
Chapter 17: The Truth about Lelouch's Nightmares

(A/N: I have nothing to say other than…WHY THE FUCK DID I WATCH AMV HELL DIVIDED BY ZERO AGAIN?)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

Lelouch's pov

I've been back with the 10th Division for five years now. To be honest I'm…sort of glad to be here. Yuna is a fine captain, everyone was happy to see her. Vera was happy to see me too. She actually said, out loud, "It's good to see you again." She's still mostly quiet, but she's coming around. I've been working with her, but I still haven't found out why she stays so silent all the time.

Rangiku has been acting like we're the best of friends since we're of equal rank. She's always inviting me out to drink or go partying. One time Isshin-fukutaicho actually encouraged it when I tried to use him as an excuse not to go. Thankfully Yuna overheard the conversation and told us all to go back to work.

Yuna's a fair captain; she's so much like Akari-taicho. I think that's really all she knows how to do. Akari-taicho was her world and Hoshima shattered it. Yuna has said she hasn't given up on looking for Hoshima and I believe her. I just hope we can find him soon. Hoshima has been on the run for thirty nine years now. It irritates me that he's escaped custody for this long. Then again, his Zanpakuto makes for the perfect escape act.

I haven't told Yuna about Aizen. As much as I believe I can trust her, I simply can't risk that anyone could listen in on even a private conversation. Every time I think of a reason to tell her, I'm able to come up with five reasons not to. I feel things are better this way. Unlike Hoshima, Aizen isn't a known villain to the rest of the Soul Society. To everyone besides Gin and me, he is the most charismatic, chivalrous, and clever captain within the current Gotei.

Right now I'm just outside the Seireitai, practicing with my Zanpakuto. I'm trying to master the shield projection ability that Eien Tamashi taught me. I have a freedom in 10th Division I didn't have in 12th Division. Most of that is due to the fact that I don't have to do work for the research bureau anymore. As I continue to practice I can feel my reiatsu begin to drop below 50% its maximum. I was starting to get tired and sweat was trickling down my forehead under the hot, spring time sun. After practicing until I dropped below 30% I sealed Eien Tamashi and grabbed a hand towel to clean the sweat off my face.

"Lelouch!" I heard a voice call out to me. I turned to see Rangiku coming my way.

"Oh, Rangiku. What is it?" I asked.

"The captain asked me to come get you. She wants to see you in her office. She has an assignment for you." Rangiku said.

I had hoped that this assignment was going to be related to Hoshima in some way, but it turned out that it wasn't. In fact, it turned out to be much more complicated than that.

"You wanted to see my Yuna?" I asked as I walked into her office.

"Yes. I have an assignment for you Lelouch, come hither." She beckoned. I stood in front of her desk. She put a file folder out in front of me and began to brief me on my assignment to be. "We, on the Gotei as a whole, have sent several Soul Reapers to a specific cluster of sectors in the World of the Living over the last few years. A few came back reporting sightings of a woman with green hair that seemed to be attracting hollows more often than usual to this specific sector. To further the investigation, the Onmitsukido was sent out to gather a visual on this woman. You can find some photos attached to the file." Yuna told me.

I couldn't believe who I saw when I started going through the pictures. This…this is…

"I'm sending you to the last known sector where she was seen, Karakura Town in the country Japan on the world Earth. Your job is to try and get in contact with this woman and see if you can find out if she has any connection to the hollow attacks. If she's commanding hollows, Central Forty Six has given the order for her death. If she is just a human with spiritual power you are to question her and find out more about her. We need to know what we're dealing with here."

"Why…me?" I asked. Why am I going after C.C? This can't be coincidence. It can't!

"At the last Captain's meeting the Head Captain needed someone with stealth skill that was part of both the second Division, but was not actually in the 2nd Division, knew the name of their Zanpakuto and was in between tenth to eighth seat. I nominated you immediately. None of the other captains put forth any volunteers so you're stuck with the job."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. At least it's not a conspiracy or something Aizen cooked up. "Who was the first to find this woman?" I asked.

"That would be our own Taka Natsumi about six years ago when she was a thirteenth seat." Yuna stated.

I knew I'd be going back eventually…I never thought it would be this soon. I thought to myself.

"Central Forty Six has asked that you depart as soon as possible. Take whatever you think you will need. You will be stationed in the world of the living for three months. Be sure to report in regularly. Now, do you have any questions?" Yuna wanted to know.

