
Chapter 12: Lelouch Revered?

(A/N: Hey folks, Deadpool here. I finally persuaded Alex to get off his ass and write instead of sitting in bed with his DS. Also in case we don't see you nerds in the days to come, happy July 4th in advance.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

Lelouch's dream

I was having that god awful nightmare again. However, this time it advanced a little further. The attacking hollow evaded the first strike and I got a good look at the Soul Reaper that was attacking it. The hollow's attacker was me, but not as I am now. I was wearing a captain's haori. It fluttered in the breeze. I didn't see the kanji on the back of it or the underlying color that would indicate which captain I was. Kallen looked confused. I didn't know if it was because she was wondering how she was suddenly able to breathe again or if seeing me startled her. It was a dream so anything was possible.

I didn't have time to ponder on such things asthe captain version of myself disappeared as if using Shunpo. Before anything else happened my eyes flew open and I found myself lying on my back in my room.

I wasn't panicked like I normally had been, but my heart was beating fast. I pondered why I was a captain. Or why, if that was me, why wasn't I seeing through my Soul Reaper self's eyes? This dream was starting to make less and less sense the more it progressed. I shook my head, not wanting to think on such things. I gathered my paperwork and stopped by the box office to pick up any new work and headed to Yoruichi's office on Soifon's behalf as I had done for over a week and a couple of days now.

I arrived at the Captain's 'den' as Yoruichi referred to it as and took my seat with my paperwork. Yoruichi was fast asleep in her seat. I didn't bother to wake her and just did my work. To be truthfully honest I didn't think women could snore as loud as she could.

After getting halfway through my work Yoruichi finally woke up. She noticed me after yawning and said. "Oh Lelouch, when did you get here?" she asked.

"You were asleep when I got here." I responded as I worked. "For how long I have no idea."

She changed the subject without any warning. "Say Lelouch, do you have any idea what today and tomorrow are?" Yoruichi asked me.

I scratched my head. "Not really, no. I haven't been counting days in significance. I just know by the weather changes how long it's been." I answered.

"Ah yeah I suppose you wouldn't know, you normally don't care about such things." Yoruichi said, possibly thinking aloud. "Today is Kiskue's birthday. Tomorrow's mine."

"You two have back to back birthdays?" I asked.

"Yup." Yoruichi responded.

"So since you two are such close friends did you get him anything?" I asked.

"Sent it to him last night in fact."

"Wait when did you get it?" I asked. "I've been watching you this whole time for the past nine days."

"I've had it since a month ago." Yoruichi said rubbing her knuckles on the side of her shoulder before examining her nails. "A good friend is prepared for such things."

"Does Soifon normally get you a gift for your birthday?" I wanted to know, even though I already knew the answer.

Yoruichi began counting. "My birthday, the day we first conversed, the day I became captain, the day I appointed her captain of my guard, and the day she saw me for the very first time."

All that and she can't take a hint that Soifon's devotion to her is kind of obsessive? I was having trouble believing that Yoruichi didn't think that Soifon thought of her as a little more than just a superior officer. "Just out of curiosity what'd she get you last year?" I asked.

"Same thing she's been giving me for the longest time now: a box of milk chocolates." Yoruichi answered.

"Chocolates?" I asked.

"Yup. Caramel filled. And they're delicious. Something tells me she might try something different this time." Yoruichi commented.

"Oh, why do you think that?" I asked.

"Oh, just a hunch." She winked.

I finished my paperwork and sat there with it. I didn't know what I could possibly talk to Yoruichi about so I looked around the room, counting floorboards. After some time went by Yoruichi fell asleep again.

She sure can snore. I thought to myself.

Some more time went by and the door slid open, revealing Urahara-san. "Yoruichi, you here?" he asked.

Yoruichi woke up from what should've been a heavy sleep on a dime. "Oh Kisuke, did you get my present."

"I sure did." He grinned. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

"I hope it'll come in handy." Yoruichi smiled at him.

"It's just the sort of thing I've been looking for. It never ceases to amaze me the kind of things you can get with the money you earn." He laughed.

"It wasn't all that expense really." Yoruichi commented.

"Oh please, nothing's expensive to you and you know it." Urahara-san joked.

Yoruichi laughed. "I suppose so."

"Anyway mind if I ask what Lelouch is doing here?" Urahara-san asked.

