
Chapter 19: Lelouch and Yuna Take Vengeance

(A/N: Ok NOW I think that you guys will hate me at the end of the chapter).

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

Lelouch's pov

My investigation into Aizen was as dry as the river beds on Mars. I had been trying to follow up the two leads I had on him for the last five years and I was turning up with nothing to show for it. I passed on my leads to Kukaku and I haven't gotten a single letter in the last five years. I haven't had nightmares ever since I returned from my mission to Karakura Town. I figure this means that now that I know the truth that my nightmares are over.

I was sitting in my office today, minding my own business and doing my work. I was just about to start on my last slip of paperwork when a hell butterfly flew into my office through an open window and fluttered about my office. I held up my index finger to let it fly onto my finger. The message was clear as day and from a voice I never wanted to hear again in my life:

"I have your captain. If you want to see her, come to the South Rukongai Three at nightfall."

Hoshima! I grit my teeth and nearly squashed the Hell Butterfly on my finger with my free hand. I ran to Yuna's office. This was a trick. It had to be. There's no way Yuna would allow herself to be captured.

She wasn't there. I went looking for Isshin-fukutaicho, to see if he knew anything. I found him in the cafeteria. I calmed myself, tried to pretend like nothing was wrong. "Oh, hey Lelouch, what's up?" he asked me upon seeing me.

"Fukutaicho, have you seen the captain?" I asked him.

"Oh, yeah, I guess you wouldn't know, locked away in your room. Yuna left about a week ago on a mission, said it was something personal. She put me in charge until I got back. She said she would get back today though." Isshin-fukutaicho told me.

"I see…thank you." I said with a polite smile. I bolted out into the streets of the Seireitai. He has her. Week long assignment my foot! Damn you Hoshima! I ran out to the South Rukongai gate area. I stopped when I spotted the gate guard. "Hikonyuto!" I looked up at the giant guardian.

"Hmm." He looked down at me.

"Hikonyuto, did Captain Homura come by this way recently?" I asked.

"Of course she did, about a week ago, if memory serves. She was in a hurry, like something important was happening." Hikonyuto told me.

"I see, thank you." I said and ran out into Rukongai with Shunpo. I got as far as South Rukongai Two before stopping. It was the middle of the morning. I had all day to practice.

Lelouch, this is suicide.

Not with Geass it isn't. I told Eien Tamashi as I sat down and laid my Zanpakuto across my lap. I'm coming in.

I had been practicing with Eien Tamashi consistently ever since I learned her power. I had fully mastered Kokoro Hasai. Now all I needed to do was snap my fingers to activate the attack. I didn't even need to call it out. I had also fully mastered the shield ability. Now I could fully hold out a stable energy kite shield to protect me from attacks. Recently Eien Tamashi taught me a new technique. I basically wrap myself up in my cape and I can teleport instantly over short distances. Unlike Shunpo, which requires actual foot movement, my teleportation is instantaneous as if the reishi particles that made up my body became translated to another area in the time-space continuum. All of my abilities were all fine for protection, escapism and showing off, but if I was going to fight someone who could quite possibly drop me in two seconds I would need some kind of edge, an offensive ability of some sort.

As I entered my inner world I found myself now able to see almost all of the board, but I was still only up as high as half the pieces on it. The only pieces invisible to me were the location of the black queen, the white king and a single pawn of each color.

Eien Tamashi appeared before me. Her expression was one indicating she was not happy with me. "I know my opinion probably doesn't matter, but I think you're crazy."

I chuckled. "C.C would probably tell me the same thing right about now."

"Lelouch this isn't worth it. We have worked too hard to get you where you are. If you die it's all over."

"You forget, the vision I saw proves that I become a captain." I said.

"Stop acting like your invincible just because you saw something into the future. The timeline is not fixed Lelouch." Eien Tamashi told me.

"Who can say?" I asked. "What if I am not the first Lelouch vi Britannia to cross through this point in time? This cycle could have repeated itself across a thousand timelines and the result is still the same."

"We don't know that and I'm not about to let you try." Eien Tamashi growled.

