
Chapter 10: Lelouch's New Beginnings

(A/N: Hey folks Deadpool here. So I'm sure all of you who liked Mari and Yuna were really saddened to see them both disappear. I have one thing to say about that: GET OVER IT! They're fictional characters in a fanfictional world written by a college student. However, I do admit I would've loved to have seen some awesome Yuri scenes. I don't care that Lelouch is the main character. Yuri is way better than that pompous, low stamina brainiac. Not to be confused with a certain voice actor or a badass, though much less badass than me, protagonist in a game for the Xbox360. Which is way better than the PS3 and anyone who says otherwise earns a bullet to the face! Anyway enjoy the chapter folks)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

Lelouch's pov

I went back to my room and packed up my things and made my way to the second division.

I was rather thankful for the Soul Society's circular build for the division territories. I would've rather been at Unohana's mercy than drag my trunk through eight division territories as opposed to five…ok maybe I wouldn't rather have that, but I'm still grateful for the circular build nonetheless.

When I arrived at the 2nd Division that afternoon I handed my promotion papers to the division watch who brought me to a low rising, traditional Japanese style looking hovel that would serve as my new living quarters.

I didn't spend time settling in. I'd do that later. I didn't want to keep Yoruichi waiting. I simply parked my trunk in my room, searched my desk for a division map and headed for the division meeting room.

Upon arrival I presented my promotion papers to the guard standing in front of the meeting room. He opened the door and allowed me to step inside. Upon doing so, some of the members, most likely those who were below my rank, rose to their feet, and bowed low. I sat down on an empty cushion in the middle of the meeting room on my knees, facing Yoruichi. She was leaning on one of her hands in a very low rising recliner when I walked in, but sat up and folded her arms when I sat down.

"You all can sit now." She told the standing members. Once they were seated she addressed me. "Good to see you Lelouch. You're early. I didn't think you'd be here for another twenty minutes."

"I did not want to keep you waiting." I bowed my head. "However, if I am early, why is everyone assembled?"

"Oh most of them only arrived five minutes ago. I told everyone to be here early just in case of this kind of development." She responded. "But since you're here we can start the induction ceremony now." Yoruichi sat up straight and put her arms on the armrests. She looked directly at me. "Lamperouge Lelouch, as a seated officer in the second division you will be required to uphold second division protocol and procedure. Your former division matters not in the eyes of our rules and regulations. Do you understand this?"

"I do." I answered.

"You are the responsibility and representative of the second division. Your actions reflect upon the squad as a whole. Will you always act upon the interests of the squad as a whole and cast aside selfish desires?" Yoruichi asked me.

"I will." I responded. I can promise such things now, but if I have to make decisions based upon my own wants and needs there's always manipulation, coercion and of course: Geass.

"Well, all right then. Welcome to the squad." Yoruichi said casually.

I picked up my head. "Wait that's it?" I asked. Akari-taicho gave a whole speech when I was a newcomer.

Yoruichi scratched her head. "I think there's a whole bunch of other wordy speeches and stuff I'm supposed to say." She folded her arms and smiled. "But it's not that important. Let me introduce you to the members of the division you'll need to know. There's me of course, as I'm the captain, but there's also," she gestured to a large man with a coif hairstyle off to my riht. His hair color was a light brown, "Omaeda Marenoshin, my vice-captain."

"Hmph." He snorted.

Yoruichi gestured to blonde guy with bed hair on my left, right next to her. "This is Urahara Kisuke, my 3rd seat. I don't know if you remember when we mentioned him at that chance meeting you had with me and the other captains."

I see so that's Urahara-senpai is it? I examined him.

"Nice to meet you Lelouch." He smiled kindly at me. "I've heard a lot about you from Yoruichi. I look forward to working with you."

"Likewise." I grinned.

Yoruichi gestured to the man closest to the low rising steps that led up to her chair on my left. He had thick, lime green hair that was similar in style to Hoshima Treva's hairstyle, only that it more controlled, a lot thicker, and covered his other left eye whereas Hoshima's hair covered his right. "This is Lusca Stefan, my 4th seat."

"A pleasure." He greeted pleasantly.

"Same." I nodded.

Yoruichi gestured to a woman across from Lusca-senpai. She had chestnut brown hair, tied up into a bun, and bright green eyes. She was wearing a facemask. "This is Otamachi Kendra, my 5th seat."