I do have questions, but you can't answer them. I thought to myself. "I can leave within twelve hours. Just give me time to gather some things." I told Yuna.

"Twelve hours it is. Good luck Lelouch. Do not fail us."

Karakura Town

My arrival in the Japan had me dropped off near a river about a couple meters from a bridge. Everything looked like how it should be, but there was one problem: there was no sign that the Britannia Empire had ever been here. Karakura Town, as I remembered, had been destroyed during the war, and was one of the areas that Euphie had planned to rebuild. It had only been half a century, but I figured there would be some remnant of the empire somewhere in the town. However, there was nothing. It was weird, and it was bugging me to no end.

I do not have time to ponder this. I thought to myself. I have to find C.C. That is my top priority right now. I whipped out my Soul Pager to check for hollow activity. So far the radar was blank. According to the reports, C.C shows up every time there's a hollow attack. Something tells me they're being drawn to her spiritual power and, typical her, she just stands and watches with that bored expression on her face while she watches the Soul Reapers and hollows do battle.

I continued to walk around the town, searching for C.C. The search was like looking for a very small needle in a very large hay stack though. As I walked through the streets I noticed that there were zero Britannians walking the streets. Even stranger, one would think that even if Britannia's influence disappeared that the Britannians that were already living here would still be here. Just what's going on?

As I continued to walk, trying to figure this all out, I picked up a high powered reiatsu. It was captain class. My first thought: Hoshima. I tore after it, it was just across the street through the busy intersection. The presence had now noticed me and was on the run. I used air walking to get over traffic and chased after the individual. I was almost certain now that I was on Hoshima's track. Discovering captain class spiritual pressure, belonging to a Soul Reaper that didn't want to be found could only mean a rogue Soul Reaper.

I continued to chase after my target until I reached the rooftop of a building. However, who I saw wasn't Hoshima. It wasn't C.C either. It was a woman with short, jet-black hair. She had two braids extending off of her hair in the back, with rings attached to them. She was wearing a sleeveless black t-shirt and form fitting black jeans with a hornet crest patterned onto the outsides of her legs. She was wearing a bright yellow vest over her shirt and was wearing a chain belt around her waist. She was wearing black sneakers and she had a sword sheathed behind her back at her waistline. Her back was to me. She wasn't alarmed by my presence, but she was very close to the edge of the roof. With her speed and ability she could leap from this rooftop to the next in a single bound if she so desired.

"Soi…fon?" I took one step towards her.

"That's close enough Lamperouge Lelouch!" she shouted without turning to look at me. I halted my advance on a dime. "For what reason are you here?"

"I'm on a mission, trying to track down a human with spiritual power. I didn't even know you were here." I told Soifon.

"So the Soul Society has not found us?" She asked.

"No, and I won't be the one to tell them." I told her.

"Discard your weapon." She said.

"What?" I was confused.

"Discard your weapon. I must test if I can trust you. Friend or not, the fact remains is that I have counted the days to when the Soul Society would eventually track us down. And for that I must make sure your intentions of conversing with me are pure. I am only going to say this one last time. Discard your weapon." Soifon told me. I did as she asked. I wasn't here to find her or the others. This was a chance meeting.

In an instant Soifon disappeared and the next thing I knew her sword was drawn on me, pointing straight at my neck. I didn't flinch. I had a feeling she might pull something like that. She was intent on seeing my reaction and depending on how I reacted she would determine if she could trust me or not. Soifon looked at me with hostile eyes momentarily, but then withdrew her sword from me and put it away. She smiled at me. "It's good to see you again, Lelouch…my friend."

I picked my sword back up. "It's good to see you again too Soifon." I gave her my hand and she shook it.

"So, if you're not here to find Yoruichi-sama and me, what are you here for?" she asked.

"I've been asked to find a woman with green hair with spiritual power. Perhaps you've seen her. She's one hundred sixty seven centimeters tall and is very fond of pizza. She goes by the name of C.C." I told Soifon.

Soifon shook her head. "No, sorry can't say I've seen her. You might want to try asking Urahara Kisuke though."

"Can you take me to him?" I asked.

"You want me to take you to see Urahara Kisuke?" Soifon chuckled. "Are you serious? I hate that man's guts. The moment we got to this world Yoruichi-sama and I spilt up and Hirako-taicho's group split up from the rest of us."

"Speaking of Yoruichi, where is she?" I asked.