"I'm going to help Yuna whether you want to help me or not. She is my captain. If someone finds out that I knew she was in trouble and did nothing about it…"

"Then go back to the Seireitai and alert one of the other captains. This isn't something you can handle." Eien Tamashi told me.

"Do you really think I'm so stupid as though I'm going to attack Hoshima head on?" I asked. Eien Tamashi grew silent. "Once I'm certain of Yuna's position, I'm going to use the third ability you've taught me, grab her and run until she is able to fight and then leave the rest to her. However, that's easier said than done. Hoshima will no doubt have the ability to fight back against someone like me. Kido is just not going to cut it as a distraction. Shakkaho, Okasen and Sokatsui are too weak without a chant at my level of reiatsu to affect a captain and Soren Sokatsui and Hiryugekizoku Shintenraiho are too telegraphed and slow to execute in rapid succession. I need something more, something I'm hoping you can offer me." I flung my arm out at my side. "Give me a blade of grass and I will create a meadow. Give me a rock and I will create a mountain. Give me a drop of water and I will create an ocean. Give a grain of sand and I will create a wasteland. Give me power and I will create a world."

"Stubborn as all hell, completely reckless and no consideration for your own existence," Eien Tamashi sighed. "Very well, there is one thing I can teach you. It's one of the two offensive powers of your Shikai, but for a single opponent this one will prove far more useful than the other."

"Thank you Eien Tamashi." I told her. "You will not regret this." She formed into her sword form and I released her and emerged in my Shikai form, ready to practice. "So, what do I do?"

"Remember how you used your spiritual energy to create barriers?" Eien Tamashi asked me.

"Yes." I responded.

"This is going to be similar, but you will be attacking instead of defending." She answered.

"I think I understand." I said. "Give me some targets."

Eien Tamashi created some human sized chess pieces to fight me around my inner world. I did exactly as she suggested and focused my spirit energy to create black energy blasts from the palm of my hand. Depending on how I focused my energy I could fire several weak ones in rapid sucession. I could create a moderately powerful one which didn't take any time, but I could still only fire one. Or I could take aim, focus my energy really well and fire off a rather powerful shot, which exploded into a powerful splash attack. The first two varieties of my attack were the size of a standard Shakkaho blast. The third variety was like three of them stuck together. It was when I used one of the stronger ones that I realized that these weren't just energy blasts. They were black fireballs. All three attacks flew far and fast. I measured for distance, speed, and velocity. I also learned that they were stronger in long range and point blank range than in medium range. My shots would come off strong, slow down and then accelerate off towards long distance targets.

There were several problems with this new technique. For starters I couldn't maintain a shield with one hand and fire with the other. The second defect was that these shots fatigued me rather quickly. Eien Tamashi said that if I was practicing outside my inner world that I would've collapsed five times over already. It didn't matter, to face Hoshima all I would need was a quick barrage, grab Yuna and bolt. I had this offensive power and it would serve me well for the evening.

South Rukongai Three


I waited in the middle of a forest, away from civilization. Hoshima would come. The man would probably rub it in my face too so I figured he'd come at me head on. And he did.

He came up from behind, but he walked at a slow pace and stopped a good distance away from me. He hadn't changed much. Other than the fact that his hair had become an unruly mess, still blocking one of his eyes and sticking out every which direction, he still looked the same. However, he no longer wore a Soul Reaper uniform. Instead he was wearing a form fitting black shirt that showed off his intense muscle tone and pair of bright blue jeans. "Looking for someone Lamperouge Lelouch?"

"I'm flattered that you remember my name." I said with a snarl.

"How could I send you a Hell Butterfly if I did not?" he asked.

"Don't play around with me. You don't need a name to send a Hell Butterfly only an image. But that doesn't matter, what have you done with Yuna?" I asked.

"First name basis towards your own captain, my, she means more to you than I thought." Hoshima chuckled.

"Where is she?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"If you want her back, perhaps you'd consider playing a little gentlemanly sport first?" He asked.

Damn him. I can't use my Geass. I haven't forgotten his Zanpakuto's special power. For all I know I could be talking to an astral image. I won't waste my edge. "What kind of sport?" I asked.

"The usual kind," Hoshima drew out his sword, "We fight like men. Last one standing is the victor."