"An honor to meet you Lamperouge Lelouch." Otamachi-senpai said to me.

"Arigato, Otamachi-senpai." I responded.

Yoruichi pointed behind me and I saw her finger was indicating a Soul Reaper with short, wild black hair. "That is Samakura Yosei, 17th Seat and your direct superior." She introduced to me.

Samakura-senpai nodded. "If you ever have a problem, do not hesitate to speak with me." He told me.

"Thank you." I told him. "I'll be sure to take you up on that offer if I need it."

"Huh, that's odd." I heard Yoruichi say.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I was going to introduce you to your direct subordinate but she…"

"Ah! I'm sorry I'm late!" I heard a whine come from the door. I turned around to see a young girl, garbed in a Shihakusho, wearing a facemask like the Onmitsukido, but not the hood and instead having emerald green hair tied into a ponytail, walk into the room. She started panicking. "Ah taicho, I'm sorry I know you told me to be here early! I'm really sorry! I overslept and then I tried to get here as fast as I could, but I tripped and I had to get bandages and…"

"Naomi." Yoruichi raised her voice loud enough to be heard.

"Yes?" the girl behind me stopped babbling immediately.

"Take your seat, it's ok. I'll let it slide just this once. If you had been too late to meet your new superior you would've been in trouble though." Yoruichi smiled.

"Yes taicho." Naomi hopped over to an empty cushion.

"Anyway Lelouch," Yoruichi said to me, "the girl who just came in is Libra Naomi, she is one of the 19th seats in the squad and she is your direct subordinate. If you need anything taken care of you just ask her ok?"

Having total authoritative power over someone? I like this new position already. I grinned deviously inside, but showed a kind smile outside. "I'll be sure to use her effectively." I said. I turned towards Naomi. "You'll be cooperative won't you?" I asked her.

She bowed her head sharply. "You can count on me senpai." She told me.

"And last but not least," Yoruichi stated gesturing to a woman sitting across from Lusca-senpai, "The leader of my personal guard, Soifon, whom you've already met."

"Hello again, Lamperouge Lelouch," Soifon-senpai said to me.

"Helo again to you too Soifon-senpai," I greeted.

"Anyway now that that's out of the way." Yoruichi said, rising to her feet. "Let's eat!"

At the banquet I waited until the mob at the buffet table died down before loading up my own plate. I kept an eye on the other people there, taking notice that wherever Yoruichi went that Soifon-senpai was always close behind. I'd never get Yoruichi one on one at this rate to talk to her about Yuna. I didn't want to use Geass here, not in such a crowded area. No, this matter called for something a little less drastic. I went up to the punch bowl and took note of the pinkish liquid swimming around in it along with the ice cubes. I then went up to the bar and asked for a cocktail version of whatever was in the punch bowl. One of the greatest advantages of Soul Society was that no ID was necessary for consuming alcohol since everyone was older than they looked. I then went over to the punch bowl and got my own cup of it and approached Soifon who was watching Yoruichi eat as she stood a few feet back. It was enough that she wasn't in Yoruichi's personal space, but it was close enough that she had a clear view of the table and so that she and Yoruichi could communicate.

"Honestly Soifon," I heard Yoruichi say as I drew, "You need to stop being so fixated on me. It's a party, go and have some fun. Dance a little."

"I cannot." Soifon said stubbornly. "I must make sure you are not harmed or endangered in any way Yoruichi-sama."

Yoruichi sighed frustratingly. "Well I guess it's like I said, I didn't put you in charge because of your mannerisms. If you want to waste your time watching me that's your business, but at least have something to eat."

I heard Soifon-senpai's stomach growl on cue. "I could get something for her." I said.

"That's very kind of you Lelouch." Yoruichi laughed.

"Speaking of which Soifon you look thirsty." I said and handed off to her the spiked cocktail. "Here."

"I…thank you." She accepted it gracefully.

I knew it. I grinned. She's too focused on Yoruichi to think that anyone would ever target her. But to go for the throat you need to remove the neck guard first.

Soifon took a sip, only to gulp down the rest of the cocktail. From the way she began swaying it was obvious that she did not handle alcohol well. "Yoruichi-sama." She said.

"Yes Soifon?" Yoruichi asked.

"I'm," Soifon-senpai hiccupped, "switching out." She haphazardly pointed to me. "My replacement is here."

"Um…ok…" Yoruichi was trying not to laugh. "Go have fun." Soifon-senpai headed for the dance floor almost immediately.