"Something tells me Soifon asked him to watch me while she goes out searching for present for me for tomorrow." Yoruichi said. "Which reminds me, you have something for me right?"

"I sure do. You'll get it tomorrow. Even if you gave me a direct order, my duties come first." Urahara-san replied.

"Such a shame." Yoruichi sighed and stood up and stretched. "Hey Lelouch, as long as you're supposed to be tailing me, walk with me. I want to introduce you to one of your future students."

"Wait how do you know a future academy student?" I asked.

"He's the grandson of one of the captains." Yoruichi told me. "I'm bored and paying him a visit is always fun."

"Very well, lead the way then." I responded.

Kuchiki Manor

"So what's the student's name?" I asked. "I mean, judging from where we are I know who he has to be related to but…"

Yoruichi chuckled to herself. "His name's Kuchiki Byakuya. I'll introduce you when we see him."

I followed Yoruichi to the family courtyard. There was a kid practicing with a wooden sword, wearing the traditional aquamarine family garments. He had black hair tied into a ponytail by a red hair tie. Yoruichi had her and me watch from a distance as the kid practiced his swings. He then held the sword parallel to the ground with both hands and raised it up so that it was on equal altitude with his shoulder. He scanned the courtyard as if watching for an invisible target before stabbing forward with his sword, turning his wrists and spinning in a perfect counterclockwise 360 degree angle and striking again, backing up as he delivered the final strike.

Yoruichi walked forward with her arms folded while addressing the child. "The scorpion sting followed up with a reverse counter and two handed swing eh? I see your technique has improved Byakuya-bo."

So that's him is it? I asked.

"And just what the hell do you want Shihoin Yoruichi?" he scowled at her.

"Now, now is that any way to greet an old friend?" she asked.

"Just because you know my grandfather does not make us friends, nor does it give you the right to prance around my manor like you're the queen!" he shouted.

Well she certainly rubbed him the wrong way.

"Aw, what's the matter Byakuya-bo, still mad that you've lost so many games of tag you can't count it on your fingers anymore?" Yoruichi teased.

"Shut up!" Byakuya swung at Yoruichi with his weapon. Yoruichi dodged to the side with ease and, moving so fast my eyes couldn't keep up, took Byakuya's sword and used it to connect his hair tie to the sash around his waist. It was…rather childish for a captain to behave. Byakuya fell over to the ground and managed to get untangled. To say he was aggravated wouldn't have been strong enough to describe what he was feeling.

Yoruichi laughed as if this was some sort of game to her. Even I had to admit it was kind of entertaining.

Byakuya finally took notice of me. "And who are you?" he asked me.

"Lamperouge Lelouch." I responded. "I'm going to be your Kido instructor for your first year while you're at the Shino Academy. Yoruichi tells me you're entering it this year."

"You know her?" It was easy to tell he wasn't fond of her.

"I'm her 18th seat." I responded.

"What kind of joke are you pulling now?" he looked…or rather glared at Yoruichi. "Academy teachers are only 15th seats and above. I'm entering so you're doing everything you can to mess with me. Is that it?"

"Take a closer look at his vest Byakuya-bo." Yoruichi responded.

Grudgingly Byakuya looked at my specially crafted vest that I earned from graduating at the top of my class in Kido. "That's the special Kido vest given to the student who graduates in Kido at the top of the class."

"It sure is." Yoruichi commented. "Lelouch is rather gifted with Kido. From what I heard he can whip out a pretty powerful Soren Sokatsui and a devastating Sajo Sabaku and Tzuzuri Raiden combo."

"Yoruichi's just my captain." I told Byakuya. "You don't have to worry about me pulling her antics."

"Maybe you should once in a while just to give him a listen in humility." Yoruichi joked. "And as long as we're here, how about a free lesson on the house Byakuya-bo?"

"I've had enough of your Shunpo races! Thanks but no thanks!" Byakuya shouted.

He can already do Shunpo? The nobles of the Soul Society must be as gifted as I've read. "Hold on a second Yoruichi. What happened to 'we can't give you an unfair advantage'?" I recalled what was said to me all those years ago when I met her for the first time.