"She and I have an apartment not too far from here. It's just the two of us. The rent is cheap and we've got a nice view of the town." Soifon stated.

"Sounds like you're living out your fantasy." I teased. "You…Yoruichi…together…alone."

Soifon turned red. She coughed. "Y-yes…well…we…we're very happy together. Er…not that we're together like we're together, but I mean…you know."

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed Little Bee." Both Soifon and I turned to see Yoruichi standing atop a higher portion of the roof.

"Ah! Yoruichi-sama!" Soifon called out to her.

Yorucihi somersaulted off her perch and landed near the two of us. Her appearance had changed too. Yoruichi's hair was longer. It reached down to her waist, tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a form fitting black shirt and tights. She was wearing an orange vest over her top. "Nice to see you Lelouch." Yoruichi smiled at me.

"Just how much of the conversation did you overhear?" I asked her.

"All of it." Yoruichi stated calmly. "Soifon's right though, Kisuke could probably show you where to find your mystery woman." She pointed east. "He has a shop just east of here. It's a little shack in between two large apartment complexes across from more apartment complexes. You can't miss it."

"You're not going to show me the way?" I asked. "Soifon I can understand, but you…"

"Soifon and I are supposed to be having lunch together right about now. Your arrival wasn't exactly scheduled." Yoruichi replied. "Don't worry. You're good at focusing in on Spiritual Pressure so finding him won't be too much trouble for you."

"Well, if you say so." I said. As I walked past Yoruichi and Soifon I smirked and said, "It was nice seeing the two of you again," before taking off. As I made my way back through town my Soul Pager finally went off, indicating a hollow alert.

I immediately turned my attention to the incoming alert and went off towards the attacking hollows. There were three of them, each of a B-class.

Child's play. I thought to myself. I wouldn't even need Eien Tamashi for this one. I took aim at each of the hollows and blasted each one away with a Sokatsui blast. With the hollows purified I lowered myself to the ground and looked around for any sign of C.C.

"Looking for something?" There was no mistaking it. That was her voice. I turned sharply to see her coming around from the alleyway corner. She was…dressed differently than when I had known her. She was wearing a black skirt with red embroidery and a button down black shirt that didn't cover her shoulders. She was wearing a lace broach around her neck and was wearing a pair of fingerless, save for her thumb, leather gloves that ran up to her elbows.

"Yes, you." I told C.C. "I have a couple of questions for you, perhaps you can answer them."

"Now what questions would you, a Soul Reaper, have with someone like me?" C.C asked.

"You…know what a Soul Reaper is?" I asked.

"I've encountered many over the course of my life, your outfit is unmistakable. Of course, recently it seems hollows have decided I might make a mighty tasty snack." C.C said to me.

"Well you always were a mite tasty." I said to her.

"I…beg your pardon?" she was confused.

"Are you feeling all right?" I asked her. Something's not right here.

"You…have we…met before?" she asked.

Her words shot through me like they did when she lost her memory. "What are you talking about? Did you lose your memory again?"

C.C looked up at the sky. "I don't know what you're getting so worked up about, but it seems to me like you're the one who is confused here, perhaps mistaking me for someone else. I've never seen you before in my entire life."

I laughed. "I get it. This is just another one of your jokes. It's been fifty years so you pretend like you've forgotten me. That's cute C.C, it really is."

"You…who are you…how do you know my name?"

This charade was getting annoying. "You…you really don't know who I am? It's me, Lelouch vi Britannia. You formed a contract with me when I was alive. You were my accomplice, as you called it, when I rebelled against Britannia. Don't you remember any of that?"

C.C was silent for a moment and looked directly at me with that sullen gaze of hers. "It seems you are not aware of your surroundings. I think I understand the situation you are in now, better than you do."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"We shall meet again once you understand the true nature of how things are. Until then…Lelouch vi Britannia." She turned to walk down the alley way.

"Oh no, you don't! Get back here!" I shouted and chased after her, but as I turned the corner I saw that C.C had completely disappeared. Wh-where did she go? I wondered. I scowled. What did she mean by 'I don't understand the situation I'm in? What's that supposed to mean?'

Perhaps Urahara might be able to help you with something. You should stop by and see him. Eien Tamashi suggested.

Yeah…I suppose that's all I can do for now.

Urahara Shoten

Well Yoruichi was right about one thing. This store was kind of hard to miss. Atop the front door was a big huge sign with the words "Urahara Shoten" written across the top in Japanese Kanji.