I sat down at the table.

"Remind me to try that next time Soifon wants to be too stubborn to enjoy herself." Yoruichi said to me.

"I take it you don't object." I said.

"Nah," Yoruichi waved her hand, "It's a party, Soifon needs to enjoy herself for once. Normally I'm the one who gets massively drunk and she's the one treating my hangover. It'll be an interesting change for things to be the other way around for once. Of course I doubt you gave her that cocktail out of the good of your heart though. You wanted to talk to me about something obviously. Something you didn't want Soifon overhearing."

I nodded and leaned forward, "It's about Homura-fukutaicho." I could call her Yuna in my head or in a familiar environment, but I knew it would look weird if all of a sudden I started calling my former vice-captain by her given name, to another captain.

"This is about the search for Hoshima isn't it?" Yoruichi asked.

"Homura-fukutaiho plans to desert the Gotei and look for him." I said to her. "I was hoping you could authorize allowing her to go with the Onmitsukido. That way she can legally go after the man who indirectly caused our captain's death."

"Doing that would cause the tenth division to be without a captain or a vice-captain though." Yoruichi folded her arms and looked down.

"It doesn't matter what you do, Yu…Homura-fukutaicho left with a suitcase this morning, but I am here so I am no longer responsible for not reporting her actions." I told Yoruichi.

"I see someone's done their research. No matter what you tell me it's impermissible as testimony if I were to drag you to Central Forty Six unless you gave it to me in writing. So even though you know about Yuna's desertion I can't reprimand you or turn you in." Yoruichi smirked. "I like a subordinate who's clever."

"You're too kind." I smiled. I went back to showing a sense of urgency. "But back to the matter at hand. I would really appreciate allowing Homura-fukutaicho to go after Hoshima Treva and have the option of coming back here when the search is over or grows cold and possibly take over the division as its new captain, which I'm sure is what Akari-taicho would've wanted."

"You said Yuna left with a suitcase. Did she tell you where she was going?" Yoruichi asked me.

"If you want that information, promise me and prove to me that your promise is an honest one that you will sign off on allowing Homura-fukutaicho to join the search." I bargained.

"You know I can give you a direct order." She reminded me.

"Come now, is that necessary? You're a reasonable woman, would you deny a Vice-Captain her desire for revenge. Akari-taicho and Homura-fukutaicho were closer than most would think. Homura-fukutaicho is doing this not as Akari-taicho's subordinate. She's doing this out of honor for the woman she loves." I told her.

"Loves?" Yoruichi was surprised. "You mean Mari and Yuna were…"

"They were indeed. Both confirmed it to me. Akari-taicho put a lot of faith in me. She offered me a seated officer's position so I could help her with this problem with Hoshima Treva." Hostility built within me. "Unfortunately she died before I could be of direct use to her. Homura-fukutaicho deserves to be able to exact justice on the memory of our fallen captain." Yoruichi and I locked mental horns momentarily. She stared at me as if examining my willpower and determination. I stared at her fiercely, trying to intimidate her into seeing my side of things.

"Ok, I can see you're really fired up over this. I'll let Yuna go after Hoshima. Mari was a good friend of mine. The least I can do is see to it that her partner is allowed to seek the closure she desires." Yoruichi said after a period of silence between us.

I bowed my head as close to the table as I could. "Thank you Yoruichi. Thank you."

"Like I said, it's no problem. However, don't think I'm going to let you get away with talking to me like you were." She smirked.

"I will accept whatever punishment you wish to give me." I submitted.

"Who said I was going to punish you?" Yoruichi asked.

I raised my head up. "Huh?"

"I said don't think I was going to let you off the hook. I never said I wasn't actually going to do that. I'll let it slide considering it was for good reason. I'm reasonable enough that I can see past violation of protocol for a good cause." She wagged her finger.

I was confused. "But what about all that stuff you said earlier about looking out for the good of the squad as a whole."

"Oh that." She looked to the side. "That's just some mumbo-jumbo I have to say every time there's an induction ceremony. It's just words."

"What?" Now I was bothered.

"Oh calm down Lelouch. What kind of captain is so rule driven that they have to be so black and white with how things are run around here? Well…maybe Ginrei and Kensei are like that, but I'm not going to be grilling my subordinates over little misdemeanors like respect."

"Aren't you a noble though?" I asked.

"So?" she shrugged.