"The Kuchiki clan is one of the four great noble houses. Members of the house are recruited into the academy differently than other individuals. Almost all nobles, but especially members of the four great noble families are checked annually, once they come of age, to see if they have the spiritual power to become Soul Reapers. Some nobles decline. Some, like Byakuya-bo here, are eager to become Soul Reapers. Once they are proven to have spiritual power, tutors are sent to teach them in Soul Reaper arts to see if they have the potential to learn them at all, it saves the house embarrassment if the child goes into the academy only to find out they don't have the capability to become a Soul Reaper. They still have to take the entrance exam like all the other potential candidates, but they have a much higher success rate."

"Well as long as they're not bypassing the laws just because of their birth. That's not fair to those who actually have to work to become Soul Reapers." I stated.

"And if it were then that would just be how the world works." Byakuya said. "The Soul Society's laws are sacred."

"Don't you think some policies need to change though?" I asked.

"If they change, then they change, but choosing to break the laws to change them is the path of a criminal, or at least that's what I believe. Nothing comes of rebellion. If you have to break the law to show they need to change you'll only wind up failing in the end."

"That is not true!" I shouted.

"Hmph, I suppose a Rukongai civilian such as yourself would think that." Byakuya responded.

"All right you two let's try to get along." Yoruichi mediated.

Byakuya didn't say anything. He just turned his head.

There was a period of silence until I broke it. "Those with power tend to abuse it. They use the law to protect them and hide behind it as a means to get around it. They create their own laws into the system to advantage them and become tyrants. I'm not the sort of person that can condone such a system. I won't condone any matter of the strong devouring the weak."

Byakuya responded to my philosophy. "Tyrants are born when their rivals are too weak keep them from overpowering them. I agree with you to a degree, but I'd rather become strong. I will become so strong that a tyrant cannot be born. No man, woman, or beast will be able to overtake the law because I will use the law to stop them."

"And what about the ones who are already securely safe?" I asked.

"Even the most powerful tyrants slip up eventually and when they do they'll be taken down." Byakuya responded.

"So you'd stand by and watch innocent people get hurt. You'd tell them 'sorry you have to die today, but the law prevents me from acting'."

"No. Those who are secure now I cannot act upon. I am too weak and I curse my weakness. I will become strong. No tyrant will hide behind the law on my watch. Laws are sacred and meant to be followed, not abused and twisted for one's own selfish purposes, and definitely not to be broken. That is what I believe."

Byakuya and I stared at each other with menacing glares, neither of us blinking. As I stared at him I could see that he meant what he said. If he grew up and became like he said he'd make for a very potent ally.

I smirked. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine Byakuya. Now how about that lesson?" I asked.

"Does she have to watch?" Byakuya grumbled.

"Well I have to keep an eye on her so if she leaves, I have to." I said.

"I'll be quiet." Yoruichi said, though her expression said otherwise.

"Yes and then you'll break out into laughter when I screw up." Byakuya said.

"Then don't screw up." I told him.

"Now then," I looked around, "The courtyard should provide ample space, but just to keep damage to a minimum," I pointed to a tree. "Yoruichi could you observe from there?" I asked.

She made it to the tree in one Shunpo.

"Show off." Byakuya grumbled.

"Pay her no mind and pay attention to me." I said, acting like a teacher. "Now then, I don't have a practice target so I'm just going to have to use Bakudo 81 as a shield. I'm going to teach you Hado 29 Yogan Ono." (Lava Axe) "First a demonstration." I looked over at Yoruichi. "Can you deflect a low level kido?" I asked.

"Lelouch I'm a captain, that's easy." She bragged.

"All right then." I said. "Watch carefully." I told Byakuya. I stood with no required position for my feet, but I found standing with them somewhat apart from each other worked best for me. I spaced my hands apart a few inches from each other and angled my palms towards each other at about forty five degrees, fingers spread apart. The Kido was at its optimum efficiency at a perfect 46.3 degree angle, but of course that's hard to eyeball. I gathered spirit energy in my palms and chanted. "Ye lord! Mask of bones and blood, ye who turns life to ash." My palms glowed with fiery energy. "With your anger, form a blade encased in your wrath." A small cylinder made of red-orange spirit energy began to form in the center of the space between my open palms and rotated in place. "Complete it to honor your fury! Hado 29: Yogan Ono!" The cylinder took the shape of a double-sided, short axe. I rolled my wrists forward before rolling my shoulders and my wrists in rhythm with each other and bent my elbows back a bit before giving a forceful flick of both my wrists and released the spirit energy I was subduing to prepare the spell and launched the axe at Yoruichi. As I would consider typical of her, she stopped it with one finger. It only showed just how much more powerful she was than me.