Shit! I drew out my sword and made to block as Hoshima came flying at me. My necessity to block was proven unnecessary when a blade intercepted Hoshima's attack. Green hair cascaded in front of my eyes. Yuna…she's ok.

"That was quite the nasty trap you set for me." Yuna spoke to Hoshima, pressing her sword into his as she protected me from his blow. "When you called me out last week and told me to prepare I didn't think you'd try to drag Lelouch into this as well. The Soul Society declared you legally dead and no longer a threat considering you haven't done anything over so many years, but I knew you were still alive, just waiting for a chance to strike back and here we are." Yuna pushed back Hoshima back to his original starting position. "Lelouch." She spoke to me. "I want you to watch and observe carefully. If I am unable to defeat Hoshima, it'll be up to you to finish the job.

"You can count on me." I told Yuna and found a safe place to watch the fight, namely several meters away from her and Hoshima, just within the forest, with a Kido barrier surrounding me to shield me from their reiatsu.

"Then let us begin," Hoshima held out his sword upside down with his hand. "Burst, Kemuriakuma!" Instantly several clones of Hoshima appeared and surrounded Yuna from all angles.

"Motivate, Yogo Keikai!" Yuna released her Zanpakuto and created the black two-handed sword I had only seen her create once before. With a fierce 270 degree spin she wiped out all of Hoshima's clones with a fierce gale force strike. They all disappeared into wisps of smoke. Hoshima came leaping from on high into the air. Yuna sidestepped his attack and swung. She swung right through it and it also disappeared.

"Yuna, behind you!" I shouted.

Hoshima came from out of the forest and attacked Yuna with a pivoting sweep. She met him with her sword as the ground tore up around Hoshima. "Chikyu no Kiba." (Fang of the Earth) Stalagmites rose out of the ground and swallowed Hoshima like a pair of jaws.

However, that too was but an illusion. "Hado 73, Soren Sokatsui!" The blast of energy came from far away.

Yuna let out a fierce battle cry and swung her sword. She used a high pressurized wind attack to slice through the Kido and attack Hoshima from where the attack had come from. Hoshima then appeared behind her via Shunpo. Yuna blocked backhanded with only one hand on her oversized sword. She pointed her free hand over the shoulder. "Hado 4, Byakurai!" Hoshima backflipped a couple of times dodging out of the way of the Kido. "You dodged. Does that mean that this is the real you?" Yuna asked.

"Who can say?" Hoshima asked only for another version of him to come at Yuna from behind, appearing via Shunpo and stabbing her in the back.

"Yuna!" I shouted.

She went limp, only for her body to turn to stone and dissipate.

She appeared behind the Hoshima that was now in front of where she had been. She was holding her blade above her head with both hands. Bright blue energy radiated from it. This…this is…

"Hado 77: Ten Tsubasa!" (Heaven Blade) Yuna's Shikai became a bright blue energy sword that extended off three times her sword's normal size. She swung down and crushed both Hoshima's in her wake. The energy dissipated and Yuna was left holding her Shikai. She immediately turned and leapt out of the way as a Sokatsui blast went sailing past her. "Hado 33 Sokatsui!" she fired it back where it came from only to turn, pivot and swing low, destroying another one of Hoshima's clones.

Come on Lelouch, think this through. I thought to myself. There's gotta be some way to determine where the real Hoshima is. Something in his movement or their attack patterns that indicate where he is. Come on think. I closed my eyes and that's when I was able to pick up on all reiatsu's in the general area. There were only three, mine, Yuna's and Hoshima's, but that was all I needed to be able to detect. There were also multiple strands of Hoshima's spiritual pressure. So that means they're all him, but the reiatsu of each individual clone dissipates when it's felled.. However, maybe if I stay like this I can pick something out. I followed the battle with my sixth sense entirely. After a few rounds I noticed that one of the reiatsu's wasn't moving. I opened my eyes. There was nothing where there was the motionless reiatsu to see. Wait…could he have activated Bakudo 26 before the fight started? Only one way to find out. I dispelled my Kido barrier. "Bakudo 61: Rikujokoro!" I took aim at the empty air. When it slammed into the air instead of collapsing, I knew I had something. "Yuna!" I called to her.