I walked up the front steps and walked in. It was a store so it wasn't like I was walking in on private property or anything. The lights were off in the store, which struck me as odd.

If they were closed for business they should've locked the door, or at the very least put a closed sign on it. "Hello?" I called out. "Urahara-san? Commander Tsukabishi?"

The lights didn't turn on, but a door slid off to the other end of the store, where upon Urahara-san stepped out. He was wearing a green kimono with a dark green coat. He was wearing his trademark wooden shoes I had known him to wear when he was my captain and now he had added a green and white stripped bucket hat to his wardrobe as well it seemed. He was also carrying a cane. "Well, look who it is."

"Hey, nice to see you again." I said to him.

"Judging from the fact you found me and you didn't break down the front door, I take it this is a visit of a social nature."

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Well come on in." Urahara-san banged his cane against the ground and lights turned on. "Make yourself at home."

I sat down with a cup of tea, fixed by Tessai and Urahara-san and I sat around his living room table. He introduced me to two kids he had adopted. Rather that's what he said. I wasn't so sure Urahara-san was the type of guy to be considered a qualified parent. One kid has red hair, with a bad attitude. His name was Hanakari Jinta. The other kid was a shy girl with pigtails, Tsumugiya Ururu.

"So what can I do you for besides some hospitality to an old friend Lelouch?" Urahara-san asked.

"I…" I wanted to explain to Urahara-san about my encounter with C.C, but that would mean revealing my past to him. There was no other way he could help me if I didn't give some details to him.

You and I both know that C.C will not appear before you again until you figure out what she meant by what she said. You'll have to tell him something. Eien Tamashi told me.

I took in a deep breath. Urahara-san was no longer affiliated with the Soul Society, but there were also several things that could go wrong if I told him who I really was. Wait…there is one way I can figure all of this out and not expose myself. "Urahara-san…when I was alive I lived in Japan. Just before I died Britannia had a massive influence over the area, but now it seems like they were never here to begin with."

"Well there's no surprise about the latter. Britannia hasn't invaded Japan, Lelouch." Urahara-san said to me.

WHAT? His words chilled my very soul, more than C.C's did. Britannia never invaded Japan. How can that be? No! This isn't possible! This…"Urahara-san…may I…see today's news?"

"Sure." Urahara-san went and got me a newspaper. I looked at the date at the top.

It can't be. The date at the top started with a 19 for the year. This…according to this newspaper…I haven't even been born yet. But…how can that be? My hands began to shake. A sharp pain ran through my right hand and I clenched my wrist and massaged it. I let out a panged scream. My right eye stung next. I brought my throbbing hand to my eye. Images from my Nightmares began to run through my head. I could feel myself losing touch with reality, my vision was waning.

When I opened my eyes I was in the same forest that I had been in my most recent nightmare. I was the hollow that I had been with my zero-mask for a face. I had no control over my body.

This…isn't a nightmare…this…this is…is this my memory? But…when…I was a hollow…why? I don't even remember being one. What's going on?

I watched myself go into a garganta and emerge high in the air over my hometown. I knew what would happen next. I attacked Kallen and pinned her down.

"You will become a part of me!" my hollow-self roared. Kallen screamed. She couldn't see me at all. She was panicked, I could tell.

A sharp pain ran through my wrist as I felt a blade slash it, but it was a superficial wound. I was remembering the pain of being slashed by a sword. Kallen's rescuer was me. I was a captain and I was holding my Zanpakuto at my hollow-self.

Wait…what's going on here? I'm attacking Kallen…and yet…I'm defending her? Is this some kind of temporal paradox? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

Things went black. The next thing I knew I was facing into the ground and I could feel pressure on my back. My captain-self had defeated the hollow version of me. He spoke to me. "You probably won't remember any of this for a while. I know I didn't for a long time. Listen to me closely. You exist because I existed. And I exist because you existed. Do not falter from the path you have set yourself on when you remember this moment. For as you can see, by staying on it, you become me. And so, to ensure that we may continue to exist in this cycle, I now purify you." I felt a sharp pang in my neck and everything went black.

"…ouch…ay…louch…Lelouch…you…" I could hear a voice speaking to me. It wasn't my own. I felt like I was drifting back into full consciousness. "Lelouch are you okay? Lelouch!" It was Urahara-san and he was shaking me awake.

I sat up, clutching my head. "I…remember now." I said. "I…that…was me…I was a hollow."