I smiled. It wasn't a grin or a smirk, but a genuine smile. I liked Yoruichi…well her attitude anyway. Hirako-taicho called her crazy and I could certainly see where he was getting the notion of that from, but Yoruichi seemed like she was just trying to have fun with her job. I kind of admired that. When I was Zero I treated everything like it was a game despite all the death and destruction going on around me. Yoruichi was like that except she wasn't as internally corrupted as I was.

Still, all of us have scars she can't be perfect. I wonder what she might have in her past she doesn't look back on fondly. Or perhaps there are no wounds for scars to form over yet.

"So now that I've agreed. Where is she?" Yoruichi asked.

"She said she'll be waiting for you on your house's grounds." I told her.

"All right then. I'll go get her after the party to let her know she's authorized. In the meantime," Yoruichi got up got behind me and grabbed my shoulder. "Let's hit the dance floor."

Dance? "Uh…no…that's ok…" I tried to excuse myself. "I'm not much of a dancer."

"Aw c'mon it'll be fun. Dance with me." She began yanking me to the dance floor.

"But I don't know how to dance!" I complained as she dragged me to the dance floor.

Thankfully I didn't wind embarrassing myself. Before Yoruichi and I took one step out into the open it turned out Soifon was worse at handling her alcohol than anyone could've thought. In other words: she was kind of making a scene.

She was in the center of the dance floor, in a fetal position, sobbing so loudly you would've thought she was in severe pain.

Yoruichi suddenly took on a serious attitude the likes of which I'd never seen her be in before. "What happened here?" she asked.

"No one knows, one minute Soifon was out here shouting orders for punch cocktails and the next minute she was on the ground sobbing uncontrollably and muttering to herself." Omaeda-fukutaicho told Yoruichi.

"Everyone go back to what you were doing. I want no rumors spread and this incident does not leave this room." She ordered.

"Yes captain!" all of the division members, including myself, responded. Everyone went about their business as if nothing was wrong. Most everyone assumed that Yoruichi had the situation under control. I still watched. I had never seen Yoruichi been so serious before and I was curious to see this incident finished through to the end. Not to mention it was my fault Soifon was drunk in the first place. The only other person watching the situation resolve itself was Urahara-senpai.

Yoruichi knelt down beside Soifon. "Hey, hey, Little Bee, don't cry." She told Soifon.

Little Bee? She has a nickname for her? I continued to watch Yoruichi intently.

Whatever Soifon said I didn't hear her, but I think Yoruichi did. "Oh Little Bee, don't be silly. I don't think that about you."

There was a pause and Soifon mumbled again.

Yoruichi spoke after she was done. "You silly girl. Come here." Yoruichi wrapped her arms around Soifon and then picked her up in her arms, cradling her as one would a child. Her care for her guard captain seemed almost motherly. "Come on, it's late and it's past your bedtime. When you wake up tomorrow I'll be right at your side. No one's going to hurt you or me ok. We're inseparable you and I."

"Ok." I finally heard Soifon mumble something I could recognize.

Yoruichi walked past me, still holding Soifon. She stopped when she stood next to me. "Lelouch, don't think this is your fault. Neither of us could've predicted this would happen."

"Is she going to be ok?" I asked. I really was kind of concerned. All I had meant was to get Soifon out of the way so I could help Yuna. I hadn't meant to cause a scene like this.

Yoruichi smiled. "She'll be just fine. She just needs a good night's rest. Don't let this bother you ok. Just enjoy yourself."

"Ok." I grinned and went back to having a good time.

Everything was relatively normal after that. Urahara-senpai challenged Omaeda-fukutaicho to a drinking game. They'd name a Rukongai district or noble house and if they had never been to said house or district they had to take a drink.

Urahara-senpai won after Omaeda-fukutaicho took his 46th drink to Urahara-senpai's 76 shots. How a man handles so many drinks and doesn't get nearly half as drunk as Soifon had been was beyond me.

I had to politely turn down Naomi's request for me to dance with her. I made the excuse that after the incident earlier I wasn't in a dancing mood. She was understandably disappointed, but she didn't push the issue.

I managed to get a chance to talk with Samakura-senpai. He was easier to get to know than Vera-senpai was. This was mostly due to the reason that the guy actually talked. As we chatted I grew to understand what drove him. He was very honor driven and honor bound. He reminded me of a samurai from old Japanese folklore. I was able to deduce that due to his attachment to his honor code that he would be easy to manipulate to my advantage. If a situation arose where disobeying orders from higher up would be more honorable than following them he'd disobey orders without any question.

