki-taicho is still looking for a Vice-Captain. Given the events of tonight, I think you'd be remarkable candidate for such things." Ukitake complimented.

"It's very kind that you would say that, but don't forget that I'm in a different division now." Lelouch said.

"I haven't forgotten, but I hope you haven't forgotten that captains are allowed to pick qualified Soul Reapers just as much as Soul Reapers are allowed to apply for their position. I know that the tenth division is home to some…sorrowful memories for you, but for the sake of the Gotei, I would hope you could let go of the pain for the sake of the greater good. You are a remarkable Soul Reaper, Lelouch. I've watched you grow over the last eighty years. I believe you would be perfect to serve as a Vice-Captain." Ukitake praised.

"Thank you, but finishing this algorithm is very important to me and I can only do that with the Research Department's equipment. However…when I finish," Lelouch smiled, "I'd be more than happy to take that position if Isshin-taicho would accept me."

Ukitake smiled and with a few slight nods to the others everyone headed back to the division together. That night of horrors ended, but the repercussions lingered for a long time after.

One month after that night, a small memorial service was held for Miyako. Rukia, Ukitake and Lelouch all attended.

After five months, Lelouch completed his algorithm and was applauded for his ingenuity. Lelouch was offered a chance to join the Central Forty Six due to his intellectual grandeur. He showed the proper respect in rejecting the offer. His letter said:

To the congregation of the Central Forty Six,

I am honored that you would consider asking me to become a part of your ranks. However, my purpose, my place as it were, is amongst the ranks of the Gotei. I have a dream, a dream that can only be accomplished by being a soldier. I feel I can be of more use with the sword than with words. Thank you anyway.


Lamperouge Lelouch

3rd Seat of Division 12

Deputy Department Head of the Department of Research and Development

What his letter basically amounted to, and the thoughts that had gone through Lelouch's head at the time were: "Fuck you. Go to hell. This is what you get for sentencing Urahara Kisuke to exile and letting my pleas for bringing Kurotsuchi Mayuri to trial fall on deaf ears."

The Central Forty Six, while disappointed, were understanding, and respectful of Lelouch's desires. Lelouch did however, two months after that, wind up as Kurosaki Isshin's lieutenant. The next academic year, basic hollow understanding was added to the curriculum. It was a joint effort of Lelouch and the Head Captain to make it happen.

As a result of the research's success and practicality, a large budget increase was added to the department of research and development, much to Kurotsuchi Mayuri's pleasure.

An article in the paper was published about Lelouch's research after he was interviewed by none other than Hisagi Shuhei. Most of the answers to Shuhei's questions Lelouch had prepared in advance. He concealed the truth rather well, making his research out to be a desire to protect the weak and save lives.

"Since knowing is half the battle, I felt part of that knowing should include understanding the enemy's power. For the weak it is a tool of survival. For the strong it is a tool of assistance."

"What about the Squad Eleven members? Don't you feel as if some would consider your research pointless?" Shuhei had asked.

"My research is for those that need it. People like Zaraki-taicho can afford to not have to worry about how to take down an enemy. They just can." Lelouch had responded.

Aizen had seen the article himself. He began to wonder if perhaps he was wrong about Lelouch. It was true that there was a chance that Lelouch could be lying that all of his research was for the benefit of the Soul Society, but Lelouch had never done anything overt to get in the man's way. The only one who had was Zero, the blasted phantom Soul Reaper that Aizen could find little to no information on. He was Aizen's main focus and the lack of information he could find was driving him mad with frustration. It was as if the entity known as Zero only existed to get in his way. He had saved Urahara Kisuke who was no doubt squandering in a section of the World of the Living somewhere and he had also driven Hisana out of his division.

It was true that Lelouch had saved Shiba Kaien, whose death Aizen had planned to use to drive Kuchiki Rukia into a deep depression to which, at a later date, would benefit his "Master Plan" and had also protected Hinamori Momo, Kira Izuru, Kuchiki Rukia, and Abarai Renji and won their affection, but Aizen could not, with absolute certainty, place that upon an inner hatred Lelouch had for him. After all, it was he who brought Lelouch to the Soul Society in the first place. All the aforementioned individuals were friends of the now famous Soul Reaper so the reason could've mostly been played to Lelouch acting in good faith towards his friends.

Aizen found Lelouch to be a mystery. He read Lelouch's psychological profile time and again, but there was nothing that suggested Lelouch to be the diabolical mastermind he was on the inside. What Aizen didn't know was that, at the time of joining the Shino Academy, Lelouch was already atoning for sins he had committed, with noble intentions, while he was alive. Aizen could not understand how Lelouch could go through such heart wrenching events such as losing Akari-taicho, being betrayed by Soifon, of whom he considered a close friend, and losing Homura-taicho, of whom many speculated she and Lelouch had something going on between them, and not grow to hate the Soul Society as Kaname did.