She let out a battle cry and slashed Hoshima down the center, ripping through my Kido, and causing him to appear. He bled. I got the real Hoshima. His smoke clones dissipated.

"Damn." He swore.

"It's finished Hoshima. Give up." Yuna told him.

"On the contrary." He said with a maddened grin. "It's only just begun." He swung at Yuna and she dodged by sticking her sword into the ground and used it as a fulcrum to back flip over it. Hoshima held his sword out so that it was parallel with the ground and thrust his free arm out behind him. He also bent his knees. "Bankai!" A change took hold of Hoshima. His sword grew out until it was black and jagged on both sides. The guard became the shape of an angry skull that had a face on both sides. A crimson gauntlet formed along his free arm that had ducts running along it in pairs of two. Spikes launched up along the shoulder end of the gauntlet. A silver trench coat draped itself around Hoshima and fastened itself onto him by a chain that wrapped around his sword arm and also by locking into his gauntlet arm. It was also connected to him at the neckline like my Zanpakuto's cape was. "Shinku Pimarai Kemuriakuma." (Crimson Twin Lotus Smoke Devil)

"Nice form." Yuna said and took back her stance. She squatted on her feet, putting most of her weight on her back leg and held her sword up by her face, both hands on the handle, pointing straight at Hoshima. "Bankai." Yuna's sword changed so that it took the shape of a long, curved, sparkling katana. It was much more balanced than her Shikai blade. It looked as if it could be wielded with one hand. It had a simple wooden handle. Golden runes, the same as the red ones that ran along Yuna's Shikai, ran up the length of the blade on both sides. Besides this marvelous looking blade nothing else about Yuna's appearance changed. "Yogo Keikai no Chujitsuna Kishi." (Championed Vigilance of the Loyal Knight)

"That's it?" Hoshima asked. "That measly looking weapon? That's your bankai?" he asked.

"Don't mock it just because of its size. I worked for a long time to get this power: the power to crush you once and for all Hoshima."

"Then let us put that power to the test." Hoshima held up his sword. "I'm ready when you are." Yuna and Hoshima went at each other and collided swords. Although Yuna's sword could be wielded with one hand, she insisted on wielding it with two. I guess her free hand had to do something. The handle was long enough for both hands. Hoshima came swinging down. Yuna swung across and then had her blade ride the ridges in Hoshima's blade, causing him to stumble forward. Yuna brought her sword down only for her blade to slice through Hoshima's coat as if she were cutting smoke.

"What?" Yuna gasped before Hoshima took a swing at her. She blocked with her blade.

"My Bankai takes my illusionary powers one step further and allows me to transform any part of my body into smoke. In this form I am one with my Zanpakuto." He spun in a counter clockwise motion and aimed at Yuna's neck. Her body dispersed into a spectrum of light. She reappeared right behind Hoshima and charged straight at him, sword at chest level. She made to run him through but his entire body dispersed into mist. He reformed after Yuna passed through him. She turned on a dime as he reformed his body.

"Impressive, so that little sword of yours isn't just for show after all." Hoshima commented.

"One does not need to be flashy to be a true master of the blade." Yuna replied. "Your power is cowardly. If you truly wish to finish this then abandon your cowardice and face me head on."

"You're right Homura Yuna, why should I run from your strikes." He bent his gauntleted arm. "I'll take you on with my Zanpakuto's greatest power." Thick fog began to disperse from Hoshima's gauntlet. It encompassed the area and made things too hard to see. "What will you do now Homura Yuna?" Hoshima taunted. "Can you face an opponent you cannot even see?"

A bright light shone through the center of the fog and then completely dispersed it Hoshima was left in a daze and the source of the light was Yuna, holding her sword above her head. She took aim at Hoshima, sword glowing as bright as the sun itself. "Taiyoga Seijo-ki!" (Solar Fang Purifier) Yuna swung her sword with all her might as a white energy arc came slamming off of Yuna's Zanpakuto and collided with Hoshima while he was still disoriented. His trench coat became shredded and he was no bleeding down the front of his chest. Yuna came at Hoshima with a leaping strike, both hands on her blade. He blocked with his sword. Yuna slid her blade along Hoshima's blade and then slashed him along his shoulder line. He retreated back and used his gauntlet to spray mist about the area. Yuna was attacked from her right flank, but as Hoshima swung down a spectrum of light followed Yuna as she took several steps forward, causing Hoshima to miss his swing.