I also had a chance to talk to Lucas-senpai. I learned from him that the top five seats of the division each had special jobs with connection to the Onmitsukido. Yoruichi, the captain, was in charge of the executive militia, of which Soifon was currently the head of the militia itself. According to Lusca-senpai that ever since the Onmitsukido gained closeness with the 2nd Division that it was the head of the executive militia and not the squad's vice-captain that assumed command of the division in the captain's absence.

That explains why Soifon is always on Yoruichi's tail. She has more responsibility for the squad than Omaea-fukutaicho does. I thought to myself. That also explains a great deal as to why Yoruichi cares so much about her.

Lusca-senpai explained to me the other four branches of the Onmitsukido and who ran them. Omaeda-fukutaicho was in charge of the patrol unit. This was the unit that went out on reconnaissance to find and locate persons and places of interest. Currently both the patrol unit and the executive militia were out to find Hoshima Treva.

Urahara-senpai, as the squad's 3rd seat, was the head of the Detention unit. The detention unit had the responsibility for watching over all of the captured criminals of the Soul Society. They also investigate persons of interest and if they believe the person to be a danger they arrest and incarcerate them in the maggot's nest. According to Lusca-senpai, Akari-taicho had approached Urahara-senpai a few times about Hoshima Treva, but the detention unit was unable to turn up anything that was incriminating enough to warrant locking a captain in the maggot's nest. However most of Akari-taicho's evidence was partly in thanks to Urahara-senpai. I decided to thank him later in helping Akari-taicho.

Otamachi-senpai, and any 5th seat after or before her, had the job of commanding the Reversal Counter Force. They were in charge of spreading information across the Seireitai between divisions and squad members, especially during times of war. I asked Lusca-senpai what he meant by 'times of war'. He explained that sometimes there were uprisings when members of the Rukongai civilians became an endangerment to others, taking prisoners and sometimes launching attacks on the Seireitai. He also said sometimes noble houses decided they were 'above' the authority of the Gotei and sometimes tried to supersede it. How he described it reminded me of the philosophy of how you sometimes you have to cut out a part to prevent it from infecting the whole. However it also made the Gotei seem ruthless and ruling with an iron grip. It sounded like being a traitor to the Gotei 13 made you an enemy and your right to live was practically rescinded.

Yet another policy I'll have to change. I decided.

I noticed that Lusca-senpai had failed to mention what his duty in the Onmitsukido was. Lusca-senpai explained that his duty was the most secretive and special of the entire Onmitsukido. He said that Otamachi-senpai often envied his job. His unit was called the Special Tactics and Reconnaissance Unit. They were very few in number and they were considered the shadow unit of the Onmitsukido. The Central Forty Six limited the unit size to prevent issues within the unit from rising. The STRU, as Lusca-senpai called it, was allowed to go anywhere or do anything so long as they reported to him, Yoruichi, the Captain Commander or Central Forty Six first. They were never saddled by red tape and could act without delay. To dispatch them required a commander who didn't abuse having authority over troops with such low accountability. Lusca-senpai said that his unit could be ordered to kill someone on grounds not much larger than the fact that Lusca-senpai didn't like them and the only one held accountable would be him and he could get off the hook by filling out a report contradictory to whatever verbal orders he gave. He could forge evidence even and Central Forty Six wouldn't even bat an eyelash.

He said he was more honored to have his position than he would if he were vice-captain.

"Being in charge of the STRU is more vital to the squad than being the vice-captain, without having a 4th seat with a good head on his or her shoulders, the squad could fall apart. I can reprimand my men for acting without orders against something I didn't ask be done, but if I give an order no one is held accountable."

Lusca-senpai, after talking with him really seemed like he meant what he said, but after the incident with Hoshima Treva I decided that I'd take anything anyone said with a grain of salt without seeing their words put into action.

After talking with Lusca-senpai I was interested in seeing what Otamachi-senpai might be up to. I found her sitting at the bar drinking punch. I knew it was her. Even though she was letting her hair hang out long and she wasn't wearing her face mask, her green eyes were unmistakable.

"Is that the cocktail or the drink?" I asked as I sat down in the chair next to her.

"Care to find out?" she joked.

"I'll pass." I answered.