"Ok, so I need to emulate that right?" Byakuya asked.

"Well it's hard to control." I rubbed my head as I answered. "Most people don't get Kido right the first time. When my class was taught Hado 29 for the first time, a lot of people would miss the targets, screw up the incantation, or fail to execute the attack properly. I'm not asking you to master this technique in one day. If you can successfully launch the Kido three times in a row or if I have to leave we'll consider this lesson completed."

"I will prove my abilities as a Soul Reaper, Lamperouge-sensei." Byakuya said. There was a passion in his eyes I hadn't seen in him up until now. He seemed determined to do as I instructed, but passion can only get you so far. I stood at a safe distance and watched Byakuya emulate my stance and practice the incantation. He got the incantation right, even though I had only said it once. He was fine up until the execution. When he tried to launch it his joints were far too rigid and the axe, instead of spiraling wound up flying off in a random like a projectile. Yoruichi stopped it from hitting anything. He wasn't pleased with the failure.

"Hey calm down." I instructed sternly. "If you don't remain calm you can't do this properly. The fact that you got the incantation right on the first try and managed to unleash the attack is something, but it wasn't a proper execution. Your stance is too rigid. Try loosening up a little."

After a few more failures I helped Byakuya practice just the motion of the execution. When I was sure he had it we went back to actually doing the Kido. This time he got it. His accuracy definitely needed work, but he'd get better with practice. He did manage to do three proper executions in a row though.

"Nice job." I told him when he succeeded.

Byakuya didn't respond to me. Instead he glanced over to where Yoruichi was standing in the tree with a disgusted glare.

No…he's not really going to do THAT is he? I wondered.

He did. Byakuya turned to face Yoruichi and, angrily, attempted to attack her with the technique I just taught him. His anger, as anyone could've expected, got the better of him and all he wound up doing was causing the Kido to blow up in his face and knock him down onto his back. Yoruichi began laughing hysterically.

Byakuya got up and grit his teeth. "One of these days I'm going to get you back Shihoin Yoruichi. Just you wait!" His outburst only caused Yoruichi to laugh harder. She lost her balance and fell out of the tree, but instead of falling and crashing to the ground she rolled her ankles around the branch and used it to somersault towards our location and land perfectly on her feet.

"Nice dismount." I stated with a smile. "Ten out of ten." Yoruichi chuckled. I looked up at the sky and checked the position of the sun. "We should probably head back." I told Yoruichi. "It's already afternoon."

"Why does it not surprise me you can tell time from the position of the sun?" she asked rhetorically.

"Because unlike a certain someone, Lamperouge-sensei is actually intelligent." I didn't know whether Byakuya meant what he said or was just trying to put down Yoruichi.

"You know I could always recant Lelouch's orders." Yoruichi said with a smirk.

"You wouldn't dare." Byakuya glared.

"Lelouch must've grown on you if you'd be upset about me removing him as your teacher." I said.

"He's a lot better of an instructor than you are that's for sure." Again I didn't know if he meant that or was just trying to get back at Yoruichi for whatever she did to him.

"Oh Byakuya-bo relax, just because a certain someone didn't know a certain someone's special ability had a certain interesting quality to it doesn't mean you have to get all bent out of shape." Yoruichi wagged her finger.

Just what exactly happened between these two? I wondered.

"I bet if he knew your secret he wouldn't be as fond of you. Why am I the only one who had to witness what you pulled?" Byakuya growled.

Yoruichi pat his head and grinned from ear to ear. "Now, now Byakuya-bo there's nothing wrong with an anatomy lesson."

"Don't touch me!" Byakuya swatted her hand away.

Now I'm really curious as to what went on between the two of them.

"Ah whatever," Yoruichi put her hands on her hips and looked off in the distance, "Your dad's on his way here so I'm sure you'll want some father-son bonding time. I guess now's a good a time as ever for Lelouch and I to leave."

"Yes. Please. Go." Byakuya told Yoruichi.

"Right, let's go Lelouch." She ordered.