"What's going on? Is this the power of your Zanpakuto?" Hoshima grit his teeth.

"Yes." Yuna held up her sword with one hand. "Yogo Keikai grants me the power to command the four naturally occurring elements in nature: air, earth, water and fire. However, there is a fifth element that exists in nature that is more powerful and more abundant in all the world and that is light. To control and bend light to my will is Yogo Keikai's true power."

"But how are you doing it now. It's the middle of the night." Hoshima growled.

"There is always light, even in the deepest shadows. We humans see in many different colors. As long as there is visible light, I can use Yogo Keikai to light up even the darkest shadows, illuminate the thickest fog and smite the evilest of demons, like yourself." Yuna explained.

So her power is fixed upon light? I suppose it's a good thing she and I are not together. My soul is far too stained with darkness. I thought to myself.

"I've already figured out how your Zanpaktuo works Hoshima." Yuna declared. "You can fade into smoke, you can create smoke and you can turn your body into smoke."

"Just because you know the trick does not mean you can best it. Come," Hoshima held up his sword, "I will show you how conceited those thoughts are."

Yuna gripped her sword and swung it with tremendous force. "Taiyoga Seijo-ki!" She struck Hoshima with a fierce attack and then ran forward and plunged her sword deep into Hoshima's gut. When I saw what had occurred, Yuna had her sword plunged deep into Hoshima's body. His head was lazily rolled back. Something wasn't right though. I could still feel Hoshima's reiatsu and it wasn't waning.

Wait…no don't tell me! "Yuna, look out!" I shouted. Hoshima smirked and then kicked Yuna off him revealing that he had turned the spot where she had struck him into smoke, preventing her from doing him any harm with her stab. He then twirled his sword, put both hands on the blade, and struck down Yuna's body from shoulder to opposite hip. "Yuna!" I ran over to her as she fell to the ground onto her back and stopped Hoshima as he went to deliver the final blow, blocking his attack with my drawn Zanpakuto. "No!" I declared.

"I am a former captain Lelouch, You cannot hope to defeat me." Hoshima scoffed. Before I even had time to blink Hoshima's sword was through my shoulder. It was a sharp, stinging pain. It hurt badly, but the wound was not damaging enough to make me lose consciousness. I played possum. I dropped my sword arm and free hand at my side to try and see if Hoshima would go on to brag about his reasons for doing all of this. I figured he might. He was an arrogant, and naïve type of villain. If he believed victory was assured he'd start mocking his fallen enemies. And I was right. "You cannot stop me Lelouch, Akari could not. Homura Yuna failed and now you and your captain will die. It's quite pathetic. Aizen will be quite pleased with my work."

"What the hell…" I pretend to be in severe pain. "Does Aizen Sosuke have to do with this?"

"Oh, you didn't know? Well I suppose it doesn't matter since you're about to be dead soon anyway. Akari didn't know. She was convinced I was the real threat. Homura Yuna figured it out though. She knew Aizen and I were connected, but she never put two and two together. I assumed with how close you two were that she would've told you, but it appears I was mistaken. You see Aizen and I are both after the same thing, we both want revolution for the Soul Society. It was his idea and after finding out about it I decided to help."

"You want…revolution?" I asked. "Your so called revolution demands that you kill honest, hardworking soldiers like Akari-taicho and banish good natured men like Urahara Kisuke."

"They were all fools. They all have the power to act, but they squander it and waste their days away, protecting what should be destroyed and rebuilt." Hoshima boasted.

"So…your objective is the Royal Dimension? The Soul King?" I asked.

"Indeed, but we have not the numbers to challenge the Soul Society. We also do not have the ability to enter the Royal Dimension. Surely you know the reason for that." Hoshima stated.

"The Oken, of which only the Captain Commander knows its location." I answered.