"So what can I do for you Lamperouge?" she asked. The fact that she was calling me by my surname meant she either respected me or was unfamiliar with me. Considering her seat number I figured it was most likely the latter.

"Just trying to get to know key personnel." I answered honestly. I decided to open the conversation with something Lusca-senpai had mentioned. "I hear your envious of Lusca-senpai's position."

"I am." She answered.

"Care to share your reasons?" I asked.

"Sure it's not like it's a big secret." She answered. "It's not like I don't enjoy being in charge of communications it's just that I've always wanted to be able to have the kind of authority to act without going through procedure first. I'm extremely proficient in Shunpo. I'm second to only the captain in our division, so I guess that's why she put me in charge of the communications division when my skill increased."

"Why does having the ability to act without delay appeal to you?" I asked.

Her face hardened. "My older sister, Takiko, was a Soul Reaper."

"Was? You mean she…"

Kendra nodded sadly, "She was killed in action during a mission. She had formally sent a request for backup, but policies and procedures prevented reinforcements from arriving in time. When they arrived her entire unit, including her, was wiped out."

"It sounds like an incident like that would be kept under wraps. How did you find out what happened?" I asked.

"You came from tenth division. Did no one ever mention Takiko?" I asked.

I shook my head.

Kendra sighed sadly. "Takiko used to be the 8th seat of your former division. Yoruichi and Akari-taicho were friends so I asked Yoruichi if she knew anything about what happened. At the time of her death, I was still in the academy."

"It must've been hard for you." I told Otamachi-senpai.

She nodded in agreement. "And so, I want to make sure nothing like my sister ever happens again. I can't let red tape be what separates a good soldier from life and death. You of all people can understand right?"

I thought about that. She made a good point. If the STRU had managed to get on the scene perhaps Akari-taicho might still be with us.

"I know it's not a perfectly similarity since Akari-taicho made it out soon enough to protect you and the others, but…"

"Hey it's ok," I said, "You don't have to explain yourself to me. I'm the newcomer it should be the other way around."

Otamachi-senpai smiled at me. "Thank you Lamperouge-kun."

"You know…you don't have to be so formal. I'm under you so…"

"I know about your accomplishments. My calling of you in such a formal way is a sign of respect. Do you know any other 20th seats with your track record?" she asked.

I smirked and chuckled.

Otamachi-senpai looked around. "Looks like the party's dying down." She got off the barstool. "We should probably turn ourselves in for the night."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah and I still haven't unpacked my things." I remembered.

"Well you better get right on that." Otamachi-senpai laughed.

"Yeah." I nodded.

I returned to my room and set up my living quarters to how I wanted them. I also noticed there was a note on my desk. It was bound together with a red ribbon. I unraveled it and read it.

Dear Lelouch,

Thank you for speaking with Yoruichi. By the time you read this I will be out in Rukongai with the Onmitsukido tracking down Hoshima. He won't escape justice. I'll make sure of it. Mari-sama will be avenged. I want to thank you again for everything you've done for me and the tenth division. I hope someday to come back and perhaps take command in Mari-sama's place. I know she would want that. About what I did to you before I left, please do not harp on it. I've grown fond of you these last five years. I will tell you here: I like you and if I return, and you haven't found someone you like in my absence, I would want to know how you feel about me. It's a selfish request, please do not keep yourself single on my account, I don't want that for you. I want you to be happy. Farewell and good luck

Yours truly,


She drew a little heart next to her name. I was glad to know that she was doing well. I didn't have to question how the letter got to me so fast. The Onmitsukido or Yoruichi probably hand delivered it at Yuna's request.

I put the letter in my lockbox as a keepsake yawned and stretched and then settled down in my bed. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

(A/N: Hey any chance I could get some of that punch cocktail? *punch cocktail poofs into existence* Sweet. So yeah now your favorite bish Lelouch is in the 2nd Division and he's met up with a new crowd. Also it seems Alex has Mass Effect on the brain with regards to coming up with the other unit. Xbox360 rules mothafuckers! I wish I could meet Commander Shepard, preferably the female one. I'd be a great addition to the Normandy's crew. I'd be much more useful than that scientist trying to be a soldier Mordin, and what I wouldn't give to see what Tali is hiding under that helmet of hers. What? What do you mean I'm off subject? My transitions are perfect. That's it you've been asking for this for a long time *bullet hell is rained upon Deadpool's advisor* Alex you might want to get a new advisor, he came down with a Metal Gear Awesome type heart attack.)