"Yeah." I answered and looked in Byakuya's direction and waved. "Nice meeting you Byakuya."

"See you in a few months sensei." Byakuya told me.

As Yoruichi and I headed back she said. "He gives you a proper goodbye, but just wants me to get gone as fast as possible? I swear he needs to learn some manners."

"What exactly happened between you two anyway?" I asked.

Yoruichi chuckled at the memory, whatever it was. "I'll tell it to you when we get back to the office. You're not going to want to be standing when I tell you the story. That's assuming Soifon isn't finished with her 'special assignment' of course." Yoruichi told me.

"Very well, you're the captain." I said. It seriously wasn't a point worth arguing over. I could be patient.

Upon arrival back in the division we walked back into the meeting room. To my surprise Soifon was sitting in her usual position.

How long has she been waiting there? I wondered.

"Oh, Soifon you're back." Yoruichi said. "Finished with your 'special assignment'."

"Yoruichi-sama!" Soifon ran towards where Yoruichi was standing I thought she was going to grapple onto her, but instead she dropped to her knees, bowed her head and placed her knuckles firm on the ground. "I…I have a confession to make. I…my special assignment…I wasn't…it was for your benefit and I…"

"Relax Soifon I know where you were." Yoruichi told her.

"You…you did?" Soifon was confused.

"Of course." Yoruichi grinned, arms folded. "You have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool me."

"Ah, hai. Of course…right." Soifon bowed her head.

"I'm not mad." Yoruichi told her. "To be honest Lelouch has been doing a very good job substituting for you while you've been away. You made a good choice in selecting him."

"Y-yes…well…I'm always acting in your best interest, Yoruichi-sama." Soifon stuttered.

"Well, I believe I should get back to my regularly scheduled responsibilities then." I said and turned to leave.

"Ah wait, Lelouch." Soifon-senpai called out.

"Hmm." I turned back around.

"I…there's something we need to discuss…outside." Soifon stuttered, back on her feet.

"Hmm, ok sure." I said.

"Please excuse me Yoruichi-sama, I will be back momentarily." Soifon bowed and escorted me outside. She let me down the steps and midway between her office and Yoruichi's den.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I…as you can obviously tell I succeeded in my mission and so…this isn't easy for me to say, but…thank you for helping me." Soifon told me.

"Hey, easiest job I ever had. I'd do it again if you needed me to." I told Soifon.

Soifon cleared her throat, turning slightly red. "A-anyway…I know that I have been…less than charitable towards anyone save Yoruichi-sama and…well…I…I was hoping…"


"Oh I'll just come out and say it!" Soifon raged before thrusting her arm out, fingers spread open. "I'd…like to be…friends." She told me.

I smiled kindly. "That's all? That's fine you don't have to get all flustered." I told her and shook her hand. "Friends it is."

"N-now then…about what you wanted in return for helping me…"

"Ah that," I said, "I've thought about it and to take a load off your shoulders I believe I've come up with a substantial way to pay off your debt."

"I'll be the judge of that," Soifon said, "But go on."

"All I want are two things. First off, since I helped you, the next time I need help with something I would appreciate it if you helped me." I said.

"Done." Soifon said. "What's the second thing?"

"There are a couple of things I'd like to ask you. If you answer honestly you can consider your debt paid off." I told her, folding my arms, but keeping my right hand balled into a loose fist.

"I…I will answer to best of my ability. Understand that as your superior I reserve the right to refuse to answer certain questions." Soifon told me.

"I can agree to those terms. I don't think I'll be asking any questions you'd adamantly refuse to answer." I said to her.

"Then ask away." Soifon stated.

I lifted my right hand to my chin, still letting my right elbow rest in my left hand. I smirked. "I've been wondering this for a while now. Just what are your feelings towards Yoruichi?"

"I…that's…I…" Soifon was getting really nervous and flushing. "I…I…" Soifon turned completely red. "I…I can't say it…b-but y-you c-can tell how I feel right? You know just how much I like her right and…" Soifon paused. "I said it!" she moaned, gripping at her hair.

"I had a feeling you liked her. I just wanted to make sure. My next question is, considering how you feel, and how even I could figure it out, any theories as to why Yoruichi hasn't said anything?" I asked.