"Precisely. However, Aizen believes there might be a way to create an Oken of our own." Hoshima explained.

"And what about you? What's your role in all this?" I asked.

"I am to act as the Red Herring. As long as the Soul Society commits resources to taking me out Aizen can work in peace without people being aware of his true nature." Hoshima stated.

"Does that include acting in his place and following Hirako-taicho around for an entire month?" I asked.

"Ah, so you are aware of this whole affair after all. All the more reason to kill you." Hoshima stated.

I smirked. I think that about covers everything I need to know. "Thanks, but I plan to keep on living." I grabbed hold of Hoshima's sword arm and then plunged my sword deep into his heart, shoving it all the way in. Hoshima chucked me away. I quickly scampered to my feet. My sword acted like a plug on Hoshima's wound. If he carelessly removed my sword he would bleed out in seconds. He also couldn't charge at me to take me down. His Bankai disengaged. I was winning.

"Damn you!" Hoshima panted.

"Hoshima, if you and Aizen truly wanted revolution, you should've just asked me. I have my own plan for recalibrating the Soul Society that doesn't involve the bloodshed of innocent people." I declared.

"You…you sound so much like Akari now. She was so naïve. 'The Soul Society functions fine the way it does. There is no need for revolution'."

"I am not that naïve to believe that there is no need for change. Change is inevitable; my plan is evidence of that. There are things that must change in the Soul Society, but for change to occur, trash like you and Aizen need to go first." I told Hoshima.

"Wait perhaps we can work together." Hoshima dropped his sword and extended his arm to me. "You allow me to live and we can crush Aizen together."

"Do you take me for a fool! Besides I would never side with anyone who has harmed those close to me."

"You rescind my right to life, simply because I caused your captain to die? Do you hold that long of a grudge."

"No, I don't." I said and shunpoed to my blade, both hands on it. I twisted the sword ninety degrees to the right. "This final blow," I gripped my sword tightly, "is for Yuna!" I hacked down and away, pulling out Hoshima's heart with my slash. Hoshima fell to his knees and then dropped to the ground. I flung his heart off my blade and to make certain of his death I cut off his. I put then put my sword away and then knelt down next to Yuna. Her wound was deep. Her entire torso was slashed open. It was one slash, but it was very deep.

Yuna…forgive me. I despaired. I heard coughing. She's alive.

"Le…" she coughed, "Lelouch?" She touched my hand.

"Yuna…you're alive."

"Has…has…" she coughed again, blood coated her lips.

"Don't talk you've been cut pretty badly." I told her. I focused my mind and prepared to heal her. This wouldn't end like it did with Akari-taicho. I wasn't about to let Yuna die.

"Has…Mari-sama…been…avenged?" Yuna asked as I healed her.

I nodded. "She has Yuna." I smiled. "Hoshima is dead."

She smiled, blood trickling from her mouth. "I'm so…happy." She smiled and tears began to flow from her face.

I could feel her reiatsu fading. "Yuna! No! Stay with me!"

"Lelouch…I…I can't see anymore. Everything's becoming...blurry." Yuna said weakly.

No. This isn't happening! Not now! Not to Yuna! I tried to stay calm. I will save her. It'll be different this time.

Yuna reached up and touched my face. "Thank you Lelouch…goodbye."

"No! Yuna! Don't!" I shouted. I ripped off my contact lens. "Yuna you have to live! Yuna!" Her eyes slowly closed and her hand fell to the side. Her head tilted to the side. Her body went cold. A smile was still upon her face. "Yuna?" I called to her. "Don't do this to me Yuna. Say something! Oh god," Tears started to well up in my eyes, "Yuna, don't do this to me. Yuna?" She was unresponsive. "Yuna!" I grabbed her hand, tears flowing freely down my face. There was no pulse. I looked up at the moon and shouted in anguish. "YUNA!"


If I had known things would turn out like this…

I would've told you…

How I felt about you.

End of Chapter 19

(A/N: And this is why I thought you people would hate me. Yes, Yuna just died on Lelouch and Lelouch is having a very similar reaction to when Shirley died. I'd write a little more, but I think you all will need time for this to sink in. I'm going to write the next chapter soon. Bye.)