"Lelouch is everything ok?" Urahara-san asked me.

"I…don't know." I said. Something's not adding up. How did I wind up slaying myself? Is that even possible? I looked at Urahara-san. I think he knows the last piece to this puzzle. "Urahara-san…the Dangai Precipice World…is it possible for Souls to become misplaced in the time stream."

"I see…so that's what this is all about…yes…it all makes sense now."

"What happened to me?" I asked. "I have visions…memories of being killed by myself. How is that possible?"

"Lelouch, you know how it's possible for Soul Reapers to shut off the temporal flow to the Precipice World correct?" Urahara-san asked me. I nodded. "When this occurs, it has an effect on the precipice world, like a wave moving along the ocean. The flow of time ripples down the precipice world like a sonic wavelength. However, this usually doesn't have a truly devastating effect. It simply misplaces the soul spatially or a few days or months or so around the space-time continuum, perhaps to an alternate reality. There are two ways for you to have been sent back as far as I think you might have been, and on the same timeline. The first way for the proper fluctuation to create this kind of temporal dissonance to occur would be if someone, using an unstable Senkaimon, during their travel between the World of the Living and the Soul Society, did something to rupture or damage the natural flow of time in the precipice world. The other way would be if someone with an overly abundant amount of spirit energy were to promptly and on purpose, destroy the Cleaner. Both these things could occur, but that's not likely. Either way all of those events would create a buildup of temporal energy that would then have to be released while your soul would be travelling through the precipice world. In other words you collided along the flow of time and space with this temporal buildup. The shockwave snapped you back in time far before you would've normally ended up in the Soul Society."

"Wait, so what you're saying is that I'm here in the past due to some temporal glitch in the space-time continuum?" I asked.

"I wouldn't call it a glitch necessarily," Urahara-san scratched the back of his neck, "It would have to be an artificial creation to cause the necessary buildup of temporal energy to snap you back into a different point in time and quite possibly outside whatever original jurisdiction you were originally intended for."

That's why I was wearing my normal clothes! I knew there was something odd about that! "But wait, in my memories I'm cut down by myself. How does that work?"

"You were flung back into the past after you were cut down, thereby allowing yourself the ability once you reach a certain point in time to travel to the location of your hollow self and slay it."

"What?" I was still confused.

"It's really best if you don't think about it. You'll hurt your head." Urahara-san told me.

Works for me. Still the fact that I'm here due to a temporal paradox sounds like a cliché plot device to an animated movie.

Seriously. Eien Tamashi agreed.

"It must suck now knowing you're not going to see any past relatives hmm?" Urahara-san joked. Although I didn't find it funny.

Wait a minute…if I don't exist yet…I could change the past. I could…

If you change the past you run the risk of you not existing at all, is that what you want? Besides, interfering with the lives of humans goes against Soul Reaper protocol. If you want to stay in existence you cannot alter your past.

It might be worth it if it keeps my yet-to-be-born-self alive.

I think the fact that you were slain by a Soul Reaper Captain version of yourself shows you how this idea turns out.

That…is a good point. I said.

"So, what else can I help you with?" Urahara-san asked me. "A gigai perhaps? I have the latest in Soul Reaper technology still with me. I…sell some anti-spirit stuff to folks who have spiritual power. Of course that side business is still a little behind in profits. A donation would be nice."

"Wouldn't you need yen for that?" I asked. "I only have kan." I told Urahara-san.

"On the contrary, Yoruichi still has contacts in the Soul Society. If you've got coin…"

"How about this then," I proposed, "I have a couple of things I'd like to ask you regarding Aizen. It would help me in my plan to take him down."

"Hmm, all right. Let's sit down and have a nice chat then." Urahara-san looked over to the door. "Tessai, prepare some more tea for our guest. We could be a while."

"Sure thing boss." Commander Tsukabishi told Urahara-san.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Urahara-san asked me.

I discussed with Urahara-san the circumstances behind his banishment. He said that what struck him as most odd during his biased trial was that Aizen had been seen in the Seireitai that same night while he, Yoruichi and the others were out there.

"Wait, could that mean that Aizen's Zanpakuto has a power similar to Hoshima's Kemuriakuma and that he can make an illusionary copy of himself over long distances? Or perhaps he has another power, something much more sophisticated." I theorized.