"I…I'm not sure…" Soifon pushed her fingers together. "I…I look…younger than you do. Perhaps she feels the same…but perhaps she wants to wait till I look a little more mature before saying anything…also…it's not right for her to feel that way about me." She started to angst. "It's ok for Akari-taicho and Homura Yuna, but Yoruichi-sama is a noble. I…the Shihoin elder council would be furious and as a member of the lower noble Fon family I'd be ostracized for sure, frowned upon for what I am." She outspread her palm and put her hand on her hip. Her face was still red. "You can understand that right. Forbidden fruit is unbecoming of nobility. I…Yoruichi-sama has plenty of candidates suitable for finding a mate…I…I am ok with…admiring her from afar."

Yes…that does make sense now that I think about it. The fact that both are nobles, not just Yoruichi, fills in the missing pieces of the puzzle. "Right, thanks for telling me then, and you don't have to worry about Yoruichi finding out." I winked. "This'll be just between us."

"I…thank you…Lelouch."

"Any time…Soifon." I said without adding an honorific. "I can address you informally now right? After all we're friends aren't we?"

"I…j-just don't do it in a professional setting. If other people heard you addressing me so informally they might get the wrong idea, Yoruichi-sama especially. I have a reputation to keep up after all."

"You mean as the ruthless captain of the executive militia?" I asked.

"Yes I…hey!" she got mad.

I laughed. "You walked right into that one."

Soifon put on a smirk not that much different from my own and folded her arms. "I suppose I did."

"Anyway," I said putting a hand on my forehead, brushing up my bangs and looking off away from the den, "We should probably get back to work."

"Ah…yes. We should. G-good luck with that teaching assignment. I-I'm sure you'll do fine." Soifon said to me.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I said to her.

"I…you're welcome." She said. I just smiled and walked off.

Soifon was all right. I was kind of surprised she extended a hand of friendship towards me. I didn't think anyone would come to see me as a friend here. The more I thought about it the more I decided I needed to tell her something important.

I went back to my dorm and worked and honed my skills until nightfall. I then went back to Soifon's quarters to talk to her. I knocked. She answered promptly.

"Lelouch?" she was confused.

"There's something I need to tell you." I told her. "I should've said it earlier, but the thought didn't cross my mind until later."

"Um…go ahead I suppose." Soifon was understandably confused. This was completely uncharacteristic for me, but I had to tell her this. It was important.

"Soifon…about us being friends," I began, "I…never thought anyone would consider declaring themselves my friend while I was here in the Gotei and…I just want you to know that…while I may not always be worthy of your friendship…I will always value it."

"Wh-what are you saying?" Soifon was even more confused.

"In time you'll understand what I mean, perhaps I'm just being paranoid, but I wanted to tell you this now…before I forgot." I told her.

"I…well…thank you for telling me." This situation was getting awkward fast.

"Right…" I pointed in the direction of my dorm. "I'm going to go turn in for the night. Sorry to bother you at this hour."

"It's fine I wasn't asleep yet." Soifon said. "Good night then."

"Yeah good night." I said and left. I felt a little better with that off my chest.

What was that all about? My Zanpakuto wanted to know.

I can't afford to be tied down by any individual if I am to default back into old habits. It's a way of clearing my conscience. I responded.

But you haven't. My Zanpakuto reminded me.

Not yet, but somehow I get the feeling that I eventually may. The climb to the top is never an easy one, nor a clear one. It's not uncommon to expect an avalanche or two and perhaps some inclement weather.

How poetic. My Zanpakuto remarked.

Like I said to Soifon it might be nothing. I might never become like my old self, I might never find an eternal rival or archenemy, but I want to be prepared for the worst. And to do that I must have a clear conscience. I told my Zanpakuto.

Out of sight and out of mind. By breaking the emotional bonds that bind me my spirit can be free.

Something like that. I smiled.

I returned to my dorm with the moon looming overhead at its fullest. I lay down on my bed and went to sleep.

(A/N: Dammit Lelouch you could've had anything. Anything! Why waste a favor like that? What? Oh like I'm the only one who thinks Lelouch should've asked Soifon for sexual favors? Out of character what do you mean out of character? He's a teenager…technically. Don't make me make you turn out like your predecessor! Yes that's my advisor I'm shouting at not Alex, or you fine folks. Anyway Alex now wants to go work on another fanfic so you people are gonna have to wait a while for the next chapter. Later)