Unfortunately for Aizen, he had a piece of the puzzle that was a falsehood: Soifon betraying Lelouch. If he knew that, in reality, Lelouch knew about the truth that occurred when Hirako-taicho and the others were extradited from the Soul Society, he would think of things differently. He also didn't know that Lelouch was the one who had originally investigated the Aisels. As far as he knew, and anyone else for that matter, it was the Shibas who had helped Byakuya uncover the truth behind his parent's deaths. While such matters were impossible to link back to Aizen, only Hoshima, it embittered Aizen in a way that he sent Metastacia after Shiba Kaien, to shake their resolve.

Another piece of the puzzle Aizen did not have was that Hoshima had blabbed about their connection to each other to Lelouch. He also had no idea that Homura Yuna had passed on all her investigative materials to Lelouch. He had seen Homura's documents when he ransacked her office the day she died. Hoshima had been bitter about Lelouch sniffing him out and therefore wanted the boy dead. Aizen took that moment to his advantage.

He remembered how gullible Kurosaki Isshin had been when he mentioned he merely needed something from Yuna's office and he would get it himself. Aizen knew that Yuna didn't have anything to directly tie him to Hoshima or the Urahara Kisuke incident. Whatever power she had to lock him up was in her testimony and he had done away with that.

He had no idea about Yuna's diary and the secrets that had been in it. He had discovered that Yuna had found about Hoshima's connection to him all on her own. Or rather, he heard about it from Hoshima. He had no idea Yuna had a written record, in her diary, about their connection.

And so, Aizen was left bewildered and confused about the entity known as Lamperouge Lelouch. He thought about eliminating Lelouch. The long-lived Soul Reaper in a teenage body was slowly turning into a threat. He was a Vice-Captain and he hadn't been subjected to the power of Kyoka Suigetsu. Aizen had tried to do away with Lelouch. If Lelouch had turned him down when he offered join forces he was prepared to kill him. He was content with letting Lelouch's messenger go, but unfortunately Gin had been rather "trigger happy" that day. Coincidentally Lelouch never came by Aizen's office with any form of paperwork. He came by the division, but Aizen could never get Lelouch to simply stay and chat in his office. Lelouch's excuses were always the same: "too busy for a social call" "Promised someone else he would do something" and the 'someone' and 'something' were always very specific. Aizen couldn't fault a Soul Reaper dedicated to his work and was keen on his promises. However, it drove him nuts, internally of course, that Lelouch could act so nonchalant about losing people around him.

He couldn't do away with him now though; he'd never be able to cover it up. Lelouch was not only popular, but he was revered by the Central Forty Six enough that they asked him to join. It shocked everyone, including Aizen, when Lelouch turned down the request. Many Soul Reapers would jump at the chance. Aizen just couldn't figure Lelouch out. Lelouch's popularity wasn't about to go away either.

Creating an algorithm to perfectly sort hollows? Aizen scoffed the idea when he heard Lelouch had come up with it. He didn't think it was possible. Aizen understood hollow's well enough to create hollowfication, Grand Fisher, Metastacia and was starting to work towards artificial arrancar, but he didn't think it was possible to create an algorithm to sort hollows like they were a 6th type of kingdom. However, Lelouch's algorithm was flawless. Aizen tested it himself and spent weeks trying to trip it up. He failed miserably. The fact that Lelouch had pulled it off and used the algorithm to defeat Metastacia was mind boggling.

Aizen found it aggravating that Lelouch had such talent and, like Urahara Kisuke, was wasting it. Unlike Urahara, however, Lelouch was backed up by fame and popularity. Urahara was considered a mastermind for creating the Department of Research and Development. Aizen knew it wouldn't be disbelieving for such a man to use that as an excuse to perform twisted experiments. There was nothing he could do to counteract Lelouch's popularity, no skeletons in his closet, no history to speak of, not one little itsy bitsy misdemeanor.

The more Aizen thought about it the more he realized that this could prove rather entertaining. Zero was still a thorn in Aizen's side and would no doubt show himself when Aizen unveiled his true nature to the Soul Society, but Aizen was very interested in seeing how Lelouch would respond to his true nature.

I believe I may have found a very worthy opponent. Aizen had thought to himself. In truth Lamperouge Lelouch does not hold the capabilities to reach the potential I aim for, but he will make for quite the interesting adversary.

Vera had managed to survive the events of that hellish evening and after a long time at the 4th Division's care ward, was fit to work again. She had an eye-band over her now missing left eye. And Lelouch had surgically given her a prosthetic hand. However, when she returned to work, the others noticed that Vera seemed unhappy. She was like a skittish cat in a rocking chair factory. Vera had always been anti-social and quiet, but she had never been Sociophobic.

Upon realizing this, Ukitake called in Lelouch, of whom Vera did not reject. Lelouch spoke with her, as he did with Vera, very few words and understanding her silent language. After their 'discussion' he spoke with Ukitake.