"You're in luck. I happened to question Shinji on this when I mentioned this to him. Before I showed up, Aizen bragged to him about how his Zanpakuto worked. It's called Kyoka Suigetsu. Aizen told Shinji that he can make anyone believe anything he wants. It's a perfect illusion that seems very real to those exposed to it."

"Like the moon reflected on the water's surface." I said, realizing the meaning behind the name. "Just how much of the Gotei 13 is under his influence. However, does that mean that once you know about the illusion that you can see through it?" I asked.

"That much we don't know, but it wouldn't be a good idea to try and find out. It also might be a safe bet to think that Aizen has all of the upper tiers of the Gotei hypnotized by his ability. The Head Captain included."

"It's a shame you're the one telling me this. If I had a more credible source I could nail Aizen for this upon my return home." I told Urahara.

"I think that's why Aizen was so smug when he told Shinji. He knew that no one in that field that evening would be able to expose him and he was right. I mean hey, I'm stuck here working a candy store with some side business behind the scenes."

I looked at Urahara-san that indicated that I wasn't in a laughing mood.

"Right, sorry…joke in ill taste. Anyway, the fact of the matter is that you should be wary of Aizen, although I'm sure you've already been that way. Whatever you do, avoid being accepted into fifth division at all costs."

"Don't worry. I'm in 10th Division with Homura Yuna at the helm. I'm positive she'll be reluctant to let me go." I said to Urahara-san.

"Oho so Homura-fukutaicho went and became Homura-taicho did she? Good for her." Urahara-san seemed happy for Yuna.

"Right, well…thanks for everything Urahara-san. I appreciate this." I got up and then reached into my pocket and put 700 kan on the table. "Consider this payment for the information." I said to him.

He whistled. "That's quite a generous donation Lelouch."

"There's not much I need…not anymore. I had hoped while I was in the Soul Society that I might run into some old friends, apologize for my past mistakes, but it seems like that's not going to happen for several decades now. By the way, if you see a woman with green hair and gold eyes with spiritual power walking around do me a favor and show her some hospitality if you can. At least until she decides to leave and hitch a boat ride to the Britannian Empire."

"Can do." Urahara-san pushed down on his hat.

"Right…see you later then." I said and left. I walked out the door and headed down the block only to turn the corner and see C.C.

"Were you waiting here for me?" I asked.

"I'll leave it to you to decide that." C.C responded.

"I…understand what you were trying to tell me earlier. At this point in time…we haven't met before." I said to her.

"No, we haven't." C.C responded.

"Well…before I leave I still have a mission to complete. You said earlier that the hollows are only attracted to your spiritual power?" I asked.

"Yes. I think I might stay here for a little while longer, but then I think I might stow onto a boat and head for the Britannian Empire. You…seem interesting." C.C said to me.

"Well…I won't be born for another few decades, but when you do meet me in the future, don't tell the me of that time about any of this." I said.

"I didn't plan to." C.C responded.

"Well…I guess this is goodbye again then." I said and drew out my sword and used it to create a Senkaimon. I stepped through the Senkaimon and began to head back. So tell me…did you know all this time?

About the reason for your nightmares? No, I did not, that part of your memory was completely cut off. Remember, I am you. Still, if you had known about all of this before you arrived at this point in time would it have stopped you.

No. I responed.

And why is that?

Because one thing out of that dream is as clear as day: someday, somehow, I will eventually become a captain. I don't know which division, I could never see the back of my haori, but I don't think I'm meant to. However, the very fact that I will become a captain is reason for me to press forward. I will have to become a captain to stop Aizen. And I will. He will not get away from me. Because I am Lelouch vi Britannia! Hero of Justice!

Well all right Lelouch vi Britannia, Hero of Justice, let us continue the path we've already begun to walk on. Let us walk on it together.

I agreed with Eien Tamashi and a short while after I closed communication with her, I emerged from my Senkaimon. We will walk together and we will defeat Aizen. My past is proof that my future exists. And when the future becomes the present Aizen will fall!

To be continued…

(A/N: So now you know what all those dreams were about. Lelouch is temporally displaced in time. Please note that I have had this plot device planned since the beginning of this fic. That is why we've heard neither hide nor hair of Shirley and Euphie and why Lelouch isn't getting attacked by angry victims of Zero Requiem. Also, bonus points if you know what sort of "disruptions" Urahara is talking about that we know wind up happening. Anyway this is the first time I have ever been done with a chapter this early in the day. Go me! Also I sure hope this plot device didn't just ruin the series for most of you because it is what it is. Anyway, see you all later).