"Well, what is it?" the white-haired captain had desired to know.

"From what I can tell she's been severely traumatized by the events from that night. She might be unfit to work." Lelouch had pondered.

"Then…I will set up formal discharge papers." Ukitake sighed. "My only concern is that Vera will have nowhere to go. She's a Rukongai civilian and the Central Forty Six would never allow her to remain on the Seireitei grounds without a place of residence, neither would Yamamoto-sensei."

"Poor Vera." Lelouch was concerned for the girl. He couldn't just go back in that room and tell her she was being kicked out onto the street. His mind raced and he thought of something "Ukitake-taicho, does your family forbid adoptions of non-nobility?"

"I…don't believe so…why?" It didn't take him long to realize the answer to his own question. "Oh, I think I understand. You don't want to see Vera kicked out onto the streets and you know that I've been good to her. You're wondering if I could send her to live with my brothers and sisters since the life of a Soul Reaper was all Vera had here. I must admit that I believe that to send Vera out into the Rukongai in her condition would be the same as a death sentence. Very well, I shall discuss this with my relatives when next I see them. It'll be an extra mouth to feed, but being nobility doesn't make that much of an issue."

Things turned out well on that end. Uktake's siblings, especially his sisters, were more than happy to welcome a new addition to the family. Vera was given the news by Lelouch the day of her discharge, which was two months after his original discussion with Ukitake. During that time Ukitake had allowed Vera to do what she wanted and spread her work out amongst others, explaining the situation. Food was left for her if she didn't voluntarily get anything from the mess hall.

"Vera, are you here?" Lelouch had asked when he went to go see her. The traumatized girl got out from her hiding place and stood in front of Lelouch, ready to listen. "I don't know if you're aware, but Ukitake-taicho and I put a formal discharge notice for you about two months ago." Vera had looked forlorn she knew that if she was no longer a Soul Reaper she would be sent back out into Rukongai. "However, I spoke with the captain. He's going to adopt you as one of his sisters into the Ukitake family. You would be all right with that wouldn't you?" Vera had been confused, unknowing how to respond. "I know this probably seems weird, but we both agreed it was better than kicking you out on the street. I couldn't live with myself if we allowed that. However…this…will probably be the last time we see each other, like this." Vera had looked sad. She liked Lelouch. He was the only person who ever really understood her. Even when he was underneath her, she always liked their one-sided chats.

She had no attraction towards the Vice-Captain, but she really enjoyed his company. A tear fell from her eye. Lelouch had wiped it away with his thumb. "Hey, don't cry. I'll do my best to come and visit. Just…take care of yourself all right?" Vera had nodded and tried to smile. "Also…I wanted to thank you." Vera had looked surprised and pointed to herself. "Yes." Lelouch had answered her silently asked question. "If you hadn't come back that evening I don't think I would've been able to put my algorithm together properly. If not for you…Kaien might not still be around." Lelouch had become even less formal with Kaien upon attaining the exact same rank. Kaien had allowed it. "This," he had held something out to her, "is a token of my thanks." It was a mahogany colored, plastic wristband with a large circular device where one would normally expect the face of a watch. Vera took the wristband and put it on her wrist with her organic hand. She looked at it with child-like fascination. "I had hoped that you would be one of my comrades in my upcoming organization, but…I guess even the best laid plans can go astray. Still I want you to have this as a token of my appreciation. Thank you for being my friend Vera. I'll always value the time we spent as comrades in arms."

Tears had fallen from Vera's eye and she sniffed. "Lelouch." She ran forward and hugged him tightly. She let out small sobs. He had called her a friend, something Vera had never had before. He had also given her a family, something she had never had before either. Lelouch had been so good to her for as long as she had known him.

Lelouch returned Vera's hug. He was saddened to see the silent girl go, but it had to be done. At least she's alive. Lelouch thought to himself. At least I managed to save someone this time.

It had been over three years since Miyako's death. In three months it would be four. That morning Isshin delivered a package to Lelouch from Kukaku. Lelouch opened the package revealing a small box with several different colored wristbands inside. There was a note on the inside of the top cover of the box:

Dear Lelouch,

Mission Accomplished


Lelouch knew the 'UK' stood for Urahara Kisuke. That devilish grin of his that he grinned when his plans were on the verge of coming together crept onto Lelouch's face. It's time. He thought to himself. My ultimate plan is about to be set underway.

To be continued…

(A/N: Kaien lives! And we find out what Aizen makes of Lelouch and just what in the hell is Lelouch up to? Well you'll find that out next chapter. From this point forward the series is going to be strictly in 3rd person. Lelouch is still the main focus, but scenes such as the battle with Kaien and Metastacia show why I am in need to switch to third person narrative. Also, eventually the focus will shift away from Lelouch entirely. Why? I can't tell you that. It's a secret. Anyway, see you all next time).